Hear Com Active ^ Attractive flO That's? ^Br ^ | MURPHY The Leading W V ol. IL.?No. 44. Cherokee TALKING FILM DEMONSTRATION TO DRAW MANY I Free Picture Will Be Shown Thurs., Fri., Sat., at 9:30 A. M. ' nek the doors and come to town' Th" Cherokee Scout's Motion Pic Cooking School entitled "Star | My Kitchen" will be the real comv attraction for three days at Henn theater starting Wedneshi> fascinating and different .i:ig school is open entirely free very woman in town, and the rokee Scout as well as Murphy i chants extend this last invitation iti the home-making lessons and .iy entertainment for at least one ...y. The Motion Picture Cooking School 1! be a practical rally of homeinkers to contribute fresh perspec.vi? for the "same old job", the moulonous day-in-and-day out job, yet the most important business in the world. -lust as men have their annual conventions, where they listen to lectures from specialists, local women will have their convention to consider home-making problems. .lust as fresh inspiration for the I ' i?b i ; one <?t the by-prodacts of the familiar cooking school, which I ents a lecturer in a model kitch are new ideas and !.<>?.? horn in the film class for home- j with its novel approach and i rn sotting. ' false-front" camera-beautiful | 1 satisfied these specialist . I insisted on working in comI compact, modern kitchens, i actual y reflect more s: i? n genuity and careful planning i any living room. agnizing the demands of home i , the producers of "Star in i utchen" signed all-star kitchens,! I a 1-st ar cast, adding a coi tin- . I occasion <>f close-ups so that j oat in the Henn theater is a( I for this amazing-pictured I aking course. j t 1 voryday happenings have been 1 I tized in the plot of "Star in I R My Kitchen". Behind the sparkling' I and suspense that are so necesR to screen stories was a deliberate B 'n ambitious determination t 1 ?rry instruction, inspiration, and B tvftc awhile home news to women in B 1* :itinned cm hack page this sectiac) I Work On Two I Buildings Is | liomg Ahead I Work on the new Murphy Laundry fi| building and a Texas Oil company filling station in Murphy are being mshed to completion. B Both are located on adjoining lots % on Valley River avenue and the AsheEj ville highway near the center of town. H Dennis Barnnett, of Murphy, is B contractor for both structures. B The laundry is a brick building 40 feet by &0 feet. Although B. B. i B ^ornwell, owner of ttyw laundry, ex- | B Pects to see completion of the buildB J*y Ju>y 1? he does not anticipate B Moving his machinery into new quarB tvrs un.tii September. B W. Cover, Jr., of Andrews, B Plans t-o have a formal opening of B \e filing station within the next M p>x weeks. I Attend Fre plete Elect 11 dtp eekly Newspaper in IT extern North C< Mur County Pr Three More Persons Rittpn Rv Ma/1 H nrrc I Three more Cherokee county persons were bitten by mad dogs during the past week, Dr. Z. PMitchell, head of the Cherokee county health department, has annodnced. Inoculation serum has arrived in the county and is being administered to dogs by special officers recently appointed in all townships of the county. Dr. Mitchell and the health do. partment is appealing to the citizens of the county to cooperate in wiping out the iad dog scourge. TOWN PREPARES FOR INCREASED TOURIST TRADE1 1 Many Improvements Being Made In Murphy For Summer Season I A huge building and improvement program is being undertaken in Murphy this spring to add to the town's attractions for visitors this summer The number of tourists stopping here so far this spring indicates that the community will entertain the largest host of visitors this summer in its history. llotcs, cafes, tourist homes, filling stations and all public establishment-.; entering to the tourist trade are hein improved to meet the pub'ic demand. Four hotels and at least a dozer, regular tourist homes have announced improvement programs to take carof the increasing summer trade. Under a system of puohc hi dtl: service recently adopted by lb. couniy with the aid of state and federal ' funds, tin* ratings of cafes ami public eating places has been generally improved with its supplies of miik and l'ood also receiving higher ratings. in preparation ior the <u i mer season, town officials are making . preparations for the greatest supply ' of water ever used in the town. They dai ni the demands this yea " wi'l * warrant an increased storage of water over past seasons whieli indicates that a number of inquiries have been made by vacationists. Town authorities and civic leaders (Continued on back page this section) Robert Wells Named Principal at Franklin Robert Wells, son of Mrs. R. V. Wells, of Murphy, has recently ixttn appoiifted principal of the Franklin school in Macon county. Mr. and Mrs. Wells and small s?i. have arrived in Murphy to spend tihe summer before Mr. Wells assumes his new duties. Mrs. Wells wi.l also teach in the Franklin school. Both faavc beeiu teaching in the eastern part of the state fw the past four years. Mr. Wells plans t* go to Chapel Hill soon for a special term this- summer to get his M. A. degree at the University of North Carolina o Song Service To Be Held At Shady Grove Tho ai.nual Shady Grove singing convention will be held at the Shady Grove church near Culberson Sunday, E. P. Hawkins, of Murphy, has announced- i The popular Baptist church is local ed 12 miles west of Murphy on Hign- I way No. 28. < The public is cordially invited. I e Motion Pi ion Returr mikr jrolina, Covering a Larcr and Fott phy, N. C. Thursday, Jui r|i imaries i SCOUT TO GIVE BROADCAST OF ELECTIONS HERE Results of Primary to Begin About 8 O'clock Saturday Night Following a popular practice inaugurated by the Scout in the In t general election, local citizens car have a ling-side seat FRET*' at the big political battel in Murphy Saturday night. Through special arrangements with the Heun theater, a public address system will be installed in front 01 the Scout office aid primary elections returns will be compile and announced as quickly as tjhey can ho sent to Murphy. Arrangements are a so being made to keep interested persons i: formed on the trend of district and state races. As soon as returns are brought into Murphy fro.11 the 24 precincts of the county, they will be sent to the Scout office where a corps of workers will total them and keep the public posted as to the trend of the vote. The public is requested to cooperate by i.ot jamming the office or lining the telephone facilities any more than is absolutely necessary. Approximately l.OOo persons gathered in front of the Scout office during the last general election to get returns over the Scout broad casting apparatus. Realizing this is the quick* *. best Continued on back page this section Shields Keeps Milk Trademark At Royalty John Shields, owner of the Not la Farm, and distributor of famed Cipld*>11 Illlt'l llsi V II ilk" lllliiinni . increase iii sales duiing tin- summer months. Mr. Shields obtained the Golden Gumscy trade-mark about two year* ago when ho remodelled and enlarged his dairy. The Golden Guernsey seal?which Mr. Shields is extensively advertising?is obtained by him for a pre., miuni and insures customers of the most sanitary and wholesome milk ?d>tai liable. Mr. Shields states that h?- must pay 15 cents for every 100 quarts of milk he sells as a royalty. This money is. used to make close periodic inspections of his milk to ascertain if it can keep up to the standards as advertised under the Golden Gurensey brand. Mr. Shield's model dairy is located on the Copperhill highway in the Shoal Creek section of Cherokee county PROFIT REAPED FROM FINE CROP OF SPINACH HERE One-third of ?n acre of spinach, grown in Murphy as a demonstration, brought $413.23 at the Mountain Valley Cooperative cannery here this week. The field of spinach, grown on a vacant jot adjoining the Cherokee county courthouse, has attracted wide-spread attention. The profit on this demonstration. according 10 an esumaie oy K- d. | Wooten. assistant county agent, would emount to more than $110 per acre. Burt Shields, manager of the can. nery, plans to yrow a crop of heans >n the plot as the next denionstra:ion. icture Cool is From See 0 ihw ?ntiaily Rich Tern'n*^ tr This State ie 2, 1938 \ o Be Held Twelve Cour Three State Be Voted Or In Spite Of Heated Camp: Is Anticipated B; Political O One of the most heated primary p Cherokee county will end Saturday whi county and district offices and vote wil Ten of the local candidates to be Republicans. In contrast to fever heat which has ' the past month, a heavy vote is not an J Fred O. Hates, ehnirman of the Chcrokt 1 poets "around 2,001) votes to be east", ties in Chemkf. county is estimated be Annual Singing I 1 Convention To Be Held June 12 I The annual meeting of the Cher- | ! okee county sii ?rin?c convention will t I h.. n..ia -.1 i? ?. i 1 |1V1? ? , , ?vn , I ? I nwitut'i UUUIUII | | ium on June 12. I Music ch?sse> _and singers from all > i.vcr the county wil. be in attend-1 ance to compete for the banner j which is awarded every year to the! class making the hot music. The occasion ha always drawn large ei'dwils, antl no exception is expceled this year. Kverybody is ? ?rdiahy invited to ct?:v.e out and hear some good singing, and all the singing classes are urged to come p:e| pared to compete for the banner. All singers ..nd .-i aging c'asM of ! adjoining count i s and states are invited to attend and take part, al| though they will not be privileged | to compete for the bannerNICHOLS SEEKS OFFICE ; A. E- Nichols, of Culberson, is : ? candid: *e for the office of Justice ol ; the 1'eace in the November general j elections- He is affiliated with the Republican party. In a former edition ' of the Scout it was erroneously stated that his home was in Murphy. o i Dance To Be Held | At Hiwassee Dam j | A dance sponsored by the Athle1 tic club, wil. be held next Saturday I evening in the auditorium of the com. j muuity building at Hiwassc Dam. The j music will be furnished by A. Mcln ! | turf and his orchestra, including all j their original players, i The proceeds of this dance, according to O. D. Johnson, recreation supervisor, wil be used to buy equipment for recreational activities in camp. New ping pong paddles have been ordered, trophies for winners ?i the tennis tournaments, which will he held during the summer, will he bought, besides many pieces of | equipment used in the soft ball games held four nights a week. The dance will start at nine o'clock 1 and last until 12 o Frank Ellis Awarded i Gulf Distributorship 1 The fiulf products distributorship ^ in this territory has been awarded ( to Frank Ellis operator of the G'uf r Service station here, and son cf the ' late G. W. Ellis, who operated the v plant for the past 15 years. ( Mr. Ellis announced the appoint- ' ment Monday. 1 king School >ut Office ^ Nearly everybody in this IM County reads ^ ^ N The Scout regularly ! ? 1.50 YEAR?5c COPY Qoflll* Joir uuiui uajf lty, District, Offices To i In Primary aign, Rather Light Vote y Many Local bservers olitical campaigns ever recalled in candidates will be chosen for 12 1 be cast for three state offices. selected arc Democrats and i\v?? a?e marked local political campaigns for ticiputed by :i\ political obse> eis. e County Board ?>t Kite".ions. exTlie full voting strength of both par. 'tween b,bOO and b.OliO. Democratic candidate for -i\ prin. L'ipai county offices and two district offices appeal on cue ballot. Two Democratic township eonstabho will als'O be CllOSe!). Tile >*: e tick* ' C"iltains candidates f??i three o'Ttres. The Republican ballot contains candidates for state seuato: ami i ounty coroner. Tin name- of : n .an d.- ^ for member of the slate hous? f ? presi Matives headlines the county ballot. Those seeking ;ae Demo.iat. iicttinotion are: J. Is. .Viondy. Mmphy torney; .1. Frank, ir y :dth, prineip?: of the Mar: ? . i i .; Fred (?. Scroggs. Brass ia ; nt, and !). H. 'I illi't. Andiev Clerk of Court i o Be Chosen Two im !i ar? D? :itlic nomina t'i: ch-tiC-of the Superior court. Tin y : - Hay- - Leatherwood, -apt'i i : at of the t herokee county li<. and Wins'-w McI\ ei\ Mtsrpry in : chant and vmcr chairman < tl. h- r <- t < mty rat a* I.xei i\ < . Three candidate .of .aiming, tor register ol" deeds on lit Democratic ticket. The\ an : P L. 1 .. . intun he. t, of Murphy; RoK-t1 Arthur Akin and Noiand \V? - >1 nhy. i Vnioo: > I'M.ii. !..!! > f aty coniini-.-iom r m two <.f th turn county tli t will h? h> ?? i: Saturday's vow-: hi the first di-iricjSi (comprising the Va.leytovvn area), 1* H. Feivbee and S. il. Parker, are seeking nomination. In the second district (comprising the Murphy area), the names el" T. P- Calhoun and Frank Dickey, both Murphy merchants, appear on the ticket. Seven Democratic candidate- for the county board of . ducatin will he chosen from ten candidates appear. Continued on back page this section ?o New Pastor To Arrive Friday; Preach Sunday The Rev. Henry L. Paisley. I>. I>.. who was recently elected pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Murphy and Hayesville, is expected to arrive here Friday and conduct first services in the local church Sunday morning it 11 o'clock. The announcement was made Wedtcsday by Col. M. W. Bell, elder in he church. "It is hoped that all members of the ^resbyterian church, and all people >f Presbyterian affiliations, whether nembers or not. wi.l attend; and all )eople will l>e welcomed to this service. and to all other services conduct d at the Presbyterian church", Mr. Sell stated in making the announcenent. June 8-10

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