Scout's Free Active Attractive Ml That'sMURPHY Th* Leading Q Vol. IL.?No. 45_ Private Residei At $50,000 Ai For Constri Eight New Homes Planned; Several Transfers Are Announced Here SOME ARE BEGUN Building Program In City Currently Evaluated At $200,000 A private residence buildinp promi that will ultimately see a total nditui'n in excess of $50,000 if* rway in Murphy at present. I ight houses are either under con. tion at present or have been fin| within the past several weeks, I several important land transfers been announced. I us building program, in conjunc.u with a business improvement -ram in Murphy currently, will 11, the total expenditure of local hiding above *200,000. It is the , si building program that has i i- been undertaken in the county | one time in its 100 years of his. j sfl S H H IH| Might of the new private residences are being cAnslrueted in the Moore Heights section of Mu'piiy- a hbl located oil ^lie eastern side of tile town overlooking tin town with the lliwarse, and Va.ley rivers in '.he baei. ground. The properly, which belongs to K. t". Moore, local businessman, has been the site of extensive budding activity in the past two years. 1 hose building new homes on the ?. or.- Heights section at present oi > h ive purchased lots with intcn'1 to build are: C. M. McCaslan, 1 biiitation agent with the TVA, 1 is building a beautful rock venanil frame house; Tom Case, lo. lumberman; John Davidson, son el Mr. and Mrs. Moil r?? ^HTiuaUIl, OX Murphy, and a TV A employee, and j -V Sara Ruth Posey, employee of, tin Citizens Bank and Trust com-1 pany. Wade Massey, contractor for the MeCasIan home and several others on the Moore Heights development, already has a home of his own on the site of the hill, and is contemplating another, Mr. Moore, who owns a number of residences on the development, has another home under construction at this time, and C- D. Mayfield, mayor of Murphy, who owns several houses in Jffurphy, is fouild ting another home m that section. Announcements of the plan to build were made Tuesday by Bill Brandon, town employee. A new house in Murphy is also being contemplated by John Odell, rural mail carrier, of Grandview, he said. A stone veneer-bungalow -was re(Continued ?n back page this section) ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY MRS. PLEMMONS BURIED SUNDAY AT SHADY GROVE Mrs. Mack Plemmons, age 38. of Beachtree, died suddenly of a heart attact, Friday, June 3, nt 8 R- M. Pi, - -nerai services were held at Shady Grove Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Conducted by Rey. Robert Barker, assisted by Rev- Thos. Truett. W. D. Townson was in charge of funeral arrangements. She is survived by a husband, two ?ot?s and two daughters, and mother Mu Joe Crowe. Six sisters. Mrs. Joe Hawkins, *.)isg Martha Culberson, Hrs. Lee Wood Mrs. Pearl Decker, 4 ^fs. Tina Thompson, ail Miss Faye ! Crowe. Four brothers. Bill, Earnest, Frank, a&d Hayden Crowe. Mrs. Plemmons had been a devoted c urch and Sunday school worker for | many years. In her going the church ?*CR or|e of its most loved and faith1 members. ' L Cooking Schi it tfi 9eekly Newspaper in fTextern North Mui ices Valued re Considered iction Locally WALKER TO MAKE SECOND ROUND TO VACCINATE DOGS Bass Walker, Murphy township dog inspector, will begin his second round, and all persons who have not had their dogs vaccinated will be subject to a minimum fine of $10 and maximum fine of $f>0 or imprisonment of not less than 10 days nor more than 30. Mr Walk-- -i? uia>v> IllU UVIg UWI1UI 3 , failing to show up at Boiling Springs, . Peachtree and Martins Creek com- j munitics during the tgBt round. One i conviction was obtained fqj- failure to vaccinate dogs as ordered by the I health department several weeks ago. | After the second round an addi-1 tionai fee of 25 cents will be re-' quired. Mr. Walker states. All owners] refusing to have their dogs vaccinated will be prosecuted, he added- I Dog inspectors were appointed in all Cherokee county townships re. cently by the department ATTCNO CHURCH St!ND\Y SCOUT BROADCAST PRIMARY RETURNS SATURDAY NIGHT A large crowd of local citizens ' heard results of the primary voting | Saturday night from a public address system arranged in front e nates to aid in filling out the necessary worksheets, according to A. ?Q. i JCetner, county ageaxL I Similar meetings will be held in ?be Liberty, Posteii, Suit and Hanger communities today (Thursday). Others have been held in all cocrununities of the county during the past week. Mr. Ketner stresses the fact that no credit for conservation farm prac- ; tices can be given unless one of the . work-sheets is filled out. ATTCND CHURCH SUNDAY ! Former Murphy Circuit j Pastor Buried Recently ', Funeral services were conducted in j Hickory recently for the Rev. D. D., Bailey a former minister of the i Hampton Memorial church and other , churches of the Murphy circuit. 1 Although illness had prevented M-. Bailey from taking a very active part 1 in the ministry toward the end of his life, many local friends appreciative of his services here, will regret to hear of his passing. Surviving are his widow and three chldren, Inez, Ruby and Kenneth. ool Thursday rrnkn Carolina, Covering o Large and Fotei phy, N. C.Thursday, June PETRIE HOSPIT AL 11 SOLD TO HOOVER, IT IS ANNOUNCED Local Infirmary Has ? Operated Successfully Here Since 1933 Purchase of the Petrie Hospital, I Inc., of Murphy, by Dr. \V. A- Hoo-1 J ver, a native North Carolinian, was announced Wednesday by Mrs. R. W. Petrie, business manager of the hospital Dr. Hoover has arrived in Murphy to take up his residence. The house and nursing staffs are Ic remain the same at the present time, it was stated- Dr. J. (i. Faulk! I and I >*-. Hoovit will K?? i*? 1 surgery, gynecology and obstetrics and Dr. P. V. Taylor will continue as the eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Mrs. Petrie will continue as the business manager. The Petrie Hospital was establis'nj ed here in 1934 by the late Dr. R. W. j I l'etrie. who came here from Lincoln- ton. N. C. It has been operated sue-1 . cessfully since that tune. It iiuoiporatod with a local board of direc I tors shortly before Dr. Pctrie's death J in 1930, and is operated in connec- 1 tion with the Duke Endowment fund.] IDr. Hoover is a graduate of Wake I Forest eol.ege and the University of ' Maryland school of Medicine. Aftei [completing four years in surge iy un-j ' I Dr. Arthur M. Shipley at Baltimore p it'ily hospital and serving his intern. I 1 .-hip, he s. ent several months as ship] surgeon on the City hy, after having sejwed as .Mayor of the home town and representative of Cherokee * County in the State House ATTTfTHD CmflOH SVMMY ' Paisleys Arrive Here; a Are Residing In Manse 1 The Bcw. Henry L. Paisley I). D?, 1 arrived with his wife and scm from < Arkansas Ihis week, and are living in the Pre*4yteraii manse. 1 Mr. Panics w:as recently elected i pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Murphy and Bayesville recently. First services in the Murphy church J under Mr. Plaisleys direction were held Sunday. ATT rHO CHURCH SUNDAY \ Weather ane d TEMPERATURES |P Date Max. Min. M=x. ?: ? j 2 59 90 62 | _rt p. fifl RO 3 70 * 4 81 51 86 61 n 5 78 51 85 62 c 6 83 52 87 62 o 7 87 55 84 61 o 8 85 63 87 58 u RAINFALL INCHES 1938 1937 n Snce June 1 1.54 0.6I r Since January 1 29.11 26.21 " and Friday a t Hw , ituslly Rich Tern tor-* ir This Sti 9, 1938. Reynolds, Wea Mclver, Pads * ^ In Primarj scout's motion picture cooking school is opened Enthusiastic exclamations proel- 1 cd the showing of 1 Star r? My Kitchen**, the Scout's free motion ( picture cooking school being shown j at the Henn theater three morn- . ings this week. The show opened Wednesday and will continue through Friday morning. The film lasts a little less than two hours, and ij shown at 9:30 each morning. -.SKSMIBSI?HMME?SRHBBBI jfl a aic "?"! "Star in My Kitchen" is a regular feature-length Hollywood film which unfolds a comedy-romance along with the actual pictorial kitchen demonstrationsAll ladies of this community are cordially invited to attend the show. WORK. OF MINING GOLD IN WARNE AREA INCREASES Kxtensive gold-n. ling operations ire being conducted along two veins 11 the Wnrne .-ection of Clay county by Dr. .1. K. Smith, of Atlanta, and dissociates. Dr. Smith wa- in Murphy Tuesday lis: laying about a penny-weight of .old he luul taken from one wheelharrow of sand on the Warne and (Juni Log veins. He estimates the ore \vi 1 run about Sr>0 per ton. Tho gold i- being worked by the sluicing method at present, and quick silver is betig used to separate ii I ront black sand- Five men are being employed regularly at present. The mines were discovered nearly up a stone to throw at n squirrel only to find the stone was richly streaked with sold; -Since that time many thousands, of dollars worth of gold has been sent to a mint, at Dah!on?vyJ?,|', CJa.. where it assayed about u ^%per cent pure. ^ \TTEND CHURCH SUNDAY Hoyle Br yson Headin' For The Big Leagues Hoyle Bryson. former Columbia Marble company baseball player, is making quite a record for himself in the Georgia-Florida League hurling for the second-division Tallahassee Learn. This season Bryson, who stands fifth on the league's pitching staff, has won eight games for Tallahassee und Tlost two. The next best Tallahassee hurler has a percentage of only 5P0. Bryson, who is well-known throughoat this tri-state section as one of the fastest baseball and basketball players to appear here, only began his pitching career last year with Tom Coggins' Marble leans. Scouts, seeing pis ability, quickly whisked him off to the minors for trainng for the big leagues. Local baseball fans jxpect to see him advance this year. Bryson, 23, is a graduate of Young Harris college. Young Harris. Ga., pear here. ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY | \kin Thanks Voters For Support In R5?ce Robert A. Akin, unsuccessful can. date for register of deeds in Sat- j day's primary voting, publically ex- j resses his thanks to his supporters i his week. He said: "One and all I wish to | hank you for the kindnesses shown le when I visited the voters in my ampaign in the Democratic primary f June 4. I appreciate the support f my friends, and was glad to meet p with my old friends and to make ew friends. I appreciate the vote I eceived, and the kindnesses shown le shall never be forgotten." it 9:30 A. M. I ^ Nearly everybody in this 111 II County reads The Scout regularly xte \ 1.50 YEAR?5c COPY ii* l ver, Moody, ^ett, Winners r On Saturday Jack Morphew Leads Bennett For State Sen ator rrom ddrd LMstrict VOTING HERE LIGHT T. P. Calhoun, S. H. Parker Are Nominated As Commissioners Here Candidates for thirteen Demoj cratic and three Republicans offices were selected by varying: large and small majorities in primary voting: in CSherokee couny and throughout the state Saturday. Although a particularly heavy vote wa?- not cast, much interest was in evidence throughout the campaign j for the past month. ; Rolling up the largest majority in I county voting* w;th 1G12 vote- t<> tVlfi and winning- a sweeping slate victody, ' Senator Robert R. Reynolds found I large suport for renominaiiop. On j the state tic-ted Congi* ->ina: Ze hulon Weaver received 1512 vote s in Cher; okee county to 1 1 12 for his opponent R. !.. Whit mii . We aver won tin I 1th district con";est by more than Ki.OOO votes. Stanley Winborno was a winner nv? r Paul Grady f? r rer?>n diatom a> ut i it;? . c onlin e i.ei | it. IV e.hvUl M i phew. ? ; II?a hiusi ville, with tin aid < 11 ..;l Rryson C ity, received second highest vole in the- iiiroc. cornered race wlii< h a!>" in uelcd (?. K. llouk, e>f l ianklin. and b;. the nriveleee- e.f eallio iumhoi u Whet he. h< would i.:l) fm- .4 second primary hail n< been learned Wednesday. John M Queen. ? f Wnvnesvslle. veteran solicitor of the 20th judicial district, won over Hax' tr t .Jones, j of Bryson City, in the primary by a large majority. Queen received 1780 votes in Cherokee .lores got 6d2 Decisive victory in the primary went to J. N. Moody, Democratic candidate for the house of representatives, who received 1204 votes, more than the total of his three opponents, and almost double the second highest man. D. H't, who received majorities in his home precincts of Andrews, received 040 votes; Frode O. Scroggs, of Brasstown, .'{84, and J. Franklin Smith, of Murphy, 100. It was agreed by candidates for the representative's office before the primary not to call for a second one. IThe closest race on the county ticket saw A. W- Mclver, Democratic candidate for clerk of the court, defeat his opponent, Hayes Leatherwood, by a majority of 111 votes., (Continued on back page this sevtienj ATTEND CHURCH ?U*OAY-? . COUNTY OFFICES TO CLOSE AT ONE P. M. SATURDAYS All county offices located in the Murphy court house, excepting that of the lerk nf tVia ???-* ?* ? wins win oe closed cs*:h Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock* it was ordered by the coun'y commissioners at their regular meeting -Monday. This law will be in effect until September. In the past the county offices have been remaining open until 4 p. m. on Saturdays. The commissioners will meet again on Monday to set the tax rate for the county. At the meeting Monday, Miss etta Deane. was approved as county welfare offiaer to succeed Mrs. Margaret LeMay Maunry who tendered her resignation effective July 1. The appointment of Miss Deane, who has been connected with the local welfare office as a case warker, was made recently by the state board.