thR FEATHERHEADS f I'LL So IT p,?? f RiiJuX pown/ ! Cm'tW'cellar/ J ^^?T j ^ r?? ' ? vW>N 7*\ I S MATTER POP? Desperate Ambi , /'so^\ y JMIATER ^IMP^0J]V' J ^ (\V/+4EM r A IT / 'a, '.at 'meakj.i <3it v VT2EMLV MEAtJ ) ^\^4/ V \ K' 2^ m)c^nK MESCAL IKE Bt S. L. huntley Au->at vuh 50 \OED toluvprX cut our ABOUT ) 5touh Touo or V PA '? A-^r-Trl w CUlCKEXlS / \LAST 1 ^ ^ FINNEY OF THE FORCE [ J-v^TT "~jSi : - Y HOL yu ,Jc TMAT BE , ROE - 1 S6 ^S> I /WPS SNOOP' . * ,Q> ^ rrf KJ6XT poor / POP?New Nursery Rhyme in robin's uttle th greenhouse DIFFICULT DECISIONS Bi -The -term does n't khow Whp 10 DO abode 1hE HEAVY HlffCR w oosf moved |n<0 "crte weie-h30rh00 wrtue he's sure to lead TriE iea The Team is rrpidw soius bah payin6 eor -the windows he era j "--?irti ,?, The Cherokee Scout. Murr,K, ^ / vjow I'UL SAYV < ( HE,Z FANwy/ ' ] u v ' t^naW ' ose Is In KickSOUT T4+I5 \ * w 1 < tit C? Allouf I 1 ^ & IB I . ^ IT f 1 "'M A ^\,-v J ( oughlin ^pT Ar V ^"ES1" fELL KlM } //[ DJP 'N' WHOT *TH' MAN \ T, ,?.|jw I LOOKED LOKE-SO I V JOK,? X HE K(M SlN1D ,w A / ; V , RAY PORT- J T J sly i eke's one thing that I FROWN ON 1 [-1 | LET ME IN' GI.UYAS WILLIAMS ?? ' ' A bishop we r~l way carriage / said: "You tl I thing, but two "Very likel; "What are the "I'm your cc \ V ') Mr wearing your : \ T - trim i HO HAS "? If you really 0, BECAUSE gleam ... a 6UE 8AffiK?. attractive, hei XRUPY new, modern :AKS ?nd only der extra effecti tooth cleansei jf^N. C., Thursday, June 16, 1 ey/ HELPu j( > wap r0 \ ~\ rpipT T CHANGE MY ^ pLUV ^^ > CLOTHES? \ BEEf y / D*D you wamT J aro y ME, DEAR 2 ^ LO i Jy ^ II ^ bAE. A E66 X, \v^ ^ I K-.CK-ET) ABOUT ^ ( 's'vuouo T TbEiM "?1?IE1> OW ) S : MV TAW T+IE vu'KoMi, 5I"DE.' ,/ ^C-' \ tjom'T T+f ~ AM IV <^e. o MA5E H- ( TO RE.-G.KJ ACT ~=*2-, \ ), -S >./ | IOUT V SLEEve OUTA\/^HF8WS~^ ?' iuT*ry ) rr-ANO 7\ TH' hat: *' FA D S ? t4 *- r oAT/-ucn UK / . ^ ? rl - cvJv-r \ ^ ~ j r>NCJCMrL, oc FOOT V?,, PACE ? A ,T OFP/ . RE N-PAgK r_S, _ r ^ -VViT ROIGmT J \ SLEEVE TORE / \ , \ OFF- FACE ' gvx -Sc aA^c*eo~J ll HE'S GROWN THE FINEST -[ CACTUS ? r/TA~A~A7V\ rKODUCE MYSELF Spurred to i Client?How long h is accosted in a rail- in J.his. of5,ce? by a reveller, who , Clerk-Ever since link you know every- to e nie. Stiay S, things you don't." Great I f," said the bishop. Mrs. Bones?Hira iy?" the first day in Lon lok's husband and I'm Mrs. Jones?My g shirt." they got any health m contained in BOTH Pepsodent Tool and Pepsodent Tooth Powder want teeth that glisten and For remarkable Iriun smile that's bright and greater cleansing powe re's your answer1 Try the brush away dingy aurl lized Pepsodent. the one ish teeth to their ful itifrice that offers you the Its action is speedy veness of that wonderful Contains NO OR1T, NO r, Irium. Get yours todayl 938 Jj^fl wet and dry |9-$c$?m.k 2 call the y sorry to have n'pd_\"E \ kept -you , w6n a _ j splashing ) waolmci/j > com tesrn UND HERE s*?A30JT ng enough.} to; "* **-l ^\\ " ovef^bot a \\ \ \l \ \, shouting* ^ &T? j-r?wr>l ^ ' ' " i ' V:-' . : History Repeats | &.M' me; \ _ I No Aid Needed IVVooL?rciFf/Q yt??\ fWN?y M?MED NO HE AIM T? \ S^j Tr NlOCLE I , Too< lT J ^?^7-1?^ ATEP _ OFF'M Him x_ CROOKS ivolv/er-j\ who " whjt so 7=^ VI SA.O H? ?oj?d. / ?CoRREcTtOM, fSCAPEP ? POinTim > REVOLVER LOST: |'VE JS ??A,r ( IM SCUFFLE- I U|M HAVE TH escaped OM / locked POISHT 0& >. ,j4,k By J. MILLAR WATT 1 "HAT EVER 1 SAT, DOWN ON. ^ | ? Bfll Syndicate ?WNU S^^lce. ^???^ Activity HIS SPECIALTY lave you worked . . , Alumnus?I want to do something they threatened for my Q,d coIlege Professor. l ve ortesjt agazine. ma(je a ]0( Q[ money. What would ,oss you suggest? What study did I exim writes that ce' 'n' don he lost ?12. Professor?That's fine. In my ;oodness! Ain't classes you slept most of the time, officers there? So why not endow a dormitory? j gives Pepsodent r?helpsittoquickly Face-stains and pot- *^V W PUMlCE,^NO DRVJG31