P Thursday, June 30, 19i Land Transfers Friday, June 24 L. M. Hunsusker et als to O. F. and Lilli" unsucker. Mrs. S. Y. Allen ft als to John WhiteMonday, June 27 Martha Coleman to John M. Me. Alister. PEACHTREE The farmers are behind with their work on account ?>f so much rain. The B. Y. 1'. t' ] rogram was en- ! joyed Sunday night by all present. We want to wel ??me all visitors back ] again. Mr and Mrs. 15. A. Breedlove were j the Sunday evening quests of theii daughter. Mrs. I). K. Griffith. . Wili Thcmasson and Fird Moore were the dinner guests of Troy and Fred Breedlove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ttmmasson children, Foan and Johnnie, of Kings Mountain, and Mr. and Mrs. F?ui iin Lunsford and children, Loyd and Shirley, of (iastoiiia, spent last week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thomasson. Mr. and Mrs. lb E. Griffith and children sp; nt a while Sunday night with Mi and Mrs. J. W. Barker. Our pastor filled his appointment ill I IIIIMMH Everyone is glad to hear of Mrs. Earl Moore's improvement. Mis. Glen Johnson and children > ; Monday night at J. W. Barkis. OAK PARK 11. Ilorton, who has bctn seriously ill from a spider bite, is nnpro\ing. 1'i- fi IVml- will hi1 ulad to Iravn. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Griffin, of Copp rhill. wcrt. the Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs- G. G. Quinn. Mis Lula Stiles and children were he guest- Sunday of Mrs. Gillie Mae Raper. Mi - Mathel Crow was tin guest Sunday ??I* Miss Nina Mae Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. dim Cornet I were business visitors at Murphy Saturday. Delaware Hainby and Than er Johnson were the Saturday night guvs.'s 1 !" Clifton ;..id Ernest Rnpcr. Mrs. Rex Allen and son. of Pennsylvania, are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eon Raper. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crotcher and family were the guc ts of Mr. and Mrs. Melton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horton were the Wednesday night guests < i' Mr. and Mrs I). Iiorton. Miss Vesta Stiles was I he Saturday night guest of her cousin, Willie Lou Raper. Rev. and Mrs. Forster Blnnketship spent, the week-end at Bi yson City. A1 1 HT' * i lme r id< MURPHY SCHOO Friday, July 1, SPONSORED BY Mil Best Fiddler $10 B Best Instrurr AND THE HONOR OF REPRE NEW RADIO "APPALACHL* Over V Murphy Will Present A To Vacation Hun! THURSDAY, JULY 8, Master of Ceremonies o m rv at ?/ mvnt a Beautiful Week-end r\ k conjtnen< CABIN hoTRI: On Display cation h r J over tl At The BREEZI _ Thumda Murphy Sf"P , High school :h Demountable Champic ! n . i * ?trumen Mr ortabie ceding CHAMP JULY l, 1938 . MURPHY?"In The 38 The Che HANGINGDOG Rev. Fred Stiles filled his appoint ment Saturday but was called to at tend a funeral Sunday. Mr. Ellio took his place. We are sorry to hear of the deatl f M ss Bes.-ie Mae Rockery, th< Rogers ami family had 4, I their visitors Sunday, Mr. and Mi. Hayes Stiles, and son. Ralph, Misvk wit, '!"ldr