! IsocfE $ Miss Billie Jackson, Pho: ^X-:~X'*>*SK"K,,XwX**KKwX-X,*X**; I rio Hostesses To M. E. Missionary Society The Methodist Missionary Society 1 its regular monthly meeting on May afternoon, at the home of \V. M. Fain, with Mrs. Tom Ax. and Mrs. W. M- Axley as joint 1*1;i. meeting opened with the hymn. -sed Be The Tie That Binds". ^ by the group, with Mrs. O. K. Madden at the piano. Mrs. W. F. till, leader for th ? afternoon. , nted an unusually interesting gram. She first read the Call tc \ hip and then presented the Medi a Talk, "The New Society, fol I by the Scripture Lesson taken m Luke 4 : 18, 19; Matthew 5: 20: , 10; 18: 23-35. After a prayer, by Mrs. Studstill, Miss Mildred \ played two very lovely selec on her violin. "Love's Greeting" Rolievo Me If All Those En ntr Young Charms/' accompani-1 , the piano by Mrs. Madden. The y\ ..nary Topic, ''Bringing Korea | I i in isi ,** telling of lilt* acnoois in K a and their conditions and of 1.. t:MX'listic work being done ti . was very capably and nicely p , *? ?l by Mrs. Studstill. Mrs. v 11 then sang the beautiful i "If Christ Is Crowded Out*'. :u nied at th? piano by Mrs. \l: : ; i Mrs. J. H. McCall. Preside! 1 charge of the business n in which were included reI discussions of plans foi ;h half of the year by chair. .arious convi.itte?'.- and cir?i i'iie meeting closed with a pi.. Mrs. McCall. An rmal and delightful social heuv as enjoyed on the lovely :hady vn at Mi*se Pain's home, where hostesses served waterii. ii ti. the following: M.sdames >. D- in, Bessie Dickson, H. C. Flki . W. H. Griffiths, J. H. Mcl '. 1 ie Taylor, Laura McEl. z li K. Madden, E- B. Norvell, [ /am Snmllshaw, \Y. E. Studstill, NOT :j: JOHN FLOYD, appoint i Shoal Creek Township, I I VESTS precinct Sati I o'clock until 12. 1 | Shearer School House S I | Suit, at Jim Woods stor I | July 16. B Failure to bring dogs an. I | will incur full penalty o I The Open I Road Is I CallingI This summer you vacation trips, picnics, 1 your trip be spoiled wi( I Before you leave or cr our service men insp 9 it is in good shape for I our gas and oil and be s I WOC( 1 SERVICE J. L. HALL, Proprietoi I The Chen Mai ne 94 Miss Flntrekin Hostess ? To Mardi Nuit Club j ( An outstanding <kee Scout, Murphy, No mm Miss Vlrs. Johnson Entertains Hood Will Club Last Friday afternoon the Good A'ill club met at the home of Mrs M. Johnson. The house wis rtractively decorated with I.' *es and ther garden flowers. After an ir.eresting business session the hostess, .saisted by Miss Margaret Johnson, served delicious cal.es and punch to h.- following. Miss Gillie Martin. Vlary Aiken. Mesdames, Jim Frank in. Noah Lovingoud, A. W. l.ovaijood, H. W. Rogers. B B. Cornwei', Lyle Martin, and Mrs. Rath Carriv.-! ;er. o ? Misses Dorothy Snecd Merle Sparks. Mary Katherine Axley and Tom Axley, Jr., Gar Robinson and Clyde Jarrett, Jr., went swimming ai luna.uska Pool Sunday. * ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Slaughter Misses Mary Alice and Virginia Slaughter and Phil Matthews visited Lieut. Norbert Slaughter at Fori Oglethorpe, Monday. * * * Fred Johnson Jr.. J. L- Abernathyj Barry Carring.r, Virgil Elliott. Den. ttis Barnett, Jr.. spent the week-end 11 At.anta attending the races. * * .S. S. Christopher, of Atlanta is visiting relatives here this week. Lieut. Nornert Slaughter reiurnei home Wednesday fro.n Fort Ogle thorpc. T. T. WiFon who is stopping at th. Dickey Hotel spent several day.- la week in Washington, I). ('. J. H- Wilson is visiting in Chatta nooga. Tennessee* Rudolph Sowers has left Murph; where he wi.l play baseball in Green ville, Tenn. * C. II. Townson has returned hom from Pennsylvania. ? * ? * MLss Virginia Benton has returns to Murphy after spending a week witl her parents in Cornelia, Ga. Mis. K. G. Grant of West Point Miss, is the guest of her brother Rev. J. ('. Amnions and Mrs. Amnion: this week. * * * * Mrs. John Donley attended a pie nic at I* ires Creek Monday. ***** Ur. ami Mi.- J. Faulk, Mr. am Mis. 1*. Ivi.-, Mr. anil Mis. K. < Wright, and Virginia Beaton and Ed win Hyde spent Sunday at Hiuassei Dam and Copperhill. ***** Misses Dair McCraikeli, Meredith V. hi taker were the overnight gues: i f Mrs. k. C. W right Tuesday. * * - .? 1 Mr. and Mr/. \Y. F. Colvard and children, of AsheviI.e were the guests of Mr. and Mix. K C. Wright Wedne.sday. Mrs. Colvard i- Mr. Wrights F-iStLl*. ***** Mrs. J. J. Dean and children, Doris and Johnny, arrived Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mi-. John McC lu re. i \ (??Cj COA ON ALL THI ? Imiirf ii riiol. tliun. I PULLMAN CAR J. (* Be comfortable in th |? Consult Passenger T f Ticket Ager' lor^F. * Reservations and o R. H. D< ! a - ; rtssmani uciera : ASHEVIi Southern Ra rth Carolina T SGNAIS! i ?: i Hattie Palmer, Phone 20? Jean Dickey returned Monda> I , from a visit to Evelyn Jane Simon. 1 ! at E Hi jay, Ga| Mr- and Mrs. Glenn Kephart ai:?. -mail son. and Mrs. C- W. Fish and - ii, 1J. J., s; nt the week-end visit. 1 ii:g relatives and friends in Tellieo J Plains and Harriman. Tenn * * * I Miss Mabel Clark, of Canton, I visiting friends and relatives here | ! his w eek. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Howe, of Ga-toni.'. are spending this week visiting! i ? I relatives nere. . . . Mr- and Mrs. Howell West, of Gastonia, spent the week-end with I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cunningham. I * ? Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hambright and | children, Mary Frances. Edna. Bobby and Fain and Miss Bonnie Moss, of . Grovel", were week-end guests of Mrs. i Han bright's father. Mr. R. M. Fain. I Mr- Hambright and daughter, Edna and Mis- Bonnie Moss returned t ? Cneir home Tuesday, whiie Mrs. flam, bright and children, Mary Frances, Bobby and Fain will remain here fori a visit. * * * * * Bill and Waiter Denton, of Cor2 nelia. (la-, are visiting their grand | parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Savagt I this week. ***** i ( Mrs. J. T. Stotler ami children. | Betty, and Johnny, Mrs. Nam.ie 1 Gurderson, Mr. anil Mrs. C. W Sav. | age and Bill Benton spent Wednes j day motoring through the Smoky t Mountain National Park. Miss Chee Carringer. of Maryville. ; Tenn., is the guest of her sister-inlaw, Mrs. Ruth Carringer. * ? * * John I vie, of Cornelia, Ga , i- in | ' Murphy visiting hi. brother. P. G. \ I vie this week. * * * * Miss Kate Padgett and Tom Evans, Jr.. were in Robbinsville Monday I night. * * * i Mrs. Ruth Carringer and family and Miss Chee Carringer, spent Tuesday at Hiwassee Dam. m Mrs. R. I). Lovin^ood and sons . (.lade and Lowin and Mrs. John I.ovinjrood visited relatives in Gaftney, S. C., and Cheryville, X. C.. last week-end. j DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. ! Quinn & Humphrey QUICK AMBULANCE SERVICE Funeral Director* dc Embalmer* Day Phone 74, Night 97 and 77 COPPERH1LL, TENN. ???? I I *um i CHES' 11 iOUGH TRAINS | restful t rip at lou- cost ___! L -f t&mimmm I S * DINING GARS ** ^ | c safety of train travel y raffic Representatives or are*. Schedules, Pullman ther travel information y iBUTTS, f. 1 Passenger Agent, X LLE, N. C. ? q.way System hursday, July 7, 1938 Mrs- W. M. Fain. Mrs. II. G. Elkins. M iss Elizabeth Arne Elkin and Joe Miller Elkins spent Wednesday and Thursday in Knoxviile. Elizabeth Anne K!*:ins will remain in Morristown for some time with h* r aunt. Mrs. J. II Pitzei who i< school at CVlVuhee spent the w* ek>iul in M u i phv. ? # ? Mr. 1 Mr F'ark F. i Mr. and Mrs. (Jutart .\ r> l ar'. v. of 1. xir.gr. ton. are M I . Cali? rin? were Visitoi - T j - !. . a! H:wasseo Dam. M: and ? ! s If. (I. A . r r-at' and children, (idb^rt. Jj and Charles, i< ft this v.i - k for thi ii * ? if?irt . Tmr. Mi . Ah?-ina'I.y and ons :;;im Ui n visi'.ng with relatives in Mu i { r f r i ?. tw. months. ? * ? M 1 -Viis H. A. Fain and daughter- Fhtt>. ??f Chattanooga, spent th?- Fninth in Murphy visiting friends ar.ii relntiv . Mr. ;ir?! Mis. Carl Abernathy and :.iught? . Charlotte, ami Mis. Pink McC af? i of Copperhill were Murphy visitors Tuesday. t < ! li; it, , Moody, who is < . nneci. ' 'i with ! "i f:;il s curitv offt***. Raleigh. \: : ? f his parents. Mr and Mrs. .]. N Moody, over the Fourth of July holidays r" / tak mt gf 7>tl avv/cz I btroxc you buy msmr V ?/ j """ """TW""* !(# The new fntam ?? the new streamlined beauty, in fact in every ? 'detail yoki can ?ee "superiority,"" H >ior the new THOR ha* been rfrjv, atoned and Built by 32 year* of ex; PRICE FOR A LIMITED I ^ TIME ORLY J $59.85 r ' ? *tt a enoistratior of r ijnoi tn see proof tut? fe *1sortai?aw>? '"N ? THOBWMfccFaiMr. j* ' r THOBW..fciiiriMiln\ ftjj f- TRO? U rulrw to th* faM w^?r ImOi. >1 m tni irorirc faster, easier.1 setter witr a sen [333*1 sgzslz i r 0 i e r Southern States Power Company