Thursday, July 14, IS I isocil f Miss Billie Jackson, Plio Mrs. Parker Hostess To Presbyterian Auxiliary The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met with MrsR. S. Parker, Tuesday afternoon. The , pre>ideii:. Mrs Don Witherspoor presid- i over the meeting ami coilducted the business session, aftei which Mrs. Paul Smitii presented the bible study and the round tabh* discussion on the subject, "America through the eyes of a Missionnry" this wa> followed by tin . udy of Phill ; i.i> augh l.y Mi>. 1. H Wilson. A the clo ? of tin- meeting Mrs. Park< j. .?- . i s t - i b.\ Iter sister, .Mis I.J' *iy, of liickorv ami Mr- l. nr Darkt i- -Nerved ,t ?w Wi:!n*! spoo!.. Mr-, l'aul Snath, Mi-. W. \\, M.,s II 1.. l-ai-vy. M- M \V. Bell. Mi.-. .1. II. Dillai.i. Mrs. Mary \lstoii, Mi-. Dixit Maimer. M. i \ ID 1, Mis .1. H. Wilson. Mi . i V Taylor, Mrs ( W. Savage anil M R. S. Parker. Mrs. Lyerly BBIKckmHI Mrs. X (lundcrsin. and (Mr-. -I. T St.ofler ->f Seattle' Wash-, wore visitors. Mrs. Robinson Entertains Sunday School Class Mrs. (i IV Robinson entertained ii1 r Si;:111:iSchool class of Interin-'di;. 11 i with a weiner and marsb.i!lo\v t .,>1 l uesday evening at j ' >1 .Springs. The intermediate boys t.-i-> guests. Many delightful -ami'.-, nhit<'sts and songs \vre en y d by the following: Mi-o, Finncos Cai'michael, Ruby. '1 Mar?-e|lf? Hall. Nvlma Si- ! n rid-. Evelyn Ha), Pau ine Monti.ii >. Ruby Decker, Dorothy Humes and Arietta Ramsey. M-ssi.s Eugene Cardeii. Harry; Christopher, R. 1.. Mason, Jr., Horact Ramsey, H. H. Cornwel Jr.. and Wallace Arrant. Mr utwl iVf/ ?? ? - ??. i ivuoinson. Mr. and MLvn Dill and Mrs Robert Akin. ?o _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Are Hosts Mr. and Mrs II E. Bishop entertinned informally sunday evening at their home- on mooreland Heights. \ 1 complimenting Mrs. Bishop's sister, j t Mrs. K. E. Barclay, of Copperhill, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee. and j * Mr. and Mrs. Wade Massey were U guests. 11 ? ? |1 Mrs. Walker Lylerly, ot Hickory, is j a visiting her sister, Mrs. R. S. Parker, 't IVIE FUNEI ANNOl The Purchas 151IICK SPET1A ( Air-Coni I HEARSE ml | "We Build Our Pat EVERY DETAIL IS C IVIE FUNEI PHONE 67 I (Home of Ivie Mutua . >38 The Cbei tyUCU iie 94 Glenda Ivie Birl ^...'jj Mrs. I vie Honors Small Daughter Glcndn I vie celebrated her second birthday, by inviting a number of her little friends to meet her at the home of Mrs. K. C Wright. The chilnen gathered on the lawn and play i many games and contests, aftei which they were served ice cream itid ealo . In the center of the lawn was a tiny red tea table and upon this table was a beautiful birthday ake with two green candls. The cake .vas a gift 1?. (Ilenda fioni Mrs- Dale Lee. The a it: le honoree received man;, attractive gifts. Those present were: Sandra Motz, IJetty Jean llumhy, Hetty Doddard, Mary Otness, Hillie Jean Rush, Rosalind Stalcup, Carolyn Alexander. 1'atricia McCay. Frances Carroii Seaver, Doris I'almcr, Tonvmie Gen. try. Jimmie Axley, Sammie White, Jimmie Sneed, Gordon Hates, Tommy Savage Bill Lawrence and Sonny Hatchet t. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. R. Calton, of [ hicago, 111., visited Mr. and Mrs. i E. E. Stiles of Murphy, over the week nd. Hon. Victor S. Bryant, of Durlam, N. C . candidate for speaker in ho House hnsou antl the hostess? o Selby Glen Tommy and Bobby Ben. on have returned to their home in Cornelia after a visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. lavage. IMS . , fr=^i f ALL SIZES \ ALL PRICES \ V /GOODRICH QUALITY] ^y^?V?^K LAST ONEjJ \ 64.40*21/ i?615* 1650"i ./ 4.40121 4.5U??0 *R85* *705' Afore for your ^ , 21 4."s , 1, money in this .-7QC. long-mileage, ?j DU *{3D low-priced 5.00x19 5.00*20 Goodrich Oiner auo in pi ui?or!?S thrift tire. L - - MO55* Ml10* ? nrw 5.00 x 19 5-2S.17 standard of value in lie Ml55* $I250 * low-price rid. 5.2S i IS 5.50 x 16 cured" f r iOtber sizes ia proportion tra toughness. \SW4.5#*21? 4J0*?1 4.75*W 5.00? U II It * Skid protec- S 00x1! 5.00x20 5 .?>! ! tion of LifeSivcr Tread