Thursday, Aug. 18, 1938 Library Notes j Hour of opening: Daily?2-5 p. m- , Additional: Wed. and Sat- ?0 a. Sat: 7:00?0:00 p. ni. A Few of the New Books "Dawn Lvonesse" by Mary Ellen Chase. This appealing and beauti-j ful nov I ' >i two servant women is | compressed into the compass of for j t\ -eight hours and holds not only! tragedy and pathos, but dignity and true greatness of spirit. Its setting is the background of the old romance ? of Tristram and Iseult. i "The Mortal Storm" by Phyliis Bottome. This is a story of family ' life in Germany under the Nazi Regime All the characters are living pen; le, not types. Particularly mem- . orable is Freya. the courageous and intelligent girl, who when the storm breaks, has " > learn through bitter choice what dreams tojettison and v*nat course to steer. "Amc?i? a Vt-ars" by Harald Sinclair. The punarama of American growth, through the story of a fron- : town and its founders." "Johnny Johnson, A play in three acts by Paul (Ireen. "A hillarious medley of satire, musical comedy. SMOKY MTN. I' TOURS AH Points of Interest ... Visit Smoky Mtn. National Park SPECIAL RATES (Also Special R^tes For Parties of Four or Five to Asheville, \ Atlanta, Knoxville, and I Chattanooga. ' ' PHONE 33 or 9113 t I I E. A. Howard I Dodge Taxi Service < SCHOOL Di EYESTRA ? o M I-SJJ"' . * jp ig " i DRATPrT Tun IllUlLtl 1 ULil PLENTY OF ELE We have an excell lamps that can be use house and most of them for reading and study. They Are Economic< Southern Stat Phone The Chero melodrama, farce, social polemic and parable ... in its high moments it has a way of recalling to you the quality of Charles Chaplin's greatest .n.edy "Shoulder Arms", Richard Watts N. Y. Herald Tribune. 'Outline of Physical Geology" by Chester R. Longwell and others. A treatment of the subject for the lay reader, Many illustrations. "Room Service" by John Murray. A comedy about show business, funnier than "You Can't Take It With You". Collected Poems of Sara Teasdale. Among the poets of highest distinction in our day Sara Teasdale is one the few whose work has had and continues to have, a wide appeal. ['Collected Poems" includes all of rier work she desired to preserve. Land Transfers VI/ I *. o Howard T. McDonald and Annie Mae McDonald to Elsie Whiteheart i't als. \V. J. Johnson and X el lie Johnson :. A. Mashburn and Asma .Mashurn io Fred Stiles, et als. I.',...a o. . ? ?- - . . ?t onics ci ais 10 U. 25. A. XV. p. of Akron, Ohio, are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Hendrix and Ison Clarence retnrno<| ln?t FViHny | from visiting relatives and friends in Wilkes and Watauga counties. Mr. and Mrs- Russell G. Brett and two children, o? Ft. Lauderdac, Fla., arrived last Saturday to spend some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Witt. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis and daughter, Bonnie Jo of Charlotte'arc visiting Mr. John McCombs and family. Mrs. Robert Barker and daughter Ruby spent last week at Aquone with Mrs. Barker's parents. A revival meeting will begin at the Baptist church Sunday at eleven Amos Moss. K. L. Holt to Jefferson T. Quigb .v (Tr.) Saturday, Aug 13 | J. W. Iiatchett and Pauline Ilat diet: to Emery Davidson and C! if fie Da\idson. Isham B. Hudson to Lawrence J. Quigley (Tr.) Carl and Mildred Bryson to F. 0Christopher (Tr.) Monday, Aug. 15 Burt Shields and Emma Shields to U. S. A. Credo Reid and Mamie Reid to j Robert L. Crowe. Marvie and Fannie Walker to Birt i Tatham. i I , THIS IA1 ' ^OBSER1 , THE _L4 ' ?v<\ When y< tavern. WHEN YOU restrict your respectable retail outlets courage those better a start toward driving < in your community. And that is exactly th body of honest retailers < with the brewers, recoj only problem is to reroo Look J Hfl Carolina o'clock with the pastor Rev. Robert Fiarker assisted by Rev. M. L. Lewis of Brevard doing: the preaching. SUIT NEWS Miss June Waters, who has been v isiting her sister, Mrs. E. W. Strunk has returned home. Mrs. J. M- Kilpatrick and children, Mildred, Ralph and Harold spent the week-end visiting relatives at Pos tell. Several of the young people from here attended church services at Shady Grove Sunday night. Mrs. R. F. Keenum and children, Kenneth and Geraldine, of Gnstonia, are visiting her mother, Mrs. J. E. Parker. I Mr. and Mrs- Lakes Quinn, OJ 1'ostell, visited Mr. and Mi's. Ralph Pope Sunday afternoon. Miss Grace McKnight who has been visiting Miss Evelyn Chumley has returned to her home in Montgomery, Ala. Gibson Chunley, of Montgomery, Ala., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Chumley. Mr. and Mrs- H. C. Dickey, of Copperhill, Tenn., visited Mrs. W. I L. IvicNabb Sunday. Mr* and Mrs. Guy McNabb, of Ducktown, visited relatives here Sunday. Upper PEACHTREE NEWS . . The revival meeting closed at this church Sunday. Seventeen were Bap tised. Next Saturday and Sunday are ou? regular meeting days. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Walls and daughter, Ruth, of Gastonin, were thi Thursday night guests of Mr. and Mi . C. W. Thomasson. D. E. Griffith spent last week with At Your Best! Free From Constipation Nothing beats a clean system for health! At the first sign of constipation, take purely vegetable Black-Draught for prompt relief. Manv men ana vronicn say that BlackDraught brings such Threshing relief. By 1 its cleansing action, poisonous effects of \ ronstlnntlon driven out; you soon [ fe*l betier. more efficient. Blac!:-Dra\'cht costs less than most other laxatives. BLACK-DRAUGHT 1 A GOOD LAXATIVE "Sure we a ?.better but FERN WES ^ LWS f \ jp;s ?u drink Beei .. choose you patronage to legal, conditions that so , you not only en- Existing laws c :tsbut you've made us by demanding out the bad spots Sales to minors, ot of a beer license a e aim of the great liquor or for opei >f beer who, along all these are violat ^nize that Beer's be stopped. Pub! ve the anti-social can see that such UNITED BREWERS INDUST 21 East 40th Street Correspondence is invited ft dividuals everywhere who a brewing industry and its sot or this symbol in mcmkors'jUjEtmA I H ~ I ,{ his sister in Canton. I Mrs. Grover White, of Andrews, L? I spending a few days with her par- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Breediove. 1 '1 he singing was enjoyed by all a; I C. W. Thomasson Sunday afternoon. 1 Son-.e of the boys from this place 1 attended the revival services at Fire* I Creek Sunday night. 1 Miss Sallie Thomasson is spending 1 a few weeks with her brother us.d I sister in Gastonia and Kings Moun- I tain. Little Arthur Lee Breediove of Durham, is spending his vacation with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Breediove. Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'lruett and Mr. and Mrs- Vinson Tnu.o - - ? vv, an '_H Andrews, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barker Sunday. Bianon Turner is visiting in Clay county. I in 7 days and relievo COLDS LIQUID. TABLETS first day K .LVE. NOSE DROPS HEADACHE, 30 MlN Try Rub-My-Tism, worlds best liniment ra Ipo] [f s'rEKr / Th? worm body odor j If / comes from !' O ? HN ' J perspiration odor unto.' JJy JP Uer the arms MM Tuko I minute 'o fL * /}/? && amazine deodorant I j' i Mfxifci cream thai ? > r k i ^ directly on under'arm excretions Normally stops odor 1 to 3 daps. Yodoru also reduces amount of perspiration Made without lard?Yodora Is utterly different from mitt, grainy pastes. (Il Soft smooth as face cream 12> Leaves no sticky film on flngvre or underarms. (3) Leaves no "lardy" smell on clothes. 25f?SOf. Get II to* day?money bnck if not delighted. Trial size raEs Send coupon. YODORA DEODORANT CREAM cjsaBBHS Send coupon for trial * LPJL L I size to McKesson A m rfettCLa Itobblns. Fairfield, s m Conn. Dept. F-l. m m * . . Aidmm * w }o...and it's i riness, too" LJ ^ ^ ^ ^ "> i r in a ir tavern metimes surround its sale, an curb these evils. Help their strict enforcement! r after legal hours... or use s a screen, for selling illicit ating 'an illicit resort . . . ions of the law and should ic opinion, once aroused, practices are stopped! RIAL FOUNDATION New York, N. Y. om groups and in re interested in the wff^stponsif-ilities.