|~H| RESORT U THE LEADING Vol. 50.?No. 14. Dr. Graharr Library Di: in Murphy Several Hundred Persons ? Expected To Attend S Program at 10 a. m. S Mr. Frank Graham, president of the . r nersity of North Carolina, Chapel; 1 II:.:. will be the principal speaker at Western Carolina library rally to , held here Friday. Miss Ida Belle Entrekin has ani.nred that all atTanircnieir.s have j completed and that several h'tn-1 ed people are planning to attend program that will tK-gm with a Hie meeting in the curt house in i phy at 10 a. in. and wiii be com: (1 ill the afternoon .vit'n a tour j i Iliwassee Dam ami the TV A v ill- j ' ' : hi addition to Dr. Graham, the 1 ing will be attended by George ( Gantt. head of the training sec- . tion of TV A, and Miss Marjorie Heal, . re tor of the North Carolina lib- j laiy commission. | The program will begin with the j * iting in the court house which will j presided over by Col. Marshall W. j 1 lh 11. chairman of the. Murphy-C'arne-j Jt library board. Mr. Gantt will ? -prak on "TV A and Library Develop- | nn nt in Western Carolina." L. B. Nichols, of Andrews, chairman of the | F H aid of Commissioners of Cherokee 1 < Continued on back page) Talc Prospecting Shaft Is Sunk On ln< Marble Property :2 ! Ill A prospecting shaft has been sunk j . the Columbia Marble company C( I perty near Marble, 10 miles north ; rX i Murphy, by Carolina Talc company j. fficials, of near Murphy. i W Bailey, superintendent of the ; ci firm, states that the shaft has ai i sunk about 30 feet and that . u li are, indications of a good grade f talc, but the extent of the vein ; ? he average quality of the miner- Cj u not yet be determined. A crew ht men are working on the mar-i 1 ? i pany property under the supon of Mr. Bailey and his s :(, l'c gess Bailey. I i tensive marble operations aie n' ied on at the Columbia Marble > mpany plant. It is one of the lar- | i t firms of its kind in this section, j (Continued on back page) 1 h, New Pastor Comes I rr ? " ' " i io Murphy Church & 1 Murphy's new Methodist minister, ^ I th.- Rev. Van A. Harrison, arrived ? I with his family Tuesday to 'ake up I residence in the parsonage on Hia- f I wassee street. ^ I Mr. Harrison, who came here from T I 1 olkville, was accompanied by his J I wife and one son. He has three other I fcons who are not living with him at I 'present. One is in college eand two % nave occupation elsewhere in the K The new pastor has just completed I a three-year pastorate at Polkville, I Shelby, where he conducted a I most successful term serving the peoI '>f thai community. While there I ! 1 - pa in erecting a new church I ilding th- is the envy of the people I that secuon. S The Rev. W. Arthur Barber, his J wife and daughter and son left Tues1 <,av for Mr- Barber's new pastorate 1 fct Roger City. Thet town extended a 1 J"nr' farewell to one of its best be loved citizens. *1 I Hear Ret it n jfi WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WEST! Murphj i To Lead . scussion { Friday j uperior Court Opening et for Thursday, Nov 10 The November term of Cherokee county Superior court will ! :onvene here or Thursday, Nov. | 10 instead of Monday, Nov. 7, as ' was previously scheduled. The change in the opening date >f the two-weeks session was authorized by Judge Felix E. Alley, i of Waynesville, who is scheduled to preside, in lieu of the cpnoml i lions being held on Tuesday. Last week Judge Alley notified John Donley, clerk of the court, that it would convene on Wednesday, Nov. 9 but decided Wednesday to postpone it one more day in crder to adequately t~ke carc of j the aftermath of the heated political campaign. Sheriff L. L. Mason was notifying all persons concerned of the change Thursday. 'EACHTREE IAN S FATALLY SHOT !Y C. LUNSFORD Lawrence Spivey Is Killed By His Brother-In-Law Chailip Lunsford, 34-ycar-ol<l vosi nt ol" the Peachtree section of herokee county, is in the Cherokee uinty jail at Murphy awaiting preminary hearing: into the death of awrence Spivey, 2."), of the same immunity, who was killed by a shot in blast in his side at the home of unsford last Sunday evening:. Following: the shooting: Lunsford inie to Murphy in the company of i acquaintance and gave himself up Policeman Neil Sr?eed. A warrant (Continued on page five) Saturday la Challenge Jay In County Precincts Saturday will be challenge day in herokee county and much activity long this line is expected to result om the increased registration in le county. Registration books have been open1 for the past three Saturdays and ore than 300 additional names have pen added to the election bo-oks it reported. Challenge of votes will be made in le 25 precincts of the county on Fiturday and will be heard by the ^ard on the following Monday?the ly before the electionsCherokee Scon 4 1 i r?r? JAVVUU1I 1\CIU1 . Following its popular policy complete election return* in the cc: broadcast election returns as quicl< Tuesday night. Arrangements have been mad the Henn theater here, to begin gi front of th Scout office at approx Time). The broadcast will continu< night have been completed. In the past the Scout office I plete and unusually accurate rest: throughout the county. Citizens in the 25 precincts ui as soon as fhey are tabulated to compiled ar.d announced. During past general and pr:m have congregated in front of the turns available, and numerous requ relay of results Tuesday night. urns at S erukti -RN NORTH CAROLINA. COVERING r, N. C. Thursday, Nov. ? Elections' As Organi BOTH PARTIES HAVE RALLIES AS END NEARS State Officials To n 1 *-? apeak for Democrats At Meet ('l:pvn|:oi' COUP.ty':'. warmest pelitltnt campaign in moons will conic tr? a whir wind finish this week-end. The Democratic party has decided to end their organized camI paign tomorrow night (Friday) at ' th" Murphy court house with speeches by a number of prominent I state officials, while the Republican party will meet in the courthouse tonight (Thursday) and end their active organized drive at Grandview tomorrow nightFor nearly si>; weeks both parties have covered every cove in the count.) gleaning out potential votes and set king party support. Friday nighl it end.; for both parties. The elections will be held on Tuesday. Naturally private campaigning: methods will be active until the day ol elections, but no organized meeting! have been publically announced afte the ones to be held Friday night. Principal speakers on the Democratic program Friday night will he: Lieutenant-Governor W P. 1 Horton, State Auditor George I Pou, Judge Phil Cocke of Ashej ville, John A. Larkin, state senator j from Jones county, and others, j Col. J. N. Moody, of Murphy, will i ^e master of ceremonies. The meciiig has been widely pub I licized and a large crowd is expected j lo attend. The meeiiig will beirin :ii p. 111. Several Hundred people were expected to attend the Republican rally in the court House tonight, and naturally an overflow is antij cipated at Grandview. ; I\.i!dred Hampton Said Tc Be Slowly Improving The condition of Miss iildre Hampton, popular 15-ycar-od Murph high school jrirl. tcho received a broV on back in an automobile- acciden near Arianta, Ga.. oh October 0, i ^ said to be slowly smproVing. Miss Ilampton was thrown fror her brother's car to the conrrete hig) way while she and members of he family were motoring to Atlanta. Sh is confined to St- Joseph's infirmarj She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Hampton, of Murphy. t To Broadcast ns Tuesday of giving the quickest and most ir.ty, the Chci'ukoc Seoul will dy as they are received here next le with Mr. P. J. Henn, owner of ving out election returns from the imately 7 p. m- (Central Standard e until all available returns for the las been able to give almost comimes of the trend of the voting f the county will rush the returns the Soout office where they are ary elections hundreds of persons Scout office to get the latest reests have been made for a similar > CO lit f fjhflfl ; A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICI 7, 1938. Io Be Hel< ized Camp !~ Amendments To Be Voted In Election j I T _ ? ? Ii wu confeiiiuUuiiai amcniimcnU to the laws of North Carolira will be voted on state-wide in the general elections to be held Tuesday, Nov. 8. Little has been said of the proposed amendments which will have a far-reaching effect throughuui Tarnceiia. The first is a propoial to extend the term of the office of the sheriffs and the coroners of the state from a period of two years, as is customary at present, to four years. The second will decide the question of whether there is to be a department of justice maintained : in the state. These ballots will be issued to each voter along with the state, county and township tickets. SAM H. PARKER, 75, CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE, DIES Prominent Farmer Was Seeking County Commissioner Post San* II. Parker, Democratic cam! date for Cherokee County Board < Commissioners in the first distr'n (Valleytown), dropped dead at h home near Woodville Thursday moil - ing on the eve of the political can 1 phiern he has figured in so promii ; ently. Mr. Parker, a well-known and sin j cessfu! farmer, " as To years old II J was born and i eared near the Woo< ; ville settlement anil had farmed thci j all his life. lie is survived by his widow at " light children, Frank, of Andrew ! Gordon, of Marble. Jack o Coalvil ' Boss of \Voc?dville, M . Sally Ka J j Palmer <\ lliawassee Dam. a daug | ter living at home, and two marrii d j daughters wfio live in an Kastei v .tate. lie lias many relatives and clo - friends in this section. 1 Funeral arrangements had 11 s been made Thursday afternoon. Democratic party officials wei n planning Thursday to take steps r.axne a successor for the office M ^ j Parker was seeking. | No Activity Follows _ Broadcast Locally Although the "horror broadcast i of Sunday appeared to be the ma! I topic of discussion (along with pol tics) here the first part of the wee] apparently few local no-BAna iw,.,.. the broadcast. Most comment -was concerned wit i a discussion of what the people "ha read in the papers" about the n;i tional scare which depicted the "on of the world" and an "attack by th inhabitants of Mars"'. At least, no frantic demonstration of any kind were recorded here n compared with the hysteria that i reported to have taken place in vari ous sections of the country. : Tn other words, all was quiet am j sane along the most Western Xortl j Carolina front as a result. Mrs. Victor Olmstead and Mrs. Myrtle McMahan left Thursday foi [ Washington. D. C. Ice Tuesd Attractive * v l halt's? MURPHY < TERRITORY 5c COPY $1.50 YEAR i Tuesday e Y* 1 ICtlgil LUUS FOUR TICKETS TO RE VOTED IN ELECTION I Close Race Seen In Cherokee County Balloting Tuesday BBS yci.c;neroKee countians?more than , 9,000 of them will trek to the polls 'in L'5 precincts Tuesday to brinjr to an i n<I fine of the hot!< - ? political campaigns in C'herokoe county history. This week the political cauldron was browing up one of its most potent. lotions, hilt whom it will spell : victory or dcfat for is as moot a ] f-nestion as Dooms lay it., elf. I Cherokee county, which ran gcnj orally be called 50-50 in matters of politics and choice of Democratic and Republican officials. will witness - j probably a clos. rae? from th< top I ,f Mir- lii-lf.t nil .....I ....... J into the township whore justices of the peace and constables will seek public offices. Four tickets will be voted in the county. They are: the stall ticket with its stilte justices, attorney general, commissioners of labor and utilities. superior court judges in 21 districts, United States senator and J Member of Congress in the 11th disJ Continued on back page Dynamite Blast f Badly Injures Brasstown Man i- Thurman Fainter. 1. -year-old \ Frasstown farmer, was fighting for L. i his life in Peti ie hospital h- v Thurs[,. | day night as thi result ? t' an acc'.-t j. 1 dental explosion of dynamite caps re i which he was carrying on. of his j house Thursday a-:?im:. J(j I l-?oth his hands were so l?:vi!y injured that they had to be amputated, ' ' he i- suffering .-rvi-.i skin wounds ? "j til the tiont td' !.is hotly >..<1 it is : irared lie will lost- tin* \ision ?-f both h"| t?yi-s. aa1 >riling to :: report by pl | v\. A. Ii *ovt ' at hospital n v ;,:! sila;' afternoon. se 1 .m- iu ' is ??i the family said Painu. hail gathered up me dynamite | ? iid cap.- about ? a. ivt. and : tai led | out of the hou.-e to v. u k a* a quarry re I belonging to Don \\ :ther.spo?.u, Mutto! phy attorney, nearby They -aid Ir.! sparks from a cigarette he was - mok[ ing evidently d oppcd on the cap>. - | causing the explosion Two children J standing nearby were slightly injured I by the explosion. : Painter was then brought to the j hospital here where attaches reported i" i Thursday night he was in a "fair in | condition." i-_______? j Bulldogs Are Priming .For Athens Friday h The rejuvenated Murphy Bull* 1 dogs were preparing this week to " | meet their most severe test of the e | season Friday when they engage i the McMinn County Cherokees of s of Athens, Tenn., on the local field S at 1 p. m. ' S i Coach J. A. Pitzer has been drilling his squad against a team composed of former Murphy High play' 1 ers in preparation for the battle1 The Bulldogs' only loss this year has been at the hands of the Andrews team while they played a scoreless tie with Ducktewn early in the season. 'ay Night

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