Miss Margaret Neal Is Guest At Lovely T ea i iere Saturday P. M. Miss Elizabeth Strickland enter a tiled her \ wise truest. Miss Margaret N- al. of X.isheville. Tenn., on last Saturday ; ftotnoon with a lovely tea. The hot;- was decorated with chrysai.themums and autumn leaves, with < undies and flow. IS as a centerpiece for ihe tea table. The guests signed iit a small book Aerated with autumn leaves and ;-r-ysanthemums. and received small nosegays of the same flowers. I The many guests were served tea, c< ngewled salad, small biscuits with ham. brown bread sandwiches, cake, nuts and olives. h . W. A. Meets With Miss Barton, Mrs. White The V. W. A. met on Monday 'glit at the home of Miss Irene Barton with Mrs. Cyrus White as joint After business the following program led by Mrs. John Donley on "The Challenge of China" was given. Seng?The Kingdom is Coming. DcvctiOua!?Mrs. V trilun Crisp. The Challenge of Hit; Pieseiii Conflict?Arietta Ramsey The Challenge of her Political Leadership ? Irene Barton. The Challenge of our Missionaires I ? Ethel Davis. The Challenge of Chinese Christians -Mrs Hubert Hinton. At the noire of Jesus as toltl by Moonbeam Tun;- Mrs. J. ( . Amnions. After the program the hostesses served a ..dad course to the following; .Mis. Vorlon Crisp. Mrs. J. C Amnions, Mrs. John Donley. Mrs. Hubert Hinton. Mi.<. I.oren Davis. MrsMark i.ay. Misers Cecil Davis Arietta! lianisey, Paulire Tate, Bertha Lei Shields, Irene Bar. sey, Ethel Davis. Mrs. Cyrus White and Irene Bai ton. Missionary Society Meets On 1 uesday Afternoon The Missionary Society of the First Baptist church met in the Ladies Parlor of i he church on Tuesday afternoon at 2:.'>(> o'clock- Mrs. Sherrill had charge ?f the program, the subject being "China". Mrs. Siir.onds and Mrs. Kirks discussed the "China of Today". Mrs. Bueck talked on "China Tomorrow, Mrs. Henry Hyatt spoke op. "Chinese Neighbors", followed hy tin- reading of a paper on "A Golden Sheaf." About 15 members were present. EXCAl ur AN ^jafcagT WB^HUmmmm BASEMENT EXCA\ Driveways - Roa CHANNEL DITCI BUI I ANYWHERI FERGUSO! Phone 25 1938 The i i Bridge Club Entertained By Mrs. Harry Bishop i .Mis. Harry Bishop entertained her ridge club at her home on Tuesday I evening. A salad course was served to the | following players: Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Mr. ! and Mrs. Dale Lee, Miss Ida Belie I hntrekin, Mr. Paul Owt-nby ai*i M>\ and M is. Ilarry Bishop. Dr. and Mrs. Hoover won high score. Prayer Observance Meet j Held By Methodists The firs: meeting in observing the I week of prayer which is an annual event of* all Methodist churches was held in the Ladies parlor of the church on Tuesday. Members of the "Young Ladies Circle" had charge of the pt<>gram. Mis- W. A. Iluover spoke on "Our Stake in China" Mrs. Frank Kills on "Sharing the suffering of UUIVt and Mies Delhi Mcroncy told ot "Prayer conditions and promises" calling for sentence prayers from the entire group. Special music, led by - ??>?_. _ Mrs. 10m AXiey, ass?*c?u uy air*. En Dgcnc Bates, who sang "Take My T.?f??M wn? ntf>rl to in j ("hin:i An offering was taken for reconstruction work in China. The meeting adjourned and most interesting as was proven by the splendid attendance. Miss Strickland Honors Guest With Dinner A dinner was given in the private dining room of the Murphy Cafe on |Saturday evening at 8 o'clock for Miss Margaret Neal by Miss Elizabeth Strickland. Those attending were Miss Margaret Neal, honoree, Mr. Mrs. James B. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Bayless, Richard Mauney, George Morton and Bill Bayless. Foreign Visitors Are Registered At Hotel i Mr and Mrs. Rekowski, Mexico I City, Mexico., Mr. and Mrs. Friedi rich Von Schlebrugge, Berlin, Ger] many, E. Mayor and family. Fagreb. 1 | Yugoslavia, Mr. and Kevork K. | Nahiggan, Worcester, Mass. Mr. ami Mrs. Ben Palmer and daughter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. ( alhoun and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maxie spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and two children spent the week-end visiting j Mrs. Re id's mother, Mrs. A. S. Soles1 bee in Fran kin, N. C. f AT10N Y KIND We recently purWfJ chased a new 'jj Shovel and are equipped to do any H|| kind of SB EXCAVATION BR WORK Let us make you an estimate on your ^'iliob. NATION dways CHANGES I HNG - LOTS LDING SITES E-ANYTIME N & PARKS Sylva, N. C. Cherokee Scout, Murphy y y.y.y.y.y.y.y.y.y. y * COMING EVENTS * ******** The Evening Circle of the Presbyterian Auxiliary will meet on Monday evening, November 14, at 7:30 o'clock at the Manse, with Mrs. H. Paisley as hostess. All members re urged to attend. * Circle No. 2 of the Methodist church will meet Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock with Mrs. H. G. El kins * Circle No. 3 of the Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Miss Ada Harshaw. Circle No. 4 of the Methodist church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. \V. M. Axlev. The Murphy Woman's elub will | meet in the club room next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ? The Junior Woman's Club will meet Wednesday evening at 7:3o in | the club room. ? The Mardi Nuit Club will meet next Tuesday evening with Miss Laura Overlort at the Regal Hotel. Cctl'iiouns Entertain in Their Home Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Calhoun entertained with three tables of cards at their home on the Andrews highway Friday night. The house was beautifully decorated with Autumn leaves and potted plants. At the conclusion prizes were won by Mrs. T P. Calhoun. Mr. W. H. Murray, Mrs. W. II. Murray, Mr. C. B. Chambers, Mrs. J. H. Pitzer, Mr. Robert Reid. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pitzer, Mr. and Mrs. VV. II. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kindley, Messrs. CB. Chambers and Jack Barnett. TWC lV\ l\ rkdmamammrs Ford Y-8 Tudor Sedan: with 60-hp. DE LUXE FORD V-8: Provides all the basic Ford features, with extra luxury. Remarkable amount of equipment included in price. H \ Jranlic brakes. 85-hp. V-8 engine. Sets a new high for low-priced cars ? in appearance and performance. Prices begin at. ..$684^ AND TH The Mercery V-8 Tewe-Sedae \ The new cars in the Foi for 1939 give you a broad . you choose, whatever you p value lor your money. That i priced car or the highest. A1 tant thing in common?inh Their duality comes fro precision workmanship, and back of these cars is the only \ FORD MOTOR COMPANY ? MAI V _ , North Carolina Miss Richardson Hostess To P.O.F. Club MLss Virginia Richardson, assisted > by Elizabeth Franklin as joint hostess entertained the I\ O. F. club at n her home last week- During the busi-jh ness session new members were so- t licited and will be initiated into the < club at the next meeting. Miss Mary Barber, who is leaving Murphy soon > was surprised by a shower from a all the guests and very graciously ac- ti cepted each gift in a very pleasing v manner. Delightful refreshments I were served to the following: I Misses Martine Moore Maurine g Lovingood, Mary Alleen Barber, Jes- a samine Vestal, Jaix* Ricks, Justine d Johnson, Maxine Davidson, Effie Barbara Mclver, Lois McFall Melba.d ffllhiol- -in.I t Vlo knotm-o.... I T L "Week Of Prayer" Is Observed By Ladies Here j The ladies of the First Methodist Missionary Society held their pro- C gram on "Week of Prayer" at the t church on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The meeting was opened h with quiet music by Mrs. Tom Avley. ii An outline of the program was re- v hv 1 hi> liiarini' A i Ai.. After me song \j worsnip tue ivmg the leader read a "Call to Worship", a which was responded to by Mrs. R. b C- Mattox, given in the form of a tl beautiful poem. Mrs. Laura McEl- n fiesh led the devotional reading Luke, 4th chapter. Miss Ida Bell < Entrekin gave a splendid talk on * "The Realty of God". Silent prayer J was held after Mrs. McCall discussed "The McDonald French Mission". ? Miss Mary Nell Williamson, Mrs. 1 F. W- Davidson and Mrs. Leonard ( Allen attended a meeting of the West- t ern Carolina District of Music in Cul- lowhee on last Friday. Mr. and Mrs- i 'Hall Cobb, who accompanied them on a .their trip spent the week-end with ' I Miss Martha Lou Hunter. I (Qrnpa+i^ ) NEW FO: n _ engine. $624^?with 85-hp. engine, $664^Dm Laxe f E NEW MER for 1939 i?34* rd Quality Group of its kind?where choice. Whichever controlled from iro (ay, you'll get top savings passed alon; s true of the lowest Things are hap| 11 have one impor- world this year! No erent quality. marked than in the m fine materials, our dealers before y> from the fact that ' automobile plant D?Hv? ICRS OF FORD. MIRCURV, LINCOLN-ZEPHYR PERSONALS Miss Martha Wiswall spent the \cek-end in Asheville w;th frugals. Mr. W. D. Townson was a busiless visitor in Atlanta Wednesday uf ist week. He was accompanied on he trip by Miss Virginia Dickey and Clyde Townson. Mrs. D. G. Brumby and daughter, iartha, and Mrs. R- S. Barker, Jr., nd little son Richard, III. motored o Hartweil, Ga., Friday for a visit .ith Mrs- Brumby's mother. Mrs. terthf* rfcowU Miss Dot Higdon was the dinner uest of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Itixon tnu Mi's. Johnny Parron on last Kriay night at the Hiwassee Dam. Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Lovingood and aughter, Maureen, Miss May Belle lockery and Mr. Andrew Keohart notored to Tellico PJlains, Tenn., Sunday. Mr. Louie Weinburg has returned i> his work after visiting his home in 'hiladelphia, Pa. Mr. George Morton left Sunday for lincinnatti, Ohio, where he will coninue his work at the University. Miss Juanita Vestal has returned ome after a weeks visit with relatives 11 Greensboro and Asheboro. She /as accompanied home by her aunt, lis? Minnie llOuVei, of Ashen/"" Miss Dorothy Lahn, who has been ttending W. C. U. N. C. at Greensoro, has returned home to spend he remainder of the winter with her lother. Sidney Andrews Gives dinner Party Last Week Sidney Andrews invited a few ruesta to a dinner party held in the rivate dining room of the Murphy lafe last week. Folic ving a four nurse dinner the guests attended he show at the Henn Theater. They ncludcd Miss Sara Ruth Posey, Mr. ind Mrs. H. A- Mattox, Mr. and Mrs. ohn Bayless and Mr. and Mrs. Harry iishop. RDS ford v-8: Now five inches longer from bumper to bumper. Roomier bodies ? more luggage space. New styling. Hydraulic brakes. Scientific soundproofing. Triple-cushioned comfort. 85 or 60 hp. V-8 engine. Pricas begin at... .$584* :ord V-8 Fordor Sedan $769Ar CURY 8 MERCURY 8: An entirely . new cnr. Fits into the Ford line between the De Luxe Ford and the Lincoln-Zephyr. Distinctive styling. 116-inch Tt_ ...... .Il? wirl* viiuausii; bodies. Remarkably quiet. Hydraulic brakes. New 95bp. V-8 engine. We? bagia at...$ *< ? production processes are n ore to finished car?and g as extra value. pening in the automotive iwhere is the advance more i Ford Quality Group. See ou buy any car at any price. red la Detrclt ? fax9t mxfra AND LINCOLN MOTOR CARS