Thursday, Dec. 1, 1938. MRS. COVERTS CHAIRMAN OF STATE PROJECT Seek To Open Farm Schools Fcr Underpriveleged Children Mi>. ti'.I' - Cover, of Andrews, has ; cccpted tho Cherokee Ctunty chair manship fur the R >bin Hood harms project, a planned innovat'.on in vocational education that seeks to open farm schools for worthy underprivileged North Carolina boys and girls to make them self-supporting citizens through free training in practical farming and domestic scienceAnnouncement of Mrs. Cover's acceptance was made by Mrs. Edwin CGregory, of Salisbury, state organization chairman, who has named leading women in various parts of the state to assist with county campaigns in behalf of the philanthropic movement. Mrs. Gregory, a daughter of the late Senator Lee S. Overman, is a former D. A. R. state regent and vice president general. W M. Mauney and J- N. Hill, of Murphy, have also assepted the invitation of State Auditor George Ross Pou, chairman of the state steering committee for the farms project, tr become members of the men's ad visory council. For the first of those school farms, a site has been procured near Pitx*hurst. Of its 2,275 acres, 700 have been cleared for intensive cultivation. Seventeen buildings already erected are suitable for use as dormitories and other structures of the institu- | tion. A ban? there is said to be the largest in the state. Although planned on a larger, statewide basis, the school would have somewhat similar purposes and objectives to those of the John C. Campbell Folk School at Brasstown near .Murphy. It has been endorsed by the North Carolina Federation of I Women's Clubs, the United Da ugh- i itrs of the Confederacy. American J Legion Auxiliaries, North Carolina \ Colonial Dame chairman, and other! oiganizations and individuals. CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express our sincere appreciation and heart-felt thanks for your kindness, your words of consolation, the beautiful flowers and other expressions of sympathy in oui recent bereavement. We shall never forget you. May Cod bless you all. MRS- J. T. L. HART NESS and ?;i.. UPPER PEACHTREE NEWS We sure have been having some cold weather for the past few days and several fine hogs have died. The B. Y- P. U. program was enjoyed by all present Sunday night. Our Sunday School has been slowed down for a few Sundays. We hope everybody will come out and get it renewed up again. Mr. Biamon Turner was the Sunday night guest of Mr. B. A. Breedlove. Mr- Calvin Lunsford moved one day last week into one of T. J. Thomasson's houses. Mr. J. S. Jones has been doing some work on his millMiss Bettie Taura Curtis has been sick but everyone is glad to know she is better at this writing. Mr. D- E. Griffith and family have moved into their new home. Mrs. Glen Johnson spent the weekend on Lower Peachtree visiting. Misses Zelda and Fannie Mae Thompson spent awhile Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs D F J fith. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby Riven that Town of Andrews will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the 29th. day of I>ecember, 1938, at ten o'clock, A. M. at the Carnegie Library on Main Street in the Town of Andrews the following real estate. Being lota Nos. 7-8 & 9 in block "XT' of the original survey of the Town of Andrews made by E. W. Smith, C. E- on Sept. 30th. 1890. The right is reserved to accept or reject any and all bids. Dated and posted this the 28th. USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS \ The Chero ;ay of November, 1938. TOWN OF ANDREWS By P. M. Reagan. Mayor. (l8-4i-dht) ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as Admimstratoi I th?, estate >t J- K. Stewart, late | 1 the County >f Cherokee County,! nd State f N >rth Carolina, this i> iv. notify all persons having: claims gainst the estate of -aid deceased to present thent to the umUrsigneu t Andrews. North Carolina, on or before the 26th day of November, 11-39, or this notice will be pleaded ;n bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make prompt payment. Flii. the -6th day of November, 1938. Z. V. STEWART, Administrator of .1 E. Stewart, Deceased. (18-6t-pd) NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator and Administratrix, respectively, of the Estate of Edward E. Adams, late of Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said derpa^pii tn evhihif- tViam tn tVi?> nnrior. signed at Murphy, N. C-, on or before the 15th day of November, 1939, or thus notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of November, 1938. W. J. ADAMS LILLA M. ADAMS Administrators of the Estate ol Edward E. Adams, Deceased. tlO-6t-G. & C ) NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by a certain mortgage deed executed by J. F. West and wife, Dora West, to Tiger's Cash Store, dated the 4th day of January, 1938, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Book No 84 at page 378, said mortgagee will, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. (Central Standard Time) on Friday, December 23rd, 1938, at the Courthouse doot ol Cherokee County in Murphy, N. C., sell at public auction, for cash to the highest bidder; the following real estate, to-wit: FIRST PARCEL: BEGINNING on a stake in the line <?f \\ T. Rogers, also the South corner of (J. II. Johnson land, and runs West 13 pules and 5 feet to a stake in the Pace line; thence South with a conditional line to the center of the original Rogers line; thence East 11 poles and 5 feet to a stake in John Buskin's line; thenoo North with said une to the beginning, containing 5 acres, more or less, being the land conveyed by Gilbert Stiles and wife to Mis. Phil Ferguson, Deed Book '"'7, iKige ;!5, in the Office of Register ot Deeds for Cherokee County, said land being in District 1, on the waters of Peachtree. SECOND PARCEL: Being in said District 1. BEGINNING on a Hickory on the Southeast corner of No. 68, and runs East 48 poles to a small Black Jack in the fiead of a little hollow or sag; then North 20 poles to a small Post Oak near the top of a ridge; then with the meanders of said ridge to the top of the mountain to a stake in the Bill Dale line; then with the Bill Dale line West to a stake in line No. 68; then South 80 poles to the beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less, and the lands conveyed to Phil Ferguson and wife, Gertha Ferguson, by C. B. Hendrix, recorded Deed Book 89 at page 438, in the Office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County. THIRD PARCEL: BEGINNING on a Spanish Oak in line of No. 68, 86 poles East of a Hickory, it being the Southwest corner of No. 68, and runs North 33 poles; thence East 11 poles to a small Black Gum; then North 21 P?>i ao ??i? ? I H- *w JAUICJ VU I a small Black Oak on top of ridge, then North 75 East 11 poles to Black Oak on same ridge; then North 22 East 4 poles to a Blackjack; then North 30 East with the top of the i ridge 40 poles to a Locust bush on top of a knob; then South 53 East 14 poles to a stake in Woodville-John-I son line; thence South with that line 80 poles to his Hickory corner; then West with old W- T. Rogers line 74 poles to the beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less. Being thr same' lands described in a deed from Prank S. Hill, Trustee, to John H. Dillard, dated February 3, 1930, and registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Cherokee County, in Deed Book No. 104, page 70, refer- ' enee to which is hereby made. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the indebt kee Scout, Murphy, Nor dness secured by said mortgage ieed, and is subject to all taxes anc assessments against said property vhether now due or to become due. i'his the 22nd day of November, 1938 TIGER'S CASH STORE By R. N. TIGER 17-4t-gpc) publication of summons NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY, -?In The Superior Court. FANNY PRESSLEY v. JERRY PRESSLEY. Let the defendant, Jerry Pressley, ako notice that an action entitled a? r.bove has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County by plaintiff, Fanny Pressley, for divorce from the bonds of matrimony upon the grounds of separation for a period of two years; that sumn ons has issued in said action; and let said defendant further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the Courthouse in Murphy and answer said complaint within the time provided by law, or the relief prayed will be granted. This November 14, 1938. J. W. DONLEY. Clerk Superior Court. t 1 ?? - tf / NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. ?In The Superior Court. LINDA CLAYTON vs. G. B. CLAYTON The defendant, G. B. Clayton, will take notice that an action entitled W hat Can The t >-. ? ? Ci^Ma WAFFLE IRONS $1 to $12 LAMPS" Electric Coffee Mai Sandwich Toaster. HOTPLATES HEATERS WE CARRY NATION ADVERT! IN COMPLETE E EQUIPMI Stoves, Refrigerab ter Heaters, Washi Heating F Southen MU th Carolina B E 19 > above has been commenced in the I Superior Court of Cherokee County, , North Carolina, to obtain a divorc? m the grounds of two years separaf ion; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of he Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the courthouse in I Murphy, N. C-, within thirty days i after the 18th day of November | 1938, and arswer or demur to the : complaint in said action, or thplaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This lath day of November, 1938. J. W. DONLEY Clerk Superior Court. (16-4t-j.nan.) NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of . the Superior Court of Cherokee County, made in the Special Proceeding entitled W. S. Dickey, Administrator of Mary Angeline Johnson, deceased, vs. Vaul D. Cline and husband Ellis Cline, Ida Walker, W. B. Dickey, Ed Lawrence et als, the same being No. 3161 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said Countv. the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 19th day of December, 1938, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the Court House door in Murphy, Noith Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or lot of land lying in Notla Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Being a part of tract No. 55 and lying and being in the fourth District, beginning on a Hornbean on the North bank of Notla River, the fourth corner of Tract No- 53, and tuns North 156 poles to a Pine; thence with the first line of Tract y Use EVER\ Dt ^ A T ' ^ Show what a pr; THIS year! Be sur cat Gifts" on your 1 y sure to be rememb* , choice. They're all in every home ... an and energy. We li ?at MODERATE ] ^ I Percolators I 1 | $1.50 to $8.95 F ALL KINDS AT LOW Attractive Floor Lamps, 1 and Bridge Lamps ter . ... $7.95 ELI ..$2 to $9.95 IF $1^0 to $3.50 $3) $1.45 to $8.95 [ALLY PAI ISED BRANDS DA1 LECTRICAL INT SUNB ors, Hot Wa- |^c ng Machines, $u 'ads <?? i States Po RPHY, NORTH CAROLD No. 54, West supposed to be about 90 poles, to a White Oak, on a branch, marked with three chops; thence down the branch to the mouth, to a Black Gum marked with three chops or hacks, where it strikes the main cieek; thence down the natural run of the creek clear across the whole tract to the River to a Willow marked with three hacks; thence down :h? River as it meanders East to the beginning. containing ninety ; more or less. Being the same land, conveyed by George W. Dickey and Jane Adeline Dickey to Mary Aniline Dickey (later Mary Angelinc Johnson) by deed dated December the 13th. 1873, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Deed Book No. 14, page 427, reference to which i?, nereby made for a more complete description of said lands. This the 14th day of November 1938. W.S.DICKEY, Commissioner. 16-4t-s.d) EXECUTORS NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as executors of the estate of A. McD. Harshaw. deceased, late of Cherokee County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or to their attorneys. Mallonee & Mallonee. at Murphy, North Carolina. on or before the 27th day of October. 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 27 day of October. 1938. HENRY HARSHAW, EDGAR HARSHAW, Executors of A. McD. llarshaw. (13-Gt-p) Deceased. jy In the I ear ? rs ictical Santa you are e you have "tllectriist . . . and you'll be ;red for your wise l _ McrreeiTV nooi a iiLV/COCi 1 I id they DO save time lave a fine selection prices! TOASTERS " $3 to $11.95 | PRICES 'able Lamps OTRIC SPECIAL R OF BEAUTIFUL /ENETTE LAMPS ONLY $13.50 ?wer Co. MA

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