I HIAWASSEE NEWS ~ We are having some bad weather ,t this writing. Jlr. Floyd Adams and Mr. Jess Willed Hamby were the dinner guests j Mr. Klden Allen Sunday. Mr. Fair and R. A. llamby were ?fiturs at Murphy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams were ,he dinner guests of the formers patents SudayBorn to Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Taylor. Nov. 25. a girl. It was given the nuno Thelma Jene. Miss Blanche Beaver has been ivriously ill but is improving at this aritingMr. R- A- Hamby and family, and Mr. Cecil and Naoma Hamby were >ititors at the dam Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ada and Ethel Allen were the piests of Mrs. Callie Hamby Monday afternoon. Mrs. Hamby is very sick. Mr and Mrs- Don Adams, of Ocoee Teen., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Shearer Sunday. While one bandit held Gordon bere. grocier clerk in Portland Ore.. ? prisoner in a back room for an hour, and thin Ilea wttn tne cash. Mrs. Florence Campbell of Bethleliem. Pa-, won a divorce after she testified her husband forced her to live five months in a coal bin ventilated only by a coal shute. UNAKA NEWS Mr- and Mrs. W. M. Roberts were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M- Young. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watkins have moved to Cullowhee, N. C. Mr Xlilton Phillips made a trip to Asheville, Sunday to visit his brother, Hoyt Phillips, who is in the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rose visited Mr- and Mrs. J. N. Harrell Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ramey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers Sunday. Mis. Olen Radford visited her partnts, Mr. and Mrs. M. P- Coleman, last week. Mrs. J. II- Crawford and Mrs. J. WJohrson made a trip to Ducktown, Tennessee last week to visit Mrs. Fred White who is seriously ill in the hospital there. RATP5 r,DCCkr M Mi K A ?_ur, 10, 1939 t ailable to dcitiiutioM in tie f and Southwest. 5 Cars, Dining C|tri and t roufh Trains. \ TRAIN i LE?ECONOMIC A.L * Agent, or write, * HJTTS, t j .WAY SYSTEM * 5 Scout, Murphy, North igned at Murphy, N. C-, on or before ho 15th day of November, 1939, or his notice will be pleaded in bar of heir recovery- All persons indebted o said estate will please make imnediate payment. This the 15th day of November, 938W. J. ADAMS LILLA M. ADAMS Administrators of the Eu'.ate ol Idward E. Adams, Deceased. 16-6t-G. & C) NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and bv virtn? ?' *'? ? ? me dlabor it y conferred by a certain mortage deed executed by J. F. West and rife, Dora West, to Tiger's Cash itore, dated the 4th day of January, 938, and recorded in the Office of i he Register of Deeds for Cherokee bounty, North Carolina, in Book No 14 at page 378, said mortgagee will, it 11:00 o'clock A. M. (Central Standard Time) on Friday, December !3rd, 1938, at the Courthouse door >t Cherokee 'County in Murphy, N. 3., sell at public auction, for cash to the highest biddt-i'f the following eal estate, to-wit: FIRST PARCEL: BEGINNING on a stake in the line )f W- T- Rogers, also the South cornet of G. H. Johnson land, and runs West 13 poles and 5 feet to a stake in the Pace line; thence South with a conditional line to the center of the original Rogers line; thence Ea.-.t 11 loles and 5 feet to a stake in John rtuskin's line; thenao North with said ine to the beginning, containing 5 icres, more or less, being the land conveyed by Gilbert Stiles and wife :o Mrs. Phil Ferguson, Deed Book )7, page 35, in the Office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, aid land being in District 1, on the waters of Peachtree. 5ECOND PARCEL: Being in said District? 1, BEGINNING on a Hickory on the Southeast corner of No. 68, and runs East 48 poles to a small Black Jack in the head of a little hollow or sag; then North 20 poles to a small Post Oak r-.nr *? WW,, WW c* nugf, HIV II Willi inc meanders of said ridge to the top oi I he mountain to 4 stake in the Bill Dale line; then with the Bill Dale line West to a stake in line No. 68 then South 80 poles to the beginning containing 30 acres, more or less, ant the lands conveyed to Phil Fergusoi and wife, Gertha Ferguson, by C. B Herxlrix, recorded Deed Book 80 a page 438, in the Office of Registei of Deeds for Cherokee County. THIRD PARCEL: BEGINNING 011 a Spanish Oak ir line of No. 68, 86 poles East of <1 Hickory, it being the Southwest cornel :>f No. tis, and runs North 33 poles, thence East 11 poles to a small Blacl Gum; then North 21 East 42 poles to r. small Black Oak on top of ridge 'hen North 75 East 11 poles to a Black Oak on same ridge; then North 22 East 4 poles to a Blackjack; then North 30 East with the top of thi ridge 40 poles to a Locust bush or top of a knob; then South 53 East 14 poles to a stake in Woodville-John ?on line; thence South with that line SO poles to his Hickory corner; then West with old W- T. Rogers line 74 poles to the beginning, containing >5 acres, more or less. Being the amd lands described in a deed from Frank S. Hill, Trustee, to John H. Dillard, dated February 3, 1930, and registered in the Office of the Rcgiser of Deeds, Cherokee County, in Deed Book No. 104, page 70, reference to which is hereby made. This sale is made on account of lefault in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage jeed, and is subject to all taxes and ussessments against said property, whether now due or to become due. This the 22nd day of November, 1938. TIGER'S CASH STORE By R. N. TIGER. [17-4t-srpc) PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS STORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY, ?In' The Superior Court. FANNY PRESSLEY ?. rERRY PRESSLEY. Let the defendant, Jerry Pressley, akc notice that an action entitled as ibove has been commenced in the superior Court of Cherokee County >y plaintiff, Fanny Presaley, for dirorce from the bonds of matrimony ipon the grounds of separation for i period of two years; that sumirons has issued in said action; and et said defendant further take noice that he is required to appear it the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the "ourthouse in Murphy and answer aid complaint within the time proidod by law, or the relief prayed Carolina Th? will bo granted. Thin November 14. I 1938. I ! J. W. DONLEY, 1 Clerk Superior Court. < (16-4t-p) t NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY 1 PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. ?In The Superior Court. LINDA CLAYTON vs. G- B. CLAYTON 1 j The defendant, G. B. Clayton, will J take notice that an action entitled * as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County, 1 North Carolina, to obtain a divorce on the grrounds of two years separa- 1 tion; and the said defendant will * further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of ! the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the courthouse in ' Murphy, N. C., within thirty days ' after the 18th day of November, 1938, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court fer the relief demanded in said complaint This loth day of November, 1938. J. W. DONLEY ei i- o? -- ? vjivik oupenor c ourt. (16-4t-j.nTii.) NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, made in the Special Proceeding entitled W. S. Dickey, Administrator of Mary Angeline Johnson, deceased, vs. Vaul 1). Cline and husband Ellis Cline, Ida Walker, W. B. Dickey, Ed Lawrence et als, the same ! i \ vouches fo! "VOUCHER" ft It S. i "Voucher", as applied to canc ' that they stand ready to voui tioned payment. The endorse back, and our cancellation, s law?evidence seldom questio: If you do not already use c business bills, come in and fi and economically you can obL i Citizens Ban) ! /0> I ft MURPHY ^ i"4?""5] tgoodt L T 1q-1 Jh'~(*uf> J We Are Also Loc ROYAL CRO NEHI BOTT Frank E. Dickey ? "^mpuwwwin m^mm?? oraday, Dec, 8, 1938. >eing No. 3161 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said County. he undersigned Commissioner will, >n the 19th day of December. 1938, it 1 o'clock P. M. at the Court louse door in Murphy, North Caroina, offer for sale to the highest >idder for cash that certain tract or ot of land lying in Notla Township, Jherokee County, North Carolina, tnd more particularly described a* ollows, to-wit: Being a part of tract No. 55 and ying and being in the fourth District, >eginr>ing on a Hornbean on the f the creek clear across the whole tract to the River to a Willow marked with three hacks; thence down the River as it meanders East to the beginning, containing ninety acres more or less. Being the same lands conveyed by George W. Dickey and line Dickey (later Mary Angeline Johnson) by deed dated December the 13th, 1873, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Deed Book No. 14, page 427, reference to which deed is hereby made for a more complete description of said lands. This the 14th day of November, 1938. W.S.DICKEY, Commissioner. 16-4t-s.d) 4 1 A, One who t _ vUrifVlPt". ? r I W^HMMMMMiB Acans What ays relied checks, is a reminder :h for you in case of quesment of the payee on the ire evidence in a court of ned. hecks to pay personal and j ind out how conveniently ! ain this protection. t k & Trust Co. C.^Vl W ANDREWS :VERYBODY VOTES I SOUTHERN STAR | IE HOTTEST COAL | al Agents For B LING CO. I Murphy, N. C. Eg