irmpr Andrews 1 Ilrl Perishes In i lames At Sylva Mrs Thelma Richards, 25, of1 ( Iva, was burned to death Saturday Lniiiur at 5 o'clock when her home iSylva located in back of the hospi- ( burned to the ground. The build- i twas in flames when the fire was^ hovered ( Hit husband, Carl Richards, embye in a Sylva cafe,, left the house 4 o'clock a. m. to begin his duties < Mrs. Richards apparently had disrtred her home was on fire for she & made an attempt to escape. She ? J gun through two rooms before < t was overcome by the flumes and i ake* i Her husband ran into the building tina s, it is said, in ar? effort to : cut* his wife and on the third trip I seeded in finding her body and 'Ughl her out. She was alive when rescued her from the burning lding but was reoorted dead when i Iis taken lo the hospital here. | < Richards was employed at the I tt grill. is survived by her husband; her s, Mr. and Mrs- Baxter Higdon, nond, and by several brothers ptcrs. body will be taken to Almond y for funeral services Monday. . Richards formerly lived in \\\s and was widely-known and i here. She is a member of the . u-nt Higuon familyiUADY GROVE . Kdd Willix filled his regular it men: Sunday and delivered a ful message on "The Birth 01 . i P. Hawkins was the Sunday ij' visitor of Mrs. John Shields??i' 1 Mrs. Clarence Dean and : ihiren of Copperhill were the "i her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rice, Sunday. J- E. Garland is improving we're glad to report. Homer Kisselburg and mother . Xmas shoppers in Murphy Men and Mrs. G. M. Teague attend- I vices at Mt. Aaron "Church of I -?? aumlay and were guests of ftlr. aml Mis. Elbert JenkinsMaster Oliver Gregory is on the list. We hope he will soon be Veil again. Mis. Vernon Kisselburg is rot im- | Moving very fast. Mi s Nettie Hyde was the guest c' s Iinra Gailand Saturday night mul Sunday. ! think from all reports Edgar ;and Clyde Helton's fox chases ! , I'irncd out to be only an opos-1 I ''m : u-.t. Merry Christmas to everybody. eegal notices notice of the sale of rem ESTATE 0p II CAROLINA, OIIEIiOKEE COUNTY. I <rf^n(!er an<^ ^ virtue of the power 0 : contained in ti ' The Bribery? I : v- ' i 2 tv I M|p' \gj nr.d wife. Bertha Elliott, dated Octo-' ber 8th. 193<1, ana recorded in the of- j lice of the Register of Deeds for } herokee County, North Carolina. Book No. 101? of Deeds on page 57.! he undersigned, Trustee, will, on SATURDAY, the 21st day of Jannary, 1939, at the Courthouse door in Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, at the hour of 11 :00 o'clock \. M., Central Standard Time, offer "or salt? to the highest bidder* for ash, at public auction, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract of land lying in ['herokee County aforesaid, ard more particularly described as follows: Being fully described ir. a certain leed from Oscar Wilson et als to 1 fienry Elliott, recorded in Office of j Register of Deeds for Cherokee Couu- J y in Book No. 96 at page 539, reference to which is hereby made; also lescribcd in Deed Book No. 90 at uigc 391 records of said Register's Office; known as Henry Elliott and Bertha Elliott home place, located on Slow Creek in Murphy Township and being the property on which Henry Elliott and wife, Bertha Elliott, now reside* This sale will be made on account >f default in the payment of the inhbtedncss secured by said deed of trust said indebtedness being due Dr. f. N. Hill. Tho terms of the sale will be: CASH This the 19th day of Decern in ! 9oS. F. O. CHRISTOPER, Trustee (L'l-l-n&c' NOTICE Havirg qualified as Administrator and Administratrix, respectively, of the Estate of Edward K. Adams, late of Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having L-laims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit 1: .a to the undersigned at. Murphy, N. C-, on or before I ho loth day of November, 1939, or this i.oticc will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted : to said estate will please make mi- : mediate payment. This the 15th day of November, i 1938. W. J. ADAMS LILLA M. ADAMS Administrators of. the Es''ate ot Edward E. Adams, Deceased. (lG-6t-G. & C.) NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that Town of Andrews will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the 29th. day ol December, 1938, at ten o'clock, A. M. at the Carnegie Library on Main Street in the Town of Andrews the following real estate. Ileing lots Nor. 7-8 & 9 in block "U" of the original survey of the Town of Andrews made by E. \V. Smith, C. E- on Sept. 30th. 1890. The? right is reserved to accept or reject ny and all bids. !>: :< ! end posted this the 28th. day ? f N 'vc-.J'tT. 1938. rc>\v.x; OF ANDREWS T'.y P- Reagan, Mayor. (18-1: () ' M'Ni TRATOR NOTICE I: ' oa.-.Iified as Administratoi .-ate of J. E. Stewart, late ' . C* virolcee County, . : ' North Carolina, this is 1 i 'y : 11 persons having claims fate of said deceased n In the undersigned Cherokee Scout, Murphy, t Andrews, North Carolina, on or r m fore the 26th day of November, 1 '.-39, or this notice will be pleaded n bar of their recovery. All person- 3 ttdcbU d to the estate will please make ! j uompt payment. | j This the 26th day of November, 1938.' v Z. V. STEWART. Administrator' ?f !- E. Stewart, Deceased. IS-G -pd) ; \ In the District Court of the United States for th<- We.-em District el North Carolina- United States oi Vmerrca upon the relationship and t for the use of tho Ten:?'ssee Valley | \uthoritv. Petitioner, v. Walter Voy- j es, Ethelyn Voyles, his wife; Matie 1 Voyles, individually ami as adminis- ? tratrix of the estate of E. A. Voyles,! ieceased; Bessie Plemmons. James D-! Plemmons, her husband; Elsie Dock-1 try, Bro ad us E. Dockery, her hus- j bard; Hattie Mintz, Noah Mintz, hei | husband; Pearl Han sucker. Nor- j veil E. Hunsucker, her hus- I band; Edith Voyles; Ed: si \ oyles; | >heridan Ramse\; Cord:a Ramsey. I his wife; Ralph Ramsey, Delthia Ram-j i cy, his wife; Ciarl ind Ramsey, Lou-1 belle Ramsey, his wife; Alice Johnson. | a minor, Neil Johnson, her husband; ^ i i ?* ?. .juimson, u minor; Vey John.-on, a minor. Dtyr.u Murphy, Mildred 1 ' 7 a both Murphy, his wife; Unknown heirs, devisees, administrators, execu-' tors, creditors and successors in titie of .Mary B. Murphy, deceased; Lula -U? roney, W. if. Meroney, he iius-] and; \V. M. Bel!, M \V. Bell, as i iustees; M.s. I,. K. (Pearl) Baylr.-s, Mis. J. \\. (Grace 1 'ihorapson. u? A- mitiistrats .e.\s of the estate of A H Brown, deceased; Unknown parties in interest, Respondents: ORDER OF PUBLICATION In the above styled cause it appeared that Walter Voyles and Ethelyn Voyles, his wife, are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, their address being Box 095, Lakeland, Florida; the unknown heirs, devisees, administrators, executors, creditors and successors in title of Mary B. Murphy, deceased, and all unknown parties in interest, whose names, ages, and addresses are unascertained aftei diligent search and inquiry. IT IS, THEREFORE ORDERED that the above respondents appear on or before the 5 day of January, 1909, in this Court sitting at Ashe ville, North Carolina, and then and there make answer to the petition filed in this cause, and assert whatever right, title, claim, or interest they may have in the land herein sought to be condemned. The land condemned is, to wit: Tract FBR-366. A portion of a tract of land lying in the First Civil District of Cheroket County, State of North Carolina, on the left bank of Valley River, approximately 1 mile east of the mouth of Valley River, and more particularly described as follows: A portion of State Survey No. 5, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pip* on the Valley River, at the nortl east corner of State Survey No. 3, a cor ner of the lards of Mary B. Murphy, end E. C- Moore; thence with the Valley River as it meanders upstream approximately 2770 feet to a point, a corner to the land of L. A. Enloe, el ax; thence wih L. A. Enloe's line S d-1 00' E., 20 fee: to an oak tree. S. til 00' E . 50 fee: t-> j point; th ree v. .i: cve:atu\ line S. 20 GO' W., approximately 1050 feet to a point; thence S. 13 00' i. . :.ppre\iiaa.e]y 500 feet to a point; ihellcc S. 6S 00' E.. 400 feet, crossing a branch, to a point ; thenec SGG 30' W. !: 0 feet i.< a ih-nr? S. 5 30' \V., 300 feet to a point; rnence S. 41 00' W., 300 feet to a joint in Mary B. Murphy's line: thence with Mary B- Muiphy's line X. 81? 00' W., 215 foot to the* poi ol beginning, and containing 7.0 acres, more or less, subject to the respondents* rights of access over a j oad to be constructed by the Tennessee Valley Authority through the described land. It is further ordered that this notice ho published for once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper published in Murphy. North Carolina. Done this (> day of Dec., 1938. E. . WEBB. Judge. A true copy test. J. V. Jordan, Clerk, By O. L. McLurd. Chief Deputy Clerk. ( Ir? tlm District Co irr <,( : ie U States for the Western Di-tfiet of > .?! ? h ' din:>. No. 28. United States of Ahu*ri upon the relation and for 'he use of <h Tennessee V: "cy An herity, Petitioner v. Mylus Pat Coleman. Sylvia Coleman, hi wif >ob Be'! Ida Bell, his wife: Swain Development Company. a wif : J. T- McGill, J. T. r-JcGil; North Carolina Th is wife; Mrs. J. F. (Elsa) Daley, J.' Yo Daley, her husband; Dixie Dillard, (E i widow; Thomas Kuffin Dillard. Lu; Iollie Dillard, his wife; Annie Dii -i.ii aid llall, E. F- llall, her husband: Co E. P.ayless, Pearl Bayless, hi Te ife; Elizabeth U. Reagan. widow <1 coi - A. Reaghfl, deceased; Home Mis ru ion Committee of Asheville Pivsby:y. Coi poration; Helen M Allen. V\ ; Allen, h'-r husband; Grace Sat > . J'i. "John" Satterficld, her r.< husband; said name "John" bt- <\ ing fictitious ar*l otherwise unI'.ihiwi. ; Ma; ie M. Young; Maggie '? \V. Scruggs, widow of J. F. Scruggs. : deceased; J- Henry Scruggs, Fannk '-f Park Scrugg . his wife; Richard I Francis Scruggs, Dorothy McGuire gl Scruggs, his wife; William Thomas < ? Scruggs; unk:-?\\n heirs, devisees, ex- ?fl ' tutors. Administrators, and succes- L' . < rs in title of \V. B. Lenoir. n: ?-d; Scruggs Realty Company, a Cm- ' r poration. individually and as officers. I directors, trustees, and stockholders' 1 ? r the Swain Development Company, Corporation in Dissolution. Un-j known officers directors, trustees, ' stockholders, and creditors of the ( Swain Development Company, a Cor- ' poration in Dissolution, WoodburyMauney Lumber Company, a Corporation in Dissolution; \V. K. Woodbury. S Woodbury. T. J Mauney, (V Individually and as officers, directors, j tiustees and stockholders of the;'1 Woodbury-Mauney Lumber Company,' ' a Corporation in Dissolution; Gertrude Woodbury, wife of W. H j 1 | Woodbury; Kate Mauney. wife <?f T j | J. Mauney; Unknown officers, dir?*c* ! j tors, trustees, stockholders, ami cv li- ^ tors of the Woodbury-Mauney Lumber Company, a Corpoiation in Dis ^ solution; L. E. Bayless, Individually and as trustee for R. L- McClain and j j Sam Tate; Alleghany Company, a ? Corporation; Alleghany Mining Com-1 J pany, a Corporation; Alleghany Mining Company of Tennessee, a Corporation; Unknown officers, directors, (tiustees, stockholders and creditors of the Alleghany Company, a C ?rpor ation. Alleghany Mining Company, a 1 Corporation and Alleghany Mining j Company of Temressee, a Corpora 1 tion; The Board of Education of I Cherokee County, North Carolina, a! 1 Corporation; Unknown Heirs, devi-| sees, executors, administrators, arid successors in title of Bob Bel! and Ida Bell unknown parties in interest, Respondents. Order of publication. In the above styled cause it appeared that the following respondents are i.ll ! over twenty-one (21) years of age, are 11011-residents of the State of North Carolina, their residence being shown after their respective names These respondents are Boh Bell and Ida Bell, his wife, Anderson County. Tennessee; S. T- Jones and Katie Lou Jones, his wife, Richard Francir Scruggs and Dorothy McGuirt Scruggs, his wife, and Maggie W Scruggs, widow of J- F. Scruggs, deceased, Sweetwater, Tennessee; J. T. Me Gil I and Mrs. J. T. McGill, his wife, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; J. Henry Scruggs and Fannie Park Scruggs, his wife, DID West End Place, Knoxville, Tennessee; S. Woodbury, 10'JS North Ave., N. E., Atlanta, Georgia; Elizabeth R. .1 ;:gan. Route 2, Sweetwater, Ten- ' William Tho rns Scvaggv. 1 ork Mountain, Tennessee; Helen M ' .Hen and Will Allen, he hii.-' a ..! hi, California; Grace Satterfield J and John Sat: rfield, her husband, j said name "John" being fictitious ; . i otherwise unknown, and Marie M. LOW ROUND $ FOR THE H 1 Spend Christmas and I I 1V2C PER MILE Roui g Good in Coaches Only 1 I ZVac. PF.R MIT E Rniii Good in sleeping cars charges for spac eocci !each mile traveled. TICKETS ON SALE DAILY. DEI Return limit Jam Low Holiday Fares arc also ava East, North, West A!r-Condit:oncd Sleeping Coaches on Tu.~ TRAVEL BY T SAFE?COMFORT AB). See your nearest j P.H. PrP Aftftistant P: | ASHEVILL! r -.r- - 39 -37?3353:: ursday, Dec. 22, 1938 ung. Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. J. F. lsa> Daley and .f. F. Daley, hei >band, c o DuPont Company, Wiinjrton, Delaware; Scrubs Realty mpany. a corporation, Sweetwater. nres-ce, AUegbany Con.: any, a rporation, Alleghany Mining Comt a corpora': n. and Alleghany ui:.g Company of Tennessee, a poration. win se addle- - are unartained after diligent - ;mh and y: the unknown In i>>. d< visees, ecators. administrator:-', succe.-sors it le of Bob Bell, Ida B 1! and W. Lenoir, and the unknown officers, istes, stockholders. and creditors the Swain Development Company, corporation in dissolution, the Alletany Company, Alleghany Mining wnpany, Alleghany Mining Company 1 ennessee, and VVoodbury-Mauney umber Company, and all unknown irties in interest whose names, ages id addresses are unascertained after ligent search and i . -juicy. IT IS, KKKEFORK, ORDERED that the >ove respondents appear on or bene the 5 tlay of January. l_ft:5.9 ?? us Court sitting at Asluville. North arolina, and then and there make nswer to the petition filed in this ruse, and assert whatever right, tie, claim, or interest they may ave in the land herein sought to l?e iiulenined. The land condemned to wit: TRACT FBR 31 A onion of a tract of land lying n B averdam Township and also the ifth Civil District of Cherokee Couny. State of Noith Carolina, on the ight bank of Beaver Dam Creek, approximately 1 2-3 miles northeast of ts confluence with the Hiwassee Uver, and more particularly describ <i as follows: A portion of "State survey Tracts Nos. 135 and 13G" and nore particularly described as folows; Commencing at an 18 inch >ine tree at the top of a ridge and on he east line of State Survey Tract No. 135, approximately 1790 feet in i northerly direction from the southeast corner of State Survey Tract No. HLB5, said tree being a corner of the lauds of Albert Kllby, Southern SUites Power Co., and the C. FRose Heirs; thence with the top of the ridge and the boundary line between the lands of the Southern States Power Co., and the (?. F. Rose Heirs as it meanders in a noi ciiwcsterly direction approximately 730 feet to a stake; thence with a severance line as located on the land of the G. F. Hose Heirs N- 64 00' W., approximately 830 feet to a point in the center- line of Beaver Dam Creek and in the boundary line between the lands of the G. F- Rose Heirs, and M. 1*. Coleman, et u\\ the said point being the point of beginning; thence with the G. F. Rose Heirs' line and the center line of the creek as it meanders downstream approximately 120 feet to a stake, a corner of the lands of the G. F Rose Heirs, and the Southern States Power Co.; thenco ... - - wan tne power Co.'s line N. 61 00 \\\. 585 feet to an oak stump; thence with a severance line X. S.? oO' E., ".50 feet (bearing: and distance both approximate) to the point of beginning. and containing 2.2 acres, more <?r less. I; is further ordered that this notice !>< published once a week for ' >u (4) consecutive weeks in the ( herokee Scout, a weekly newspaper publisher! in Murphy, North Carolina. Hollo till- 6 day of I , lpjs. E. Y. W HUB, Judge. A liui' c.ipy test, J. >. ::n. Cl'Tk, By O. I.' .M l.unl, ^ hie;' Deputy Clerk. (19-4t-tva) TRIP FARES OLIDAYS Mew Year's at Home nd Trip Tickets for each mile traveled. ' id Trin Tifboto in nip liuiiio a on payment of proper | MEMBER 50 TO JANUARY 1 r tilablo to destinations in the f and Southwest. I Cars, D"nln?: Cars and tw-h Trains. RAIN .E?ECONOMICAL Wf I ' ;irt, or write, J JT'T'S Tssenrrer Airent, .-V-. t- >' .ct1

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