I Our Aim ? A Scout, In AtL Every Home ^ B In Cherokee ? THE LEADINi I Vol. 50.?No. 29. SURVEY LAND NEAR HERE FOR TALC MINING WPA Labor Appropriation May Be Made For Local Project Prospective talc-mining operations have been started on the MauneyKinscy property three miles from Murphy by Cherokee Minerals incorporated, of Hickory. The property is situated along the Notla river near the famous Carolina I Talc company mines and is believed to be a part of the same rich vein ilmt runs through this section of North Carolina and into northern Georgia. J. J. Hudiburg, president and general manager of the corporation, is staying here to supervise the operaCnro drilling operations have been started under the direction of Hobert Kivett and J. W. McMillian. If the initial survey proves the property worth working extensively for talc, Mr. Hudiburg hopes to get a new WPA mineral development project appropriation in this county. Approximately $180,000 is being approved for this type of work in this state through federal and state funds. It is understood that several such projects are being undertaken in the . three westernmost counties of the state and it is possible that if an appropriaton is made for mineral prospective work that an office will be located in Murphy to carry on the work in this area. H. A. Bryson, state geologist, has made several trips to this section in connection with these projects recently. Cherokee minerals first began their survey of the famous Mauney-Kinsey property two weeks ago, but bad weather has kept them from active core drilling until this week. If the property proves as valuable ns Mr. Hudiburg expect^ it to, nearly 25 men are expected to bo used on the mining project when it gets under way. "The a*ate will study our survey in connection with our application". Mr. Hudiburg said. "I understand tbev furnish the labor on these proj (World Day of Prayer To Be Held Feb. 24 The World Day of Prayer will be observed by the Christian people of all the churches of Murphy on Friday, Feb. 24, at the Presbyterian church, it was announced Thursday by the Rev. D. H. Paisley, D. D., pastor of the church. The program will be led by Dr. Paisley. Itk will begin at 2 p. m. and last until 4 p. m. The pastors of the other churches and members of their congregations will participate. "Surely when we consider the conditions and problems confronting us in the world today we see the need of prayer", Dr. Paisley said in making the announcement. The public is invited to attend. Still Is Captured In Culberson Area The Cherokee county sheriff's department reported this week the capture of a still in the Culberson community last Friday. Sheriff J. C. Townson, Deputy Sheriff Hyatt and Constable Sheridan Stiles made the capture and destroyed 60 gallons of beer. MASON TO SHIP CATTLE L. L. Mason, Cherokee county dealer, announces that he will .h;? I | car loads of fine local cattle to the I Louisville, Ky., market this week-end. Weather Vane Listed below are maximum and , minimum temperatures for the past , V week compared with the temperatures I for the same period last year. TEMPERATURES 1939 1938 Feb. 8 66 29 60 26 9 64 44 66 30 10 68 56 68 45 11 65 37 73 43 12 58 22 74 38 13 61 22 71 39 14 63 47 68 51 RAINFALL INCHES 1939 1938 Since Feb. 1 5.04 .181 Since Jan. 1 10.61 3.86 ft ciji a WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTI Murpl Families Are Moving ' Here Temporarily Between 5C and 75 families are expected to arrive in Chero- ! kee county by the end of the J week as the result of the TVA's reservoir clearance work. A number of families have already arrived in Murphy and the surrounding community, and more are coming in every day. Vacant houses are being rented and a number of the new families are living in trailers and occupying other temporary quarters. About 250 men will be requir ed on the Hiwaitee Dam basin j clearance force. The work will last approximately four months. A ! ?; nnmK??r nf Inral m#? n fcre being hired for this work. Murphy May Soon Have An Airport Murphy may soon have an airport, it was learned here this week. It is understood that the TV A has oftVicd a tract of land near the Dr. J. N. Hill prope'ty in Murphy foi use as an airpoil if the ciWi .*ni oi Murphy can obtain a WPA Dteject to build it and provide its upkeep. Tho property was recently purchased by the TVA from Dr. llill us part of the Hiwassee Dam ie?ervoir, but it will not be flooded. The property is said to be an ideal landing field. Local citizens are beginning a move this week to petition the WI'A foi rn appropriation to build the airpelt which would be the only one in '.his mountainous section of Western North. Ca? olina. Mrs. W. G. Odom Buried Monday Funeral services for Mrs. W. G Odom, 83, were conducted from the Met)]odist church here Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. Van B. Harrison, the Rev. J. C. Gentry, the Rev. .1. C. Amnions and the Rev. H. L. Paisley, D. D., officiating. Interment. was in Sunset cemetery. YV. D. Townson was in charge of funeral arrangements. Mrs. Odom died Sunday morning at Haycsvillc after a short illness. She was born near Maddisonville, Tcnn.. oij August. 24, 1856, the daughter ol the late Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips. At the age of 35 she joined the Moth odist church in Graham county. Active pallbearers were: Charles Odom, Olen Stratton, Bennie MoGlammery, R. L. McGlammery, Ralph Ham by and June Penland. Flower girls were: Edna Mae Han.by, Sadie June Love, Virginia Ruth Odom. Claudia and Mary Lou Odom, Alwayne Stratton and Billie Stratton. Surviving are: the husband; two sons, J. W. Odom, of Unaka, and W. P. Odom, of Murphy; four daughters, Mrs. R. F. Piercy. of Andrews; Mrs E. L. Herbert, of Hayesville; Mrs. Claude L. Love, of Asheville, and Miss Fannie Odom, of Atlanta, Ga.; a brother, W. R. Phillips, of Madisonville, Tenll., 1 1 grandchildren and six grandchildren. Lawrence Brendle Is Injured In Fall Lawrence Brendle, of Murphy, is in Petrie hospital suffering from , painful but not serious injuries suf- j, ferecj when he fell off a house being torn down on ^ -- . VWV'VI ?V OCA ecu 1 UC5- I day afternoon. Mr. Brendle waa taken to the hospital where it was found he had a broken arm, bruises and a "severe shaking". Hospital attendants said he was improving. , Holland's Store Sold To Watkins at Andrews The business establishment of W. J Turner Holland in Andrews has been sold to J. A. Watkins, also of Andrews, this week, it has been learned. . Mr. Holland ran a generai store . in Andrews handling a full line of dry goods ai.d groceries. Mr. Watkins is a son of Lee Watkins, of And- ' rews, who owns a similar business ' establishment adjoining the one purchased from Mr. Holland. The transaction is one of the larg- 1 est to be made in this section recent- ' 1>'. 1 erukt URN NORTH CAROLINA, COVER1N tiy, N. C. Thursday, Feb CANNERY HOLDS ' ANNUAL MEET HERE SATURDAY Officers Are Elected; Business Discussed By Group The annual stockholders of the Mutual Canning Association met in Murphy Saturday at 10 o'clock. 1 resent at this, meeting was the largest attendance of representative farmers ever attending a meeting oi this sort. Approximately 150 were present at this meeting, every section in this area being represented. Mr. John Parr, administrator of the TV A, presented the 1939 canning contract which met with the most enthusiastic endorsement of any cor. tract even presented to the farmers. John Shields, N. T. Cook, representatives of the PSA, County Agent I on Hulsey of Union county, and A Q. Ketner, county agent of Cherokee County were the officials at this meeting. R? K. Beal, whose present term a: director has just expired, along wit! li. L. Payne, of Union county, Ga. were elected for the present term di rectors. .Mr. Payne succeeds Fran! Gheringalli as director. After the meeting the director: held an executive session to elect of iicers for the ensuing year. The offi cers elected were: J. B. (Burt) Shields, manager; W. M. Fain, president; J. H. Kills, vice-president; R. R ileal, secretary and treasurer. Only routine business was transact ed at the executive meeting and n< definite action was taken as a selec tion of the new site for the cannery Air. Shields stated to the Board tha he had received several offers fron other sections seeking the establish mcnt oi the cannery if Murphy doe; not raise sufficient amount of capita for moving the present building whicl must be vacated m the near future. Cherokee County Bills Passed In Senate Two Cherokee county bills wert passed by the sena e Wednesday am ordered enrolled for prescribes a lengthy schedule of fees for the Cherokee sheriff and provide: that the sheriff receive three peij cent of first $50,000 of taxes collect ed and 2 1-2 per cent of excess. The second measure repeals chap ter 100 of the 1931 public-local law: relating to grand and jury juries o: Cherokee county, and brings Cherokee under the provisions of the gener al laws relating to juries. Home Bill 126, introduced by Rep resentative Clyde H. Jarrett, of And lews: repeals the act which provide* a tax commission for Cherokee coun ty. Class Iri Blueprint Reading To Begin Here The Training division of the TV/ has arranged with Jack Rubensaal tc conduct a Class in Blueprint Read ing and Estimating for Carpenters The course will include a study o: plans and material for culverts, bridges, and some dam construction. The first class meeting will b? held Thursday, February 16, at 7 p m. in the Murphy Elementary schoo Building. All carpenters, wherevei employed are invited to attend this class. Attendance will be credited on thi Personnel Record of all empoyees.ol the Tennessee Valley Authority whe desire it. Independent Basketball Tournament Scheduled An independent basketbaall tour nament will bp ?? ** * - .n inr murpnj gymnasium oil Thursday, Friday, aru: Saturday, February 16, 17, 18. The schedule standing now is as follows: 6:30?Wolf Creek vs Unaka; 7:30? Robbinsville vs Hayesville; 8:30? Murphy vs Culberson; 9:30?Peachtree vs Hiawassee. The finals will be held on Saturday night. fVA EMPLOYEES ARRIVE HERE Among tho number of TVA people who have been transferred to Murihy are Messrs Charles H. Payne, of Knoxville; L. 11. Clauser, of Knoxrille; Thomas H. Griffin, of Knox/ille: and Robert B. Chittenden of Chattanooga. These men are stopping it the Regal Hotel. t #rit( G A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH kJB, 1939 ~5 . "t Refers Prison Camp I Suit To TV A Unit 1 Superior Court Judge Zeb V. < J Nettles, of Asheville, Tuesday referred to the Public Health / Division of TV A an action on ' I the part of a group of Cherokee county citizens to restrain the highway department from build- j ing a new prison camp near Murphy. The petitioners, appearing before the judge in Haywood county Superior court, stated that the sewage from the pro- <( 1 posed new $40,000 camp would ^ contaminiiU ?k? -? ? * ?~ w.t naier supply *i | }, Murphy. i r The highway department recently purchased between 60 s and 70 acres of land from Mrs. v. M. L. Mauney five miles from Murphy on the Hayesville highway for the purpose of build- ] . ! ing a new camp and presumably j, moving the temporary camps at \ "\ Andrews to the new site. j I f r Hearing For i i Frazier To Be i ; Held Monday ?/ i 5 Preliminary hearing: for Charlie f Frazier, of Andrews, who is being i held in Cherokee county jail for the * fatal shooting of Kimsey Wyke, 41-1^ . j year-old Andrews policeman who died | February 8, will be held Monday morning at 0 o'clock, members ol" the t 1 sheriff's department announced this I week. I jitter Frazier had fired a shot gun I i blast into Officer Wyke's shoulder it; I < i front of the Frazier home, he gave j ? - ' himself up to local officers and was | s | placed in jail. ! 3 1 j Officer Wyke was brought to Pe- j ' i I trie hospital in a critical condition i ? 1'iiday night Feb. 3, and steadily 1 v giew worse until he sucumbed tv> | ' the injuries. | * Funeral services were held last i Thursday at Andrews. Frazier admitted he and \v ' * J " ? i I | who had on his uniform hut was no1 1 1 1 j officially on duty the night of the I * | shooting, had been together for sev- * > j eral hours during the evening, and , > I that the shooting culminated a quarrel I r i the two had in front of Frazier's ' c. - home. Frazier will he defended by J. N. | 1 - i Moody and J. 1). Mallonce, both of I 1 > Murphy. R. L. Phillips, of Bobbins- s t ville. will he the proseruting attorney. ' TV A BEGINS WORK ! OF RAISING LEVEL i OF BASEBALL PARK j* Preliminary work has been started * by TVA forces to raise Murphy's *' combination baseball park and Fair ( grounds above the level of the Hiwassee river when the Hiwassee Dam 22 ' miles below here is finished in 19-11. } The ball park would normally be J flooded by the impounded waters, j \ The TVA decided to raise the level I ^ ; of the now unleveitd park above the i * contour line rather than flood it ana i provide another site. | 2 Officials state that the work will ; . begin at once and should be complet- ! * : ed within two moiuiis. | It will not be necessary to move: 1 the Cherokee County Fair oui'ding on j 5 the property, it was stated. 1> Andrews And Murphy c Highly Advertised In 1 'Southern' Directory I A "Directory of Industries" situ- j ated on the Southern railway line has x - recently been issued by the railway < ' company and will be distributed in j I Pullman cars, in hotel rooms and oth- { ; er places where leading: business men of the nation will have access to them. Througrh the efforts of the local J Southern railway station agents, | much information concerning the towns along the route in Cherokee ' county have been included in the in- ^ dcxed volume and is expeted to result in increased business for the towns, j The book is but part of the expens ive work the Southern railway is do- j, ing to advertise the towns along itsj^ route and bring more business into thus section of Western North Caro- . lina. * Mr. Joe Morgan, of Andrews, and 0 Mr. A. N. Hinton, of Murphy, cot up the information for their towns. I ^ The Scout | Brings You HI Weekly All The News TERRITORY ic COPY?$1.50 YEAR \ MMIIAI I1A\(! iitinjnij LIU:W MNNER TOPIC. )F MEET HERE Cherokee County Banquet To Be Held Here February 28 Arrangements for the annual Cherkec county dinner to bo sponsored in turphy by the Lions club was made t a meeting of the club Tuesday light. The date for the annual affair was et as Tuesday night, Feb. 28. It will held in the dining ioom of the 'lethodist church. Committees appointed by Fresident I. G. Elkins are as follows: Arrangenents. Chairman W. A. Sherrill, T. V. Kindley, V. M. Johnson and Jim 'ranklin. Invitations, Chairman K. \ Wright. Sam Carr, Walter Colenan and W. A. Adams. Favors, Chairnan Park Fisher, Frank Ellis and P. Iletin. Decorations, Chairman Vhit Carniichael, Peyton G. Ivie, Vado Massey and the Rev. Van B. larrison. Reception, Chairman W. W. lyde. II. Bueck. W. M. Fain and Mr. 'armichael. The Annual Cherokee county dinner was inaugurated here eight, years 1 go by the Murphy Lions Club. At irst it featured all the different varties of food that could be grown in Cherokee county. But the number of 'arious articles was so large it soon ecame impractical to place them on i table. Now each annual dinner is devoted o some phase of work or some industry in the county and emphasis is daced on that ono thinp at the dinner, iist year Cherokee county's riiversiied mineral deposits featured this neetinp. The product that will feature this ear's dinni r hits not yet been antounced althoufjh the committees are roinc ahead to perfect the dinnei vhirh is . xpectcd to attract about lap "isons front \Y. stern North Caruina. I he Rt v. \ an It. Harrison, Murdty's new Methodist minister. was eelroined in to the dull as a new nember. Discussions of si .v. ?*.! - * . v.viC pI'OJ'ct ; were held during a business sesion of the dub. F. J. Huifiburg, pi s dent and perioral Manager of Cherokee Mineralsncorporated, was present at the necting as a visitor and pave a short alk on the appropriations in various states for the investigtion of mineral >roperties. lie stated a total of about $180,000 n state and federal funds would be nade available in North Carolina, anil idded this was a comparatively small ;um alongside of the amount other dates were appropriating for this vork. It is also generally known that " forth Carolina has one of the largest md most divirsified mineral deposits >f any state in the country. Cherokee Minerals incorporated is prospecting at present, for talc on he Mauney-Kinsey property on the Nlolla river near Murphy, and are ilanninp soon to use a number of lo al employees if the prospecting thows up favorably and a request for m appropriation is granted by the tnfp. \flrs. Tavlor Slirrkti ? ?-s**"y njured Here Tuesday Mrs C R. Taylor of Murphy, navowly escaped serious injury here 'arly Thursday morning:. She was accidentally struck by a pick-up truck Iriven by Mr. John Odell. Mr. Odell ushed her to Petrie hospital where t was found that her injuries were >nly slight. Mrs. Taylor and her husband later eft for Asheville where Mr. Taylor vho has been connected w.th the Shoal Creek-Hiwassee Ds?m roadwork or the state highway department has H'l-n transferred. \rmy Store Begins 21ose-Out of Goods Th Asheville Army Store will begin; oday (Friday) selling the bankrupt tock of goods of the Mallonee and Davidson store in Murphy. The stock of goods was purchased >y the present owners at public aucion last week. They announced they will close out 11 of the goods in the store at exeptional bargain prices, a number f which are listed elsewhere in this tsue of the Cherokee Scout.