{^Business Women s jBirde Has Meet I [ ; i:., - M onu n Cin ! * of th ,-t t hurcii he.d its legunu .T -Miriam Allen on . iiut-vk presided over the liieel 1 el topics of the om 11 "'it-aching an important ng Great Com miss ton'* by Jjjj v iede, and "The Minis' by aIis. \Y. M. Lay. f ?/! a ourned after a short bus ne ni si l he circle will meet 1 agn n on AprM I nt at toe meting were: Mrs. Cyas White, Mrs. It. JD. Chandler, Mr ;. ,n C iatcford, Al?>. W .?i. L.. > , Mrs 1. Dueck, Mrs. \Y. A. Paper, j. \Y. Davidson, .Mrs. Miriam Alloa m D'?rothy Lide. church notices BAPTIST | Kev. J. C. Amnions, Pastor BBR> 4"> A. M.?Sunday School, Noah I J& ngood Supt. >0 A. M.?Morning Worship 1:00 P. AI. Training Union :C0 I*. M- Evening Worship :00 P. M. Wed, Prayer Service Choir rehearsal Velcome to all to worship with us. IWt, 1 HUD15T Th< Rev. Van B. Harrison. Pastor.. Services each Sunday at the church Sunday School?9:45 a. mChurch services?11 a. m. & 7 p m. Epworth league?6:15 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday nights at 7 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Henry L- Paisley, D. D. Pastor ^ Preaching at 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 fcg.Di - Paisley will preach both nu?rnPnMf and evening here next Sunday. The jaBBrmon topics are: Sunday morning, **The Early Church: Its Simplicity", anci Sunday evening, "The Early Church: It's Message". r . Note the change of the hour for the evening service is from f> o'clock to 7 o'clock. Mt. Carmel Baptist } Rev. E. A. Beaver, Pastor Rev. (iraham, Asst. Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School, Ciydc Melliran, Sept. 11:00 A. M. Church Services. G:??9 P. M. Training Union 7:30 1'. M. Church Services ESS 7:0() P. M. Wed. Prayer Services. Wol< iinv to all to worship with us | ' : Mrs. Nina M. Dean and Mrs. W. J. Alexander and son. Walter. of Spruce Pine, visited their daughter and sister, Mis Linnetta Dean, a few days this J week. lack Christopher ar.d Jled Sduiyler. were visitors at Iliwa.-see Duni Tuesday [ (Miss Linnetta P-an visited her par .Mils, in Spruce Pine over the week- I end JM; Mine Kichardson and Hope Yeeirer s"ent last Friday in Asheville. 4 fr 'j | 7Ae I Glam&i jf&i Qlamoub f !! u, I I i! , i I _ :i _ li It 1 JM D S AN ANSWER IN $E-l2N& I The Aristocrat I of Exquisite Hosiery |Step lightly in a SE-LING ^eheer as you glide to the strains of the latest sv/in.j, i tune. Its exquisile 2-thi ead ! ft sh- J' ' ss issouHer. DAVIDSON & MclVER The Ch PERSONALS Fiam; Ddiiunty. of Now man, Ga., :.?i Airs. b. c turistopher, of Atlan!ta, Ga., v.v.e n we k-eiivl gu?>is ol G. K. Aiasiicy. Miss Mary C:tth??*n Ileiisi* y, M . and Mis. L. I>. Schuyler. a.iu J..... Christopher spent l i t Wo Iik s .ay u the Dam. Mr. J. X. M' o.ly. J a k Christ* pho., ?ru! L. 1>. (*cnuyicifN met Mr. Ra p. ii.ouy, of Raleigh m Syiva 1 JtS.il*.*. I .yde Sliced and C. A. Swaiai w,.-r* n R' me. Ga., on bu>ir.cs.; Saturday. Mr -. Vesta Hensicy and Misses i mil Aiarv Cathron Hensicy visited Mis. Paul Sneed in Copperiiill Kit day. Misses Annie Ruth McLaughlin. Mary Fiizabclh Preston, and Bill it Brysoii. of Culiowhce, spent Sunday w;th Miss Nell McLaughiin. Winston <. Ki.^' and Verlon Newman, of Ducktown. were in Murphy Sunday afternoon. Mi . Bessie Dcweese, Mrs. Maurice Gentry, Mi > Mary Cathron Hensicy, Katherinc Ah -mathy. and little Julia Ann Nichols spent Wednesday in Ducktown and Copperhill visiting Mrs. Frank Crawford and Miss Fannie Deweese. Kate Gray and Magdalene Cooke -pent last week-end in Dal:on, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bunts, of Rockville, Conn., were visitors at the Regal Hotel this week. While here, they visited Mrs. John C. Campbell at the Folk School in Brnsstown. Mr. R. W. Graeber, of Raleigh, was in Murphy Monday and Tuesday on | uuMiiess at wie i ounty Agents UIfice. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butcher will leave for Jackson, Tenn. Saturday where they will visit Mrs. Butcher's family. Mr. Butcher will return Monday hut Mrs. Butcher will remain with her family for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holt who ae connected with the TV A will arrive March 15th and will live in the Toxvnson Apts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyd of Guntersville, Ala., are living in the Towiisoii Ai ts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Denny and baby and AL Leila Dickey spent last week-end in LaFollctte, Tenn. P. J. Henn was in (harlot i on j nisim s Mond.-.y and Tuesday. M.\ and Mrs. H. K. S.ibv and son, j Boyce, of Abirphv, visited their dau-| :bi.er and sister, Mrs. li. CI. Williams, f i" nr n. 1 t week-end. W. W. Cludger 1 - returnei Florence, S. C. on a business 1 t ip. Air. ami Airs. Jones who are with lie TV A have taken an apartment a. ho Dickey House annex. Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Lee Mynatt and little daughter, 1> tty, of Dayton, I enn., spent, the w. . k-end wild Ml .-. \iynatt'. | arents, Mr. and Mis. L. K. Jarnet j. Mrs. l\ J. Henn roturne 1 Friday from Asheville win re .-he has been .isiting for the past week. Hubert McC'aig, of Florence, Ala., who has been visiting his brother and .ister, Air. and Mrs. Felton AlcCaig, I t !>.. 1- t_4*. f --.. u: . u --- I . w. n.v WV-VIX. 1CH K'l III >. lilJlUC j I Sunday. Airs. Frank Crawford and son, tew, and Jimmie Crawford, ol opporliiil, visited Mis. ( iawford .l.olhei, Ai; -. Bessie Dt'Wi-i'.- , Sunday. ii.. 1 and IVarl Whichard, siudi :.i* it Young Harris Collide, spent t.. .wek-cnit Willi their paivuts, Dr. and .?irs. Ai. i\ Whicliard. Air. and Airs. E. A .Browning and dr. and Airs. Nelson Heiisley spent Sunday in Copperhill. Mrs. A. E. VestaJ and daughter.1 icssarninc, and Harvey Elkins were! hupping in Atlanta Friday. Guy Carter and daughters, Carolyn 1 and Jean of Ashcville, were visitot | m Murphy Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. I' arker and , .laughters, Elizabeth, and Airs. Bill I Darnell and little son, Gordon ,have ; returned to Murphy in.in a two weeks vacation in Florida. Mr. and Airs. Ralph Smith, of Ilay-{ csvillc, were visitors in Murphy last J Tuesday. Mrs. Florence Lucas spent Sunday and Monday in Ashcville visiting her , sister. George Grevis and Eric Tipton, of Copperhill, were in Murphy Sunday. Misses Juanita Vestal and Dorothy Lahn, who are atttending Business College in Knoxville, were visitors n Murphy Tuesday. They were acompanied back to Knoxville by" Airs. Lillian Lahn who has been visiting here for the past two days. Herman Akin, who has beer, visitng his parents, Mr. and Airs. R. A. Vkin, has returned to Raleigh where .e is a page in the Legislature. Dr. H. C. Grossman, of Pittsburg. j nd Dr. Steele, of Charlotte, were i I'nner guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. j oi Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaye visited j Mrs. Kaye's parents in Atlanta Sunla:.-. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Toler and j laughter, Mellicent, of Young liar-; is. were visitors in Murphy Tuesday, j Mr. Paul Scofield, of Asheville, is I visiting his wife, the former Miss* Martha Akin, this week. erokee Scout, Murphy, I CALfNDAR of COMING fVf NTS ? Mr. ami Mi . Cary, of the John C Campbell Folk School, who were u make talks at th Methodist Churc; v.iairy - . v fiit.ii, M irca ]have p >-* thi engage <1 t ? the ev at j. el vice of March 2G.': 'i h?- Kvcring C. le ??t" the Pix by e. A'.xiiiaiy wi.i au- * on Mondav livening. March 1? at 7:30 with Mrs Geoige Phillips at her apartment in the Adams building. * The Young Woman's Auxiliary ol the First Baptist Church will meet vitli Mrs. Joe Ray Monday evening March 13, at 7:15. 'The M :rphy Womans Club wil meet in the club rooms next Wedneslay, March 15 at 3:00 p. m. The program will be { resented by student^ of W. C. T. C"., of Cullowhee alid then instructor Mrs. Laura McAdams. Ai members are urged to attend this pro] gram which will be built around dorr, drama. CARD OF THANKS TIT .... ??i' want to tnanK me many friend: for their kindness and sympathy .shown us during the sickness an< death of our darling baby, Mary Fran ces and also for the beautiful flora* offering. ce, and also for the beautiful flora THK PRICK FAMILY LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By order of the Board of Count? Commissioners of Cherokee County the Mayor and Board of Aldermei of the Town of Murphy, and th< Mayor and Board of Aldermen of th< Town of Andrews, under the pro visions of the Statute the following property will be offered for sale a the courthouse door of Cheroke* County, X. C. on April, 3rd. 1939 ..t ten o'clock, A. M. (C. S. T.) time Verm, of sale one third cash, on* third in one year ami one third ii wo years -unpaid balance to be secured by a first deed of trust bear ing six per cent, interest. The righ i- iv i rve b ?,k X >. 12a p: .">32 for definiti description. Known us \V. \I. Graham landcor -i yi d to fh.-t. !>. . County liy K K. li. N'orvell, < -v. : v . 12-"> puRo for dclinito dos eript ion. IWIIIIIHiill II IU I 5^jfe.~OTZSC.?S3 7,000 Miles And They Still Look NEW! A good pair of shoes should last you two years. They will if you have them repaired regularly by our LAMAC WELDING D A I UVCOS CALL 159 MURPHY LAUNDRY J. G. (Griffy) Haney, Operator North Carolina Known as Walter Graham lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E i?. Norvell. ( '.mm. See deed book. No 125 page 530 for definite description Known as Spencer Crain lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E B. N 1. ('".Mm. See deed beck N 125 | g 538 for definite description Known as the Laura Crain lands? ' ?. d : > ( 'u iokee County by E 1 I>. Norvell, Coin, see deed book No 125 page 12 I'd- definite descripti* *. Known : W. D. Jump lands?convey. i >> i'!i. l-i.kei' County by E. B \ . < m.: . See deed book No. 125 page 5i4 for definite description Known ; Emery McKinnoy kit d?conveyed to Cherokee County ' \ 1>. H. Tillitt. Comm. See deed book No. 125 page S"> for definite description. Know. HS Hnml.v lo?l , to Cherokee County by K. I?. Nor veil, Comm. See deed book No. IK! paurt 5uG for definite description. ' Known as Waldo lands?-convey-c r.? ('in- kee County by K. B. Norvell Comm. See deed book No. 10G page 183 for definite description. Known as C. L). En trek in lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by K ' B. Norvell. Comm. See dee 1 book No K G page lKs f- r definite description Known as O. O. Synder lands?con veyed to Ch? rokeee County bv E 1?. Norvell. Comm. See deed book No * 104 page 220 for definite descrip j tion. Known as A. L. Postell lands?con j veyed to Cherokee County by E. B Norvell, Comm. See deed book No j 10G page 225 for definite description Known as W. T. Moore lands?con . veyed to Cherokee County by D. II Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. Ill page 20 for definite description. Kwonw as B. A. Hamby landsconveyed to Cherokee Couney by E B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No / 113 page 30 for definite description Known as Jesse Young lands?con 1 veyed to Cherokee County hy E B ' Norvell, Comm. See deed book No ' 113 page 505 for definite description Known as Lucinda Allman lands?] ? conveyed to Cherokee County by E t B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No 'j 113 page 507 for definite descrip tion. Known W. II. King, lands?con I to Cherokee County i y K. B i X' .> !], Comm. See deed book No IPG page 18 > for definite description \. .i a .Mi km I iyati lands '"onv yed to Cherokee County by 1) i s . < ma. See deed book No Cm definite description c Comstack lands ?|i??<>k No. . 125 page .'101 for definite d. .dipt ion. Known a< Jim Rtdu-rt-on la-ids? conveyed ? ? Cherok? C mty b\ K H. Xoi veli. Comm. S i " i. No. 1 Ob page 182 Tor del mite <: ij tioii. Kncwn as Pascal Painter landsconvey d to C:i' !oiiee C? 'J.ry and Town of Andrews by 1). H. Tillitt. Comm. See deed book N->. 118 page 101 for definite description. . Known at \Y. T. Palnu r la i ds ? conveyed to Town of Audi . by I>. il Tiilitt, Commissioner. Se- deed for [ definite description. Known as \Y. li. Conley lands?see deed front Lb H. Tiliitt, Comm. to Town of Andrews for definite des. ci iption. ' Known as \V. O. Pat ton lands? ' ccnwyod to Cherokee C un'.y and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norveil, , Com.:'., See deed book No. 116 page ' 367 for definite de.-eription. Known a C. C. Ghormley lands? conveyed to ("hcrokt e (' unty and 11 own of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, j( o.i m. See deed book No. 116 page -S ?i for definite desciiption. Known as Frank Coleman lands? c?>n\eyed to Chei?k.< County anil Town of Murphy by K. B. Norvell. Comm. See deed book No. 116 page 363 for definite description. Known as S. S. C. Mount lands conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. l- > page 540 for definite description. Known as Martha Palmer hinds- conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, 5 Comm. See deed hook No. 11C page 373 for definite description. I )ated and posted this the 3rd day of March, 1939. T. P. CALHOUN Chairman Board of Commissioners of Cherokee County, N. C. f. B. GRAY, Mayor of Town of Murphy, N. C. P. M. KEAGAN, Mayor of Town of Andrews, N. C. (32-4t-c.co.-&-t.ofm-iofa) ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as administrator -: for the estate of Miss Margaret Kin caid. deceased, late of Cherokee Coun. tv. North Carolina, this i- to notify -jail persons having claims against the - estate of said deceased to exhibit . them to tlie under.-igned at Murphy, .'North Carolina, on or before the 10th . day of March, 1940, ?>r this notice - will he pleaded in bar of their recov. cry. All persons indebted to said es . tate will please make immediate payi. ment. This t.he 8th day of March, 1939. . 1>. M. REKSE. li ' Administrator of Miss Mnr(3--6t-chg) gaivt Sign en id dee'd obile's nation contest now / acquainted with the new Olds low-priced car. That's why I nationwide contest March 1 i 31 big Olds Sedans as prizes. r 6-/if en away in march f ^ooi 11 duuui \jiub nancuing ease, 5, extra-vision body, quality fea:n, fill out an Official Entry Blank ie Official Blank to be eligible) and ay just what impressed you most, le at Lansing, Mich., and it will prize corresponding to the date n, of course, so get busy today ! OFF/C/41 RULCS TRY BIAAUC EVR0LET ?0. North Carolina