Our Aim ? A Scout In i|vf Ift^l Every Home Imjrjv IJj | In Cherokee THE LEADING Vol. 50.?No. 33. I OPPOSING BILLS |? ARE INTRODUCED 1 BY LEGISLATORS | Jarrett, Morphew Measures Before House, Senate Before house committees are cinflicting measures on the terms of office for the Cherokee county board of L commissioners. The senate-approved measure, introduced by Graham's Senator Jack Morphew, would extend the terms of office of the present board of commissioners to the first Monday in Def cember, 11)42, and provide for four- year terms beginning with the l'J42 election. I T1 1 * " " ' ? * -I fine nuute measure, oeiore judici- J ary No. 2, introduced by Cherokee's Representative Clyde H. Jarrett, . would provide for four-year terms of * office for ihe county board of com , missioners, surveyor and constables I beginning with the next election. i It is another case of conflict be- j tween Republican ami Democratic j leaders. Jarrett is a Republican and j Morpbew a Democrat Morphew Bill The Morphew bill would provide: "Section 1. That the county commissioners, now holding office in ^ Cherokee county, shall serve in sucn y capacity until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hun- p dred forty-two. Sec. 2. At the general election for ] cj the year one thuosand nine hundded ; n forty-two and quadrenially thereaftter, there shall be elected in Cherokee j ^ j county by the qualified voters there- | o Continued on back page | , f ci J. H. Hampton L Is Renominated p ai By Federation J. II. Hampton was nominated to succeed himself as a director of the ? Farmers Federation at a meeting of the co-op's stockholders of Cherokee, * Clay and Graham counties Saturday i afternoon in the Murphy warehouse. ' More than a hundred people attended the meeting and heard brief duuicaoca uy iiami'S Vj. IV MCUIUI'6) Federation president, and S. C. Clapp, J1 head of the co-op's seed department. " In reporting of the Federation's 1S financial status, Mr. McClure announced that the organization now P has a surplus fund slightly in ex- n cess of $100,000. a A local advisory committee was re- <:l Jected as follows: Cl D .Witherspoon, Murphy, Chair- a man; R. B. Slaughter, Robbinsville, Dillard Orr, Santeetlah; W. T. Bum-1 * garner, Hayerville, R. F. D.; F. G. ' ? Waldrop, Hayesville; B. P .Grant, An drews; W. A. Adams, Murphy; Clyde I C McNabb, Murphy Route 2; U. S. G. ; Phillips, Unaka; J. H. Hampton, Murphy Route 2; John Tatham, Andrews. s Mr. Hampton, who was renomi- v nated for a two-year term as a di- ~ rector, has served in that capacity since the Cherokee-Clay-Graham unit n was organized a little over a year a n ago He is one of ttwo representatives of this unit on the Federation's board, the other being D. Witherspoon, whose term extends for another year. Nomination of directors are made at county meetings of stockholders and all nominees come up for election at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the entire organization. Nomination usually, however, is tantamount to election. Music was furnished at Saturday's meeting by the Federation's string trio, and at the conclusion of the meeting coffee and cakes were served. SENATE KILLS ANDREWS TOWN ELECTION BILL Representative Clyde H. Jarrett ? bill to provide for non-partisan elections in the town of Andrews, Has been killed in the senate. The senate committee on elections laws, headed by Graham's senator Jack Morphew, reported the v bill unfavorably which, in view of I f th? senator's opposition, has the ef- v feet of killing it. It passed the house several weeks ago. The Jarrett measure would have provided for -non-partisan municipal elections in Andrews. it Jf WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WEST Murphy, >EEK 2 MURPHY GIR1 -IOMES SINCE LAST Two pirls, of *110 Fain Mountain section, one mile from Murphy, are being sought by their parents here. They have been missing since Monday evening when they left their homes to attend a picture show in Murphy. They arc: Miss Dnada Dawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dawson, and Miss Eula Mae Ashe, daughter of Mrs. Omio Ashe. Mrs. Dawson reported Wednesday that she feared the girls may have met with foul play as neither had given any indication of leaving home or had m et ari*d for it Miss Dawson is 18 years old, has black ha it, brown eyes, medium LIONS CLUB TO \ID IN RAISING CANNERY FUND Discuss Building of New Golf Course Near Murphy Lions club committee to raise fund: or the assurance of the Mountair alley Mutual cannery here during le coming season was appointed b> resident Harve Elk ins Wednesday fter an appeal had been made to the lub at its regular meeting Tuesdaj ight. Those named to raise a portion ol le $1,500 necessary for the erection f a building were: W. A Sherrill nairman; Frank Ellis and Jim Frank n. John E. Barr, head of the Land 0 he Sky Mutual association, of Wayesville, and TVAC administrator, ap eared before the club at its meeting nd explained the benefits to the busiess men of the town and the farmers i tnis section that resulted from the poration of the cannery here. Continued on back pag< )ead-Line For Seed Applications Nearing All applications for emergency nd seed crop loans must be made at n early date or their benefits may e lost, County Agent A. Q. Ketnei advising Cherokee county farmers. Although the closing date for aplications has not been set, they will ot be taken much longer he said. Tht pplications may be made in the aunty agent's office in the Murphy ourt house on Saturday morning nd Monday of each week Ketner stated that it takes from 0 to 15 days to get applications ap roved after they are received OFFICERS ATTEND TRIAL Policeman Neil Sneed and Contable Sheridan Stiles are in- Atlanta here they are witnesses in the trial f four men of the Warne section oi ieorgia who are charged with kidapping. The officers arrested tht ion here last January. 4BH|B?^5355^*1 mfJM$S?&!&+ ,-i^iHf VPA BOOKMOBILE IHEROKEE, 5 OTHER A newly acquired asset in tho famished by the WPA to serve Chr ern North Carolina, Clay, Graham, ] The expenses of this project ai the WPA, the County Commissi^ , trulkti ERN NORTH CAROLINA, COVERING N. C. Thursday, Mar. 16 LS MISSING FROM MONDAY EVENING i complexion, is about five feet, five inches tall, weighs about 130 pounds, and was dressed in a red waist, gray skirt and blue coat. Miss Ashe is 16 years of age, five feet, two inches tall, has fair skin, blonde hair and brown eyes. The girls have been companions for years and neither had given their parents any trouble or had been involved in any home affairs. Mrs. Dawson said the two left for the picture show in good spirits. She said her daughter had not taken some money she had saved up or carried any clothes with her. The disappearance was reported to the sheriff's department here. I Gentry Connected With Funeral Home : Pat Gentry, above, is now connected with the Townson Funeral Home J ; in Murphy. Mr. Gentry, who, several years ago : was with the same firm, is a grudu ato of the Cincinnatti College of Emhalming. He completed his study there i in 1926. He is a certified plastic sur- j geon. For 11 years he was senior mortician for the Bernstein Funeral Home of Athens, Ga. Mr. Gentry is married and has three daughters, lie plans to move his fam| ily to Murphy in the near future He , is licensed in Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina. 1 Park Fisher Donates ! 56 Volumes To Library r Fifty-six volumes of fiction and non-fiction were donated to the Mur- i i phy-Camegie library Park Fisher, j faculty member of the .John C. Camp-1 bell Folk School at Brasstown, it was ! revealed here Tuesday by Miss Josephine Heighway, librarian. The books were as follows: five vol umes of "War On All Fronts'*; 12 i volumes of Richard H. Davis; 10 volI umes of "World's Great Events"; one r volume library; 25 works of Bret Harte; "Outline of Knowledge", Vol ume 13; "Lady of the Lake", and "The Hysteria of Lady Macbeth." i ^ ^ -1 I MURPHY TO SERVE W. N. C. COUNTIES lino of Library work is the book truck rokee and adjoining counties of WestMacon, Swain, and Jackson, e financed by the county it is serving, and the Regional Library Service. e ?>ni A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH , 1939 Plan Huge R Program For JURIES DRAWN FOR APRIL TERM OF COURT HERE f O * A * I warge criminal And Civil Docket Faces Judge Nettles 1 Superior court juries for the trial of cases before .Judge Zeb V. Nettles, ! of Asheville, when court convenes for j a two-weeks session of criminal and ; civil cases on Monday, April 28, have : been chosen by the board of county 1 commissioners here. At the session Charley Fain. 2f>- ; year-old Murphy Negro now being' held in Asheville jail, will be tried for assault on a nurse and the robbery of $9() from a patient at Whitfield hospital here the night of January 28. Nearly 200 cases of all descriptions, including those carried over from previous dockets, are scheduled for trial Continued on back paqc Sheriff Gets Four More Stills In Three Raids Sheriff Carl Townson continued his drive against illegal manufacturers of whiskey in the county this week by bringing in four stills and destroy-1 ing a large amount of beer. Thursday the sheriff's department confiscated two stills under the house of Jim Hardin in the Valleyt own area and poured ont 120 gallons of beer, i Ed Hardin was arrested and released Wednesday under bond for ap- \ pearance for trial in Superior court, i Both stills?a 65-gallon outfit and i a 35-gallon out-fit?were found under i the house. Those making the* raid were: Sheriff Townson and Deputies Patton Coleman and Richard Meroney. On Friday the sheriff and Deputy Coleman obtained a 21-gallon still on the head of Pisgah. No arrests were made. Saturday another raid was made and a 40-gallon outfit was obtained on Long Branch. No arrests were made. Those making the raid were Sheriff Townson, and Deputies Meroney and Hurt McBrayer. | Regal Hotel Undergoing j Extensive Repairs Here ! Extensive repairs are being made to the interior of the Regal Hotel here by the Savage Brothers, the proprietors. In preparation for the coming tourist season, all rooms are being refinished and redecorated. The work is expected to Iki completed 111 about six weeks. Other repairs are being made to the interior of the building and new furniture is being added, according to the proprietors. Soil Program Checks C? C:?:? %vuu/ * UI Ulglllllg All Applications for payments under the 1938 soil program are ready for signatures of Cherokee county farmers eligible to receive payment under the act, County Agent A. Q. hetner has announced. All farmers have been notified to this effect, he stated, and if the applications are not signed soon, the payment of some may be delayed indefinitely, he warned. Schedule Of Forestry Pictures Announced The Forestry Moving Picture sche- i dule for next week is as follows: March 20?Buck Knob School March 21?Boiling Springs School March 22?Unaka School March 23?Hangingdog School March 24?Hanger School All programs begin at 7:00 p. m. and the Public is cordially invited to attend. There is no ad mis. ion charge for the shows. ^ The Scout Brings You [ 111 Weekly All The News TERRITORY 5c COPY $1.50 YEAR ecreational ' Murphy Ci.. A uiuuj/ >jiuuici /appropriation, Site For New Project A group of local citizens mot here Wednesday night to discuss a fat reaching recreational program for the Town of Murphy. It was revealed at the meeting that approximately $35,000 in Wl'A funds were available to the town for work along this line, and it was planned to solicit TV A assistance in providing a golf course and recreational center for the benefit of the town and to aid in the solicitation <>f tourists when the TVA's Hiwassee Dam is completed. T. A. Case was elected chairman of the group and lie appointed a committee to study local recreational projects and report back .A another meeting on Friday night. Those named on the committee were Dr. 15. W. Whitfield, Paul Owenby. Harry Bishop, W. Allison .'herrill and T. W. Kindley. The committee plans to inspect several sites with a view to establishing a golf course, a modern swimming pool, a community building, tennis courts and other recreational facilities. The program has long been considered a necessary one here. With WPA funds available and the acquisition of property by the TV A and subsequent formation of a huge lake atoumi Murphy, the group hopes to obtain a modern recreational center at a minimum cost to the town. Means of financing the program and selection ol a site were discussed in detail by the group. Following the report of the commit tee on Friday night, the group will contact WPA ami TVA officials to formally solicit the aid of these agencies and get the program underway. At present Murphy's only facilities of this kind is a small combination baseball park and fair grounds and a frame one-room building. The Fail grounds are being elevated to a level above the contour line of the lake formed by the Hiwassee dam, and completion of the project is expected within several months. Those attending the meeting besides the chairman and members ol the committee were: Mayor J. B. Gray, Horry Sword, Bon Alexander, J. H. Pitzer, C. E. Hyde, Frank Ellis, Sam Carr, James B. Ward, Jaek Blaire. ami C. 1). Mayfield. NO CANDIDATES YET FILED FOR TOWN ELECTION With elections for the Town of Murphy set for Tuesday, May 2, no announcements for mayor or board of aldermen have yet been filed, according to E. O. Christopher, town clerk. The Murphy town board is elected on a non-partisan ticket and consists of a mayor ami six aldermen composed of three Democrats and three Republicans. Ilenry Hyatt has been designated as registrar for the coming election and Idris Adams and Hugh Brittain will be judges. Registration books will be open the first four Saturdays in Anril. and th?? fifth Saturday will be challenge dn>. Fire Truck Repaired The Murphy fire truek has been completely repaired and is ready for call in case of emergency. The truck broke down during a call to a fire 10 days ago. Weather Vane I .isted below are maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall for the past week compaied with similar data for last year. TEMPERATURES 1939 1938 8 66 3d 65 23 !l 73 81 r>9 30 10 70 88 40 42 II 71 54 56 40 12 70 50 64 28 13 67 35 70 39 69 30 69 55 P :FALL INCHES 1939 1938 P March 1 3.51 3.12 c lanuary 1 18.80 8.78

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