F PETRIE | HOSPITAL NEWS I Mrs. \Y ilia i d Moore, Route 2, Murptiy, has satisfactorily recovered and ]5Eturue. and Mrs. H. F. Brandt, Warne, I Z., announce the birth of a baby ' Feb. 26th. Mother and baby have ! vered and returned home, jhn Wessley Kcenum, Suit, is i dly recovering from a hernia ation performed a week or ten eecher Wiggine, age 11, son of and Mrs. Ross Wiggins, Robbins, N. C., has recovered an operafor ostemyelitis, and returned home. BbMis. Mary Miller, Louden, Tenn., admitted a few days ago, suffering from injuries received in an accident, id improving. Sfe" Mary Sue Brandon, age 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brandon, Irphy, underwent a tonsil operation day and was dismissed Saturday. Vlr. and Mrs. Lawton Gregory, rphy, announce the birth of a son. rch 6th. Mother and baby arc ng nicely. Sdward A. Ilyatt, Murphy, admittsome days ago, critically ill, has moved satisfactorily and returned ne. VIrs. Jack Shuler, Robbinsville, N. underwent on operation Monday 1 is resting more comfortobly. itay Brooks, age 18, mos. son of . and Mrs. Frank Brooks, Tomotla. nitted some time ago suffering m burns received in an accident, i improved and has been dismissed. Vlr. and Mrs. Paul Schoffield, 23 Asheland Ave.. Asheville, N. C., arnounce the birth of a daughter, March 6th. Mother and Baby are*doing nicely Mrs. Scoffield was formerly Miss Martha Aiken of Murphy. j^HMrs. Bob Scroggs, Brass town, who has been receiving treatment has re-1 covered and returned home, her many frii snds will be pleased to know. Mrs. James Frankum, Route 2, MurIttghy. underwent a major operation Sunday and is improving-, i ( Emory Anderson, Murphy, has rcHfiovcred from an operation performed Hiome days ago, and returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, MurBfchy. announce the birth of a daughter j [j^farch 5th. Mother and baby are m \ E Mil it I has his b ' J Prices < M equipment K| they are, ai ing as good M you'll agre never wasi ?8 a dollar wo I so much i 1 and quality B in our show B We cordially invite yot B convenience and see th m yes we have in home ai U YOU'LL BE i || THEIR LI I SOUTHERN STATES l| Phone 1 The Cherokee Scou rapidly improving. Lawrence Brendle, Murphy, has been dismissed alter receiving; treatment from injuries sustained in an accident. L.oyd Doekery, age 5, son of Mr and Mrs. b rank Lockery, Murphy, ati mitted this afternoon, suffering from i decorpressed fracture of the skuii underwent an operation and is doni.s well as could be expected. Llojd was kicked by a horse. Mrs. Thomas Truett, Culberson. admitted some days ago for treatment has recovered and returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Pry or Hamby, Unaka announce the birth of a baby boy, < Feb. 2th. Mother and baby are doing j nicely. Mrs. T. J. Ledbetter, Santeetlah, , N. C., underwent a tonsil operation J Wednesday and was dismissed Thuis\ day. ( i Mrs. Amelia Curtis. Andrew.nd. I m it ted Sunday, very ill, remains little < improved. i Mary Evelyn Carringer, ape 9. | | daughter of Mrs. Ruth Carringer, ; Murphy, under went a tons'd and 1 adenoids operation last week. ] Miss Edna Garrett, Marble, N. C., 1 Route 1, was operated Saturday for ( acute appendicitis and is doing nicely. < Alfred Deschamps, age 15, son of I Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Deschan.ps, Brass- ' town, underwent a tonsilectomy Fri- < day and returned home Saturday. M ss B'vncne Kiavcr. Hiawnssee. < M. C., underwent a major operation 1 Saturday and Is rapidly improving. Othelia Conley, age 3 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Conley, ' Andrews, underwent an operation for ' the removal of her tonsils and adenoids Friday and returned home Saturday. \ Henry Dotson, Turtletown. Tenn., Route 1, underwent a major operation Thursday and is satisfacotrily improving. Danny Teague, age 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Teague, Culberson, admitted Monday, suffei ing from burns, is doing as well as could be ' expected. Mrs. William Smith, Andrews, was I operated Monday fo?- acute appendi- 1 citis and is satisfactorily improving. : ! I rr< A i MriTtor-n LiLiVl/AL. IIU 1 ItLO ] I ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE , Having: qualified as administratoi for the estate of Miss Margaret Kinjcaid, deceased, late of Cherokee Coun- < ty, North Carolina, this is to notify 1 all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit i them to the undersigned at Murphy, i North Carolina, on or before the 10th 1 day of March, 1940, or this notice J will be pleaded in bar of their recov- I ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- 1 ment. 1 | This the 8th day of March, 1939. D. M. REESE, Administrator of Muss Mar- ' (32-6t-chg) garet Kincaid dee'd i King Dollar iggest day )f electrical being what id vaiues beas they are, a lUtt- il & uiai uicic i time when uld buy you in quantity , as they will j room today. j i to pay us a call at your ( e many remarkable valad office electrical furn\MAZED AT 3W COST 1 POWER COMPANY Murphy, N. C. it, Murphy, North Carolir NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Cnerokee County, die Mayor and Board of Aldermen 1 tue town of Murphy, and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Aov.ii oi Andrews, under the provisions of the Statute the following property will be offered for sale at the courthouse door of Cherokee County, N. C. on April, 3rd. 1U39, at ten o'clock, A. M. (C. S. T.) time. Terms of saie one third cash, one , third in one year and one third in wo years?unpaid balance to be secured by a first deed of trust bearing six per cent, interest. The right is reserved to accept or reject any and ill bids which may be submitted. Property described as follows: The following lands belonging to Cherokee County: Known as the Rose lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Nor /ei, (Jomm. See deed book No. 110 cage 322 for definite description. Known as Sam Young lands?con- ^ /eyed to Cherokee County by E. B. t Norvell, Commissioner. See deed i \ sook No. 125 page 532 for definite Ij description. ! > Known as W. M. Graham lands? j conveyed to Cherokee County by E. | ?. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 534, for definite des-i iription. , 1 Known as Walter Graham lands? ' conveyed to Cherokee County by E. |; 3. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. i 125 page 536 for definite description. I ( Known as Spencer Crain lands? ( conveyed to Cherokee County by E. , 3. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 538 for definite description. Known as the Laura Crain lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. I B. Norvell, Com. see deed book No. 125 page 542 for definite description Known as W. D. Jump lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 544 for definite description. Known as Emery McKinney lands ?conveyed to Cherokee County hy D. H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 85 for definite description. Known as Hamby lands?conveyed :o Cherokee County by E. B. Nor /ell. Comm. See deed book No. 113 Dago 506 for definite description. Known as Waldo lands?conveyed ,o Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 183 for definite Hosprintmn Known as C. D. Entrckin lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed uook No. 106 page 188 for definite description. Known as O. O. Synder lands?conveyed to Cherokeee County by E 1. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. , 101 page 220 for definite descrip- J ion. < Known as A. L. Postell lands?con- ] reyed to Cherokee County by E. B Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 225 for definite description. Known as W. T. Moore lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by D. il jTillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 118 page 20 for definite description. Kwonw as B. A. Hamby lands? conveyed to Cherokee Couney by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 118 page 39 for definite description Known as Jesse Young lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E B. Norvell, Comm. See deed booa No 113 page 505 for definite description. Known as Lucinda Allman lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 507 for definite description. Known as W. H. King, lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 186 for definite description Known as Mik.? Ilyatc lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by D. li. Tillitt, Comm, See deed book No. 125 page 243 for definite description. Known as the Comstack lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell. Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 509 for definite description. Known as J. W. Davidson lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book 11G l>age 106 for definite description. Known as Ed Creasman lands? onvi yed to Cherokee County by D. H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 361 for definite description. Known as Jim Robertson lands? tonveyed to Cherokee County by E B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 182 for definite description. Known as Pascal Palmer lands? onveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Andrews by D. H. Tillitt. Jomm. See deed book No. 118 page 101 for definite description. Known at W. T. Palmer lands? 'onveyed to Town of Andrews by D. B. Tillitt, Commissioner. See deed for icfinite description. Known as W. B. Conley lands?seel leed from D. H. Tillitt, Comm. to I Town of Andrews for definite des-1 :ription. Known as W. 0. Patton lands? 'onveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 116 page 167 for definite description. Known as C. C. Ghormley lands? onveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphv by E. B. Norvell. II oar.m. See deed book No. 116 page I 164 for definite description. ' la Known as F?-ank Coleman landsconveyed to Cherokee County am Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell Comm. See deed book No. 110 pagt 363 for definite description. Known as S. S. C. Mount lands? conveyed to Cherokee County am Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell Comm. See deed book No. ICo pag< 340 for definite description. Known as Martha Palmer landsconveyed to Cherokee County anc Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell Comm. See deed book No. 11C pagt 373 lor definite description. Dated and posted this the 3rd daj ?i March, 1939. T. P. CALHOUN Chairman Board of Commis sioners of Cherokee County, N. C J. B. GRAY, Mayor of Town of Murphy, N. C P. M. REAGAN, Mayor of Town of Andrews, N. C (32-4t-c.co.-&-tof m-tofa) Whcii a Chicago woman sued for a livorcc, court costs, alimony and S20C ho judge granted the divorce, but al \er own expense. "Divorce", th< judge said, "is luxury and when i .voman gets one she should pay foi t." William Early, 58, of Willimantic Maine, who has been a hunting guul for more than 30 years never carrie: *. gun and has always refused to kil any animal or birds. Because he pulled out three lowei teeth when she told him to extrac two upper molars, a jury orderet i dentist to pay Mrs. Mary Marrisoi >f Manchester, Eng., $275. "Down This Street The Right. You Ca "And I migli Laundry not c laundry servic est equipment cleaning and \ "They'll fix y shoes. They'll to bottom. An more. "No sret aloog f'c ?nv loricpr, MURPHY Southern BAKES(PERFECT, ?T. We Are Also L ROYAL CR NEHI BOT TELEPH Frank E. Dickey Thursday, Mar. 16, 1939 - Boiling Springs News Everybody enjoyed the play and e music given by the Boiling Spring school last Wednesday night present ed by M iss Bertha McGuire. ' We were Sorry to hear that Johnie Dockery, the son of Mr. and Mis. M. B. Dockery, got his leg broken last week. We wish him a speedy recovi Mr. and Mrs. John Graves, Mr. and . Mrs. Garland Graves and Miss Mat tic - Graves visited Mr. and Mrs. Bass Graves Sunday. r Mrs. Annie Lee Dockery visited Mrs. Thelma Gaddis one day last week. Mrs. Josephine Long visited her mother, Mrs. Sarah Odell one day last week. Will Palmer is visiting his sister, Mrs. Anna Odell. Mrs. Sarah Odell visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Odell one day last week. xr?? ** *> ? i I miss i\ ma ivicuonaiu spent the )| week-end with her parents, Mr. and t Mrs. Andy McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garrett visit' ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe r Garrett Sunday. Horace Odell was the Sunday guest of Clinton Mills. Mrs. Annie Lou Gaddis and chil, dren visited her parents, Mr. and 1 M . . M. it. PocKt-ry Sunday. La verne Laffranchi of Hayfork, r Calif., is collecting neckties from the t governor of the 48 states, to be made 1 .nto a bath robe. The name and i tate of each gavernor will be embroidered across the ties. \\ One Block And To n't Miss It Mister" ! it add that the Murphy ? ?nly gives you first class I e- but they have the latto give you perfect dry pressing service. cur hat or mend you're worn you over trom top tj id it won't cost you any I before vcu hold up traf- I LAUNDRY I e*ns'SEiarfuHca*5aeneeni**BBeS Star Coal | WEDDING CAKiiS p If j Deal Agents For I OWN COLA | f LING CO. I