Thursday, Mar. 23, 1939 LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as administrate* for the estate of Miss Margaret Kincaid, deceased, late of Cherokee Coun- ; ty, North Carolina, this is to notify i all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit ' them to the undersigned at Murphy, , North Carolina, on or before the 10th j day <?f March. HMO. or this notice j will be pleaded in bar of their recov- j ery. All pet sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- j men:. This the Mh day of March. 1939. 1>. M. REESK, Administrator of .Miss Mar-1 (32-0t-chg) g*o-? t Khu- ud ?i <-*?! J NO. IS7G I'r.L'l NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS 1 n<- i own 01 .wurpny, nauiuii. Against Mis. B i< IK-wcim-, and all other persons claiming or owning an inter- ] est in the lands here in referred to. Defendants. By virtue of an order and decree! entered in the above entitled cause }?y Lin* Clerk of the Superior Court ] for Cherokee County, on Monday the 22nd day of June. 193G. and February 1sth. 1 939, the undersigned. K B. Norvell, Commissioner will offer for suie, ami se!l the iand hereinafter described at public outcry, at the Court house door in Murphy at 11 o'clock A. M. Central time, on April 3. 1939, the following described j iece and parcel of land lying in the town ?>f Murphy, Murphy Township, i Cherokee County: All that certain piece and patrol oi land set forth and described in a deed | from J. II. Ilarwood and wife to ,\lr<. Bessie Deweese, registered in tin- office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, in Deed Book No. 71. page 530. It being where Mrs. j Bessie Deweese now resides. Terms of sale cash. Sale subject tc confirmation by the court. The right icscrved to reject any, or all bids. This the 23rd day of Febtuary. 1939. E. B. NORVELL. (30-5t-t.of.rn.> Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA,-? VjllEtHUlVbb tUU.N l'V IX THE SUPERIOR COURT. TOWN OF ANDREWS. VS? C. A. Gregory, Guardian, Mrs. (ionova Gregory to als. NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE I Under and by virtue of an order of 'ho Superior Court of Cherokee Couni y, N*. ? . made in the above entitled proceedings appointing, the unite!slgiu-d ( .miniboiler of the Court to > ell the lands hereinafter described. T, D. II. Tilli.t, Commissioner as aforesaid. will on the 3rd day of April, 1939, at ten o'clock, A. M. (C. S. T.) at the courthouse door of Cherokee County, N. C. offer foi sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands: Being lots Nos. 7 & 8 in block 9 " of the Wells Addition to the Town of Andrews. And being same lots conveyed to * G. H. Gregory by C. M. Slagie et ux dated March 25, 1918 and recorder in * book No. 09 page 480 records of Cherokeo County, N. C. * Dated and posted this the 3rd day of March, 1939. 1 D. H. TILLITT. Commissioner of the Court. (30-Gt-dht) \ NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE t REAL ESTATE By order of the Board of County t Commissioners of Cherokee County, i the Mayor and Board of Aldermen i of the Town of Murphy, and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the \ Town of Andrews, under the pro- 1 visions of the Statute the following property will be offered for sale at the courthouse door of Cherokee County, N. C. on April, 3rd. 1939, at ten o'clock, A. M. (C. S. T.) time. Terms of sale one third cash, one third in one year and one third in two years?unpaid balance to be secured by a first deed of trust bearing six per cent, interest. The right is reserved to accept or reject any and all bids which may be submitted. Property described as follows: The following lands belonging to Cherokee County: Known as the Rose lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvel, Comm. Sec deed book No. 119 page 322 for definite description. Known as Sam Young lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Commissioner. See deed book No. 125 page 532 for definite description. i Known as W. M. Graham lands?1 conveyed to Cherokee County by E.' E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 534, for definite description. Known as Walter Graham lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell. Comm. S^e deed book No. 125 page 536 for definite description. Known as Spencer Grain lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. ^ ! | B. Norvell, Comm. See* deed book No. The Chi I People ane 1 '] IIANJ1Y WITH HEAD .77|P|| Jim Handy, veteran circus [gsQg stunt man. demonstrated flex ibility of new high-test safe- I tv plate glass, preceding con clave. of scientific and industrial leaders to be held at f^S Franklin Institute at Phila- (H delphia to honor this devel- M opment in cause of auto B(PI 25 page 538 for definite description. Known as the Laura Grain lands? onveyed to Cherokee County by E. , 5. Norvell, Com. see deed book No. | 25 page 542 for definite description > Known as W. D. Jump lands?coneyed to Cherokee County by E. B Corvell, Comm. See deed book No. .25 page 544 for definite description. Known as Emery McKinney lands ?conveyed to Cherokee County fcy ). H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book 125 page 85 for definite descripion. Known as Hamby lands?conveyed :o Cherokee County by E. B. Nor /ell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 >agc? 500 for definite description. Known as Waldo lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 100 page 183 for definite description. Known as C. D. Entrekin lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No 3 06 page 188 for definite description. Known as O. O. Synder lands?conveyed to Chorokeee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 104 page 220 for definite description. Known as A. L. Postell lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 22b for definite description. Known as W. T. Moore lands?-conveyed to Cherokee County by D. II Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 118 page 20 for definite description. Kwonw as B. A. Hamby lands? conveyed to Cherokee Couney by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 39 for definite description. Known as Jesse Young lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No 113 page 505 for definite description. Known as Lucinda Allman lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 507 for definite description. Known p - V*. H. V:r.r\ lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 306 page 186 for definite description. Known as Mike llyatt lands? ;rokee Scout, Murphy, Nc I Spots in the <^35C*sjBat K ^ r ^ | '^Skl CHIP OFF OI.D IMMOK dad's footsteps as he' stru( jjl Florida. Yoking Sislcr is gBsMSSSy feet tall, weighs more t pounds and is 19 years o ided inspil designers t - "' latest." 1C. > * - :4fm--? ' O w . S-J*" I ; .conveyed to Cherokee County by 1). H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 243 for definite description. Known as the Comstack lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 509 for definite description. Known as J. W. Davidson lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book 116 page 106 for definite description. Known as Ed Creasman lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by D. H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed, book No. 125 page 361 for definite description. Known as Jim Robertson lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E i B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. j 106 page 182 for definite description. Known as Pascal Palmer lands? conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Andrews by D. H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 118 page 101 for definite description. Known at W. T. Palmer lands? conveyed to Town of Andrews by D. II. Tillitt, Commissioner. See deed for definite description. Known as W. B. Conley lands?see ! deed from D. H. Tillitt, Comm. to | Town of Andrews for definite des] cription. j Known as W. O. Patton lands? i conveyed to Cherokee County and I Town of Murphy by E. B. Ilorvell, I Comm Soo A ( uwu u. no pago 367 for definite description. Known as C. C. Ghormley lands? conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 116 page 364 for definite description. ; Known as Frank Coleman lands? J conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell. Comm. See deed book No. 116 page 363 for definite description. Known as S. S. C. Mount lands? conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, ? Comm. See deed book No. 12o page [ 540 for definite description. I Known as Martha Palmer lands? ! conveyed to Cherokee County and I Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, , Comm. Seo deed book No. ilG page 1373 for definile description. >rth Carolina > Late News || ... iihs " " . .:< THEIR WAR OVER . . . Little white boxes of ashes, nil that remains of some of the thou- t s sands of Japanese soldiers who lost lives fight inn in China are loaded on ship for trip hack to native soil Nippoiu losses, killed and wounded, are estimated at between 450.000 and (300.000 since si e of undeclared war. ;gles for ' f jl Cardi- J v amp in J1-- - J; over six / ( ban 200 M ' "^5? yss& g J? i 'flKaS POWER FOR 500.000 WjM FARMS . . . REA's disx closure of plans to provide, by June 30. for electrifying half million more farms; was h:ti1*>ri as boo" tu industries tejlkV-- anticipating vast ntateWi-y rial orders. Typical are 'SR- Arkansas bauxite mines , (such as that shown here), source of ore for aluminum REA cable, i - ;f 115,000 miles of which S< ? %. have been installed on ' ' REA lines. ? Dated and posted this the 3rd day \ of March, 1939. T. P. CALHOUN Chairman Board of Coinmis- , sioncrs of Cherokee County, N. C. J. B. GRAY, Mayor of Town of Murphy, N. C. P. M. REAGAN, 1 Mayor of Town of Andrews, N. C. ( ji News&dditks l ^ wool ooes its job summer. and winte ?<e6 ps out meat as well as colo - arab' ow the oeseftt ano prospectors im the vukon both wear it- but cqr. opposite reasf (TET'S OCT GOiA'6. | ??, i TMCOTOKOPULOV 1 ^ ^ Z/ ' SO SPRJNGV IS WOOL PI6*E n WILL STRETCH 10% OF (T5 LENGTH / AMD STILL SPRING BACK. IN OLD / GREECE EVERY SHEEP WAS // KNOWN &V CTS OWN N*ME / /// (CAAftAMftny | I K t * ^ ^ ' i IN THE 1*700 V SPANIARDS * ytil risked death to smuggle the j9 HIGHLY PRlZEO MERINOS. WOOL . CAN ABSORB 30% OF ITS WEIGHT IN sJmK MOISTURE -AMD NOT FEEL WET / Kg? In the District Court of the United R '.tates for the Western District F forth Carolina, No. . United I States 01 America upon the relation I ir.J for the use of the Tennessee Vaj I ey Authority, Petitioner v. J. c. I ord, Mm tie Ledford, his life; jja " ;iu Hayes; Maranda MeCluro, Juli^ I 1. Met lure, her husband; L. A. R?n" I ngei i lrvin Hall, llialla Hall, (,,j I rife; James J. Rattan, Constance I J ran tie y Rattan, his wife; Raipi 1 uigun, Margaret Haw ton Rugan, ^ H rife; Will 11. Riser, Lucy Peel Riser I nr. wife. Respondents. Order of puR I nation. Ill the above-styled cause i: I ip/earetl that the following respon- I Lilts are ali non-residents of the I >,ate of North Carolina, are not to be I bund in the Slate of North Carolina, I .ml reside at the addresses shown af I er their respective names: L. A. Rom. I n;ter, Canton, Ohio; James J. Rigjn H m l Constance Brantley Ragati, J 11 man Circle. Atlanta. Georgia: Ralph I iigan and Margaret Lawton Ragu H 15 'J.sth Street, N. W., Ailm t i; , H ia; and Will il. Riser and Lucy Pe-i I ,i er, 341 West Paces Ferry Road, I s. W., Atlanta, Georgia. It is then' I 'on* ordered that the nte?n . louts appear on or before the 20 day >f April. 1939, in this Court sitting it Ashevillc, North Carolina, and hen and there make answer to the jetition filed in this cause and assert vhatever right, title, claim or mter;st they may have in the land herein .ought to be condemned, or be forver barred. The land sought to be ondenuied is, to wit: TRACT FBR178. A portion of a tract of land ly. ng in Cherokee County, State of ^urth Carolina, on the right side of he Nottely River, approximately ?V- a.ilos south of its mouth, a&j li ore particularly described as:'., ows: Beginning at an iron pin, a orler of the lands of A. L. Kominger, ind 1'. A. Mauney, and the most ;\vesterly point of the portioa lerein de.scribed; thence with P. A iauney's line N. 4? 00' E., 1005 fed o a stake, a corner of the lands of | A. Mauney, and P. A. Mauney & I Mrs. L. P. Kinsey; thence with P. A I Mauney & Mrs. L. P. Kiusey's line, fl grossing a public road, N. 5 00' E., H $40 feet to a stake in the southeast I right of way line of the L. & X. Rail- 11 load, a corner of the lands of P. A. I Miiunev A!- Mrs I- P "? i. J. Hill; thence with T. J. Hill's E] line, and the southeast right of way I; line of the railroad as it meanders I in a northeasterly direction ap- H proximately 1180 feet to a point, a corner of the lands of T. J. Hill, and I the Carolina Talc Company; thence L with a severance line S. 32; 00' E., approximately 050 feet, crossing a public road, to a point at the tup of :i ridge and in L. A. Romihger's line; thence with L. A. Ronunger* line and the top of the lidgc ns it meanders in a southwesterly direction ipproximately GOO feet to a stake; thence N. 3G" 00' W., 245 feet to a stake; thence S. 39? CO' W., 320 feet to a stake; thence S. 19? 00' E.. 160 feet to a stake; thence S. 24 00' W., 1400 feet to a white oak stump; thence N. 83? 00' W., 120 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 30.9 acres, more or less, subject w the right of the public in a public road which affects approximately 2.2 acres. It is further ordered that ihis notice be published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper published at Murphy, North Carolina. Done this 16 day of March, 1939. E. V. Webb, Judge, United States District Court. A true copy test: J. Y. Jordan, Clerk, By O. L. McLurd, Chi^f Deputy Clerk. (34-4t-tva) > . . . . by Stjuier ' Pin' i : , . I^EGD I 5 TJATORE ih/I/ET7T?l> this most ferfec 7 jns BOOV paorecTiOMJl MATT, FOR Ail HIS CHI micAI OEHHUS ^ HA^ */eve/t created SUITS AMERICAN WE" BCTH SJV ANWUAU.V WOULO ew CIRCLE THE GCOBE NEARLY WIDE t UlpOO MILES UJ?MO' mMmmsm

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