Thursday, Mar. 23, 193 MRS. CASE. MISS ENTI HOSTESSES AT BR I DC MT. A. Case and Miss Ida Belli* Ent.rekin were hostesses at a lovely bridge dinner at the home of Mrs. < use Friday evening: at G:l)0. I he Case home was beautifully uecoiated with jonquils and othei eari> spring flowers. The St. Patrick's Day motif was carried out in the decorations and bridge tallies. Five tables of bridge and one table of Chinese checkers were arranged for play after dinner had been served to: Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Matt ox, Mr. and Mrs. I.. A. Lee. Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitfield. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoov i. Dr. ami Mrs. M. 1'. Whichard. Mr. (I .C . I n Witse: spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Dale I Mr. and Mis. Ed Studstili. Air an . .vii 11. Dueck, Mr. and Mis. E. D. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. 1J?II vi, ...i VI r T I in.H,.* 1?. ami Mrs ii. S. Parker, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Paper. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Hyde, Mr. P. B. Owenby, Mr. and . his. Case and Miss Entrekin. Mrs. L. A. Lee won high score for the- women, and Dr. Whitfield was high scorer for the men. In the | Chinese Checker games, the contestants cut for the prize and Mrs. M. YV. Bell received the gift. 1 1 Methodist Circle No. 4 Meets With Mrs. Miller j Circle No. 4 of the Methodist Mis- 1 sionary society met with Mrs. E. S. 1 Miller at the home <>f Mrs. Harry Mil- 5 ler Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. .1. H. McCall was in charge \ ol the devotional, after which the * I i ogram was given. ; J At the conclusion of the meeting a ;elieiou- salad course was served to , * Me. tlames YYillard Axley, Sam Akin, j ( A. I.. Martin, .1. II. McCall, R. P. 1 rerguson. Mi.. E. S. Miller anil Mrs. * Harry Miller. | _ ~ j Mrs. Lee Hostess I o Methodist Circle ' Circle 1 of the Methodist M.ssionary j ' society met Monday evening at 7:00 o clock at the home of Mi's. Dale Lee j j with Mrs. Tom Maunev and Mrs. Mr-< . - Falls joint hostesses. j j Mrs. L. A. Lee had charge of the r j devotional. The meeting opened with j a bong "Jesus Calls Us" after which ! j Mrs. T. A. Case gave a wonderful < reading on the work of the missionaries in Mexico. Mrs. Lee then dis- j. cussed many interesting facts about the Disciple "Andrew". I Business of the meeting was presid- ed over by Mrs. Paul Gass, chairman. At the close of the meeting a sweet g course was served to the following: ^ Me.sdamcs: T. A. Case, Frank Ellis, v Robinson, T. \V. Kindley, Julian Pitz- t or, L. A. Lee, W. A. Hoover, H. E. Cobb, H. G. Elkins. C. C. Richardson, Paul Ga s, and Misses Adella Meroney t and Josephine Heighway. i AND ONLY GRM1 MAKES POSSIB] pom < crwfj SiCOND LOWE* CHEROKEE PONTIA I 9 The Ch< prflBHj u I 1 REK1N ARE ;E DINNER Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. McCaslan Mrs. Clark McCaslan was hostess to the Mardi Nuit Bridge Club at hei home Tuesday evening. The Easter motif was carried out in the decorations. Mrs. L. A. Lee was presented a recipe bv ?ach member of the club. Mrs. Francis Roberson, the house guest of Mrs. T. A. Case, was presented a guest prize. Three tables of bridge were set up for play. Miss Meredith Whitaker won high score. The players bingoed for *h?- prize and Mrs. Case won. Mis. McCaslan -erved refreshments to Misses Virginia Benton, Laura Overton. Ida Belie Entrekin. Meredith Whitakor. Dair MeCracken, Hope Y eager. Dot Higdon. Mrs. L. A. Lee, Mrs. Harry Bishop, Mrs. Roper, Mes. R< herein and Mrs. 1 A. ( use. Eastern Star Officers Elected At Meeting Tho annual election of officers of :he Andrews chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was held at the March meeting of the chapter on Monday evening at the Masonic hall. Mrs. Paulino Matheson is closing her ;erm of office as worthy matron. The ules of the local chapter limiting he term of office to one year, necessitated the choice of new officers. Mrs. Mary Forsyth Brauer was dectd worthy matron and Mr. Benny McGlammery was elected worthy paron. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Pearl Ford of Robbnsviile, associate worthy matron; T. M. Jenkins, >f Kobbinsville, associate worthy paton; Mrs. Olive Tatham Ellis, Secretary; Mrs. Edna Tatham, treasurer; Mrs. Lucy Caldwell, conductress; Mrs. Helen Slaughter, of Kobbinsville. issociate conductress. The newly elected worthy matron nade the following appointments; Mrs. Pauline Matheson, Chaplain; Mrs. Xena Forsyth, niarshall. Miss Mary B. Walker, organist. Star points are: Mrs. Roxie Mcntosh of Robhinsville, Adah; Mrs. tebecca Wheeler, Ruth; Mrs. Cordei;\ Johnson, of Robbinsville, Esther; Mrs. Ruth Lail Farysth, Martha; Mrs. Sffio Humes of Robbinsville, Electa; Mrs. Lucy Mehaffey warder and Mrs. ,'arrie Womack, sentinel. A public installation of officers will >e held at the masonic hall on Tueslay evening April 4 to which the pubic is cordially invited. Messrs. Doyle Burch, Roy Lovin:ood, George Colson, and Lawrence Myers attended the banquet in Knoxille, Tenn. Saturday night given for he 'H. Ti Hackney salesmen. m m Mrs. Leslie Jene? nr>,\ TVf-. erberry, of Young: Harris, were vistors in Murphy Wednesday. Prices subject to change without notice. Transportation, state and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and accessories?extra. r ENGINEERING LE THE PRICE TEMt tAI MOTORS9 IT-PRICED CAR C CO., Murphy, N. C. ;rokee Scout, Murphy, Noi Annual Presbyterian Meebing Held Tuesday The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Auxiliary met with Mrs. F. V. Taylor at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Don Witherspoon, president of the Auxiliary, had charge of the p rogram and gave a report of the work done during the year. The chuich year ends in March. The circles o? the Auxiliary were shifted. Mrs. Paul Smith and Mrs. R. S. Parker were appointed chairman of the two circles. A contribution was made by the Auxiliary to the fund which Mrs. J. IP Gray is raising for a wheel chair lor Mildred Hampton, who was seriously injured some time ago. Mrs. Taylor, assisted by Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Watson, served refreshment! to : Mesdames W. C. Carmichael, J. B. Gray, J. H. Wilson, Don Witherspoon, H. L.- Paisley, M. W. Bell, O. K. Erhart, T. T. Lindsey, C. ] W. Savage, Earl Neiswanger, J. N. ] Hill. Paul Smith and .John 11. Dillard. t Girl s Auxiliary Has Meeting At Church fi T?_ ft *. ? La U...? 1 lie l?a|)llM. VI. .A. a im i til, HIV iJtt^?list chuicn Monday after school. The meeting was opened by the Hymn, 'We've a Story to tell to the Nations". The following reports were given: '"The University of Shanghai." 1 by Jayne Kicks and Katherine Howeli, "Schools in Shanghai." by Mary Frances Shields, Maureen Lovingood and Grace Gulley, "Came Learn?Go teach" by Irene Jordan and "In Ja- 1 pan" by Clara Mae Townson. Refreshments was served to the following: Jean Davis# Maureen Lovingood, ' Jayne Ricks, Itouise Gheen, Wilma At- ? lant, Katherine Howell, Doris Bailey, Jean Mauney, Mayble Hall, Thelma Hall, Jo Jo Moody, Louise McDonald, . Irene Jordan, Rosel Lockett, a new [ member, Grace Gulley and the leadi Mrs. W. H. Murray. ; PERSONALS i Mrs. Ray Parsons and Mrs. John Small, of Kobbinsvilkv were in Murphy on business Wednesday. ***** -onvwie is ine no use guest 01 iur;. 1 . A. Case this week. * ? Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Holt and son, Johnny, Marguerite Ward, and Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Olmsted, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday in Gainesville. * * * * Mrs. Victor Leach, of Iliwassee Dam, was a visitor in Murphy Wednesday. * * Miss Ruth Akin is able to be out again after a week's illness. * Mrs. E. A. Browning has returned from a week's visit in Atlanta. * * Miss Ann Hill, Riclfard Mclver, Joe Elkins, Harold Wells, and C. H. Townson returned to school at the University of North Carolina after spending the spring holidays with their parents. ? * * * * Mrs. Max Sneed, of Miami, Fla., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Spivia. ***** Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mauney went to Atlanta Saturday to meet Mrs. Maun<.<>'a nnvnn?. T\l.. .....1 \i... ?r. cy o paiciiio, i?n. anu iuin. AlUlJJtCl. of Hayesville, who have been spending the winter in Florida. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Duncan were visitors in Franklin, Sylva, and Clayton, Ga., over the week-end. * ? * Miss Eunice Shields, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Shields, left Saturday for Los Angeles and San Francisco. California on an extended vacation. ? * Mr. and Mi's. Weil and sons, Charles and Eddie, and Floyd Tate spent the week-end in Birmingham, Ala. ? Miss Anna Jean Grant, student at W. C. T. C., spent the Spring holidays with her mother, Mrs. Irene Grant. * * Mr. and Mrs. Vivtor Olmsted of Philadelphia, Penn., are visiting in Murphy this week. Walter Parker, Jr., of Hiwassee Dam, spent the week-end with his father at the Dickey hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jones of Knoxville, visited Mrs. Jone's sister, Mrs. Theima Dickey, Sunday. They were accompanied back to Knoxville by their little daughter, Janice, and ? Billie Jackson. * * Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Palmer, of | Canton, Go., were visitors in Murphy j Sunday. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Rex'Sykes who have been occupying Mrs. W. H. Griffith's apartment, have been transferred back to Alabama. rth Carolina Miiss Miller Honored On Birthday Mr. and Mrs. George Partwood honored Miss Dessa Miller with a birthday party Wednesday evening. Miss Miller was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. After n.any enjoyable games were engaged in, the hostess serveu ice cream and cake to Misses Lola Grilien, Kuby Rogers, Lula Miner, i'aulmo Williamson, Lvelyn Franknn w uma aitowood, Messrs. Wayne Plemmons, Woodrow and Jewell Miller, Dennis Hampton and Robert oook. Mary Flemming Is Fraternity Queen Hiss Mary Kathryn Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ti. P. Fleming, of SI Vermont ave., Asheville, has been selected as "Queen of AUK" for this year by the Nu chapter of the Alpha i Uammu Kho fraternity at North Lai-| alina State College, Kaieigh, it has Miss Fleming, a student at Lee | Edwards high school, will reign ovei | l he festivities at the 20th annual founders' banquet and dance which the chapter will hold in Raleigh Saturday evening, March 25. During the coronation ceremonies Miss Fleming will be presented an Alpha Gamma Rho sweetheart pin. Officers of the chapter are: Pearce Fleming, president, brother of Miss Fleming; Jack Bowen of Atlanta, Ga., vice-president; James A. Towery, of Concord, treasurer; and Sterling Holmes, of Cambridge, N. Y., secretary. Miss Fleming is the granddaughter of Mr. L. E. Bayless and niece of Mrs. J. N. Hill. She has many friends in Murphy's younger set. Mrs. Nell Thompson Miller, who has been in Murphy for some time with the TV A, has been transferred to Murray, Ky. She will leave next week to take up her duties there. Miss Myrtle McMahan, of Washington, I). C., spent last week-end in Murphy visiting Mrs. Edna Hastings. Frank Mayfield was a -visitor in Gainesville Sunday. I.ittle Miss Janice Jones, of Knoxville, Tenn., spent I he week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. \V. B. Mulkey, of Marble. iJeinid. a4e F0R I that's Se "The Aristocrat of V. \ If you wan the eyes ( the breath LING . : ? on the purs davidsoi s ~ ~ . " " I - COMING EVENTS f Circle No. 2 of the First Baptw I churcn will meet with Mrs. b. g I Corn well on Tuesday afternoon. I I March 28 at 2:30. * * * Circle No. 1 of the First Baptist fl church will meet with Mrs. kooert I rte.d luesday atternoon at 2:a0. 5 Charles Melichar, of the United 8 Stales Forestry Service, at Frankly 1i is in Murphy on business this week * * * * Dr. J. R. Smith, of Atlanta, who it I the owner of a mine location ne? A SVame, is spending a few days at the si Regal hotel this week. * * ? Mr. Riley Cunningham, of ScottsB boro, is registered at the Regal Hotel H while he is here on business at Hi. I wassee Dam. * * Littlo Miss Patricia McCaig. (laugh. I ter of Mr. and Mrs. Felton McCaig, I is very sick at her home this week. ' I m * * m ? Mrs. G. W. Ellis, who underwenti serious operation at the Petrie hospital last week, is much improved her many friends will be very glad U know. * * * Claude Gross spent Friday in Knoxville. He was accompanied home by Misses Billie Jackson, and Winfxed Townson, students at the University of Tennessee, and Juanita Vestal, I student at National Business College, ! who spent the week-end with their parents. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones were visited in Scottsboro, Ala., over in* week-end. * * * Miss Sarah Hawks, student at Young Harris College, visited her sister, Mrs. E. F. Mixon, at the Dickey House over the week-end. * * W. C. Parker, of Chattanooga, Tenn., who was formerly in Muphy with the TVA, has been transferor! back to Murphy and is staging at the Dickey Hotel. * * Mrs. F. O. Christopher is visiting l,?,. ;? A ilnni. iivi i , iuid. .muiHivj1 in nuaiiif. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. G. VV. Candler were !F called to Bristol, Virginia Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Candler's aunt, Mrs. Jennie Mallory. ? tJwit SPRING I \ why fashion ly demands Hlen a * i Exquisite Hosiery" t your legs to be easy on and who doesn't) choose -taking sheerness of SEankle-flattering and easy M & McIVER!

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