Thursday, Mar. 30, 191 LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as administrate: for the estate of Miss Margaret Kin caid, deceased, late of Cherokee Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against th< estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Murphy North Carolina, on or before the lOtl day of March, 1940, or this notict will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 8th day of March, 1939. 1). M. REESE, Administrator of Miss Mai (32-C?t-chg) garet Kincaid dee'd NORTH CAROLINA,? CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. TOWN OF ANDREWS. vs- 1 C. A. Gregory, Guardian, Mrs. (it nevii Gregory te als. NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE Rf'Af FSTATF Under and by virtue of an order of the Sup- :< !' Court of Cherokee County, N. C. made in the above entitled proceedings appointing, the undersigned 1 ommissioner of the Court t-o sell the lands hereinafter described. I, I>. If. Tillitt, Commissioner as a foresaid, will on the 3rd day of April. 1939, at ten o'clock, A. M. (C. S. T.) at the courthouse door of Cherokee County, X. (". offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands: Beir.g lots Nos. 7 & 8 in block 9 of the Wells Addition to the Town of Andrews. And being same lots conveyed to G. If. Gregory by C. M. SIdgle et ux dated March 25. 1918 and recorder in book No. 09 page 480 records of Cherokee County, N. C. Dated and posted this the 3rd day ol March, 1931*. D. H. TILLITT. Commissioner of the Court. (30-6t-dht) NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By order of the Boaru of County Commissioners of Cherokee County, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Murphy, and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Andrews, under the provisions of the Statute the following property will be offered for sale at the courthouse door of Cherokee County, N. C. on April, 3rd. 1939, at ten o'clock, A. M. (C. S. T.) time. Terms of sale one third cash, one third in one year and one third in two years?unpaid balance to be secured by a first deed of trust bearing six per cent, interest Th<? HcrHi is reserved to accept or reject any and all bids which may be submitted. Property described as follows: The following lands belonging to Cherokee County: Known as the Rose lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvel, Comm. See deed book No. 119 page 322 for definite description. Known as Sam Young lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Commissioner. See deed book No. 125 page 532 for definite description. Known as W. M. Graham lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No, 125 page 534, for definite description. Known Hs Walter Graham lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 536 for definite description. Known as Spencer Crain lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. Pa. iNorvell, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 538 for definite description. Known as the Laura Crain lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Com. see deed book No. 125 page 542 for definite description Known as W. D. Jump lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 544 for definite description. Known as Emery McKinney lands ?conveyed to Cherokee County by I). H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 85 for definite description. Known as Hamby lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 506 for definite description. Known as Waldo lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 183 for definite description. Known as C. D. Entrekin lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No, 106 page 188 for definite description. Known as O. O. Synder lands?conveyed to Cherokeee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No 104 page 220 for definite descrip tion. Known as A. L. Postell lands?con veyed to Cherokee County by E. B Norvell, Comm. See deed book No 106 page 225 for definite description Known as W. T. Moore lands?con veyed to Cherokee Count; 1. If Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. Ill page 20 for definite description. Kwonw as B. A. Hamby lands? 39 The CI ' " % ii People ana i ?? r \ Ris "CATA -L .* ? C-O MBS".. .K ReproductionCr^ combs under city ! near Seine river. part of far-flung i """HTOl'tHI"it lit ! system of under- i, . > ground shelters t-' under construe- ^ tion as protection * dttf against air raids s: in next war. Gar- x den will be laid Z'2 tiver trenches .-s ^ j CASTING SHADOWS . . . Flatterir ows are cast by this large mushrooi med hat of black Milan with prim, tive bouquet at front of crown opened to show hair at back. lERltoi 43 states. Mr fek \ \ xmcr is NCTr afe. committee'"' MBkV \ IB for New Yor conveyed to Cherokee Couney by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 39 for definite description. Known as Jesse Young lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No 113 pago 505 for definite description. Known as Lucinda Allman lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 507 for definite description. Known as W. H. King, lands?conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 186 for definite description. Known as Mike Hyatv lands? conveyed to Cherokee Countv bv I) H. Tillitt, Comm* See deed book No. 125 page 243 for definite description. Known as the Comstack lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 113 page 509 for definite description. Known as J. \V. Davidson lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E. B. Norvell, Comm. Sec deed book 116 page 106 for definite description. Known as Ed Creasman lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by D. H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 125 page 361 for definite description. Known as Jim Robertson lands? conveyed to Cherokee County by E B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 106 page 182 for definite description. Known as Pascal Palmer lands? conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Andrews by D. H. Tillitt, Comm. See deed book No. 118 page t 101 for definite description. Known at W. T. Palmer lands? conveyed to Town of Andrews by D. H. Tillitt, Commissioner. See deed for j . definite description. i Known as W. B. Conley land*??see deed from D. H. Tillitt, Comm. to i ITown of Andrews for definite description. Known as W. O. Patton lands? conveyed to Cherokee County and . Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed hook No, 116 page . 367 for definite description. Known as C. C. Ghormley lands? - conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphv by E. B. Norvell, 5 Comm. See deed book No. 116 page 364 for definite description. Known as Frank Coleman lands? herokee Scout, Murphy, 1 r | / t ; l^ r ;! V/II I >"< r i, TEE BUSTERS al Open charn ? Snead are show; , - s' mi Internationi #Tv3' ^W^s- '* '* after surviving . |^^jVrffjrorwJ up of nation's t< lg shad- , ;-*BKBsTraWH^^ m brimdecora ider the / , iwumers >%. J ion cru- Jft nities in "' s Reed- HOT OOG . . . Newest do national is hot water bottle espei menibor Helen Wright. Akron styl u _ dog, new "comfy toy" w _ exhihit. conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell. Comm. See deed book No. 116 page 363 for definite description. Known as S. S. C. Mount lands? conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. IS.) page 540 for definite description. Known as Martha Palmer lands? conveyed to Cherokee County and Town of Murphy by E. B. Norvell, Comm. See deed book No. 11C page 373 for definite description. Dated and posted this the 3rd day of March, 1939. T. P. CALHOUN Chairman Board of Commis sioncrs of Cherokee County, N. C. J. B. GRAY, Mayor of Town of Murphy, N. C. P. M. REAGAN, Mayor of Town of Andrews, N. C. ( m-tofa) NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK T. S. Evans, Administrator of R. L. Lance, Deceased, VS. Mrs. Fannie Lance, Venial Lance and wife, Virginia Bair Lance, Violet Ledford and husband, W. B. Ledford and Paul Lance. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The non-resident defendants. Mis. Fannie Lance, Vernal Lance and wife^ Virginia Bair Lance. Violet Ledford and Husband, W. B. Ledford and Paul Lance, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, bej fore the Clerk of the Superior Court I wherein the above named petitioner I as administrator of R. L. Lance, deceased, is asking to sell the lands belonging to the said R. L. Lance, de ceased, to make assets to pay indebtedness against said estate, there being no personal property out of which said indebtedness can be paid; and thu said defendants will further take notico that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of th< Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Murphy, North Caro Una, on the 24th day of April, 1939 North Carolina PI t Late News % [CH IS MOTHER? . . . Give up? . "young" lady on right is mother, Anna Palmer Wheeler of Coxie, N. Y? who is looking over conjlatory messages on 106th birthvrith daughter. Miss Annette eler. who has just celebrated 80th iday. Mrs. Wheeler is still active ousework, likes to read newspa' ! w. . 'T< :. -A,.rd pu/iies. "I . Ralph Gulda^hl (left), Nation- j pion, and "Slammin'" Sammy n with trophy emblematic of Miail Four-Ball Golf championship field comprised of 16 teams made apnotch sub-par linksters.^ i " *-V. 4 k.t IP"^ ^ *" -y V: A - I ? j ^ li.inyvl uble-duty brainchild of industry :ially designed for childrerr by list. Modelled in replica of pet . as featured at New Vork trade i , or within ten days thereafter, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, which said petition is now on file in said office, or the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 23rd day of March. 1939. J. W. DONLEY, Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina. (34-4t-tse) In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, No. United States of America upon the relation and for the use of the Tennessee Val- , ley Authority, Petitioner v. J. C. Led- j ford, Mintie Ledford, his life; Maggie Hayes; Maranda McClure, Julius H. McClure, her husband; L. A. Rom| ingerj Irvin Hall, Hialla Hall, his ' wife; James J. Regan, Constance Brantley Ragan, his wife; Ralph Ragan. Margaret Lawton Ragan, his wife; Will H. Riser, Lucy Peel Riser, his wife. Respondents. Order of Publication. In the above-styled cause it appeared that the following respondents are all non-residents of the State of North Carolina, are not to be found in the State of North Carolina, and reside at the addresses shown after their respective names: L. A. Rominger, Canton, Ohio; James J. Ragan and Constance Brantley Ragan, 511 Inraan Circle, Atlanta, Georgia; Ralph I Ragan and Margaret Lawton Ragan. j 45-28th Street, N. W., Atlanta, Geor gia; and Will H. Kiser and Lucy Peel Kiser, 341 West Paces Ferry Road, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia. It is therefore ordered that the above respondents appear on or before the 20 day of April, 1939, in this Court sitting at Asheville, North Carolina, and then and there make answer to the petition filed in this cause and assert whatever right, title, claim or interest they may have in the land herein sought to be condemned, or be for' ever barred. The land sought to be ' condemned is, to wit: TRACT FBRI 278. A portion of a tract of land ly' ing in Cherokee County, State of North Carolina, on the right side of ' the Nottely River, approximately i,3H miles south of its mouth, and j more particularly described as fol> '1 ws: Beginning at an iron pin, a cor KE-EASTER EDITION I ner of the lands of A. L. Rominger B and P. A. Mauney, and the most P southwesterly point of the portion I nerein described; thence with p. I Mauney's line N. 4" 00' E., 1005 fie; | to a stake, a corner of the lands of J P. A. Mauney, and P. A. Mauney & ( Mrs. L. P Kinsey: thence with P. f Mauney & Mrs. L. P. Kinsey's ]ine, t crossing a public road, N. 5 00' 810 feet to a stake in the southeast > right of way line of the L. & V jjgjj. load, a corner of the lands of P. ,\_ I Mauney <V Mrs. L. P. Kinsey. anu : r. 4. Hill; thence with T. .1. HaPs I line, and the southeast right of way line of the railroad as it meanders I in a northeasterly direction approximately 1180 feet to a point, a I corner of the lands of T. J. Ilill. and the Carolina Talc Company; th.n?<- I' with a severance line S. 32 00' E., F approximately 950 feet, crossing a public road, to a point at the top of a ridge and in L. A. Rommgcr'g line; thence with L. A. Rommger's line and the top of the ridge j* meanders in a southwesterly direction approximately 600 feet to a stake* thence N. 36J 00' W., 245 feet to a f stake; thence S. 30 CO' W., 32<' feet to a stake; thence S. 19' 00' E., 160 feet t<> a stake; thence S. 24 00' w., 1400 feet to a white oak stump; thenco N. 83? 00' W., 120 feet to the point of beginning, and containing .50.9 acres, more or less, subject to the right of the public in a public load which affects approximately 2.2 acres. It is further ordered that this notice be published once a week for four CD consecutive weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper published at Murphy, North Carolina. Done this 16 day of March. 1939. E. V. Webb, Judge, United States District ( ourt. A true copy test: J. V. Jordan, Clerk, By O. L. McLnrd, i Chief Deputy Clerk. (34-4t-tva) NOTICE OF REPEAL OF CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MARBLE The Governing body of the Town if of Marble at a regular meeting held on Monday, March 6, and at an adjournment of said meeting held on Tuesday, March 14th, adopted a resolution as follows: J "Be it resolved, that in the opin ion of the Board of Commissioners of \ the Town of Marble (the governing . ody) that it is for the best interests cf the said Town of Marble that the criarier 01 me i own 01 Mai hie be repealed in it entirety, and the municipality abolished, and that, the necessary legal steps be taken to carry such repeal into effect." ANI) BK IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the question of the repeal of the charter of the Town of Marble, be submitted to the vote of the qualified voters of the Town of Marble at the regular election to be held on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1939, for affir- \ mance or rejection.Q At said election those favoring the g repeal of the charter of the Town of Marble shall indicate their assent by j voting a ballot, on which shall appeal the words, "For repeal of the char- ' ter of the Town of Marble", and those opposed thereof shall indicate their opposition by voting a ballot or ticket on which shall appear the word? "Against repeal of the charter of the Town of Marble". The election aforesaid shall be held by the officers holding the regular election for town officials on Tuesday, May 2nd, and the ballots shah be printed and the election conducted in the manner and form prescribed by law for holding municipal elections." Dated this 14th day of March, 1939. W. B. MULKEY, Mayor. N. W. ABERNATHY, Town Clerk. OWL CREEK NEWS Everyone enjoyed the sermon by Rev. Oliver Dockery Sunday. He will preach again the 4th Sunday. Oliver Kephart, and Harry Mc-Rae have returned home after spending the winter months in California. Mrs. George Young visited Mrs. C A. Sexton Monday. Miss Alma McRae was the Sunday guest of Miss Mittie Bell Walls. J. W. McRae celebrated his birthday Saturday night with a dinner given for his friends. We hope Mr. Richard Hass has recovered from a reaction of the brain, which happened a few days ago. Rev. C. A. Sexton made a business trip to Murphy Monday. A T IT.nliai. Via. nnAHffh to be out again. We hope he'll soon be able to attend services. Miss Florence Sexton visited Mis? Ellie Dockery Monday afternoon. Miss Elfreeda Kephart spent last Tuesday night with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Arms. Misses Mittie Bell and Martha Jane Walls were guests of Miss Ellen and Bertha McRae. Harry McRae was the Sunday night guest of Clifton Kephart. Miss Mennice Kephart, Miss Genevia Solesbee spent Monday with Mrs. Harry McRae. Miss Lucille Sexton spent the weekend at home. Please remember our Sunday School and prayer services. . It Pays To Advertise

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