Our Aim ? ?| A Scout In I Every Home I In Cherokee * THE LEAD1! Vol.50.?No. 36. Frazier To Be Tried For First Degree Murder A first degree murder indictment was returned by the Cherokee County Superior court gand jury against Charley Frazier of Andrews Tuesday, and the former Valleytown township constable is expected to go trial Monday. Frazier shot Policeman Kimsey Wyke, also of Andrews, in the chesr with a shot-gun blast on the night ol February 3. Wyke was brought to the Petrie hospital where he died a week later. Following the shooting Frazier gave himself up voluntarily to the local sheriff's office. According to reports Frazier and the officer, who was not on duty at the time of the shooting, had spent several hours during the evening to ^> urei. i iic auuuiiiiK vcuun t'U in front of the Frazier home following an alleged argument between the two men. It is probable that Judge Zeb V. Nettles, who is presiding over the session of Superior court here at present, will wait several days before placing this case on the stand as two days was taken up the past week with the trial of Charley Fain and the court will want to clear some of the less important cases off the docket before taking the murder trial. J. N. Moody and J. D. Mallonee, Murphy attorneys, will defend Frazier, while the prosecution will be represented by R. L. Phillips, of Robbinsville. EDUCATION BOARD MEETS, QUALIFIES HERE ON SATURDAY Members of Cherokee County's new board of education met at the county superintendent's office here Monday and qualified for their posts. A. L. Martin, county superintendent, said he would call the board together soon for another meeting. The new board was elected in the fall primaries and was approved by the state board of education. Members are: Mrs. G. \V. Cnv*.r J. T. Hayes, B. M. Harbin, E. L. Shields, B. B. Palmer, E. B. King, and Lawson Lunsford Mrs. Cover is the only member who served on the previous board. $2225.70 Given Here In Welfare Payments A total of $2225.70 in checks to needy aged and to dependent children have been distributed for the month oi* April by Linnetta Dean, Cherokee county welfare superintendent. To 177 residents of the county went $1,604.20 in old age assistance payments, while dependent children received a total of $621.50 TV A Exonei Committeem 3-Member Minority Upholds Dr. Morgan's Charges Overruling a Republican minority, tho joint congressional committee that investigated the Tennessee Val ey authority Tuesday exonerated the new deal's chief power agency of charges that its administration was shot through with fraud, mismanagement and waste. Ending nine months of inquiry, the committee's majority of five Df ocrats and one Republican compl' -ly cleared TVA Directors David Li nthal and Dr. Harcourt A. Mor. g< of charges that they were resi isible for mismanagement. The accusations were made by Dr. Arthur E. Morgan, TVA's first chairman, after a year-long controversy which culminated in his dissimal by President Roosevelt after he refused to divulge his "evidence" except to a congressional investigating committee. The majority found that his charges Were "not supported by evidence" and were "without due consideration of available facts." Iff (Etf MG WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WEST Mur I To Permit Fishing Sunday and Monday Local f.shing enthusiasts will get { a break this week-end! D. M. Birchticld, local game and fish protector, received word from Raleigh Wednesday that "in line with the custom of the past few years, the board has voted to allow fishing on Easter Sunday and Mcnday, April 9 and 10. "This applies to the taking of warm water species and coarse fish and not to mountain trout." 1 | JUDGE HILL MAY .RETIRE BECAUSE OF ILL HEALTH Early retirement of Special Super ior Court Juugc Frank S. Hiii, oi Murphy, dut to ill heaitn, ami tne appointment of former .In/ltr*. A Johnson, of Asneville, to succeed him have been lorecast in state political circles, according to daily newspaper accounts. 1 he general assembly last week enacted into law Senator Jack Morphew' measure winch will enaoie Judge Hill lo retire on account of ill nealth with the same compensation granted regular judges. The Morphew act extended to special judges with six or more years of service the regular retirement and disability benefits ol the state judiciary. Judge Hill, former Murphy attorney, who was originally appointed by Gov. O. Max Gardner and reappointed by Gov. J. C. B. Ehringhaus and I Gov. Clyde Hoey, has been seriously J ill for several weeks. Judge Hill's two-year term as a special judge expires June 30 but as a general rule the governor reap points the special judges. They are named for two-year terms and each legislature authorizes the governoi to name a certain number of special judges. There is some possibility the governor may wait until the beginning ol the next two-year term for special judges on July 1 before naming JudgeHill's successor. However, that probably will depend upon the date of the i retirement of the Murphy jurist. Judge Hill is very widely-known' here coming from one of the county's oldest and most prominent families. JUDGE ORDERS INSPECTION OF mi imtv crunm c v w w A 1 M A k/V/i 1V/V/L.U Much work was heaped on the Cherokee County Superior court grand jury's shoulders by Judge Zeb V. Nettles, of Asheville, when he gave his charge to the grand jury at the opening of court on Monday morning. Among other routine work ordered of the grand jury by the judge is : the thorough inspection of all schools ! and all school busses in the county. | With the large criminal court cali endar facing them, the grand jury this term has more work to do than it has had in a long time. rated Of Chai ten In Hearin 4 A three-man minority, however, upheld Dr. Arthur Morgan's charges | that Lilienthal's rate policies are inequitable, and said that when "the truth is known, it will hurt the cause of public power." Minority Raps Report The minority accused their co-investigators of "whitewashing" the j TVA and drawing conclusions "in ] the teeth of the record." The inquiry, | for which congress appropriated $75,-1 (100 hue hppn innftmnlofo Kh4 I st rates, they said, the need for sweep, ing changes in TV A administration. Transfer of all elements of river control, including generation of electric power, should be made to army engineers, the minority argued. It also asked that manufacture of prosphates, one of TVA's principal activities, be turned over to the department of agriculture. The majority found that exceptions falcon hy the general accounting office in its 1934 audit of TVa were accompanied by a large amount of dis- i organized and unsupported comment, ( having no proper place in an audit. It recommended, however, that TVA be audited by a private accounting firm, i ERN NORTH CAROLINA, COVERING phy, N. C. Thursday, Ap Fain Set In Gas C All-Stars To Play Knoxville Sunday The Cherokee County All-Stars I ***:!! play their first baseball game | of the tpatnn at against the Knoxville Caterpillars Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. (E. S. T.) Manager T W. Kindley annonnccd the following probable line-up Ray Barton, catcher; Sowder, Queen and Hawkins, pitchers; Hensley, Harlcy Barton, Johnny T atham, Johns, Weil, May and Pitzer, infielders, and Plcsko, Stud Ta- j tham, E. Hensley, Piercy and R. Parker, outfielders. COMMISSIONERS TO SERVE FOUR YEARS BEGINNING IN 1938 Cherokee county commissioners will serve a term of four years beginning with the present board's term as the result of legislation passcu before the general assembly adjourned last week. The bill providing for a four-year term fqj; county commissioners beginning with the 1938 elections was introduced by Senator Jack Morphew, ?>f Graham. A similar bill providing for four-year terms beginning witn the 1940 elections was inirodcucd by licj.reselltative Clyde H. Jarrett in the house but it was defeated in favor of Morphew's bill. Another bill introduced by Mr. Jar...........i * i:? *? ???.-? |?ooauu ? illt* II I Ills of office of county surveyor uud township constables to foui-ycar terms beginning with the election* in 1D40. Representative Jarrctt returned from Raleigh to his home in Andrews last Sunday. Duchess Beauty Shop To Open On April 13 A new beauty parlor, to be known as the Duchess Beauty Shop, will be opened by Musses Cecile Davis anci Mary Cathron Hensley* in the Adams building Thursday, April 13. Formal opening of the shop will be held by the two popular young ladies on that date. The shop will occupy Suite 13 in the building. Both girls have had a great deal of experience in beauty parlor work, and much new equipment will be added to the new shop. rges By g Tuesday Dr. Arthur Morgan baaed many of his charges 011 the GAO's controver sial audit. Administration of TV A, the majority 'found, has been economical and Efficient, while the minority rliJirir.Jil u-octo ?inril 6, 1939 I i n itenced J '.hamber Found Guilty Capital Offei Charles Fain. 26-year-old Mux id.; stale prison s gas ( hamber at Raleigh < of a nurse and the robbery of purse c articles from a woman patient who 1 houis at a hospital here the night of J The verdict was given by a Supei i following the most sensational trial ev< After the jury had convicted him Judge \ . Nettles so lei illy pmnouncec hundred people who had gathered in tl session. The jury got the case at 6:35 p. minutes. Judge Nettles pronounced tin appointed by the court, announced the el\ the prisoner was whisked away to F COUNTY HEALTH .. GROUP TO HOLD SCHOOL CLINICS ' The County Health Department * will hold the following preschool clinics for the purpose of examining 1 children who will enter school next 1 session for the first time. Monday, April 10, at Peachtree at ( 10 o'clock a. m. j Wednesday. April 12, at Murphy f at 1 o'clock p. ni. t Monday, April 17, at Andrews at 1 o'clock, p. m. i Wednesday, April 19, at Martins \ Creek at 1 o'clock p. ni. "It is of the utmost importance > that your child or children be physi- < cally fit to enter school. Very few < children can progress satisfactorily t in their studies if handicapped by bad t health. Most of the causes of bad t health in children can be removed 01 remedied. These causes should be re- i moved or remedied before yqur child .! enters school so that he or she may ' make the most rapid progress possi- j blie. 1 "Please come and bring your child at the place and time indicated above" officials stated. 1 New Store Opening Here This Week End The formal opening of the Bowers Bargain Bilt store will be observed here on Friday and Saturday of this week. The store is located in the building formerly occupied by Mallonee & Davidson. The new managers announced they have a clean, new stock of Easter merchandise and are advertising their grand opening extaensively in this section. The building has recently been repainted and renovated. COUNTY SCHOOLS PA FIELD DAY EXERCISE!! Half Of Concrete Is Poured In TVA Dam During the past week the half way point in placing the concrete . ( in Hiwassee Dam was reached. It was on April 20, 1938, that j the first bucket full was poured. | | It is estimated that the concreting ^ will be completed about March 1, 1 1940. j c ( SQUARE DANCE TO BE HELD The Murphy Moose Lodge will j | hold a big square dance in the Fair v building in Mu?? hy '^turday night at 8 o'clock. A large crowd is ox. t pected and all are welcome. V The Scout ft lft ^1' Brings You 1JIJI Weekly All The News TBUMTO,r 5c COPY?$1.50 YEAR to Die Mav 19 *T MXA.J *<-< Of Two ises Here V Negro, will die in North Carolina >n May 12 for the criminal attack ontaining money, jewelry* and other had been a mother for only a few or court jury here Wednesday nighl er held in Cherokee county, i of first degree burglary and rape, I the death sentence before several !< court room during the extra night in. and deliberated an hour and IS r sentence at 9:30. I ain's attorneys, case would be appealed, Iminediathileigh by Sheriff Cail Townsoii and other officers. Prisoner Unaffected Fain was unmoved as the verdict ind sentence were pronounced. Ibsat down in his chair behind he atomics, yawned, and then smiled iroadly while conferring with them. "I don't give a damn what they do ,o me", he told one of his attornies. Ten highway patrolmen and a lurgi-/ .-I i lumui'i nd prize. Mildred Bandy, of Wolf "Jreek, won third prize. The declama ion contest followed with Billy How. trd, of Martins Cre??k, winning first irizo. Lewis Simonds, of Wolf Creek, vinning second prize. The grades were then taken to heir respective rooms where the Continued on page 2