Thursday, April 27, 1 Cherokee Communit LIBERTY NEWS Our Sunday school at Liberty is progressing nicely. Kvery body come and make it better. There will be a Burger Reunion at Liberty Sunday April 30th. All people that is related to the Burger's are invited to couie and be sure and bring a basket of lunch with you. All gi>ori singers are invited to come. Mr. and Mrs. Gray L'ller had as their guests Sunday Mr. ami Mrs. Glenn Williamson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jint Brint, Mr. and Mrs. Owin Picklesitner. Misses Kdith, Leonia All 'i, \ iola Maxine Price. Mr. GentCloud. Ora Reid, two children. Mr ... ;! Mrs. Richard Cnhh and daughter. W ilma Doris. Mrs. Mattie Wright and two children, Mrs. Clara Chat matt and daughter, Bu?.s Miller and wite, Henry Brown and wife and Miss Nora Runion. Mr. and Mrs. Lestei Led ford and Mrs. Matildia Led ford, grandmother of the three babies of Ontia Hamby. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Picklesitner, Mrs. Mary Hamby and son visited Mr on/1 M.^- M..rnk., Violet. Mr .and Mrs. Lester Led ford visited in Violet Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. \V. Shearer visited Mrs. S. C. Ledford Saturday. Mr. Ledford is able to be out again Mrs. George Payne is on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Estie Ilamby who has been vry ill again is slowly improving. LET1TIA NEWS Joe Montgomery, of Akron, Ohio spent the past week visiting relatives i this section. Willie Walker visited Felix Voyles Sunday. Mrs. John Frezell visited Mrs. Ora Conley Saturday. Several from here were . hopping in Murphy Saturday. Frank Voyles visited Lish Craig Saturday. Miss Wanda Stiles visited Nora Bell Clonts Saturday afternoon. Charlie Beavers was the pleasant taller of Miss Pauline Clonts Sunday. Mrs. Wyali ne Clonts and two j <iaughters, Helen Iiuth and Mary Katherine visited Mrs. Erie Clouts Thursday. Mr. Bub Stiles is improving aftei so long of sickness. His many friends will bi glad to learn. Miss Arzellia Campbell visited Helen Green Saturday. Mrs. Mellie King visited her mother, Mrs. Cora Green Saturday. Little Kenneth Roberts soent the i week-end with his grandparents. Olcn Clonts who is employed at Murphy visited his parents over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Green of Chattanooga, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bub Stiles Sunday. SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson and daughters. Ruby and Ruth and Mr and Mrs. Glenn Gibson and small (inughter, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Sheridan Ramsey. Fred Hughes of Bryson City Lvisiting his parents this week. Several people of this section at tended the funeral of Mrs. Vianna Staleup Cole at Martins Creek last week. Rev. N. O. Kilpatrick spent the week-end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clonts have purchased a radio. Mrs. Ida Clonts has returned home from Murphy. Charlie Hughes, of Copperhill was a visitor in this community a few days ago. James Collins of Culberson spent j Monday night with Fred Hughes. J. L. Hughes of Notla was in this section Sunday. Miss Ruth Hawkins passed through this section a few davs ago. Mr. an JMr, Clifford Elliott and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Elliott Sunday. We are sorry to learn Mrs. Kate Walker is not well. <./iyue itnoades was a business visitor in this community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Evans of Hiwassce Dam section visited Mr. and Mrs. Oss Hampton Sunday. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE HELP SlG.-w" D 5 IS EST FT? * Without LaxaV.YCs?-.j.u '.tat Everything fiom Sou? l?> i iu:? The s' icach I. ? I 1? c/ f I dally. Wlwn y..u e-1 l._..vjr, gr . ? rich or vLcn y-1 arc ntr.w!!, hurr? l or the# jnwrly?yr,i?r tl;?riach *Vir$ Q-it ' tnurh llulrj. Your f oj .S att-./t rilffi -t n?t! yui bait r.**. bnriburo. lu'mi, fl'i or * ."?r ftmnadi. Too ? ?} lour, sick ?: >! tip-i hi' over Doctor* ?ay r>f**r take a VitatUr f* tioo fialn. It li 4ans?rt*l> and It u* t <* Mirk ubhta cal!c! B-Ml-arw f >r 1 ' n to to iluteUio itonn-rh CuM' hat " ?llstro4"ln no Urn* end put yo.j b*tk ao ; ' feet. llellcf lft fto quick It !* nmnxlnc and or" "a pacing* yroTw iu Ask (or Udi-a&s (or Iodlstatioa* 939 IK The Cheroj County y News RANGER NEWS Rev. E. A. Beavers filled his regu- ; lar appointment at the Ranger Bap- j tist church and a large crowd attend | ed. A large crowd of this section were | in Murphy on business Saturday. Herbert and Cecil Fox were tht I week-end visitors of their sister. Mrs. Bencher El rod, of near Shoal Creek ; Miss Bessie Ruth Evans spent the i liirht with her in :indii:ii-toils Mr i \fis. C. M. Sn?*ed Saturday. Tlu* many friends will be glad to! learn that Mrs. J. 1!. Mouteilh i- , back home from the Petrie hospital ; fiom which she underwent an opera : tion. and is doing nicely. Charlie Fox made a business trip to i Vest Saturday. Mrs. Wat kins is on the sick list athis writing, and we hope her a j speedy recovery. Miss Kate Walker spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. M. H. Fox We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Frank Hembree has been sick for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Auihur Tatum of Pat rick were the visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bryant Saturday. Rev. Fred Stiles preached a very interesting sermon Sunday night at the Ranger Baptist church, and a very large crowd attended. String music was made by Mr. Hedrick, which was enjoyed very much, and also the B. T. U. is every Sunday night. Everybody is cordially welcome. Boiling Springs News Mr. and Mrs. Don Graves visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard 0*Dell Sunday evening. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Sexton visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills Sunday. Mrs. Tina Arms spent Saturday night with her son, Mr. Clare nc Arms. Mrs. Vina GaddLs visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nora Dockery spent the week-end at Andrews with hei sister, Mrs. Lizie White. Mrs. Tina O'Dell and children spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs Martha Ashe. ttev. L'. A. Sexton filled his appointment here Sunday. We are sorry to hear of Mr. N. B O'dell's illness at this writing:. We wish him a speedy recovery. We are glad to see our Sunday School improving: and hope it will continue to do so. Rev. and M rs. C. A. Sexton spent 1 Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Abernathy. Mrs. Stella O'dell and children visited her parents Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. <\ Mills. Mr. Lester Lovingood visited his sister, Mrs. S. M. O'dell Sunday. Mrs. Annie Lou Gaddis and children visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Docker.v Sundav. Mi-s. Mary Earl of Petersboro, NT. H., who is more than 100 year- old, says: "I'm happy. I have two teeth, and they meet." 1 Complete Line? '/4-ton to 3-ton ?* do M 107 VALLEt kee Scout, Murphy, North ! UPPER MARTINS CREEK NEWS A lartre crowd attended the funeri al of Mr. Arthur Martin Saturday af! tvrnoon at the Martins* Creek Baptist I church. Hu and the entire family had | v. host of friends who were much bel reaved. Mr. and Mrs. John Mathis of Andi lews, Mr. and Mrs. John Queen and I children of Asheville, spent Saturday night with Mr. Mathis' sister and Mrs. Queen's mother, Mrs. Arthui Martin. . Three committees were appointed Sunday to select the chapters in the Bible for us to study each Sunday and j announce a week a head each time, i They were Messrs. George Martin. I How! Headen and Rev. Major Farmer. Mr. V.*. N. Crisp gave them a start by selecting the 5th chapter of Romans for the coming Sunday. j' Mi's. Lon Stalcup was carried to Franklin where she underwent an op- ' eration Saturday and is reported as * doing niceiy. She was accompanied by her husband. Mr. Lon Stalcup, and ] daughter, Mrs. Frank Caldwell and . Mr. Caldwell of Blausville, Ga. * Mr. and Mrs. Luther Martin visited " Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hughes Sunday. Other visitors in the afternoon were 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arzo Hughes and chil- < den. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chapman! and son. Robert Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Crisp visited Mrs. Crisp' father, Mr. John Lee Chastain and sister, Mr. and Mrs < James Mabry, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Chastain and children, Martha Jean, Darleen and Jimmic visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. < Keasler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arzo Hughes and ; daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. | Chapman and son, and Grover Keasler visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jack- | son and Mrs. J. B. Martin Sunday. Mrs. Bryson who has been in declining health for some time is con- {I lined to her bed, her many friends*I will be sorry to hear. i Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crisp anil children, and Mr. anil Mrs. Boyd Chastain and children visited Mrs. 13. W. Chastain Sunday. UNAKA NEWS Rev. E<1 Willix filled his regulai appointment at the Baptist church j Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Pryor Ilainby and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Violet, made a business trip to Unaka Saturday. Mr. and Mr*. Mayor Vaden of Tel lico Plains, Tenn. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Harrell. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman ! a girl Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Dockery of Alcoa, Tenn. spent last week-end with relatives here. I Glen Dockery was the guest of Mr. ! and Mrs. Garlan Dockery Sunday. W. A. Thompson. Roy Jones and U. S. G. Phillips made a business trip to Martins Creek Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. Fred White, of II iwassee Dam spent the week-end with Mrs. J. H. Crawford. Mrs. J. H. Crawford, Mrs. J. W. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Fred White visited Mr. and Mrs. U. S. G. Phillips Sunday. Max Witt, and Iloyt Phillips visited friends at Grandview Sunday. Howard Rarney left here Saturday for an extended visit with relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bryson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Roberts Sunday. [OORE RIVER AVE. Carolina BELLEV1EW NEWS j The many friends of Rev. V. Mull will be sorry to hear that he is very sick at this writing:. Mrs. Bessie Akin of Copperhill Tenn.. visited Mr. and Mrs. CI ad< , King Thursday night. M iss Marie Hughes spent one night I " last week with Miss Marcile Hall oi Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. George Louder milk < of Copperhill. Tenn., were the Sun- \ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Hill Hatchett. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Homer Raper spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Conley of Ivy Log, Ga. Miss Evanell Hatchett spent Friday night with Miss Agnes Stalcup. t Misses Ethel Ledford and Juanita ] Hughes, Wade Anderson and J. B. Hall motored to Iiiwassee Dam Sun- . tav .1 Miss Vaudie Morris was the Sunday j 1 inner guest of Miss Evanell And- 5 irson. j We're sorry to say that Mrs. Emory Davidson is very sick. ^ HANGINGDOG NEWS , Mr. Thomas Truett preached an interesting sermon at the Hangingdog S ;hurch Sunday. s Mr. and Mi's. Wade Kephart are the proud parents of a baby girl born < Friday, April 21. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jean Clay and two children from Colorado are visiting J Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Clay at. the 1 present. ? Juliu< Dockery is on the sick list at this writing. 1 Esta Lena Brockman spent last 1 w TO YC PROBLI Q When you estab i bank, you add tc i sound business d? ' and confidentiall' j financial problem We, of course line of business, observe, at close j tunities that oite i welcome the op i | benefit of our ex] CITIZENS BAN! I MURPHY UPwHPtfJ! fORSMM Km> H H /K ^ |{Wp^yi?lJMWMte STSS T11 mt 1 You'll b?. amoitd when you too how mi HRrl extra value you got in this now Dodge. the only one of the throe loading lowi priced trucks with a pickup body wide onot B^Cj for standard 4-foot widths of crates or pa KH^^I agot. And only Dodge gives you a fullyopi Bonderised cab, body and fenders to prevent rust. In addition Dodge gives you many other important new engineering advancements to cut your hauling costs. J. C. KEETER / Bryson City, N. C. L mnmMBBHi Saturday night with Mrs. Lonnie Set I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ashe urj ^ M hen from Murphy were the Sunday I quests of Mr. nad Mrs. Homer Mu|. I Mrs. Ray Hembree and Luna Voy. E es was the Sunday guest of Mrs. B Mi van Dockery. la Mr. Foley Seabolt was the Sun- W lay dinner guest of Lonnie Scabolt. ' Jack and Billy Kephart were the 9 Sunday dinner guests of Homer and I'ernon Brockman. BATES CREEK NEWS 1 Rev. Nichols filled his appointment I it Bates Creek Sunday. Miss Wilms Arrowood of Murphj I ipent Saturday night with Miss l'aU- I Willi.. ?? Miss Girlean Dillard was the din. I ter puest of Miss Flonnie Mae Kil- I iun Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Clark spent I Sunday night with their parents, Mr. I ind Mrs. Bob Doekery. I Mrs. Bertha Kephart spent Sunday I vith Mrs. Bessie Seabolt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Killian was the I linner guest of Mrs. Nettie and Fred I doekery. Miss Willa Mae Hembree spent I Sunday evening with Mrs. Irene Roy. I Miss Kdna Mae Coleman spent Sun- I lay evening and was also the din- I ler guest of Miss Lois Doekery. A large crowd of Grape Creek folk I pent Sunday evening and were also I ho dinner guests of Mr. and Mm. I I. A. Timpson. B Mr. Leonard Ashe and Andrew B Kephart and Glenn Ashe were at the I tome of Mr. Will Doekery Sunday. I >UR I EMS 1 g ma am I lish a connection with this > your iaciiities for reaching visions. You can discuss freely y with our officers whatever s may be on your mind. , are not experts in every But we are in a position to i range, pitfalls and opporn. confront executives. We portunity to give you the perience. I & TRUST CO. I) yj/ ANDREWS i|cH / | ,/4"TON PICKUP^ '662! Delivered in Mur- 9 pKy. State and j?gg Local taxes extra. H| ^

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