Thursday, April 27 (?ljm Official Organ of V?r/ .\orth i PI BLISHt I) K\ Kilter-d in lbe Post Off ire at M class matter under \ct of March > /1/ C iHK /.. /. LEE si bsckiki One ^ ear ~ ? $! -50 Payable Stricli Legal Advertisements, want ads, r thanks, etc., 5c line each ;nsertion, furnished or request. Murphy. North Carolina. BUSINESS LOOKS G< Murphy looked a little hit h ever has before. I here was a lai he- ?.t ears whiz/iny around and si \\ # wonder just how many otl size eon Id have boasted of as muc! W by ? Building. of course. What with the dam and its s T\ A and private construction wo for. And this summer business sr work will reach its peak. Muc forward in the town. The new pi way. Sooh we understand, consti theater. Some see dire da\s ahead w feel that if every advantage is tak that has come over the town, the ft If the possibilities now at ha ful planning is tak*n toward th< "the boom" should last, at least i futune welfare. POISONS EASING Newr and important developm relief of pain were described 1?n D recent report to a leading scientil used are the poisonous venoms < reptiles. The use of such poisons in vai improvements in technique promi ferers through "blocking off" ci : J r n ? ? in-Mvm in |)ariiauy oeauentng Iti? to relieve pain hi ???i part of the As tin- result of \eais of resear siblc to treat extremely painful < in proper dos?*s directly into the i These animal poisons are sa allaying pain than opium or mo heen administered principally to fers from incurable diseases. The new treatment i* dcscribi method of blocking the nerves eitl spine*'. with great accuracy in nerves. This rounds rather in\sleri of alleviating pain is always weleu MILESTONE OF AVI. \\ ith the establishment of regu States and F.urope this summer, a the history of aviation will Ik; n pioneering flight in one of the new began at Baltimore a few days ago. The route lies by way of Hor gal: Marseilles, France; Southam land. Stops may also be made at leg of the course, between Bait inn mile*, was made on the maiden tri] For this service, the world's i boat will he used, the Boeing 311. a hull 106 feet long, and can carr test flight a crew of 21 was carried Pilots for the new service art poricnce in command of overseas t! bean and the Pacific. Kach has tin flying boats," the highest centifim attain. in licing the first to establish States further increases its lead in After using its present stale : have one of new design, lieai ing a principal rivers. The Daughters < new seal, asserting that the preser signed by a carpetbagger." The picture of a eat that nev< postage stamp issued in 1930 hoi portrait of the flyer, his plane ar erroneously rumored that l.indhei mascot on his Paris flight. Government bureaus are crack ers of beauty preparations who ma \ertising. One indignant beauty < don't want women to be beautiful. P Alabama magazine reports an Parley and Senator George. Farlej him that most New Dealers were all. file Chief (Roosevelt) is his is said to have shot back: "Not v Thinking war had biviken or Kinston, N. C.. rushed out to buy i boy ran down the street shouting later that "Extra" was the name ol , 1939 Thei ikr? fs>tant ?h\ and Cherokee County Carolina I R\ I HI RSOA1 lurphv. North Carolina as second 3. IIW7. Editor Owner U)\ PRICE Six M onths 75c 'v In Advance eading notices, obituaries, cards of payable in advance. Display rates Tliur-<l.i\. Apiil 27. 193? 30D usier to us last Saturday than it rgo crowd in town and tin* numtrect activity was almost amazing. icr towns in the L nited States thill? subsequent work in town in both rk. we have much to 1m* thankful lould be even letter. The TV A h mote building work will go ison camp at Peaehtrec is underruction will l>e started on a new hen it i< all completed. But we en of the business transformation iture won't have to be feared, ind are handled wisely and care future, what some refer to as n a measure that will assure our UN ents in the use of poisons for the r. M. B. Greene of Now ^ ork in a fir I" iv. Among the substances jf s. tlesnakes and other deadly rious ways is not new. but recent se to he of great benefit to sufrrtain nerves or sets of nerves, * whole nervous system in order body. ch and experiments it is now posonditions by injecting the poison icrves of the patient, id to he much more effective in rphine. hut heretofoie they have make easier the last days of sufmI by Dr. Green as ua fractional ler on the side or in front of the results by deadening individual ions to the layman, but any means med by suffering humanity. ATION lar air service between the United new and important milestone in ached. The first trans-Atlantic r planes to be used in this service ta. in the Azores: Lisbon, Portupton, England, and Foynes, lreIh-rmuda. The. first and longest >re and the Azores, about 2,500 p in 17 hours and 32 minutes, lewest and largest type of flying These planes weigh 42 tons, have y 74 passengers. On the initial , but no passengers. : all veterans, with years of exransport planes, flying the Caribe rating of "master pilot of ocean te of ability which an aviator can regular trans-Atlantic the United overseas flying. ?Mil lor 71 years, Alabama is to map of the state and showing its if the Confederacy sponsored the it one, adopted n 1868, "was deer existed appeared on a Spanish roriog Lindbergh, also bearing a id the Statute of Liberty. It was gh had' taken a black kitten as a ing down on certain manufacturike extravagant claims in their adexpert told an official, "You just alleged conversation between Jim r tried to placate George, assuring against the purge, adding, "After own worst enemy." The Senator rhile 1 live." it, or something, citizens of West r paper early one morning when a 'ISxtia! Extra!" They, discovered ' his dog. Cherokee Scout, Murphy, Norl NOBODY'S BUSINESS BYGEEMcGHEE deer mr. edditor:? the inhabitants of the town of flat rock are worried put nigh to death, mr. slim chance, sr., who vissited last week in the county seat, says he heard the sheriff up there make a . statement that herr hitler, a german j of europe is going to annex all the teritory in the world to germanny where as many as 5 germans live, that, means that flat rock will be no more. we have 5 germans liwing in our I vizzly: otto gottschalk, mrs. fredia ^ gottschalk. and their 4 children who sneers to the names of gustav, mien- J gott, obstrox and kazer wilhelm. we ^ don't know what in the world to do. ^ if we move away we might land in another place whero there lipe 5 ger- I mans and we wouldn't be anny better v off. our 3 je*vs pulled out of town last night n? soon as they heard that v the germans were a-coming ansoforth. J mr. chance said that herr hitler (meaning his ma's hitler) has aired- ( yd took oper memmel and czechy- t slovaky, surayton land, roomaney, the Ukraine, jugger slovocky, part of it lay, the hind leg of turkey, nail 01 . lithunia, part of poland, and was making a drive on danzigg. he done that so's the germans who reside in them countries could live happily ev< i after under ihe rule of a german s heel, and eve time they meet u nazzi, thy will have to hold up one hand and one leg and bellow: "heel, heel!'* he allso took austia and hungrey. we will rite to the f. b. i. and the s. e. c. tonight to stop hitler if pos sible, and ask england and great brittain and franco to help them if they have got over the scare ansofotrh. we do not want to live under herr hitle and have to work for nothing and board ouselves and not have anny monney except some marks, a mark as long as main street is not worth nnnything over here, but are square . . . who can't ite name makes a cross mark that has benn good at the bank for as much as 2$. there will be no sleep in this town from now on. our poleesman thinks we ought to export our germans and save our county, herr hitler won't have excuse for annexing flat rock if he can't find anny gemans in oui midst, our greek resterant says he do not care who rules flat lock just as long as he can get a nickel for a hot dog. we have another furriner here, but as nobody can upnderstand annything he has said up to now, we don't know whether he is as spanion or a ui u jappciiiees ur is irom london. if you hear annyboddy hoi- 1 lering for help, it*s us. yores trulie, mike lark, rfd, corry spondent. deer mr. edditor:? plese make a few orrections in the way yore liner-up opperator set up my colyum last week and got hair had * pulled so were still sore, me in dutch with a great manny of my one addmiring friends. t the operation on mrs. skinner catt t which was hell by dr. hubbert green 1 at the county seat hosspittle did not i kill her as per yore paper, she would i of died anny way, so he says, and he used his knife and saw as a last resort. ( it was mrs. slim chance, jr., instid ] of mrs. slim chance, sr., that enter- ( tained at bridge to a host of friends last thursday, p. m. betwixt 5 and 6 , with russian tea and crackers, the latter do not allow cards in her house, being the pressident of the missionnen-y society. it was not mrs. will waite, the pas- * 1 ture's wife, as was reported, who 1 said that the moores who live on main i street would soon be put out of their 1 home for non-payment of the f. h. a. < It was some other lady whose name 1 is now unknown to +hi-> riter but they 1 havp honn nut- ?-U~ ? rM.v uuv i uoi hue aauiv. rev. waite desires this corrected in big | type. mr. torn head was not arrested for being drunk, as per this column last Wednesday, he had took a dost of cocaine in town for the headache 1 and that is why his car wobbled so ' much and ran over a fence and bump 1 ed into old mrs. winner and killed a calf and fell down a embankment and knocked him conscious. plese send him a copy of this correction: he weighs 210 lbs., and used to be a boxer. ash yore fellers to be more particular in putting down what i rite up. the folks in flat rock are all high class people considering everthing and they certainly want to stand at the top in the newspaper, we will stick to the general news in the future instid of refer too much to personals and socials, our head is getting' better where it was struck and you will hear from us right on as usual, thank you in advance, but print this at once. yores trulie, mike lark, rfd, corry spondent. % th Carolina NEWS PICK-U Burt (May Flowers) Savage wants us to change the name of our darling paper to the "Gazette." "How come?" we asks pulling ourself to our full five feet, eight inches and reaching his shoulder. "Gazette ain't got nothin' in it", he barks. And we don't argue the question?not with Burt. So "Gazette" it is; if that's the way you want it. We really don't like to take a stand in such matters anyway? as long as we only come tot a guy's shoulder. Reporter?5-really-do-get-around (on foot) note: Monday, being our day (as if practically everybody doesn'* lave one these days) to gather what here is in the line of newspapers and >rinted establishments in Andrews, ve were forced to make the trip or *oot, or through the milk of humar cinaness. This condition was brought about >y the fact that old "Pea Thrasher" vas jacked up fore and aft (and slung n the middle) by one Dave McCluie chr> investigates the mysteries, the ntricacies and the whys and whereores of any piece of gasoline-propcll d mechanism when it goes haywire or when same is needed to hold it ogether). So while we left Dave buried to his inkles in the greasy depths of the old 'Struggle Buggy" (which is ours b} irtue of a tea-cup full of gasolin* md a boat-load of credit) we began iketching a thumb-nail route to tht air city nestling in the hills of Valeytown township. First to accomodate us was Tom Terrell, the demon salesman, who vas headed for Graham county. No ooner departed his genial companion thip that we met "Uncle Billy' Hyde, he 81-year-old erstwhile preacher and justice of the peace at Andrews. "Ah, it was a fine day, 58 years igo today", he said. "Just like today. iVarm, cloudless?just about as near jerfect as could be expected". "How come you remember that paricular day, Uncle Billy", we asked. He looked at us out of his sly, old jyes and answered: "That's the day was married". Well, a fellow should remember hat, shouldn't he. Saw Frank Conley riding the top )f a telephone pole; while brother ?eb heid it up?or maybe he wai' eaning on it. You just can't figure hose things out some times. Anyway, Ahile Frank proceeded to fix the maize of wires about him he told us >f the colored bov who cot. u? in ? jole in front of Cover's house the ither day and couldn't get down. In act it was all so funny that Franh Turning Back ir FROM THE SCOUT FILES OF District Governor Roy MillU:an, of iorth Carolina, member of the Greeniboro Club, was the guest of honor it the regular Ladies night of the ilurphy Lions Club Wednesday nigth. E. A. Savage, 91 years old, affecionately called and better known o his friends as "Grandpa", died at ris home at the Regal Hotel Monday light, April 22, at 11 o'clock .after an l(ness of a little more than a week. Word was received here several lays ago that S. B. (Bud) Rhea, of Doming, New Mexico, former citizen if Murphy, and only brother of Mrs. \llie Bell and Miss Mary (Sis) Rhea, if Murphy, died at his home on April 13th. Tho gates were closed on the Midway dam on Hampton park, four miles [rom Murphy this week. When filled it will be Murphy's first amusement lake. The Midway Golf Course was opened the first of the month and has been drawing golfers from all over this section. TIMELY TOPH Thl'PP VP5)T? Qr*A Pli?oWU C" ner of Cortland, N. Y., dislocated a vertebra in her neck while doing a head-stand, as required by her calisthenics teacher. She sued the school for damages, which were recently awarded in th sum of $3,000 by the appellate division of the state supreme court. Exercise doesn't help much in work ing off fat, according to Dr. C. C Sturgis of Michigan. He admits that a walk up the Washington Jdonumenl might work off the equivalent of a pat of butter, but adds: "I think it's simpler not to eat the butter." The Wisconsin legislature passed a bill withdrawing state support from tho Wisconsin Development Authority, a quasi-public power project ret up by the LaFollette regime, .->r which a state appropriation og ' V 000 a'year had been provided. w PS ?By SAM CARD I almost feD out of the pole laughn^ I about it. Came home with Si BirchfieM, tb. I forest warden, and believe me, brotr I cr, ht's one man who knows how , I beat around the mulberry bush, or I any other kind of bush that might I* I in the path of a forest fire. Lots c! careless fires and lots of arrests r? I SULTING these days, he reports. I Some time ago A. C. Lunceford. I the Post Toasties man from Chatta' I nooga, subscribed for our paper. Making his trip through here lav I week he reported that on one occat- I sion he left a copy in the back seat o; I his car when he sent it to the filling I station. The colored boy cleaning j I out discovered the Scout and ins epts I tan to the corner where we regular- I ly print "The Weather Vane." 9 No, the boy wasn't B iota in the weather over here. But I those numbers?well, they just wov, 9 a spell over him like the South Aire I ican (or is it African) Voo-doo. In I those few little figures, his supersti- 9 tious mind saw great possibilities in the Butter and Bgg Mar'aei .vum bers"; and city colored fnlb. ire verj I susceptible to any combination o! 9 numbers whether they come nff -i Santa Fe line Box cars or the week I! ly "Gazette" (darn it)! I That was six weeks ago when the I boy's eyo first opened as wide v I watermelons. Today he's actually foai I hundred and some dollars richer, ALr. S Lunceford reports. "Yeah man! It's the Scout (or Gazette) fo' me f'm now on!", the boy smiles showing hi^ white teeth. What the combination is nobody knows but the colored boy; and he's one of the choice few of the million! in the cities that have "lucked into" a combination that spells profit. There's a thousand that "don't" tc every one that "do's". ' Burgess Bailey grabbed ahold of a 2200 wire accidentally the other day, and while it knocked the fire ou; of him (with no damage except as hers inafter designated), thank goodness we learned something. The charge m so "hot" that it made his watd screwy. h "Some days it would gain three hours?and the next it might lost four", he stated. I So the talc mine manager took the watch over to Bunny Moore where ht dangled some kind of apparatus over it- that took all the juice out of it " and it runs just as good as before, j (Darn. I wish I had some of tte: in the "Pea Thrasher". 1 wouldn't I care whether it went backwards or m forwards?Just as long as it go: | mere). iistory's Pages * TEN YEARS AGO The Home Demonstration Clubs of Brasgtown, Marble and Peachtree held their regular monthly meeting's during the past week, ending the course being given by the extension service of State college. The Murphy High School team romped with the big end of a 1' 12 score against Hayesville team on their diamond Tuesday afternoon. Barton, Hensley and Martin were the big sluggers for Murphy. Mrs. M. L. McFee, 60 years old. of Persimmon Creek, died last Wednesday night, April 10th, after an illness of several months. Mrs. McFw had been in bad health for the past two years. The members of the B. Y. P. U.en" joyed a weiner roast at Junaluska last Friday evening. Mrs. D. M. Birchfield, of Tomotla, who has been ill for some time b better, her friends will be glad 10 learn. _ cs r r? -w*t - ?- "< j. t>. vviggs, 01 uenton, icx., rim? about in a "goatmobile,"' the po**1 being supplied by a goat. When one tires, a spare goat carried in a cage is substituted. Charging extreme cruelty Joseph C. Manning, 94, obtained a divorc* from his wife Jessie, in a five-minute hearing at Las Vegas, Nev., after nin?j years of married life. He celebrated his freedom by dancing until a late hour at a Townsend pension ( ciu& party.) Indiana's only Civil War nur?e, and one of three surviving in the entire nation, is Mrs. Mary E. of Logansport, who recently celebra*' ed her 96th birthday. Stein Kiel and Hull arc stcaint>??| inspectors on the Great Lakes f?r bureau of navigation and stoamo

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