Are Staged B v Woodmen Here An c \?vp: i?nal { _ram < . ?ntei tainment was jr.?vided nu-in'jei's of the W odm.ui and tiair guests in Murphy Tuesday nigh". T? r amateur l?o\irv.r b-?i: - ail J a program "1' .music wa- irrangi I. Sandwich and ienioiia it- was served the approximate lhu whc attended the affait in the lodge hail. In the boxing bouts: Mnri? ( lacklei :r " .J Mallonee, Fled Swain met Ge?'uri' Walker, Fred i-iehols met an ui'.named opponent, Wr y Haynes nu-t. Fib ' Mallonee and Claud'1 (i i * - em* 'I' by Half, former Golden Gloves South- astern champion. I -:m v Xeirro bou's added to the pica.-art aff e-ded the customers. Tlio -wappii:- pur.chc, were: Wil -an: S 'h and i . mis Hv.iit, Hoy HMGte??| and?l?irve Harrison. l^csracj \V. h>:.-r and Wiilard Allen. Ftlix Blackv.? .'i ! Lukf Au-tii! and F.-d C nd 0 - t: I. yd. Mo was fiiriii-fi d '?j| !. II Duke. An "in Avan'. t'arl and Paul II... . [):;( ! ?" - ! Dr. L. L. H- . Judge Hill Dies In Richmcnd Wedrfsday Continued from page one Judu - Hill >-i~ ??!? Murphy's favorite sons. His iniative and frendline.-s b rough* him early to the front in the Ir - prot\--i<.n t" North Carolina. a^ at'- -ted hy the fact that he was :n>pr?inted to the Superiot court bench at the age of 35. Sur\ ivitiL' -Iudir-' Hill are: hi- widow, who was at hi- ]> t' Murphv; WAX'I For Sale BEE 5UrPLi?5 Hives, supers, covc-rs, frames, foundation, smokers, gloves, veils. Let us place your *rrders for packaged bees and queens We represent best breeders. FARMERS FEDERATION. Murohv Ware. house. Hiwassee Street. (38-lt-chg) NEW AND USED JAY BEE Hammcr Mills, Grinders and Grist Mills, for every grinding requirement. Small down payment. Good terms. | Write quick for details. E. E. Hill, j 196 Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. j t39-3t-pd) I FOR SALE?6 week's old pure ! bred Boston Screw tail pups. C. L. Aherron, 204 Hilton St., or Phone 76. (39-2t-chg) I F ARMS FOR SALE. Bargains. Mur- J phy realty Co., Phone 175. Also General Insurance. (38-lt-chg) Classified Display DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. GET UP NIGHTS? It's Natures Danger Signal Make this 25c test if fuctional kidney disorders jyet you up nights. Often the kidneys need flushing- as well as the bowels. Thousands have ,.cr.,I D..1. A - A - * - - - - uacu oukcis i? increase healthful diuretic activity. Yaur 25c back from druggist if not. pleased in 4 days. | Locally at R. S. Parker Drug Co. j [xyxjy DR. J. E. SARRELL SPECIALIST Refraction and Mobility of the EYE COPPERHILL, TENN. The most modern optical office between Knoxville and Atlanta. Can examine the Eyes, grind and deliver the glasses same day if desired. Over 30,000 pairs of glasses made and delivered from this office. Established since 1909. All work guaranteed?always on the job. pgE WELL op srr Sa-vRELL I Engineers Society Visits Hiwassee Dam Continued from page one "wrllow dam in the world. The lake to be produced by thi.huii K r will contain 430,000 acre tcot of stoiajrc and will back up water t ! Murphy, a diatauce of about 2- miles I A power plant is being installed t? I' utilize the power nherent in the release of storage water from the dam One 60,U00 kilowatt. 80.000 horsepower generating unit is being in! stalled at present and provision is 1 made for the future installation of a | duplicate unit. I About 71'O.OCO cubic yards of con *rt re will be poured in the coi?strucjt:?n of the dam and powerhouse. All of the aggregate, including the | sand required for making the con- 1 rrete. is manufacture d at the she from rock procured at the uujncent { quarry The aggregate plant which I manufactures the crushed rock and (1 .-and is one of the most nearly coin- | plete plants of its kind in operation. |1 95. . ..*11 i 1 lie UliH, COt'liUI .-v.-vci:l 1- *<- ? nji- t he features of the plant. | This project is now at an interest- i . stage ??i construction. >:ightly j ; n on- ih;yi half of the lota! amount o? j ^ concrete in the dam has been placed \' r 11 date. Construction of the power}: 'Use building h;is been started. The I 1 closure blocks of the dam are b -in 1 | 1 placed and the river is discharging j ' | through the floods regulating con- ' j duits. ! Tile setting of the dam and the!' < instruction village in the heart of ^ the scenic North Carolina mountains makes the trip especially attractive ! ""J | it \ isitors. \ CHILD IS IMPROVING Mildred, the four-year-old daughter I of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Black, of : Murj.hy. has returned home from < Athens, Tent)., where she received a 1 serious injury on Easter Sunday when she fell from a moving automobile. 1 Mrs. Lucille Cleveland, of Binning- t ham. Ala., and Mrs. Hugh Gilbert 1 V eVTlathv. . Co; pefllill. Term. r /I 116 imMWj^y Lost & Found ! STRAYED?red and black pit; wcii(li- j . ing about 40 pounds. Marked with j J smooth crop right, slit left. Vance ! j Dockery, Murphy, Route 3. Box 10. (38-2t-chg> ( For Rent FOR RENT: Comfortable rooms, ! with or without meals. Plenty of hot ' ! water. Hot air heat. See Mrs. G. P Robinson or call 199, Murphy, N. C. ! t3S-2t-chg) THOSE WANTING PASTURE see < J. W. or George Dyer for Golf Course t Pasture. Charge: $1 per month per . head. (38-2t-pd) Classified Display Quinn & Humphrey QUICK AMBULANCE SERVICE Funeral Directors &. Embalmers * Day Phone 74, Night 97 and 77 COPPERHILL. TENN. ? I 1 1 | 1; i D ADV /^UTCI/C I 1 i U. S. Approved Pullorum Tested. That will really live and make 1 money for you. BUNCH HATCHERY ' i Statesville, North Carolina. ' I ___ J I/i Ap SALVE | ODD COLDS Uquid-Tablet price I i sc 10c & 25c i ALL YOUR DRUG NEEDS PATENT MEDICINES ICE CREAM FOUNTAIN SERVICE CANDY?TOBACCO MACAZINES Prescriptions Filled Accurately CUT RATE PHARMACY J. W. (Bill) Adams 1 okee Scout, Murphy, Nor LOCAL PROJECTS ARE DISCUSSED BY LIONS CLUB Supervised Playgrounds, Advertising Committees Named A number ?.f local civic projects were discussed Tuesday night by the Murphy Lions club at their regulai semi-monthly meeting. Park Fisher, of the Jphn C. Ca/npbell Folk School, Brasstown, presid?'d in the absence of President Harve Elkins. A committee was a; pointed to work vith the various womens clubs in own in promoting a supervised play ground for the summer through local !md TV A funds. Those named on the mimittee were: K. C. Wright, chaii nan. Sam Fan and H. Bueek. Another committee was appointee. ?' iai.-e funds to match a general k.. > tu? club u!t;. I* rank Swan, of Andrews, who : aied that th? Andrews American .egion post was sponsoring the ad? rtising drive. He solicited the aid >f other clubs in this section. The dan is to have one man lu.vel to \sheville, Nashville. Tenn., Atlanta, ia., and other large cities to make leisonal contacts with travel bureaus ijhI chambers of commerce an I leave iterature with them outliniag the ittraetions and inviting tourists into his section of Western North ('aroma. The maintenance of the Southern >assenger train from Asheville, the Lions Information booth, and the Murphy cannery were among other natters discussed at the meeting. Dr. W. A. Hoover, owner ?J* Petrie Hospital here, was a new tnembei ittemling the meeting. Elections To Be Held !n Three Communities Continued from page one ..... in 1.1111(11 y anil iiuuiiiwimbi IV. T. Holland, for mayor, and Zala \(lains, .1. Frank Bristol, S. E. Covet ilid \\;nle A. Ueoce for aldermen. The Town of Marble, said to be the smallest incorporated community in vjorth Carolina, will vote Tuesday on vhether or not to abolish their town barter. At a recent meeting of the own aldermen it was decided to hold t vote on the question. On the event the town's charter is lot abolished in the election, a ticket 'onsisting of mayor and three aldernen was announced for the office. They are: W. B. Mulkey,. for mayor, nid B .B. Palmer, C. M. Trull and N. IV. Abernathy for commissioners. The candidate for mayor and the undidates for commissioners of the Town of Murphy on the New Ticket ay that they have made no promise >r intimation as to who they will ippoint to the various appointive ffices, if they are elected, and any itatenient to that effect is not true. The candidates further state, that f elected they will do all in their >ower to cut the expenses of the I'own and reduce the taxes, and that hey will repair the streets in all secions of the Town, and that they will it> all they can in every way to pro note the best interests of the Town. The following statement was made >y the group seeking office on the icket headed by Mr. Gray: "Everyone is familiar with the ong effort that the present Mayoi ind Board of Commissioners of the p - ! ?? * iuwii o nuurpny nave made in the face of apparently insurmountable obstacles to obtain TV A power foi he Town. (1) Southern States Pow>r company did not seem inclined to sell to us. (2) At one time it seem d that Nantahala Power and Light ompany had bought the system. (3) The effort made to procure relief through the legislature was defeated by the power interests and the utilities commission. "In the face of all this the present Mayor and Board of Alerdmen worked unceasingly, made numerous trips, and gave freely of their time in an effort to procure TVA power, refusing to be discouraged by the apparently hopeless outlook. This has brought, results. Nantahala Power and Light company has offered to soil to the Town of Murphy an interest in the distribution system, to close the deal immediately and to give us possession of the distribution system. It has authorized full examination by the Town of its books and records to ascertain the correctness of its representations as to the reasonableness of the price at which the system is offered to the town. The Tennes Dog Vaccination Program Is Given To prevent the spread Rabies ?nd to k- ? p Cherokee County's largi <>g population from ^oing mad. bitng livestock, cattle and. last but no' east, t prevent 25 or more persons roni having to take the very painful Pasteur treat nit nts. the dog owner ire ex: ected to comply with regulations requiring that all dogs in the County be vaccinated. Fo th< information of all the fol. owing schedule of places to bring your dog and the time is announced. All dogs must be vaccinated each year. There is no danger, as some neonle think, to the doer that is vitrei. r.ated. Murphy High School Saturday, April 29 Upper Peachtree Church, May 2 S :00 a. m. Peachtree (Will ISrittain's Store), May 2 at 10:00 a. m. >io\\ Creek i At iu?otnl Mill) Miy 2. 12:00 a. m. T??motla (Sneed's Store) May 2. J p. ni. I Roilina Springs School Wednesday May 2, 9:00 a. m. (Irandva -.v Post Office. Wednesday May 2. 11:20 a. m. K! nezer School Wednesday May I 2. 1 20 p. m. Gi !>e Creek School. Wednesday, Mnv 2. 2:20 n. m. \!1 homs listed on Cent l al Time. Houk Is Speaker At Graduation Exercises Continued from pa-ge oner want to go to college and get a white ellar j??b. Ton many God-given plas' tereis have been turned into lawyers, preachi i s and other pursuits to the loss of the various professions.'* I Mr. Houk referred to the MidWestern senior class which used as its motto. "WPA Here We Come'*, as an example of the mistaken attitude I assumed by many graduates today, i "Find out what the students can do. Then provide means for them t?> do it", h?- added in outlining "the most sane form of education". The speaker then directed his address to the seniors themselves and spoke to them on th "Three C's"; confidence, courage and character. He outlined to them the wide fields of endeavor that were open to them today with the steady and enlargening growth of progress. 44You haven't seen the first of progress", he said. "It is just as necessary that you know what you can't do, as what you can do." He was introduced by H. Bueck. superintendent of the schools of th" Murphy unit, i The exercises \ISO "NANCY DREW, REPORTER" Starring Bonita Granville. THURS. and FRI. MAY 4 and 5 Mark Twain's Immortal? "HUCKLEBERRY _ FINN" Starring Mickey Rooney