Our Aim ? # ? ^ A Scout In //?* held immediately after the dinner. Young Democrats from Cherokee county who will take a leading role in the rally include Miss Sara Ruth ! Posey, of Murphy, state vice-chairman on Finance, Yojung Democratic Voters Clubs, and Mr. A. B. Chandler, Jr., of Andrews, president of the , Cheeokpo r>nnnt? V T"\ . ??? . ^ ~ x.vui'kj * vung t/uiiiutmut Voters Club. Mr. Chandler will name His county committees this week. ( i Weather Vane i lasted below are maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall . for the past week compared with ( similar data for last year. TEMPERATURES I 1939 1938 I 27 82 59 84 47 28 76 53 80 47 2? 74 45 81 52 30 66 33 77 41 May 1 72 36 71 50 2 73 33 78 45 S 66 30 86 54 I *MNFAIE INCHES 1939 1938 I T?t?i for nril 4.19 10.14 5 T?UI ?ir tfay 1 0.00 0.35 I Total si rnuary 1 26.73 22.41 I if ti WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTE M CLEAN-UP MOVEMEN ASKED TO JOIN IN BE^ In inaugurating a county-wide clean-up movement, Miss Alline Richardson, Cherokee county home demonstration agent, announces at. thall the demonstration clubs in the county are joining in a drive to beautify private and public premises. "All clubs'*, she stated, "are planning to do some special work along this line by beautifying their homes and commnnitu " I his is a good time for all home and property owners to join in the movement, sue auu:-. Work along this line enhances the attractiveness of town and highways and would aid in making a good impression on spring and summer tourists. "The public is urged to plant all | the native shrubbery possible", 1 Miss Richardson stated, "straighten i up mail boxes, attractively print- j ing their names on them, white- J wash trees and build steps up to the house. There are many little j things that can be done like this | and moving wood-piles from the front yard to the rear of the house that wouid serve to beautify the I community." Funeral Rites Held For Judge Frank Hill Funeral services for .Judge Frank 6. lull, 41-year-old special Superior court judge, of Alurpny, were coi.uclcd at Richmond, Va., last Friday ultcrnoon at 3 o'clock. Judge Hill, who was born and reared here and nad practiced law in Alurpny before being appointed to the superior court bencn by Goxenior (J. Max Gardner in lb.i2, died in Richmond alter a short illness Wednesday. Among those attending the services i were: Mrs. M. C. King, of Copperhul, \ i'enn., Mr. and Mis. Hugh Gilbert Ad- , ernatny, of (Jopperhiii, Mrs. Frank Fain, of Murphy, and Airs. Leila Dick- j i->. t i .Murphy. Abductors Get ? . r? >jciuciicc5 i ur Crime Jan. 15 Six Georgia men, who were held in county jail here on kidnaping charg-1 es for several weeks last winter, were j given sentences in the ease in federal court in Atlanta last week. The men and their sentences were:1 Luke Puett, Jack McClure, Clyde Mes- j berk and Henry Brown, 18 months each, and Adell and Abe Puett, 12 months each. All are from the Warne section near the Clay county line. The men were arrested here on January 15 after Jonas Williams, of the Warne section, accused them ol forcibly abducting him, bringing him to Murphy under threat of death, and ordering him to board a bus for Waynesville, his original home. Arrests were made by Policemen N'eil Sneed and Fred Johnson, Sheriff Carl Townson and Constable Sheridan Stiles. Federal officers investigated tho case and ordered the men released from the Cherokee county jail. Several days later they were all arrested again by federal officers in j Georgia and indicted in the Atlanta court. Williams said the men were mad at him because he had aided federal officers in obtaining several stills in the Warne section. Officers Sl\eed and Stiles attended the trial in Atlanta. r\ l. < T\ - li Results or rosteii School Test Given In publishing the results of the Cherokee county seventh grade reading tests recently, the scores v/f the Postell school were omitted from the list. The scores, as announced by II. Bueck are an follows: Morris Brown, 1.6; Mizie Crain, 8.1; Grace Wilma j Crowder, 6.5; Pauline Hamilton, 0.5; j Junior Hawkins, 5.1; Junior Pack,. 5.6; Hazel Suit, 8.1; Zelma Torrence, 5.0, and Bobby Usry, 6.6. j PUBLISHER VICITOR HERE Carl Goerch publisher of the | widely-read "State" magazine, was a visitor in Murphy Wednesday night. While here Mr. Goerch greeted Dr. J. N. Hill, Edwin Hyde and other acquaintances. He had spent the day in \ Graham county, his "first visit to the only county seat he had not seen in the state". RN NORTH CAROLINA, COVERING URPHY, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 4. T BEGUN, CITIZENS lUTIFICATION WORK Much work along this lino can j bo scon throughout the county. "Cherokee countians are finding j out more and more", the homo demonstration agent continued, "that attractive homes, lawns and highways can do a great deal to help a community. It makes a good impression on tourists and helps to bring them back to the community again. Not only that but there is a certa'n satisfaction and pride in knowiner that you have a home and surroundings that is admired by I others. "Very little work and no cash ; outlay is required in many instanc- J es to beautify a home. A little mov- i ing, patching and painting in many cases will give an altogether changed appearance. "The demonstration clubs arc taking the beautification movement to heart and we expect some? definite results soon, it is our hope that the entire county will join in this movement: and make Cherokee county one of the garden spots of Western North Carolina,'* Miss I U:fh.-ird:-nn said. Demonstration Club Meetings Are Scheduled Home Demonstration club meetings in Cherokee county will be held a week earlier than usual this month Miss Alline Richardson, home demonstration agent, announced. She said it would be necessary foi her to be away during the week in which the meetings are regularly held. Miss' Richardson is urging all womeun in the county to attend a district meeting that will b?* held at Bryson City on Friday, May 12. Other meetings scheduled are: I Monday, May K, Belleview, with Mrs. Pearl King; Tuesday, May 9 Suit, with Mrs. Charlie Woods; Wednesday, May 10, Grandview, with Mrs. \Y. A. Adams; Thursday, May 11, Martin.-, Creek, with Mrs. A. R. Stalcup; Mon day, May 15, Topton, with Mrs. C. II. | Watson. Wednesday, May 17, Andrews; Thursday, May IS, Peachtree, with | Rebecca Mauney; Friday, May I'J, I Wolf Creek, with Mrs. Oscar Sim-1 mons, and Monday, May 22, Marble i with Mrs. Frank Littlejohn. Famous Knoxville Quartette To Sing Here Saturday Night The famous Vaughun Quartette, radio stars of station WSM, Nashville, Tenn., will render a concert at the court house in Murphy Saturday night, at 7 :o0 o'clock. The singing is being sponsored by the Young Men's Sunday School class of the First Baptist church here. John Donley, clerk of Cherokee County Superior court and member of the class, is in charge of arrangements. Mr. Donley states this is one of the finest quartettes in the South today and a fine evening of exceptional entertainment is in store for those who attend. Russell Takes Place Uf Darby At TVA Dam Jimmy Russell, formerly of Guntersville, Ala., has been transferred by TVA to Hiwassee Dam in Cherokee county where he will assume the duties formerly held by P. H. Darby, in the personnel office. Mr. Darby died suddenly of a heart attack at the dam several months ago. 4-H Group Attends Meeting In Asheville A group of Cherokee county youths, accompanied by Miss Alline Ricr.ardron, Cherokee county home d< m??nstration agent, attended a 4-II club recreational school at Asheville Tuesday and Wednesday. Those attending were: Mildred Patterson, Suit; Eloise Witt, Peachtrec; Marcille Hail, Murphy and George Dyer, Murphy. The purpose of the meeting, Miss Richardson said, was to teach various! Karnes and forms of recreation so they may be leaders in recreational von-1 tures in their communities. 1 r ?>tm A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH TI 1939 Gray Ticket I In Municipal 1 Mrs. Hall, 67, a Of Tomotla, Is Buried Tuesday 1 Fi:r.:rr.l zcrv:c: f~r Mrz. A. \Y ' nan. ui, oi Tomotla. were conducted I from tbe Tomotla church Wednesday cll r.Oernoon witli the Rev. Fred Stiles lo officiating. W. I). Townson was in ,k . charge of funeral arrangements. ! ,t, Mrs. Hall, a life-long resident of j Cherokee county, died Monday of a io heart attack. She had been a member of the Baptist church for 50 years jOJ and was one of the most beloved resi- t dents in the Tomotla section. Pallbearers were: Edgar Price, mi I Waller .Tones, Mont Rogers, Adkio r;i Keener. Leonard McClure and Gil- r 1 belt: Stiles. ,,u Granddaughters acled as flower girl". t.v Surviving are: the husband; three lK daughters, Mrs. .1. W. Odom, of Unaka. Mrs. John Odell, of Murphy, and Mrs. .1 It. Shields, of Tomotla; 'eight m oils. Fred and Knox, both of Tomotla. .1 It.. Willard and Robert, all ol .Murphy; and Kimsey. Mark and Jim, II of Canton, N. C.. two brothers, j" Iten Johnson, of Tellico Plains, Tenn., and J. (\ Johnson, of Arizona, and a sister. Mrs. Emma Cagle. of u; Tellico Plains. ih M'KEE RENAMED $ TO HIGHWAY JOB ' | | BY GOVERNOR HOEY I Governor Hoey Monday reappointed W| j four members of the state highway lji i and public works commission E. 1,. Mc- ir; I lvee of Sylva, Thomas R. Wolfe, of ^ | Albemarle, T.| Boddie Ward of W iison an | and A. F. Powell, Jr., of Whiteville. I They were named for six-year terms, which will expire May 1, Of the other six members of the high- li way commission, three now are serving terms which will expire in 11)4 3 and three terms which will expire in ? ii)4:>. L Dr. H. G. Baty of Chapel IIill and Dr. H. II. Large of Rocky Mount were reappointed to the state board of oi| honlth fm- * * * J" , ...rt li' lO. lil I Roger McDuffie of Greensboro also Si i was named to the board, to succeed j?, the late Dr. J. P. Stowe of Charlotte, m and will serve until May 1, 1941. Dr. A. M. Proctor of Duke univer tu sity was named to the board ot t0 managers of the Stsite Home and In- ft, dustrial School for Girls at Samar- eJ cand, to succeed Lionel Weil of Golds- at boro, resigned. o? R. V. Sisk of Charlotte and L. L. jt Vaughan of N. C. State college were named by the governor to the state ra examining and licensing board for it plumbing and heating contractors, w under a 1939 law increasing the membership of the body. R. II. Haley of sc Charlotte was reappointed. Ill Rabid Dog Is Killed Near Murphy Sunday |1,1 A dog having all the actions of a mad dog was killed near the Murphy JTavern Sunday. ^ The dog was a hound which stray- v. ed int i section are warned to watch them I closely as they may have been snapp- li' kv .i-_ ... ..... . .?v lauiu UUK> I tr New Feed and Seed Store Is Opened Here i E i Lorcn C. Davu officially opened | the new Murphy Feed and Seed store 'a on Tennessee street last week-end. fi' The store is located in a Pew building nt, adjoining the Dickey Feed company M which was sold to Mr. Davis recently. Mr. Davis announces he will con tinuo to handle the same high-quality rc products sold by Mr. W. S. Dickey sl> who conducted the business here for 14 years. or Mr. Dickey has moved his office to us the Standard Oil company's bulk plant where Mr. Dickey is distributor for >n the products in this section. P;i ^ The Scout Brings You 5c COPY?Sl.SC PER YEAR s Elected Vote Here illitt Wins Close Race Andrews; Contests >re Warm in one of the closest and most i-xitij* municipal elections lieiu in n i??iy in ttie* past decade, the tichiieudtu by it. Lnay lor mayor is elected lor a two-year term 1 ues.tp'. (Iray, incumbent mayor, lecciviuo \o-?s. V-Olniiii.ssi one rs eiectcu m i ve with him are: C. 1). -day iieid, o; Auun L.ovmgoou, -iiso, b. C. jure, owl; 1. . ..xicy, att 1; W'ait.uaum-y. Oi4, and W . i'. Oiiora, b. Opposing Mi\ Gray was .1. 1>. Maiice wlio received oi,r> volts. Ueleatcundiuates running on the ticket til i\ir. AiulloiR'c were: J. W. ;.;cilliai), dlia; E. iv Mile.. .>10; K. 5. iiKti. **!.>; Hayes Uockery, Jb'd; auk 10. Dickey, lib J; and air.. Thei. 1.1 If Key, Li lib. The vote was one of the heaviest cr cast in Aiurpny municipal eiecii>s, and more political activity was served in the campaign thai! liu.s en seen m a local municipal election many a day. Gray, Mayfielci. Lovmgood and oore were incumbent members or i' board. All members are welllow n business of the town. In Andrews, ;? still closer election is held with i>. II. Tillitt, county atrney, winning the mapor's post on e Democratic by an unofficial rented majority of two votes. Elect1 to serve with him were four abb ri il running on the Republican ticket, ley are: Zala Adams, J. Fianl: Bris1. S. E. Cover and Wade Recce. All me elected by small majorities it is stated. Defeated candidates at Andrews re: \V. T. Holland, for mayor on c Republican ticket, and the Demotitic aldermen nominees, U. 1'. Grant, 1>. Chandler, Sr.. W. (I. McKeldrey d E. A .Greer, Sr. !nr'Af/l M?/ln PIT ittmu niauc uy ,ocal Postoffice Murphy ranks first among all steal class post offices in North Carole per capita sale of United States ivings bonds for the year 1938, >stmaster Howard Moody has an unccd. Postoffice sales of bonds amounted $57,918.75 and mail order sales $637.50 to put the local post ofcet which was raised from third ass to second class four years ago, . the list ill the state. Madison is secid; Littleton, third, and Franklin, uirth, according to the figures. Although the Murphy postoffice inked first in the per capita sales, ranked second in the amount sold, ith Lumherton leading this list. Andrews ranked third in amount Id among third class postoffice? in to state, ts total was $20,475. Employee? at the local post office ?sides Mr. Moody are: H. E. DiekMrs Curl rW.K. i r*y~ > ? - ,, aihi v^iyat' jrat>n. iospital Day to Be )bserved On May 12 Citizens art* invited to attend the etrie hospital in Murphy on Friday, ay 12. National Hospital Day, ofcials stated this week. Annually the local hospital invites ic public to inspect the hospital on lis day. ood Demonstration To le Held At Local Store A personal food demonstration of sty products made from Alpine our and Groves coffee will be held the Davidson & Melver store in urphy on Friday and Saturday of is week. All ladies in the community are rdially invited to attend this unulal food demonstration. ^ Also during the two days the demistrations are held a number of unual food bargains are being- offered ' the store, some of which are listed an advertisement elsewhere in this iper.