SOCI tMrs. Witherspoon Is Hostess To Auxiliary The Pivs-bytevian Auxiliary held j it.- regular meeting with Mrs. Don ' Witherspoon at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Smith conducted the prayer service. After the business session was held, presided over b> I Mrs. Witherspoon, the meeting was 1 turned over to Mrs. H. L. Paisley ! who had charge of the program, i which was the annual birthday ob.vorvance of the auxiliary. Following | the program Mrs. Paisley had charg* of the worship service on the "Light of the World". Mrs. Paul Smith sang a solo "I Am The Light Of Tht World.** After the prologue by Mrs. Paisley a playette "From Strength to Strength" %vas presented. Those taking part on the program were: Mrs. C. W. Savage, who represented a Missionary who had spent many years in the Belgian Congo; Miss Kate Gray, a young missionary who had jusk arrived in the Congo; and Mrs. Harry Miller, a missionary mother. Following the playette, Mrs. With cispoon assisted by her daughter, Sarah, served sandwiches and punch to: lvusdanu's Caul Smith, Harry Mil . lor. .1. H. Wilson, Earl Neiswanger, O. K. Erhart, J. II. Dillard. II. I..! Paisley. R. S. Parker, C. W. s*avagx, | :>rul Mrs. T. Malone. a visitor. Mrs. Johnson Hostess 1 o Good Will Club Friday Mrs. Virgil Johnson was hostess t -, the Good Will Club at her home on Sunset Drive Friday afternoon. During the business session the sale >f poppies was discussed. To help j those who are in need. was planned. ! After the business session a social hour was enjoyed. A cake contest was J held, with Mrs. Noah Lovingaad and j Mrs. J. W. Franklin winning prizes. Coca Colas and sandwiches was ser-' ved by the hostess to Mrs. Allen. Lovingood, Mrs. R. D. Chandler, j Mrs. Homer Ricks and Mrs. J. W. j Franklin. Frank Mayfield spent the week-end in Americus and Albany. Georgia, visiting his brother, Ben. ? C. H. Townson who has been at tending school at the University of North Carolina has returned home duo to illness and will not be able to continue his studies for this term. 0*c0Vi Ir j \evctbc? I -W.Tteo- ?nttt 11 m 1 ' I Christopher THE CHEROKEE ETY Mrs. Baker Hostess I o Baptist Circle No. 2 Circle No. 1 of the Baptist Missionary Society nut Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Jack Baker. The meeting opened ycit hthe hymn * 1 Love To Tell The Story". The devotional was conducted by Mrs. Baker. reading selections from the second chapter of Revelations. Mrs. Torn Terrell, chairman, gave a beautiful lesson on the "Sacrificial Service ol our Missionaries and the fruits of their Service", taken from ' the study course "Go Forward*'. Personal service reports were made and new work planned for the month of June. During the social hour Mrs. Baker assisted by Mrs. Holliman and Mrs. Flannigan, served strawberry shortcake with ice cream an diced drinks L to the following members and visitors : Mrs. John Odell, Mrs. Laura Adams. Mrs. Allen Howell, Mrs. J. Ii. Hall, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. J. C. Amnions. Mrs. Tom Terrell, Mrs. i Kelsey Garland, Mrs. Bessie, Mrs. Blankenship, Miss Jacqueline : I'akoi siml \l*..i i i Master Walker Observes , 4th Birthday I uesday Master L. A. Walker, Jr. celebrute I his fourth birthday with a party :;t hi Tuesday, May 16th. Several games were played, and, later 1 the guests wer eserved refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake. Those present were: Charles and Florence Evelyn Gass, .Jean and Jack Stevens, Skippy and Peggy Splinefield. Billy Savage. Sonny Jacobs, Ellen, Ann and Joan Say re, Glenda I vie and Tommy Gentry; Mesdames J I*. J. Henn, Ralph Steele, J. P. Gass, D wight Springfield and John Roberts. Mrs. T. P. Calhoun, Mrs. Jasper , Snood and Mrs. J^ck Roberts were i visiting in Andrews Tuesday afternoon. ? Mrs. Ben Palmer and little daugh- s tev, Doris, Mrs. T. P. Calhoun, Mrs. Kate Dickey, and Mrs. L. E. Deweese i spent Sunday afternoon in Copperhill. ***** Murray Whichard, who has been visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. P. Whichard. for the past week, has ' teturned to Philadelphia where he will I join his ship, the 4,Whitchita." ' ' ^ a Q5 __ * Dept. Store j SCOUT. MURPHY. NORTH CAROLIN Baptist Circle Meets With Mrs. Vestal On T uesday Afternoon Circle No. 2 of the Baptist Women's Missionary Society met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. E. Vestal with Mrs. D. M Harris as joint hostess. The following program was given: Devotional?by Mrs. Vestal followed by a short talk on the ''Responsibility of Christian parents toward children." llymn?Bringing In The Sheaves. Roll call?Eaqfr member answered by giving a Bible verse. Solo?Sun rise?Jean McNevv. After the program a social hout was held. The hostesses served refreshments, consisting of ice cream, rake, and Russian tea, to: Mesdames Paul Hyatt, Burton Cornwell, C. I. Calhoun, L. E. Bayless, VV. H. Murray, 1 B. Mulkey, 1. E. McNew, Sam Childress. Renry Hyatt and Miss Joan Mr Now. Alpha Beta Gamma Has Meeting At' Library On I uesday Evening Seven o'clock P. M. Tuesday even ... (.muincu Juc upcuniK 01 ine tnira meeting of the Alpha Beta Gamma Society. The President, Mary Alice Slaughter, called the meeting to order and presided over a rather long business session. During this time the club decided to post-poue the Initia-i Lion dance which was planned to be .riven Friday night of this week until a later date. Following the business session ^bcut twelve new members were initiated into the society. The initiation was led by Jack Christopher, Magdalene Cook, Geneva White and Edgar Darnell. Persons present at the meeting were: Betty Kuykendall, Jane Neiswlinger, Annie Ruth Carringer, Ruth Pryor, Emmalyn Pryor, Bibus Franklin, Justine Johnson, Martine Moore, Maxine Davidson, Louise Johnson, Morris Clackler, Jack Christopher, Rosalind ('handler, Harold Harrison, Ghent Weil, Leon Axley, Eddie Weil, Jack Barnett, Mary WiUard Cooper, C. H. Townson, Edgar Darnell, Lois McFalls, Virginia Mulkey, Eddie Mallonee, Thelma Fox, N. V. Riggs, Kathleen Roberts, Sarah Witherspoon, Claude Gross, Mary Frances Bell, Kate Gray, Mary Alice Slaughter, Mary Katherine Axley, Sugar Foot Tate, Jack Akin, Harvey Elkins, Toots Cook, George White, Wili'.v liaynes and Lonnie May. The many friends of Mrs. J. N. Hill will be glad that she is recovering nicely from a recent operation at St. Joseph's Hospital in Ashcville. fl Misses Mildred Hill and Mary Wil!ard Cooper, who have been attending school at Virginia Intermont College in Bristol, Va. have returned to their homes here to spend the summer. * Mrs. Henry Axley and children, Marian and John, are visiting in lolberton, Ga. ***** Bill and Peart Whichard, student? at Young Harris College, spent the week-end in Murphy with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. P. Whichard. They were accompanied home by Miss Drusilla MacAfee, also of Young Harris, who was their house guest ever the week-end. * * * v * 1 Wink Craig, of Ducktown, Tenn., I was a visitor in Murphy Saturday. ***** Marshall and Lloyd Gray and \\ ado Bouldin spent the week-end in Chattanooga. ***** I'. J. Henn spent Friday in Chick-J amauga. ***** Bill RauLston was a visitor in j Knoxville last week-end. * * * * Misses Emily Sword and Ella Mc-1 combs who are attending summer I school at Cullowhee spent the week-, end in Murphy. ***** Miss Gladys Glasgow spent last week visiting in Scottsboro, Aaa. ? < * c Mrs. E. H. Morgan, of Guntersvillc, Ala., has arrived in Murphy to \ join her husband who is hero with tho j TV A. They are stopping at the Regal Hotel. ***** Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bobbins spent tthe week-end in Jackson, Tenn. Thej were accompanied home by Miss Nel Preson who is their guest this week. ***** Mrs. W. H. Griffiths who has been ? i * . .O.HU& ner orotner, Mr. W. G. Dickey and Mrs. Dickey in Knoxville for the past three weeks has returned to her home at the Dickey Hotel. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. I. English were week-end visitors in IJrevard. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Spence spent Tuesday in Atlanta. 1939 fl [ | M rs. J. B. Hall Honors Son With Birthday Party Mrs. J. B. Hall entertained with n birthday party at her home last weeK honoring her son, J. B. Jr., on his seventh birthday anniversary. J. B. received many presents. Af- *j tcr games and contests were engag- ( I'd in. ice cream and cake was served j <. to the guests. j The guests at the party were: Lois ? " McClure, \V. A. Sherrill, Joan Say re. Mildred Wells, Ann Leatherwood. Mary Kramer, Jean Reid, Doris McIver. Mary Ann Hall, Nancy Wells, r Doris Ann Wilson, Barbara Reid, Virginia Stiles, Dick Ketner, Tommie ^ Alexander. Brine Hajl, Harold and 1 Janice Hall. Miss Leiia Hayes and .Mrs. Quay Ketner. . 2 Wards, Lees To Leave On Four Weeks Tour 1 S Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Ward and i Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee will leave Sunday for California where they will ; attend the Golden Gate Exposition in J San Francisco. On their trip to Calif- a ornia they will take the southern | route via u.. *U I ? - "-'u itiuiii u j iu;* northern route via Canada, the Great s Lakes ancf New York. They also ex* i \ pect to spend s^mo time at the New c \ ork World's Fair, being away about i; four weeks. I |* Mrs. Fate Carden Is Jhaperon At Picnic Mrs. Fate Carden was chaperon at t a picnic supper held at. Blue Ridge s Lake last Wednesday night. Included in the group attending the ^ picnic were: Marguerite Ward, Chris- , ine Pressley, Thelma Rice, Christine Howell, Jepp Franklin, Kathleen Roberts, Wade Bouldin, Jack Nicker- , son, Peyton Scales, Floyd Tate, Mar- , shall Gray, R. E. Wallace, Jr., and j Mrs. Fate Carden. Miss Virginia Benton left Mon-j day for Cornelia, Ga. to attend the n graduation of her brother, Seiby I Glenn Benton. a j|3; Teeny," The new Se-Lin ana lau : t corresponding ft a. sprightly she* you. Of finest i prooees for addt ' DAVIDSON ' I -CALf NDAR of I CQMINQ-EVfm I B=- I fho regular meeting of llumhj I Chapter No. 10 Ordei ol Ea I Star ? ill meet Friday ? tung, iiav I ;r. .a Tool III the M.1>QI1K' Hull. ' I BIRTHS ^ I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cote- I nan. of Murphy, a girl, who has ben I ;jven the name of Geona. Both moth- I r and baby are doing nicely. | -Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burnett, Jr I tnnounce the birth of a son on Mi; I 13 at the Petrie hospital Mrs. Burt Savage and son. Billy, I pent Tuesday in Marietta, Ga. tuft! I ng Mrs. Frank Owenby. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roberts and drs. Effie Roberts left Monday for in extended visit to Elloree, S. C. * Mr. and Mrs. Don Witherspoon pent Sunday and Monday in Ashe ille and Montreat. They were ac ompanied home by their daughtei arah, who has been attending schooi it Montreat. ? * Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bishop spent he week-end in Knoxville. ? Miss Marguerite Ward is .^pending his week in Gainesville visiting her ister, M?ss Marie Ward. * * * * Mrs. W. D. Townson and Mrs. riyde Townson spent several days in \tlanta last week. * * * ? Misses Meredith Whitaker, Ruth dorgan and Mrs. E. B. Qtiinr.. Jr. of Andrews, were visitors in Murphj donday. m * * Miss Jessamine Vestal left last reek for Chattanooga, where the will >e the guest of Miss Virginia Richrdson. IOSIERY LENGTHS OR YOUR CONVENIENCE k _ >W Q rween and Tall ig Smart Sat, Teeny, 'Tween hree different length* with x>t sizes.' Now you oan buy ?r stocking proportioned for lilk with a special Durotwis sd snag-resistanoe; & McIVER I