'church notices" baptist IN v. J- C. Amnions, Pastor A. M.?Sunday School, Noah Lovinjro/ul Supt. ] I on M.?Morning Worship t. :0 I*. M. Trailing Univ?n 7 :n I'. M. Evening Worship 7 .iM I*. M. Wed, Prayer Service Choir rehearsal Welcome to all to worship with us. METHODIST Tin Uev. Van B. Harrison, Pastor,. S i vires each Sunday at the church Sunday School?9:45 a. m. I hurch services?11 a. m. & 7 p m. Kpworth League?6:15 p. m. 1'iayer Meeting Wednesday nights at 7 |>. in. PRESBYTERIAN Henry L. Paisley, 1). L>., Pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at 111 a. in. J. Franklin Smith, Superintendent. Pleaching every Sunday at 11a. m. and 7 :.'iO p. ni. except on the first Sunday mornings and the third Sunday evening. III. Paisley will preach next Sunday morning on "Walking Worthy God." At the evening hour his congregatioti will worship at the Methodist church in the opening service of the joint revival series. Mt. Carmel Baptist IN v. E. A. Beaver, Pastor lirv. Graham, Asst. Pastor 11?:U(> A. M. Sunday School, Clyde Mellican, Supt. 11 :?'() A. M. Church Services. 6:30 P. M. Training Union 7:30 P. M. Church Services 7 *'0 P. M. Wed. Prayer Services. Welcome to all to worship with us. Friendship Baptist Pastor: the Rev Edgar Willix Superintendent Sunday School: Frank Sparks. Sunday School: 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p. in. B. T U. Sunday evening at 7 p. m. Oak Grove Baptist Rev. C. A. Voyles, Pastor :3t> A. M. Sunday School, Ervr.Taylor, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Church services, v 2:00 P. M. Singing ? Welcome to all to worship with us. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC PARISH Schedules of Mattes Murphy, every 1st Sunday, 7 :00 a. m. Hiwu- >e Dam, every 1st Saturday, 8:30 a. m. Franklin, 2nd and 4th Sunday 8:00 a. m. Cherokee, every 3rd Sunday 8:00 a. m. Waynr-villo, every Sunday, 11:00 a. in. PERSONALS Mr R. Robinson and daughter, I Barbara, of Akron, Ohio arrived in Murphy Thursday to visit relatives and l'riends. They wore accompanied by ..Irs. Robinson's grandson, Frederick, son of Harry Robinson, former resident of Murphy. * * * Mi > Mary Frances Bell, who has been visiting in Clemson, S. C. for : the past week, has returned home. was accompanied home by her br. . Marshall, who is visiting his parol,;s. Mr. and Mrs. M. \Y. Bell. Mrs. Frank Crawford and son, Stov . ad Miss Darryl Crawford, of Copj t,di, were the guests of Mrs. t ; ,1 . mother, Mrs. Bessie De^'oosf, Monday. * ? * # .M Mary Scott who has been visiting lur brother, Ralph Scott, and - Scott for the past week returned t?. her home in Alexandria, La. * ? * ? ? r,^r* an(' Mrs. Harvey Gunning, of nicago, Hi. have been visiting Mrs. t.unning's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bell, this week. Mrs. Gunning w ill e remembered as the former Miss brace Wills Bell. . Miss Sarah ? v._ i .. .vMv