^HIAD Gas Masks lor Babies?French babies under two years of age will be protected by means of a respiratory device which is connected with the gas mask of the mother, in event of war, f Vr~' ' a | ^ Texas wri movies, and now there's an argu- |??8gH^&\ mem b e tw e^n j|^^B ?jj\ :? soun over which ||| mK?&\ lone can claim her. |jp| aPP^|j LOWER MARTINS CREEK NEWS Rev. Chastain from Culberson, preached a very interesting sermon at the Glade church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Phillips spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Phillips. Mrs. Jeff Mann and family of Ran-! ger were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bonn Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stiles were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr 1 I SPC Shakespeare Reels $2.85 to $8.50 Pflueger Reels | $3.50 to $10.00 1 Heddcn, South Bei I and Pflueger and j I Foss Baits. |! We have just receiv* 8 a new stock of wet ai I dry Trout Flies. II True Temper 1 Casting Rods |! Frog and Fish Spea a Bamboo Fly Rods 8 : The new Heddon Fh j I O-Bite Bait is 1NSU I ED to catch fish. II Fishing License I MURPHY 1 PHONE 25 THE CHEH LINES , \ f If W ^ ,g|pi: Pulitzer Prize Winner?Carl ABU Van Doren will receive the $1,000 Pulitzer Prize Award * lor the most distinguished American Biography of 1938. 4- 1 retailers pledge their adherence | to nine principles of Good-Will I | engraved on this plaque pref sented to Governor A Harry Moore oi New Jersey by the House of Seagram on behalf of the retailers Ralph A Kahn. representative of Seagram Dist?l)ers Corporation, makes the presentation The plaque, one of many presented to State and city officials, represents the first united effort made by thousands c4 retail liquor dealers throughout the nation to promote a better understanding between them and the communities they ^ serve. Earnest Ashe. Mrs. Ida Stiles. Mrs. Pearl Phi and sons, Bobby and Charles, dinner guests of Mrs. Josie Ph Sunday. Mrs. Onic Car ringer and chil were Sunday dinner guests of Bel! Henry. Mrs. Alice Gibson was a vis of Mrs. Pearl Phillips one day I week. \Yt are having plenty of rain. Neil Phillips was the dinner g of Miss Elizabeth Mann Sunday. Mr. Willie Press, of Robbins> )trrsi HARDWARE ' !OKEE SCOUT. MURPHY. NORTH CAROL "MV Country Tis Of Prize-Winning Editoi An editorial by R. G. Callvert of the Portland (Ore.) Oregon ian won the Pulitzer prize for an editorial that might well be reproduced throughout tie nation for the manner in which it sets forth American ideals and the love of peace. Under the caption "My Country 4Tis Of Thee", the text of the editorial follows: In this land of ours, this America, the man we choose as leader dons at no time uniform or in sign a to denote his constitutional position as Commander in Chief of armed forces. Xo member of his Cabinet, no civil subordinate. ever attires himself in garment-; significant of military power. In this land of ours, this America, the average citizen sees so little of the major that he has not learned to distinguish between a major and a lieutt nant from his shoulder straps. \\ hen the Chief Executive addresses his fellow-countryment they gather about him and within hand-clasp distance. Goasestepping regiments ate not paraded before him. When he speaks to the civilian population it is not over rank nnnti rank ?if K?lmo< ed heads. In this land of ours, this America, there is no tramp of military boots to entertain the visiting statesman. There is no effort to affright him with display of mobile cannon or of facility for mass production of aerial bombers. In this land of ours, this America, there i< no fortification along the several thousand miles of the northern hoyler. In the great fresh water seas that partly separates it from another dominion no naval craft plies tinwaters. Along its southern border there are no forts, no show of martial strength. In this land of ours, this America, no youth is conscripted to labor on devices of defense; military training he may tain- or leave at option. There is no armed force consistent with a policy of aggression. The navy is built against no menace from the western hemisphere, but wholly for defense against that which may threaten from Eprope or Asia. In this land of ours, this America, one-third of th*. popifution is foreign 1 orn, or native born of foreign or mixed parentage. Our more numerous "minorities" come from fourteen na tions. The native born, whatever his descent, has all political and other rights possessed by him who traces his Hips, ancestry to the foundling fathers. The were foreign born races that are assimilillips ?'-l)le are admitted to all these grivilwho is employed with the TV A, was ,'!'CM a visitor of Mr. V. .1. Phillips. - " I Mrs. Bessie Phillips was the Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Vernie s't"1 Rape;, last Mrs. Ignazio Rubio, storekeeper of Batavia, N. Y., while listening to a uesi i i-i |hiv> radio program I nave a customer $4.85 change for a rille, I counterfeit $5 bill. MEN D & M Tennis Rackets $2.25 to $5.75 Remington Rifles Model H $5.25 Winchester Rifles Model 67 $5.25 Soft Ball and Baseball Equipment Golf Balls 10c - 25c - 50c Remington Hunting Knives ni ? . numb scout Axes 1 | Minnow Baskets I Minnow Buckets . 1 Bass Season Opens I June 10th. II COMPANY MURPHY, N. C. I INA, MAY 25, 1?3? Thee" Rated -ial For 1938 | eges if they want them. Wo hav< j "minorities" but nominority prob j lem. Iti this land of ours, this America i the common citizen may criticize without restraint the policies of hi government or the aims of the Chic Executive. He may vote as his judg nient or his conscience advises ant iiot as a ruler dictates. In this land of ours, this America our songs are dedicated to love ant romance, the blue of the night, sail in the sunset, and not/ to might or n martyrdom to political cause. Our na tional anthem has martial words: dif ficult air. But if you want to hea the organ roll give the people it companion?"America . . .of thee sing". In lighter patriotism we arJ nationally cosmopolitan. Unitedly w| sing of I)ixie or of Iowa, where th< tall corn grows, of Springtime in th< Rockies or of California, Here I come In this land of our, this America j tire re is not a bomb-proof shelter ( and a gas mask is a curiousity. It i not needed that we teach our childrei | wncre 10 run when death-hawks dark I en the sky. WA i\ 'I For Sale STOP THE BUGS and .avc ?h crop. Srpay materials for every pur pose: Rotenone, Ditox, Bari-Cide Black Leaf 40, Bordeaux Mixture arsenates. Sulphurs, Nicotine prepar i alions. Complete . line dusters an* sprayers. Free spray informatoin IRMERS FEDERATON, Hisws.sc Street, Murphy, N. C- (43-ltchg) FARM FOR SALE: 1 mile fror, Patrick; 216 acre farm with gooi I timber and orchard. 6 room hous with running water in it. Only $130G See J. M. Hamby, Copperhill, Tenti j (42-4t-pd) HAVING FAMILY TROUBLE among your bees? Maybe they ar j too crowded and you need new sup ; ers. Or maybe you need new queer j V\e are glad to help solve your be problems and we can furnish the bes ! of bee supplies at reasonable prices j hives, supers, frames, covers, smok | ers, gloves, veils, foundations, feed i ers excluders traps. FARMERS FED j ERATION, Hiawas.ee Street, Mur i phy, N. C. (43-1 t-chg) . FOR SALE 10-room house one bloc from square. Ideal for boarding o ' rooming bouse. Price $2500. MUR PHY REALTY COMPANY, "We Sel I All Kinds of Insurance". Tel. 17J I (41-1 t-ww ) Make more money with fruits am vegetables by putting them in, attrac tive baskets. We carry the famou FRMCO of basketp for every pur 'po.e. FARMERS FEDERATION Hiawassee Street, Murphy, N. C (43-lt-chg). Classified Display FOR PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE PIGS SEE OSCAR MAUNEY PEACHTREE FOR SALE | SIX ROOM HOUSE AND LOT FOR BARGAIN I LAWSON SIMONDS jl 1 1 (4i-4t-pd)_ Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS -SIGNSAll Work Guaranteed CALL 20 PAUL KIRBY SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT $1.50 PER YEAR In this land of ours, this America, our troubles present or prospects* B come from idithin?come from our own mistakes, and injur- us alone. Our pledges of peace toward obi E neighbors are stronger than ruler', B promise or written treaty. We guar- B antee them l>> devotin, ' es. greater than the resi . , ofaar B " other nations, to upbuild hi hit*. tries of peace. We strut no amiir,j 1 might that could I L" no nation in our half of the world to I * fear us. None does feat , nor a H j against us. j 1 In this land of ours, this America, I we have illuminated the true road te I permanent peace. l!i" not the I 1 sole moral sought hcrr it drawn. I s Kather it is that the ble.- mgs of lib! I erty and equality and pi B . been herein rw-wini-1 - , . nowhere in ihe same mcu-urc in Ej. I , rope or Asia and !i.-appear I s as one neai s or enters a land of die I I tatorship of whatever !. n,;. I [, liberty, this equality, this ; ,ee I ? imbedded in the Amet e government. We shall ever retain I e them if foreign isms that would dm I them out and destroy them are bar- I red from our shores. If you cherish I this liberty, this equality. I ' that is peace material ami n, ace spir- I , itual?then defend with all voU; I -I might the American ideal H nntnt. r ai>s I Business Opportunity OPPORTUNITY I TO GO INTO BUSINESS ,; FOR YOURSELF , In a j j | Western Auto Association Store fc ; , | Western Auto Supply Company, I e ' largest and most succrs- fnl in its I j line, 30 years in business, had a sales I L a volume of 36 million < i < ;(in op H n; portunity to o'.vn and opeiat. a Wes- flj d tern Auto Associate Store, ! ome own* H e ed, in towns of 1,500 to 20,000. Then: I ). are over 1100 such stores in opera- I j You can become the owner and op- I e rat or of a "Western Auto Associate H 5 Store,, for as little as $2,7o0 in the II c smaller towns, which pays for mer- H > coandise and fixtures and everytning I i. necessary to start business. We train I e you in our successful merchandising 11 t methods. I I Western Auto Supply Co. H j* | 890 Marietta, N. W. M Atlanta, Georgia M ?- ? - H Business Personal | k I DOES BLADDER IRRITATION t ' WAKE YOU UP1 . IT S NOT NORMAL HEED NA TURE'S WARNING. It may bo a signal of sluggish kidney action. Make this 1 day test. Kidneys need occasional flushing a? well as bowels. Help eliminate excess acid and other waste which can cause the irritation that wakes yea up, also causes burning and scanty flow. Ask any druggist for a 4-oaj test box of Bukcts. Locally at Parkers Drug Store, Murphy, X. C. Classified Display FOR BUILDING SAND SHARP AND FINE ?SEE? OSCAR MAUNEY PEACHTREE DR. J. E. SARRELL . SPECIALIST Refraction and Mobility oft EYE COPPERHILL, TENN. n*i_ _ . 1 office I xiie most moaern u|iia<ii *--- . _ between Knoxville and At.antt-|^P* Can examine the Eyes, grind I deliver the glasses same day it I Hj,, Over 30,000 pairs of I Hj] made and delivered from this fice. Established since 1909. All work guaranteed?a!way>|BF( on the job. IH* ?gg WELL or see SarRELlJ*v 1 " I Quinn & Humphry WJQUICK AMBULANCE SERV|C K1 I Funeral Director, A F Day Phone 74, Ni*ht ?' rd ' D,

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