LEGAL NOTICES NO. 2S! I \"UTl! I'AROI !\ V. cukrom-ik < < r\rv. i\' THE SUPERIOR COUKT NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS Ch ok * i ?l:r;* y and The T.nvn of' Murphy. Plantifi"> j Against W. M. Fain and wift. Zclma Fain, and ; Porter Fain, and ^. M. Fain and Porter Fain, partners trading an 1 doing business under ' lie name ei W. M Fain Grocery Company. Lb Mai-j ionce, Trustee, a n -J. li. Hail. L. E. | Bayiess. I'rustc . and W . W Killiam. j i. D. Mallom . Trustee, and R. H j. Ming us, and S. C. Mingus. Charles Cuiringer. Trustee, and S. I). Mount, J J. D. Mallonee. Trustee, an dMary E. l>eweese. t'omni re:.ii National Hank t of High Point, North Carolina, and Central Trust C ompany of Charleston. West Virginia, F. O. Christopher, substituted trustee and International Agricultural Corpora t i? n, F. O. Christopher. Trustee, and C. >. Hanson. K. 1L Norvell, Fluster. and Peaslee j; Gaulbert Corporation. 1 ..eiisviilc Pot- j tery Company. Musgrave Pencil j Company, Monroe Chemical Com- j ? I any. Keystone Bottling Works. Spell- ' cor Brothers. Paver Parmer'ie? Cor-j r poration, Mulkey Salt Company, Inc.. C adillac Finance Company. Inc.. Hazel Atlas Class Manufacturing Pom- 1 1 .my, Schoan Brothers. Alpha Port land Cement Company. M? aro, Chemical Company, Louisville Pot ' Lory Company. Pvaslee Gaulhert Cor- c p oration. (lurney P. Hood. Commis- ' doner of Banks, and all other pel sons owning or claiming an interest in 1 thu lands herein referred to, and; 1 Christian Hardware Manufacturing j 1 Company. Defendants. | By virtue of orders and decree? J * entered in the above entitled cans' J by the Clerk of the S ip Con;! " Cherokee County or Monday, the | \ 27th day of duly lb'ht, and October 11th l'.'.'T tin undersign- ' t i K. i>. Xorvoll. (b immissioin- will j ' n Monday, the ! dth day of July,' ' : 1 the h, . II- ..f l?| \ A. M. I S ntral time of said day. at the Court- J r us- door in Murphy, offer for sale I lands hereinafter described to 1 .1 -fy the requirements set forth in, i ! older and decree which said lands ! 1 described as follows: : *' All the right title and interest of j J the above named defendants in and ! to the following pieces, parcels, lots, i ' i.d tracts of land situate in the Town j '11 Mmuhy, Murpliy Township, Chero j County and s t forth and de-| scribed in deeds and instruments of j writing registered i books in office I ! ?>f Register of Deeds for Cherokee j J County as follows: All that, certain piece and parcel oi | \ land set forth ami described in a i j need of trust from \V. M. Fain and i j wife to Charles Carringer, Trustee, j j. ?r S. 1). Mount, registered in Book j Xo !l(l rvor,* .! : > Also ail that < rtain piece and par- j ; ! of land sot forth and described in , } deed of trust from \\ . M. Fain and , wife to J. 1). M tliomo. Trustee for j . lary K. Dowecsc registered in Book '.14, page 213. Also all that certain piece and pur- , < i of land set forth and de.ser.bed in I ? . deed of trust from \V. M. Fain and: j v :3e to J. B. Storey. Trustee for In- I ; (national Agricultural Corporation. .* gisterod in Deed Book No. lud. |v igo 07; F. O. Christopher, having been appointed substitute trustee as j. per instrument recorded in deed book y No. 103, page 502. Also that piece of land embodied in j a deed of trust from W. M. Fain and wife to F. O. Christopher. Trustee y for C. S. Ilasson, which lays fronting y on Peachtree Street in the Town of Murphy, and adjoins what is known as r the Hyatt lot. and th alley running j between the Regal Hotel and the Fain lot, registered in Deed Book (. No. 10<> page 46. Also that part of a "lot set forth and j described in a deed of trust in a deed . from W. M. Fain and wife, and Por- ' ter Fain to E. B. Norvcll, Trustee foi . various creditors, which said lot lays in East Murphy and being the re- 11 mainder of the lot purchased by W. M. Fain and Porter Fain from P. A 11 Mauney, Commissioner, which was not J5 sold to C. E. and C. H. Holder, which a cn'..l H- --J -em - * n uccu oi i rust is registered in V Deed book 112, page 343. Also all that certain piece and paT- ~ eel of land set forth and described in t a deed from John E. Fain and wife to , W. M. Fain and Porter Fain, register ed in the office of ttie Register of ^ Deeds for Cherokee County in Deed , Book 73, page 321. . Also all that piece and parcel of land set forth and described in a deed . from P. V. Brittain ami others to ? John E. Fain, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee 1 County, in Deed Book 22, page 549. 1 Also all that certain piece and par- ( eel of land set forth and described in ' a deed from and decree of the Super . ior Court for Cherokee County as re- . corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County in from M. A. Hughes and others in Deed hook No. 20, pages 138 and 589. Also all that certain piece and parcel of land set forth and described in a deed from G. W. Roberts and wife to John E. Fain registered in the office of the Register of Deeds foi ' THE CHEROKF Cherokee County in Deed Book 27. page I I. Also all that certain piece and parcel el' land so' forth and described a i"; oin I'. A. Bean to John E. Fain, registered in the office of the Register f Deeds for Cherokee County in Deed Book No. 2v page Also that certain piece and parcel of land set forth and described in deed from -J. W. Briitaiu and others to John K. Fain, registered in the off ce of the Register of Deeds for < hei kee County in deed book 28. page Hl:>. Terms of sale cash. Right reserved ' reject :?n\ ?r all bids. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. This the -I I dav of May. lihjy. K II. NORVELL. < 14- -v-.t . .>V: fin. > ? onimissionei. VORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COCNTY. IN SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK rhe Town of Murphy. Plaintiff VS C. Townson and wife. Mrs. J. C. ownsoii. Sudderth Coal Company, j Soard of Education of Cherokee ojnty, O. C Shields and Flora' ihiclds. anil Ourney 1*. llood. Comubsionev of Hanks anil all other per-1 011s owning ?>r claiming an interest! u the lands herein referred to. De-! endan? >. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS By virtue ? ' a judgment entered in he above entitled cause by the lerk of the Superior Court for Cher>k? County on Monday. 29th day of lav. 19-Uh the undersigned Com ni- ioin i* wii: >n Monday. July ll'th, l'J9. at 10 o'clock A. M. Centra' inie. at t he Court House door in I lurphy, Cherokee County, North parolina. offer for sale and sell at j i ild - atcty, the right, tith and in- ' ii'est of defendants above named in: he following described lands, .ituate *i Murphy, and fully described in ieeds re i ?rded in office of Register f Deeds for Clierokee County, in lei I bix k > as follows: A deed from Delia Mi-numy, Adninis-ratrix of J S. .Meroney, tegiserecl in D. rd Hon!; No. 7:?. page 5b; V deed from Delia Moloney. Admim ratrix of J. S. Meroney. registered in )eed book No. 81. page 44-1, to which; Iced* refi rence is hereby made fot j amis. Terms of sale cash. Sale to >e confirmed by the Court. This May list. 11KW. * * . E B. NORVELL, 1 l-r.t - ofm ) Commissioner In the District Court of the Unitm! States for the Western District of Morth Carolina. No. ? United states of America upon the relation md for the use of the Tennessee valley Authority. Petitioner v. Alice .. Palmer. John Palmer, her husband. unest H. Farmer, .Martha Farmer. \i> wif<'; J. Wilburi! Farmer, Winnie, Winner) Farmer, his wife; A. E. Ella) Farmer Doikery; Mark M. "armer; Frank Farmer. Pauline Far uer, his wife; William J. Johnson, <elle Johnson, his wife; Fletchei firmer. Mae Farmer, his wife, said ?nme "Mae" being fietitous and f herwise unknown; Zetta Farmer. lawk, I?iil Hawk, her husband said lame "Hill" being1 fictitious and itherwise unknown; Don Farmer, j V'.ue Farmer, his wife, said name 'Alice" being fictitious and otherrise unknown; Ross Farmer, Sue Fanner, his wife, said name "Sue" being ictitious and otherwise unknown; 5va Farmer MeMullin. John McMulin, her husband, said name "John" , >eing fictitious and otherwise un-j nown; Jack Farmer; Harry Farmer ledlands: Clifford Rogers; Kate togers; \Y. K. Johnson; Lon A. Hunucker; Xorvell E. Hunsucker, Unnow Ileirs. Devisees, Executors, administrators. Creditors, and Sue- i essors in title of Leora Cofield, W. ! Farmer. Josephine Davidson, Eva J Srittain, Sam F. Farmer, and Belle J togers. Unknown parties in interest, tespondents. Order of Publication, n the above styled cause it appeared hat the following respondents are all onresidents of the State of North arolina, are not to be found within he State of North Carolina, and their resent address or their last known 1 ddress is shown after their respective ames. These respondents are: Alice . Palmer and John Palmer, her husand, Irvine-Sub-Station, Dallas, *exas; Ernest B. Farmer and Martha ???? nut-, uaiias, lexas; J. Vilburn Farmer and Winnie (Winter) Farmer, his wife, R. F. D. 2, Vhitewright, Texas; A. K. (Ella) ^arnier Dockcry, 1000 Nolte Drive, )allas, Texas; Mark M. Farmer, Ter-! ell, Texas; Frank Farmer and Pauine Farmer, his wife, Goose Creek, Texas; Fletcher Farmer and Mae Farner, his wife, said name "Mae" bong fictitious and otherwise unknown, are of Mayday Mine, Durango, Coi>rado; Zetta Farmer Hawk and Bill ffawkj, her husband, said pame "Bill" being fictitious and otherwise unknown, 1135 Hill Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado; Don Farmer and Alice Farmer, his wife, said name "Alice" being fictitious and otherwise unknown, 125 West White Avenue Grand Junction. Colorado; Ross Farmer and Sue Farmer, his wife, said name "Sue" being fictitious and otherwise unknown. 1135 Hill Avenue. Grand Junction, Colorado; Eva E SCOUT. MURPHY. NORTH CAROLI? Farmer M MuIIin and John McMullin. her husband, said name "John * being , fictitious and otherw i>?. unknown. Anartnnnt 10. 1401 West Eleventh 1 'race. Los Aag*?!?>, California; Jack Earn >f,.> eolith Avenue, Grand function. Colorado; Harry Karnie; Redlands. K. F. D. ?. Grand Junction. I Colorado; W. K. Johnson. Athens. Tenia ssee; Clifford Rogers and hau ! Roger-, wlie-e address is unascertain; ed after diligent search and inquiry; I t ? unknown heirs, devisees, exeeu I tors, administrators, creditors, and >ueces.-o!s in t it A of Leora Cofield. J \\. I'. Farmer, Josephine Davidson, ; Eva Brittain, Sam F. Farmer, and ! Belle Rogers; and all unknown parties : in interest whose names, ages, and addresses are unascertained after diligent search and inquire. IT IS. THEREFORE. ORDERED* that the < i above respondents appear on or be- 1 I fore the 1 day of July, 193'J. in this ' i Court sitting at Asheville. North Car- ' i olina, and there make answer to the petition filed in this cause and assert ' | whatever ruht. title, claim, or inter- 1 i st tliey might have in the land here- { :n sought to be condemned, or be ' : orever barred. The land sought t?? 1 i 1-e e ndemned is. to wit; TRACT FBR . ' 347. A portion of a tract of land ly- 1 : i"g in State Survey Tract Xo. :;*>.! i in \i iii i ' 'I*..,. ... l,... . / i. i I ! luniiiMlljl ?I V-ntTOKt'e ! County, State of North Carolina, on i ! the right side of the Iliwassee River, ^ approximately mile northeast of the mouth of Hanging Do,' Creek. 1 and more particularly described as * follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of State Survey Tract No. 35. ( a cornel of the lands of the Kastern , Band of Cherokee Indians, Mis. I. . . S. Johnson, and \V. J. Johnson; thence 1 with \V. J. Johnson's line N. St> * 39' \Y.. 53'? feet to a point on the ^ east hank of Hanging Dog Creek, a ( corner of the lands of W. J. Johnson, .- ltd N. K. Doekerv; thence with N. K. | Uoekery's line and the east bank of the creek as it meanders upstream j ] proximately 450 feet to a stake; ( thence N. 30 00' \\ .. 705 feet to a point; thence with a severance line N. 50 00' K . approximately 350 feet ( to a ?iiit: thence S. 52 00' K., ap- ( pr<.\ ..lately 295 feet to a point; the nee N. 01 30' 15. 155 feet to ;t | point in tlie Kastern Hand of Chero- | kee Indians' line; thence with the j Kastern Band .if Cherokee Indians'j. line S. 1 19' \\\. 1370 feet to the j j point of beginning, and containing i, 1S.0 acres, more or less, subject to \ j the ceiidemnees" rights of access over i the existing farm roads which ex- ; ! tend from the northern boundary line , , of the land herein described to the . | relocation of the Joe Brown Highway, i : It is further ordered that this notice . , he published once a week for four , ! (4) consecutive weeks in the Chero- j ] kee Scout, a weekly newspaper pub- < j lished in Murphy, North Carolina. 11 Dollo *io -J... ' ?? ---- -i ?" <*ny 01 -May, 1939. K.*j i "S . Webb, Judge, A true copy test: j J. V. Jordan, Clerk. By: O. L. McLurd. lh-puty Clerk. (45-4t-tva) ] In the District Court of The United ' | States for the Western District of North Carolina. No. 109. United States of America upon the relation and for the use of the Ten-1 ! iiessee Valley Authority. Petitioner.', v. W. M. Fain, Zclmu Fain, his wife; , Callie Hall, John H. Hall, her hus ' band; Bessie Deweese, Mary De- j weeso Crawford, Frank Crawford, hei husband; Fannie Deweese; Virginia Deweese Gentry, Maurice Gentry, her husband; Ruth Deweese Nichols, ' a minor, Ernest Nichols, her husband: Paver Canneries, Incorporated, P. C. j Hyatt, Cadillac Finance Company. , Incorporated, G. T. Whitlock, Hazel- j Atlas Glass Company, a corporation, Schoen Brothers, Incorporated. Louisville Pottery Company, a cor- ' poration, L. C. Hill, as administrator J of the estate of C. B. Hill, deceased, ( J. E. Keener, Peaslee-Gaulbert Cor- , poration. Alpha Portland Cement Company, a corporation, J. D. Mai- j lonee, as trustee for the Duke Land j & Improvement Company, a corporation, Duke Land & Improvement , Company, a corporation, R. Moody, , as trustee for John H. Hall, John H. Hall, Will Rogers, Cherokee County, North Carolina, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, Town of Murphy, North Carolina, a municipal corporation; J. C. Townson, Eliza Townson, his wife; Unknown parties in interest. Respondents. Order of publication. In the above styled cause it appeared that the following respondents are all nonresidents of , the State of North Carolina, are not j to be found within the State of North Carolina, their addresses beincr shown after their respective names. These | respondents are: Mary Deweese Crawford, Isabella, Tennessee; Frank Crawford, her husband, Isabella, Tennessee; Paver Canneries, Incorporated, 435 West Ontario, Chicago, Illinois; Cadillac Finance Company, a corporation, Cadillac, Wexford County, Michigan; Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, Fifteenth & Jacobs Streets, Wheeling, West Virginia; Schoen Brothers, Incorporated, Atlanta, Georgia; Louisville Pottery Company, a corporation, 228 East Bloom Street, Louisville, Kentucky; Peaslleo-Gaulbert Corporation, 226 North Fifteenth Street, Louisville, Kentucky; Alpha Portland Cement Company, 15 South Third Street, Easton, Pennsylvania; Duke Land & Improvement Company, a cqrporation; J A. JUNE 15. 1939 Ernest Nichols. Mineral Bluff. Georgia; and all unknown parties in interest IT IS. THEREFORE. ORDERED that the above respondents appear on or before the 22 day of June. li?3i>. n this Court sitting at Asheville, North Carolina, and make answer to the petition filed in the above styled cause, and then and there i.-sert whatever right. claim, title, or interest that they may have in the' land herein condemned or to be fori-ver barred. The land condemned is. wi : TRACT FUR 55. A rut of land lying in the Town of Mur-' (>hy, in Cherokee County, State of North Carolina, on the right bank of the \ alley River, approximately 1100 feet northwest of the Valley RiWi j Avenue Bridge across the Valley j River, and more particularly describ-' I'd as follows: Beginning at a stake | im the Valley River, a corner to the | land of R. V. Wells, and the most westerly point of the tract herein de<cribed; thence with R. V. Wells' line N. 15 00' E.. 50 feet to a Monument (1IR 55-1; HR 41-3; Co nuinau'.s: fc,. 49o,2<3) | >ii tin- south line of Walnut Street;] hence with the south line of Walnut . ttree S. S5 20' K.. 20S feet to a | fence corner marked by a monument (Hit 55-2; HR 11-2: Coordinates: W 520.773; E. 405,480) a corner to he land of the Town of Murphy; Ihenco with the line ?>f the land of the Town of Murphy, and with a fence line, S. 1 1 00' W .. IHi feet to i .-take on the Valley River; thence With the Valley River as it meanders iownstream approximately 212 feet to the point of beginning1, and conaitiing 0.38 acres, more or less. \*ote: The cordinates and bearings men in the above description are I'm* the North Carolina State Cooi dilate System, Lambert Projection, as established by the United States Coas; VGeodetic Survey. The origin for tins oordinate system is at Latitude 33 15' X.. Longitude 7'.' 00* W., and i as been assigned a value of x 2.300.000; \ 0. TRACT FBR 283. V tract of land lying in the Town of \iurphy, in Cherokee County, Stab f North Carolina, -n the left sid< ?f the Iliwassee River, approximately I2">(? feet southeast of the U. S. Highway No. ?'?.j Bridge across the Iliwassee River at the Town of Mur?hy, and more particularly described is follows; Beginning at a take on lie west line of Iliwassee Street, a orner to the land of T. S. Evans, and I lie most southeasterly point of the I tract, herein described; thence with T. S. Evans' line S. 80 30' \V., 115 feet to a point in the northeast right of way line of the L. N. Railroad, thence with the northeast right of way line of the L. & N. Railroad in a northwesterly direction approximately 7 feet to a monument (HR 283-2: Coordinates: N. 523, 038; E. 494, D50) in a fence line, a corner to the land of J. C. Townson; thence, leaving the right of way, and with J. C. Townson's line and with a fence lino N. 45 00' E., 13 feet, to a monument (HR 283-3; Coordinates: N. 523, 047; E. 491, 059) ; thence, leaving the fence line, X. 51 10' E,, 157 feet to a monument (HR 283-4; Coordinates; N. 523, 14(?; E. 494, 182) in the west line of Iliwassee Street; thence with the west line of Iliwassee Street in a southerly direction approximately 110 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 0.18 acres, more or less. Note: the Cooridnates and bearings given in the above description are for the North Carolina State Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, as established by the United States Coast and Geodetic survey. The origin for this coordinate system is at Latitude 33 45' N.. Longitude 79 00' W., and has been assigned a value of x 2.000,000; 0. It is further ordered that this notice he published once a week for lour (4) consecutive weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper published at Murphy, North Carolina, j Done at Shelby, North Carolina, | ort J ? mi* nay 01 April, 1039. E. Y. WEBB, .Judge, United States District Court, Western District of North Carolina. A True C Test, J. Y. Jordan, Clerk, By: O. L. McLurd, Deputy Clerk. (43-4t-tva) In the District Court Of the United States For The Western District of North Carolina. No United States of America, upon the relation and for the use of the Tennessee Valley Authority, Petitioner, v. G. W. (Gery) Martin, Annie Martin, his wife; Ed Martin; Ifford Scoggins, Lucille Scoggins, his wife; Clifford Scoggins; Ed Scoggins; Lou Bell Tay lor, W. J. (Jake) Taylor, her husband; Edythe Carlton, William R. Carton, her husband; H. H. (Harrison) McDonald, individually and as Guar dian of Maggie Irene McDonald Dula, Lillian Lyda McDonald, Grady Clifford McDonald, and James E. Ray McDonald, minors; Bonnie Elizabeth 1 McDonald Decker, Wade Decker, her I husband; Vestia Edith Gusta McDon- J aid Stiles, Hayes Stiles, her husband^ Lawton Oskar McDonald; Maggie j Irene McDonald llnla ? / (iin Dula, her husband; Lillian Lyda I McDonald, a minor; Grady Clifford 1 McDonald, a minor; James E. Ray , McDonald, a minor; Southern State* I Power Company, a corporation, Re- ! spondents. ORDER OF PUBLICA TIOX. In the above styled cause it I appeared that the following respon dents are all non-residents ,f., 1 H. Mato of North 1' i . , bo lound within the State of j,)nt Calolllla. and resale .t the add'rt-*, H' shown after tneir respective ^Hi B Martin, Annie Martin, hi- wif,, 4 . U R wife, Clifford Steaai. . and hd su... ^inr. Klamath Fa! t al lien anil \t illiani i. t'.u ; ,4/I husband. 1 l-s Net r' Keeier Avena., * Chicago. Illinois. It 1-. Further Oe' Llb.ltr.U that tile an v, appear oil or betor. tin a day ?f liny. l'Jlltl, in thi- t'ourt sitting K H Asheville. North < andina. and tie, and there make answer to the peti lion filed in tliis eause and as.-en ^B whatever rirrltt. title, claim, or inter est they may have in the land berth shown to be condemned, or be fotwrer tiarred. The land -ousht to be con. (ienined is to wit: TRACT FBR-23. \ M tract of land lying lieawriin ^B rn o.v.l- "' "'>0 m the Fifth Civi BB, District of Cherokee County, State ^B of North Carolina. on the right sufe ^B ot the Hiwa^seo River, approximately ^B 1;{, miles southeast of the mouth of ^B Beaver Dam Creek, and more partic- H larly described as follows: Beginning Is a; a 10 inch post oak tree at the top til' a ridge, a corner of the lands ol I the Southern States Power Company ^B and W . (7. Odom; thence with \V. {; Bl Odom's line and the top of the ridge B j as it meanders in a southeasterly dr ^B rection approximately 2525 feet to a ^B 10 inch black oak tree, a corner of I I ha lands of W. CI. Odom. and .Jame* ^B Hall; thence with James Hall's line S. .*>1 00' L., 41?0 feet to an 8 inch I black oak tree at the top of a ridge; thence, with the top of tin- ridge as I i*. meanders in a southeasterly direc* Bl? lion approximately 510 feet to a 10 Bl inch marked pine tree; thence with a severance line S. 12 00' E.. approxi* ^B mately SS0 feet to a point; thence S. I ?0' K., approximately nl'o tVet to ^B a point; thence S. S 00' W., 875 R* feet to a point in J. R. Taylor's line; B thence with J. R. Taylor's line X. 73" ^B 00' \\ .. 1000 feet, to a pmr allele- ^B vatioil of 1-105 feet le vel, a corner of the lain!- < f J. K. ^B Tay lor, and the ). M. Mi Heirs k the Southern States Power < .nipanv, B thence with the Martin Heirs & the if [ Power Company's line and the 1405 B i foot contour as it meander- in i northwesterly direction approximately 3175 feet to a point, a corner of 1$ ! the lands of the J. M. Martin Heirsi Rj the Southern States Power Company lp and the Southern State.-: Power Com- H pany; thence with the Power Com- Ee pany's line, due north 2875 feet to H| the point of beginning;, and containiit ffi 121.5 acres, more or less. It is fur- H ther ordered that this notice be pub* H lished once a week for four (4) con- R secutive weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper publish*! in Murphy, North Carolina. Done this 3 day H of June, 11139. E. Y. WEBB, Judge. El A True copy Test. J. Y. Jordan, feS Clerk, By: U. L. McLurd, Chief Pep- K uty Clerk. 45-4t-tva) ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE S Having qualified as administrator H of the estate of Frank S. Hill, de- B eeasetl, late of -Cherokee County, B North Carolina, this is !o notify ail persons having claims against the citato of said, deceased\to exhibit them to the undersigned Bryson City, X. C., on or before the 15th day of June, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded it! bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of June, 1939. S. W. BLACK, Administrator of the estate of Frank S. Hill (4G-6t-s\vh) de?-eased. Louis Gallo of Cleveland, who once said he preferred prison in thi? country to freedom in Italy, has beet sentenced to 10 months in the penitentiary on a liquor law violation charge.' Get gummed paper at Scout office. Office supplies for sale at th* Scout office. . USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE ^ ALL YOUR DRUG NEEDS PATENT MEDICINES ICE CREAM FOUNTAIN SERVICE CANDY?TOBACCO MAGAZINES Prescription! Filled Accuretely CUT RATE PHARMACY J. W. (Bill) Adenm J

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