^olf creek newsT ! j . .! Sam Kaylor who were ' , . . : in Sinensis' Satuni.iy. j v.. . I'll )k t'plt attended the' j, . ;.t Salem Baptist inlay. among those attend] were: Mr. and Mrs. .J. f our oldest cit izens. . i (! i .v ii of near Copperj S nurday night with Mrs. i ;.m she was alone. He I,., two children Junior and J" : h.ji had beon visited with \ i. ! rains this season until |, ;,l a- a when we had a real down ? i did a lot of damage. M ' Irs. Floyd Kaylor of Hot j]. < >. spent Sunday with Mrs. J.; . t.unily, Mr. W. H. Amburn. M ' I Mrs. Fred Davis and four i Robert. June. Billie Lou, in!.?? ? ?..J LOOK THE CHEROKEE S< Mrs. Dillard Carringer of Martins Creek. Mrs. Floyd I.ancy attended the graduation exercises at Cherokee ! i iday ni_:lit and was accompanied homo by Georgie. Jake and J a me.' Laney. Mr. Porter Oliver, who has been ill for some time is Improving, hi.many friends will be glad to know. J Mrs. Grady Carringor and Roberta Carringer were visitors ?>11 Brasstown last week. Mr. Frank liogan was Sunday guest of .Miss l>ea Robbinson of i eaehtree. Mr. Sam Carringer who lias been ill for some time with lumbago iimproving. Misses Wanda, Gay and Genevieve Andt rson of Haycsville have been visiting Miss Candas Hogan this week. 1 Mr. Lee Groves had the misfortune 1 >f getting bee stung while hiving pome bees. He got both eyes stung and ' le can't see how to travel. His many friends hope him a speedy recovery. 11 ..... ....?.na \>r?jvt's, aucnuca tile 1 dnging at Peachtree Sunday. Mr. Howard Ingram was the Satur- 1 Jay night truest of Miss Pauline Rughcs. Mr. Floyd Clayton was the Saturday night guest of Miss Hazel Groves. Mr. Vaughn Coker was the SunJay guest of Georgie l-moy. Mr. James Groves of Canton, O.,' was the Wednesday night, guest of j Miss Coy Carringer. Mr. lloyt Waldroup was a visitor in Murphy Saturday. The many friends of Mr. Opie Clayton vjll regret to hear of his illi.ess ami hope him a speedy recovery. SUIT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Lakes Quitm and hilden of Postell visited Mrs. Quinn's rnother, Mrs. Ida I'ope Sunday. Mrs. Locke Woodard of Bryson . City, is spending sometime with hei ! mother, Mrs. J. M. McNabb. Miss Ruth Hickey left la.-t week to! it tend summer school at A. S. T. C Boone. N". C. Mrs. Carl Farmer is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. 11. Brown at Hardin, Ky. Bill Chumley is spending sometime with his brother, Earl in Cincinnati. Ohio. Air. and Mrs. Cloyce Keenum spent the week-end with Mrs. Keen aim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S Barrett. Carl Farmer spent the woek-eno with his parents at Clinton, Tenn. Mrs. U. E. Anderson and children, visited Mrs. R. L. Keenum Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kennedy visit ci Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pope Sunday. Rev. Ed Willix has returned home ifter spending the past week in Mars Hill attending a conference. Quite a few people from this Attended the Cherokee County Sing; ing convention held at Peachtree Sun lay. Payne has employment. left last week for Murphy where Mrs Payne has cinploment. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Payne spent the week-end in Duektown with Mrs. Payne's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Stile*. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duvall of Bryson City spent last week-end with Mrs. Duvall's mother, Mrs. J. M. Mc Nabb. Mr. and,Mrs. Jeff Sanders and (laughters, Joan and Joyce are spend i ing sometime with relatives in Miss- | is* in pi. Johnny and Thelma Keenurn who have been spending the past week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R L. Keenum left Saturday to attend summer school at W. C. T. C. O. C. Payne attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Nathan Docker;. Sunday. Miss Irene Thompson was the Sat urday night guest of Miss Evelyn Chumley. Visit our office supply department' If you need a set of letter files you j can get them at the Scout office. Southern Women Say "So many women say CARDUI promotes appetite and digestion; builds up physical resistance!" savs a Renorter who found 1206 out of 12/9 users queried say CARDUI has helped them. "Thus these women secure relief from the weak, rundown, nervous ( condition that so often attends functional dysmenorrhea due to malnutrition." 50 years of wide use speak for CARDUI'S merit! Tnt/efadc& m :et and wrist watches *1.00 to *3.95 alarm clocks *1.00 to *2.95 . for fllwir on the dial :OUT. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, SNOW HILL NEWS HALL?MOODY Winslow Hal!. Jr.. at:.! Miss Myrtle Mo.uly were married Saturday night fhey have our best wishes for the futu re. Mr. and .Mr-. Freii SlJeed are the parent.s of a fi.no baby Mil. Mrs. Ue> l Davis and small soil is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Y. < Hughes. Dennis Keasler and Harold lveasler f Maryviiie, Tenn are visiting relatives r 11 tlii- eommunity. Miss Pearl Hyatt of Atlanta. (la., and Mrs. (luy llyatt of Culberson, spent Monday with Mrs. V. C. Hughes. ----> ' " i.ukiiva ami iiuroid Liaiiy i?t" Copperhill. spont Sunday night with relatives of this section. Fred Hughes spent the week-end with his parents. All*, and Mrs. Tommy Graham have moved into the little log building: on the V. A. Hughes property. Air. .Jewell Martin made a trip to Kllijny Sunday. Miss Mae Lance of Ellijay was in this section last Sunday week. Charlie Hughes and Hobart Cook of Copperhill visited relatives here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibson and Miss Ruby and Ruth Gibson of neai Murphy visited their sister, Mrs. Sheridan Ramsey Sunday. Miss Paralee McConnell spent the week-end with his parents. Aliss Edith Bell left for Andrews a few days ago. .Mrs. McConnell's sister of Greenville, S. C. spent last week with Mrs. McConneli and other relatives. The Rev. Van B. Harrison of Murphy preached a very interesting Memorial sermon at Snow Hill Sunday ..i t e. noon. BATES CREEK NEWS Alls. Frank Ashe and little son. Robert Harold of Murphy visited hei daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Killiun SunI he entire eomni' -iity \va> saddened. to hear of tile dr.th of Mr. N. E. Dockery last Saturday. Mrs. Willaid Clark who has been visiting her parents has returned to her home at Toniotla. A lai ge crowd of Bates Creek folks attended the singing at Peachtree Sunday. Rev. Nichols filled his regular appointment Saturday night. Misses Carzell and Pauline Williamson spent the week-end with their grandmother. Airs. W. I) Hntrcn/i There were several hard storms in this sections last week, also a good deal of hail. P. C. Ilogsed is said to have purchased the White farm in our comm unity. A crow^l .of young people of this place visited their grandfather,, Mr. \V. M. Killian at New Hope Sunday} nigh:. Several of our citizens attended the funeral of Mr. N. K. Dockery at Grape Creek Sunday afternoon. Glenn Timpson of Robbinsville spent several days last week with his parents. We are glad that Mrs. Elsie Hen:bree is able to be up and about. Miss Flonnie Mae Killian is seriously ill at this writing. Those who visited Mr. Marshal Dockery were: Xorris Hogsed, Dock Coleman, Hurley Coleman, Ardcn Gaddis. Lonnie and Harvey Pockety. BELLEVIEVV NEWS Mr. and Mrs. James Glenn of Kannapolis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hatchett. Several from this community enjoyed the concert given by the Vaughn Quartette at Martins Creek Saturday night. Mrs. A. M. Hatchett spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keid. | Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Martin spent J Saturday night with Mrs. Martin's Barents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kcasler. Hov. John Greene spent Saturday I nigra with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mull. Wadft Anderson has been on the sick list hut we're glad to say he's ablu to be back at work again. Mrs. Bertha Ellis spent Saturday IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE MANY people who wear dental plates this ' ad will be of interest to you. OMlTflL M^)| . f./.. ry./i, / | 1 This patented, scientifically -^ap- ) ed brush penetrates every ncjk and crevice on any full or partial plate, removable bridge or clasp. | Fitted with sterilized bristle. Order J yours today. It will be mailed I promptly, post paid upon receipt 1 of 35c. Address G. A. OUZTS ! Bryson City. N. C. JUNE 15. 1939 THE POC1 of KNOW1 SSIM H TAKES PAiD LAST VEAR. BV THE RAILROADS WOULO HAVE BEEN SUFFICIENT TO PAV A YEAR'S WAGES POR 163,000 RAILROAD EMPLOYEES. / / PA r* / ?? ?/ ' / CRAN-rtC / THE AHCll ? / GQtexs. . / fHCoyftAGEC A / cne*s to /?s?Te,r?6 JnxT'w I -v? ^.-4 OeWAQDlNC EM Foe 5^ S '/ - \ CCNCOCTlONI \ /' pf A POUND CP >V toctee <*& . COSTING S3 ^ C8NTS IN THE V OS.. WOULD COST *1.15 \>>N GERMAHV AND ABOUT \ *12 IN RUSSIA. S night with her mother. Airs. A. M. . llatehiti. Mrs. Ed King was the dinner guest I of Mr. and Mrs. A. .J. Keasier Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bowling of Blairesville, (la.. Mrs. Nola liatchett. .\li*. and Mrs. Arvil Hughes and family visited Ml. and Mrs. Frank Hughes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kink spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Re id Sunday. Air. and Mrs. S. A. Hiiiihes were the j^iiest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hat chett Sunday. The regular Sunday afternoon singing is at Moccasin Creek church. The Belleview Home Demonstration club met with Mrs. Maude Hatchett Monday, June 12, at 1 o'clock. Had Vtood attendance. A demonstration in pickling cherries was given by Miss ; Richardson. After games and refreshments the club adjourned to * meet July 17, with Miss Juanita Hughes. 1 VESTS NEWS All attending the singing school ; at the Reid's chapel Methodist church ' taught by Rev. Jesse Blue scents t?? he enjoying it. There has been some ' fine singers from other places visit- 1 ing. Rev. Jesse Blue will prevh here next Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. I.ula NVIson and children ami { Mrs. Bertha Hall spent a while Satur | day evening with Mrs. Nelson's sister, Mrs. Ella Reid. j Mi*, and Mrs. Ed Quinn and niece. : I.essie Mae Quinn, of Copperhiil were visiting Mr. Quinn's brother, S. E. Quinn Saturday evening. j! SUN MON SUE ,WEP THU EF r $T$~~i $ $_ $ $ : $ i $ $ I $ $ 1 r~$' $ $ I $ I $t i $ 1 $' $ $' $ to FORI When the business man ' turn ties which call for ret profitable to borrow from If you find yourself in t to make a credit check wi CITIZENS BAN! MURPHY ' CETBOOK .EDGE topps $ THE BFAUTtFUL * ATLAS MOTrt* NATIVE -TO iNpiA . JAVA AMP CHINA. OFTEN MA* ? WINGS A FOOT LONG / [jX J V 7 LAW. ON TWE ' ^ .[/ >^LE OF MADEIRA. J EVERYONE WWO CUT* "V ?f I DOWN A -TREE f Oak Park one iay last week. Mrs. Kthelene Quinn and son spent I he week-end with her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. E. R. Gardener, of Copper.in. Mrs. Earnest Reese was visiting ler mother, Mrs. Oma Herrong outlay last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Quinn spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. CM if ton Raper. of 0 k Park. Rubber hands, p: per fasteners, paper dins, gummed reinforcements iimi inumi) iacKs ar? lor sou- at our office supply department. Adding machine paper for sale at the Scout office. m | $ $ rr$ : M$ Adding ?1 FUNDS : SIGHT with foresight sees opporidy cash, he often finds it his bank. his position, we invite you ith one of our offioers. K & TRUST CO. ANDREWS