Cherokee Communit BRASSTOWN NEWS The many friends of Mr. Tyrus Logan. who underwent an operation some time ago, will be glad to know , ho is improving. Mi . Laura Coker is seriously ill.1 her many friends hope her a speedy recovery, M.r (1 Mrs. Archie Norelin of Stiuthers. Ohio, are visiting friends 011 Brasstown. M . and Mrs. Karnest Tranthnm of' Marble -i?ent Sunday with Mrs. Tran- i than:*.. M > . Florence Sparks. | Mr. ?iui Mrs. Carringer and t >on. Fiovd spent the week-end with Mr. Carringer'.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Carringer. Mrs. Bird Adams was the Friday tiimi'T .truest of Mrs. Leon F. Deschamps. Mrs. Cordia Carroll of Etowah, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Cokei. Birt Hogan. Frank Hogan. Bea Kobhinson and Louise Coker were visitors at Hiwassee Dam Sunday. II oil is Peniand had as his week-end fc.iiest. Gran Peniand. M?ss Bobbie Jay Tweed has returned from a week's visit in Swannonoa' and Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Anderson audi family spent Sunday with Mr. and! Mis. B N. Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnard anil I family of Warn-' were week-end i i;a 1s of M? . Barnard's parents. Mr. :in?l Mrs. J. O. P.-nlanil. Mr. and Mr-. John- H. Hall of" Hayesville were week-end guests ot ' Mr. and Mrs. Everett* Hall and fam 1 ily. Miss Marie ( a : ringer was a Satur-J ?lay guest 01 Miss Gladys Hall. Mrs. Annie Carringer and son. Lewis were Sunday guests of Mrs Virg Hogan. Miss Hat herine Coleman, Garnet Owenby and Blake Stalcup were visitors on Brasstown Saturday. Mrs. Dillard Carringer, Mrs. S. W Carringer, Fred Adams ami S. W. Carringer were visitors of Mr. Car ringer's sister. Mrs. Charles Campbell of Young Harris, Saturday. Howard Ingram was a visitoi in Warnc Sunday. Lake Ledford, Fred Adams. Gladys Led ford and Fannie Stalcup were visiting friends on Brasstown Sunday. Troy Ledford has arrived home to spend some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ledford. Leo Graves was a visitor of Miss Mainmie Lamb Eunday at Pine Loir. IV uiaril ami Dillard Coker were dinner guests of Edward, Judd and John L. Hall Sunday. Car] Powers was a visitor of Miss Nina Stnlrup Sunday. Miss Lola Clayton spent the weekend With her mother, Mrs. Joe Clayton. Friends of Mr. John Mason will reLike Crops... . . . but not ii | There's one place that s in a bank accoui dollars are working, th safely . . . with the mi taken. Start a savings acct amount of money yo small weekly deposit suitable sum. EVERY ACCOUN1 $5,000.00 CITIZENS BAN! MURPHY u CHEROKEE SCOUT. County y News POSTELL NEWS Rev. S. A. Stiles filled his regular appointment :r Flat Creek Saturday , and Sun day night. Kev. Hamilton preached an inter> t"n*.r s. inion at the new Swanson v kurch Sunday evening. There will be a singing convention . t the new Swanson church Sunday Julj 16th. AH singers are invited to come and bring lunch baskets. The meeting will be followed by a revival held by Kev. Grady Chastain. Troy and Lakes Montgomery, of ul ( ?ICWH???s HlVll |/aivtiw? Mr. and .Mrs. S. G. Montgomery over | the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Allen and | children, of Pennsylvania. are visitingl home folks at Posted. Miss Beatrice Hamilton spent Sun day with Willie Sue Jones. Carl Torrence and Mat Chum ley wnv viMim.; al I' ?'t !i Sumlay. OAK PARK NEWS j Funeral services for Miss Ora Rob- j erson, age 13, were helfi at the home of her parents Monday with the Rev. Malvin Ledford officiating. Intermen* was in Mt. Carmel cemetery. Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bass Roberson, two sisters, Mary and Grace and five brothers. Kalph. Ernest, Willard and James all f Oak Park and Carl of Rabun Gap. Ga. Ivie funeral home was in charge. Mis. Bass Roberson is ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Thomas and daughter. of Copperhill, spent last week with Mrs. Thomas* parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hamby. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Griffin and children spent, the holidays with Mrs. Grillin's parent's Mr. and Mrs. George Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and children of Akron. Ohio is visiting Mr. lieid's mother, Mrs. Martha Reid. Mr. mill \1 iv I e n ?- - ? ? ...... iiamoy ana Mr. | and Mrs. Mao Thomas made a busi-j ness trip to Murphy Saturday. Mrs. S. E. Quinn was the guest Thursday of her daughter, Mrs. Clifton Raper. Mr. and Mrs. D. Horton visited | their daughter, Mrs. Authur Payne of Hiwassee Saturday. Mrs. Mitchel Stiles audi children | were the guests Sunday of Mr. and I Mrs. Clifton Raper. J gret to hear of his illness, but hope him a quick recovery. Miss Candas Hognn had as her Sunday guest, Harli? Carringer. Rev. Will Rogers of Rohbinsvillo and Rev. J. II. Wilson of Havesville, both widely known preachers will begin a two weeks revival at Lower Brasstown church Sunday, July 16. Every body come. t Money Grows i the ground! it does grow . . . and it. Here, where your ley grow gradually and nimum amount of risk mnt today . . . with any u wish to deposit. A will grow into a large r INSURED UP TO BY FDIC K & TRUST CO. ^ ANDREWS MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA, THURS UPPER MARTINS CREEK NEWS Bern to Mr. and Mrs. George PosUllo Saturday, July 8. a girl. Mothei and child are we'i. ML>s U'illarti Chambers of Georgia spent several days with her sistei Mrs. Lee Chastain recently. Mr. an dMrs. Bradford Hughes and two children, Delia Mae and Barbara Jean visited Mrs. Hughes' parents Mr. am! T*s. Charlie Sexton the latter part of last week. Mr. and . Irs. Krnest Jackson of Ivy '^og. Ga.. visited tin ir mother, Mrs. J. I>. Martin Sunday. Mr. and M is. Arz>> Hughes and family visited Mr. ami Mrs. Bryan l hastain Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Carringer iid son Floyd recently visited theii I parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. \Y. Carrin ger at Brasstown. Mis. W. L. Chapman and daughter. Mrs. Ida Lowe of Ivy Log. Gu., visit' (I their son and brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chapman Sunday. Mrs. Tobe Chastain called on Mrs. R. W. Chapman Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stiles and little daughter visited the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Thad Stiles Sunday. Visitors of Mrs. George Postell Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Geo Kc.;sler and daughter. Eva Nell. Mrs. Boyd Chastain. Mr>. Vaughn Kicks. Mrs. Fred Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. .!. tym-tin. Mrs. W. H. Abernathy and Mr. Billy Hughes | from Martins Creek enjoyed a nice I day and a good dinner at the Folk School July 4th. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulkey and family of Grandview, Mr. and Mrs. ilarve Mul-.ey and family, of Andrews, recently visited their aunt, Mrs. V.. 11 Abernathy. BATES CREEK NEWS This entire community joins in the hope for the speedy recovery of Mr. ! Bill Killian of New Hope, who has j been ill for some time. Durnig the | past week he was visited by Mr. and 1 Mrs. Joe Dockery and sons. Ernest end Willard; Fred and Grace Dockery j Bob Dockery and his daughters, the Misses Mary and Azilee. The Rev. Mr. Truett preached a ' most interesting sermon at the Bates I Creek Church last Sunday. The Rev Mr. Wheeler was a visitor at the services. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Killian were: callers at the home of Mr. an dMrs. Andy Ashe. The following residents of this section were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Timpson; Mr. and Mrs. John Mingus, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Timpson, Mr. and Mrs. Douger Stlies and family. Mrs. Athaline Timpson, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Dockery, and Mrs. W. D. Hogsed. Miss Edna Mae Coleman was t.ho 1 i unifier guest of Miss "Girleon Dillard. | The Rev. Mr. Nichols failed to fill his regular appointment in the pulpit I last Saturday night, and on Sunday. : BELLE VIEW NEWS Mi*, and Mrs. Thomas Huffman of Asheville and children Betty, Louise, Mary, Martha and Wilma Ann arc spending the week with Mrs. Huffman's mother, Mrs. A. H. Hatchett and relatives. We regret to inform that Mr. John Hatchett is very ill at this writing. Miss Mary Alice Chambers of Atlant, Cla., is visiting Misses Marie and Irene Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Bob King and Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Hughes and family attended a temperance meeting at Haycsville Sunday. Mr. Lee King of Athens, Tenn., is spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. King. Miss Mirnie Hughes spent Saturtday night \v?th Miss Ethel Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Mull have returru d from a weeks visit with their daughter. Mrs. Daisy Newman of An drews. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sparks of Knoxville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McNabb. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Walker and daughter and Mrs. Ward of Hiwassee Dam visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. King Monday. Misses Juanita and Sybil Hughes were the supper cruests r?f Mrs. Charlie Mull Sunday. Mr. Sion Thompson visited his I daughter, Mr. nd Mrs. Hadley Rob- j ertson Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith of Murphy I visited Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Robertson Sunday. Many from this section are planning to attend the Farmer's Federation picnic at Martins Creek Saturday. The Rev. John Green will start a I revival meeting at the Moccasin Creek I church Sunday night. We're all looking forward for a good meeting, j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bryson, Mr. Van Hughes, Miss Lelia Raper, Mr. Edison Anderson and Miss Eva Nell Anderson were visiting at the Folk School one day last week. 1 Mrs. Tvey Creasman of Andrews spent the night recently with her bro-1 ther. Mr. Jesse Robertson and family. Miss Winona Hughes of Ivy Log, | spent Friday night with her mother and family, Mrs. Lassie Hughes. iDAY. JULY 13. 1939 I News&dditie i LAND OF ICED DRINKS THE U CONSUMES MOftE ICCO 1 BEVERAuES THAN ALL-me OTHER COUNTRIES OT THE WORLD COMBINED. ONE ICED DRINK.-COFFEE IS UNIQUELY AMERICAN. UNKNOWN ONLY A FEW YEARS AOO.lT IS ALREAIY | , A MO NO THE MOST POPULAR OF CA' SUMMER'COOLERS* ^?f ??=?=? . PAI , W HEBt, THE WORLDS MOST A *] ftJvS* FAMOUS COFFEE i DRINKERS NEVER C J TASTEC ICEOCCFFEF' .. AJT THEV WOULD 'WGr 9R0?a?lv ewjov ^ NATIONAL IUl"-urrw ' -? WEEK - TO Bt HELO jtW THIS MONTH .' <^?'7 f __ .* ^ .'? " < III * ' vjX. t. y vi^rr,? i)^ COFFEE IS A 'MUST* IN Ait*- /"< LINE LARCEaS...OC??SMiNG Si AN 1? STEADYING TO THE NE2VES on long flights n has ^xo'jto a valuaeIe asset > To COMrOST ALOFT. Alft UNcS SERVE IT HOT oc ICEO AS THE TEMPERATURE DICTATES OJ^*?io??T K MARBLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newman returned Thursday to their home in Akron. Ohio, after spending the past week here visiting relatives. M iss Wilma Jones is spending two weeks in Gastonia visiting her brother. Troy Jones. Miss Lois Smith returned home last week from Tryon, where she has been for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Palmer and son, Emil left Thursday for thcii home in Akron, Ohio, after a visit here with relatives. Mrs. Ham Roland of Peachtree, is ill here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barton. Garnctt Robinson, of Culbcraot. viaumg menus acre ouiiuuj . Misses Char me Foster and Lucille Tiull are visiting relatives in Ellijay Mr. and Mrs. Bulett Ingram spent week-end in Waluska, Ga. Roy West is visiting his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ven son West. The "Vaughan Fans" radio artists from WNOX Knoxville gave a program at the Marble Springs Baptist Church Saturday night. The program was greatly enjoyed by all present. | The quartet is composed of the Abner brothers, and Billy Carrier with Char- i les Fryer as pianist. Stacy Abner is | manager. Ths quartet will be presented with Monk and Sam in a return engagement some time in August sponsored by the Marble Home Denom stration Club. Miss Katherine Culberson of Al-1 mond spent the week-end here with her cousin. Miss Frances Newman. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Marion Crisp of Ashe- ! ville spent the week-end here with Mr and Mrs. Tarry Davis. Misses Pidge and Nelle Kimbrougl. left Thursday for Oxford, N. C.,! where they will enter the Oxford j Orphanage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barton, Mr. and I Mrs. Bill Dockery and Mr.- and Mrs. Roy Foster went to Lake Santeetlah on a camping trip the fourth of July ' The Home. Demonstration cub will I meet Monday. Julv 24 nt 11 ~ ? .. -?U " *"?. , in the Marble School lunch room. The meeting will bo a "pot luck dinner".1 All members who are unable to come at the lunch hour are urged to come in the afternoon. Miss Alline Richardson, Home agent, will give demonstrations on pickle making. The club has purchased a pressure cooker to be used for canning. Anyone wishing to use the canner may sec Mrs. F. L. McConnell, canning leader at her home. IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE MANY 1 people who wear dental plates this ad will be of interest to you. r^r dZi&P IV SKI IftUSH This patented, scientifically shaped brush penetrates every nook and crevice on any full or partial plate, removable bridge or clasp. Fitted with ste ilized bristle. Order yours today. It will be mailed promptly, post paid upon receipt of 35c. Address G. A. OUZTS I Bryson City, N. C. Squict I ?T SERVED AT THE SMART HOTELS AND 1} ES IN NEW NOOK AND PALM SEACH. ICED jt TEE IS NOW FOUNO IN WORKERS DlWCR tt ls ourrt as often as at oo* otas ? INER PARTIES.' wsegjess y y rwiof^-y f\S: ' J newest wftlnkue devised m 8* american hostesses. j?s is to nteeze coffee into cuees - use tvem por. .-?* ?r coouno iced coffee fe 133-fry j v<xaukjc ( Boiling Springs News Ruv. James Truett filled his repu ;. lar appointment Saturday iwuht anrl Sunday. is Connelly Lovingood will fill his appointment Sunday. July 16th. Mr .and Mrs. Bass Graves spent Saturday night with his parents, Mr. i and Mrs. John Graves. jj Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anns, ar.d g children, spent Saturday night with | their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 'i Arms. ? Mrs. Oliver Carrell spent Sunday night, with her brother and sister, Mr. ! and Mrs. Bass Graves, i Miss Lucille Marcus and Ellafredia Kephart spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arms. Mrs. Willa Mae Parker and chii ! dren, of Marble, visited their parents Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Odell. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Don Graves visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garrett July 4th. Miss Janice and Opal Odcll visited Miss Cleo Mills one day recently. Oid Davis has returned homo after spending some time in Springfield, Ohio. Ray Davis is visiting his parents, i Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Davis. Every one enjoyed the music at M?- and Mrs. Don Graves Saturday night. The music was furnished by | ESd and Van Martin and John Ernest i Whitene*. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE One-Way Coach Fares FROM MURPHY, N. C. Washington 9.05 Jacksonville 7.65 Cincinnati O. 7.00 Savannah, Ga. 6.15 Charleston S.C. 6.30 Richmond, Va. 7.65 Memphis, Tenn. 8.85 Insure Safety,'Avoid Highway Hazards. Travel By Train. A?Co^dltloned Through Trains. R. H. DeBUTTS, Asa't. General Passenger Age"' ASHEVILLE, N. C.

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