I WCLF CREEK NEWS I xii. ail-day staffing here Sunday I , ,tICl-fss fiom all standpoints. t u' talent were singi i sail parts of the country, hivxr ,ut- Th ,st> deserving special -.vciv quartettes from Copper K. ;; crowd was present to I -;:V thc- a;usic rendered. I II; !'!' v u1 ?t T'>n of Atlanta, spent Iht w? ?' -,l 3 3 ' vv visiting his parents, yi .ant! Mrs. Kiley Morgan Sunday lfter* ? went, on to Hazclwood. iv:t!, hi Hio'Ii":-. Elbert and his farnjV w 1 i motored down here in t , : i where he will spend a rei'k vacationing in the mountains. The I. way men with their grad.rs wt'ie r our roads last week tht tin- thing happened that B.?-r usually happens after they visit ,ur ; a series of hard rains ju:t I'lIt'.: a!!y undoes much of the cot! they do. Winifred Wi throw of the CCC nuijj ; t .v "kem-ont, is spending the Fu::rth hen* with his immediate unil;.. He came in early Friday loriiiiy". Mr. J Amburn made a business ip to .M .i phy. Friday, he was acimpanicd by U*. L. Garten. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Morgan had as fir guest*. Mrs. Morgan's parents, r. and -Mrs. J. M. Garrcn. Our farmers are bavin? a very Ifficult ti ll" saving their hay crop. Privat- Harley morgan, son of Mr. ,,! M' I'i'ey Morgan, returned to ? jhist in Atlanta, Ga., Saturday ornuv Mrs. S::rah Lewis of Hot House, j ap,i three children spent Sunday siting h ?" sister here, Mrs. Hix mrs ar.d her family. Mr-. Eninr.i Peek and little da ughr. Maggie spend Saturday night jth in r.'iher here, Mr. Harvey iilii :rtil hi-- family. Mrs. Peek ives in upper Hothouse. Mr. Henry Burgess spent the day landay visiting friends and relatives athe vi'-init y of Sweet Gum, Ga. Mr. j ' .Mrs. Herbert Garren and [hochildri u <>f near Copperhill, spent (onday with til" former's grandprints. Mr. an, W !. Garren. I Sheriff J. C. Townson, of Murphy, kd Constable K. F. McGee, of Isabella. Tenn., were here Monday forelion with three under arrest charged uivaMiig ana possessing dealing stolen property. They signed before and committed for want of bonds by Esq. larrcn. TR MARTINS EK NEWS and Mrs. Charlie Carringer to dinner guests of Mrs. Josie Sunday. and Mrs. Dillard Stiles spent pk-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ola Maude Carringer was the din?st of Mrs. Bill Phillips Sunday, nnd Mrs. Jake Stiles were visiMrs. Bessie Hall Sunday. Dot Ingram spent Friday night ouise and Elizabeth Mar.n. are sorry to have to report Irs Hazel Mass is on the sick Ir. and Mrs. Clifford Hall and id Mrs. Jake Stiles motored to Ridge. Ga? Sunday. .and Mrs. Carl Stiles of Peachwere visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hal' Sunday. s- Bell Henry was the dinner ol her sister Tuesday, Mrs. Cavort in the ( The < Just 1 Zi miles 01 Under New DRinuc -** *11110 JfOU'LL LIKE IT - """""" LQO CHEROKEE SCOUT. M SUNNY POINT NEWa Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Brown and -ofa.il- ! dron returned to their home Sunday [ afternoon i i Turtletown, after spend- I u:g a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. John ' Blown. Mrs. Kdna Johnson spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred. Whitene/. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Bell and children from Sweet Gum spent the week i end visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. I Miss Phebia Caldwell who is taking a beauty course in Knoxville is now visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. . A. Caldwell. Miss Cm dee Whitener spent Sun| day night with Miss Lola Brown, j Mrs. Fanetta Taylor and small son, Billy from Murphy spent Saturday 1 night with Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Cald! well. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson spent I c,....i..~ ? - I uuuua} in .u moral Bluff, Ga, visit* ! ing Mi's. Etta Hartness. j Mr. and Mrs. i). A. Caldwell visit* Ied the Hiwassee Dam Sunday and were the dinner guests of Mrs. TurnI c*. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McAfee, Mrs. Esta Mason and Misses Genelee Caldweil and Steila Dillard were visitors of Mrs. Mattie Whitcner awhile Sunday. Buster Brown and Howard Johnson from CCC camp's are visiting | their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. %Reece Caldwell and two daughters from South Carolina are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Johnson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown Sunday. Miss Ruth Garland spent Monday afternoon with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John arU.nd. 1 Little Tomn?y Brown two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown ,is i on the sick list this week. RANGER NEWS __________________________________ ^ Rev. \\\ T. Truett preached a very j interesting sermon both Saturday and ' Sunday night. A very large crowd at- j tended. M.. and Mrs. Claude Fox. and B. Bali-urn who have been visiting home folks, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fox have | returned to their home in Gustonia i YV ed?'sday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stiles of Gas- I tonia who have been visiting theii J parents, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fox and daugn ter, Mr. and Mrs. Walls, and children of Winder, Ga. have been visiting I friends and relatives of this section. Mr. Tom Fox was once a resident of Cherokee County. He has been gone from here about 40 years. He was the brother of Taylor and Elic Fox. A number of residents of this section attended the funeral of Stanley Hyatt at the Hyatt cemetery. John Fox of Gainesville, Ga. is spending several weeks with his brother. G. B. Fox, and sister, Etna Poutdexter, and other relatives of this place. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fox and children are spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fox. Miss Bessie Ruth Evans of this place is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wright spent the day with her sister, Mrs Cora Dickey of Murphy Saturday. Rev. Clarence Voyles, of Georgia spent the afternoon with J. H. Monteith and family Saturday. There will be a singing at the Ranger Baptist church on the 4th Satur j day night, July 22, consisting of sevl eral quartets from other places. Every body come, especially ail good singers. Mr. and Mrs. Morland Green of Chattanooga. Tenn. returned home Sundav after spending several weeks with Mrs. Green's parents, Mr. and Mrs S. S. Akin. | SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT 1 I $1.50 PER YEAR ! Oool in Comfort | vr OASIS i ut on Highway 64 Management ...AMUSEMENT Cabins, too, at $1 :ket and wrist watches *1.00 to *3.95 ! alarm clocks *1.00 to *2.95 k for dfciwtf on th{ 9ial URPHY. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSI RadiOddities > 4 ^ EE-S? ^rr?^ 503 JONGS VOUNCW tNTEMMMKMN^ hi IS?S Hi -0 SILVER. traosuesll US f i lrt?li??LV tSAlu ? I, is AT LI AS &ALIADS. LULLR31E5 I . ,tVMN3. AND ivmcs PCQ GECSHVNINS ^.AO>OON IN OL'JE* OVER 300 Qc TKM K.VJE 3CEN PUBLISHED r ?rr.^> ' ' r j ?i:"? I ? L, '_ * * J \ l ?.T'.';'-,-a<: ?: ;' \ - '- ClVtNo ^ " ;" MATES TJ - FOLK SCHOOL Saturday, July 8. was Homecoming Day for old students of the John C. Campbell Folk School, and in all about 40. not counting: those living al the school, were present. With relatives staff and friends, about MJ helped celebrate. All who could arrived by 3 n. m from v.hieh time Mrs. Campbell served tea at Farmhouse. Folk songs ami singing games followed supper in the Community room of Keith House. Afterwards those who lived nearby returned home; those who had come from a distance spent the night. Old students from the greatest dis tance were Mrs. Estelle Lynch and Maude McGwinn who came from Mill Springs, North Carolina. Also from a distance were Junice Revis of Sa luda, N. C., Verlin and Sue Reese of Rabun Gap, Ga., Oran Penland from Monroe, Ga., and Elsie Laudermilk of Isabella, Tenn. From near-by were Esta Ledford of Hayesvillc, now studying nursing in Raleigh, and Lucille Raxter of Marble. Those from Murphy township were, Robert Allen, Mrs. Edna Hampton Clouse, Nell Cayton, Mr. and AJrs. Roy Lee, Haden Hensey, Mrs. Bulah Burrell, Mrs. Frank Deweese, Bee Robinson and Hazel M. Hampton. From the vicinity of Brassiown j were Elaine Logan, Nell Teems Opal i (Ircfll. Doilfflnc Smith fnv ! Mollis Penland, J. G. Martin, Willie Clayton, Frank Hopan, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Day, Anne Hensley Tuckwiller, Bert Smith, Wm. J. Martin, Wayne Holland and Fred Smith. Among those working at the Folk School were Ruby Kate Holland, Gladys Jean Sexton, Tom McLymore. Monroe Wilson, D. L. Marti:;, Ruth Martin, Geraldine Wilson, Alice Holland. Cleo Come, Fanny Kate Brend- j le, A. J. Wgodring and Glenn Hoi- j land. Also present were Folk School : ''grandchildren" of whom the oldest | was Richard Deweese. Others were I Jack Deweese and William Edward j Lee, from Murphy, and Clara Hope ] Burrell from Brasstown. The young- j est "grandchild*' of all was the three j month old Clouse baby from Murphy j Leo Morgan Lynch, 22 months old i came from Mill Springs. X. C., and | Barbara Jean Reese, 10 months old, ! from Kaburn Gap, Ga. Miss Jeanette Butler of Cincinnati, j Ohio, sister of Mrs. Bidstrup, is spend- 1 ing the summer at the Folk School. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Deschamps and 1 their family left last Thursday foi j a short vacation. They will visit rela-' tives in Kentucky. Herman Estes, new head of the woodworking shop arrived here from Kentucky on the 7th with his wife and daughters, Veda, Golden, Mary. Juanita, and Helen Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yeomans, Jr., of Ojai Valley, Calif., and Lincoln Mass. spent Friday night at the school. Mr. Yeomans teaches in the progressive Shady Hill School of Cambridge, Mass. Hsi father is Edward Yeomans, well-known educator and author. Mr. and Mrs. George Bidstrup are sailing from New York on Thursda> July 13th for Scandinavia. They will spend most of their time on Sweden, i where they will visit Mr. Bidstrup's | relatives. They will return to Brass-' town towards the end of Sop/tember. Louise L. Pitman returned Monday night from a month's vacation in ! Orange. N. J. which she spen. with her family. 1 JAY. JULY 13. 1939 . . . . by Squier \*i y /,U i : I WM# B "SW v ...*, OH ILLINOIS GlRL WHO GREW UP IN TO CALIFORNIA.VAUGHN MADE HER SOW JjgP TO RADIO IN oe ifE deforest* tT pioneer new nork station in I 1919. SHE SANG INTO AN OLD 'MORNNu GLDRV * DHONOGRACM HORN CONNECTED TO A MICROPHONE ; GOT HER FIRST AND ONi> *MIKE FRIGHT * K \NOPE. PAWL i A~ SLJ' 6> -1 I |p? - " jg> gctKrol 1 M 10 SING ON THE ! CELEBRATES WHAT (S ^ JEER IN THE VUORLD'S r FIELD. SHES HEARD <3 W-E5T):CS IT* C\i(Tf 2 :*J T^c ^AtfPEN CF i4'_^ j jr H:>M? 4 ??VODEl?D PAOM hOUSC Aw j -"' C iTUDEN- DU.O' . C-?tr HAf. MAO KHj/E"' 'NSTOOCTION S. and 0^?2RjL. Pf1 .*.>s <:st Prrve sue PINO E'?G S^FK'- "S "ir-l Ceoo Shady Grove News Mr. and Mis. Tom Silvev of Tunnclhiil, Ga. visited relatives here l ist week. Mr. said Mrs. R. 1>. Anderson and children, and el* Youn erst own, Ohio, are visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Martin, of Murphy spent a few days last week visiting ai this place. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arp and Mrs. Charlie Arp, and children of Akron, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Arp this week. Mr. ami Mrs. R. 1). Anderson and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anderson and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Anderson and family spent last Satur day in Atlanta. COAL - CC If* 1 /I 1 n iiign urade, free For Prom Honest Measure?V All Kinds of B Kiln-Dried Lu Windows ,Doo Scree EVERYTHING T MURPHY LUMB T eleph To The Tax Payers According to law I 1938 taxes so I will b county, and as you tax to advertise all unpaic have not paid your 19i your real estate to be pav vour taxes now be and sold. All who just own pn and pay your taxes bel cow or any other peri own is levied on and s< It just takes one tir come in and pay then ccst. L. ] Tax Coll PATRICK NEWS The Rev. Melven Ledford. of Tennessee. ?s conducting a revival meet ing at Shearer School House, and large crowds are attending. Mr. and Mrs. George Keid and children. Mrs. Dora Kaper, two daughters and son, Glen Raper; Mr. and Mr*. J 1*. Bryant; Mr. John Picklesimer ard the Rev. Ledford were visitors at the home of Mr. Leonard Standridge Sunday afternoon. Mr. Standridge is very ill. We wish hint a speedy recovery. Mr. Dillingham and son were the guests of George Reid Sunday. Rev. Melvin Ledford of Tennessee was the supper guest of Tom Picklesimer Sunday night. Mr. Picklesimer has been ill, but is reported recover ing M. T. Raper has taken over l is store at Liberty purchased from Ed Brown. Mr. Brown has gone to Kentucky. L.eo Horton made a business trip to -ce V/tss Ledford at Fainei\ Tean. Saturday afternoon. Miss Grace Hamby of Cleveland, Tenn. is visiting her motner, Mrs. Mary Hamby at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cobb, and baby, have returned from Alabama, where they have been visiting for the pas' week. Otis Adams was the guest of M. T. Rapt-r Sunday afternoon. Saturday on business. Luther Hawkins passed through this section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Anderson and ehillren were visitors in Klijay Saturday night. Mrs. Marie Standridge was a visitor in this section Saturday. Use The Want Ads ROBERTS TAXI SERVICE C. C. ROBERTS, Prop. SIGHT SEEING TOURS j We'll take you anywhere at Ratet I you'll like. ! PHONE US 24 HOURS SERVICE Two Phono.?9113 and 9107 Luxurious cabs?careful drivers 1 1 1 ial - cm | Burning, Low Ash I pt Delivery | /e Weigh Every Load 1 uilding Material I imber. Roofing, 1 rs, Screen Doors, n Wire D BUILD A HOME ER AND MFG. CO. one?95 Of Cherokee County will have to collect your e able to settle with the payers know 1 will have I real estate. So if you 38 taxes and don't want advertised come in and + - ? - :tore they are advertised srsonal property come in Fore your Automobile or lanal property you may ild. ne to pay your taxes so n now and save further 5 ector, Cherokee County .