Mis. I- ^ and house guest, \iivN !? :>! Dunlap. visited the Indian Reservation and the Great Smokies last week. i * * * * Mi. . . M rs. Jack Blags: and family aii vi-iting Mr. Blagg's home in Kunsi- I it.v- Mo. ***** I Mi> ( '* Mayfield is visiting her Bar nesville, Ga. ***** M, I uk Dickey has received ?,,r.i : II her daughter, Mrs. S. K. [K-nny. who is vacationing in Tenn. thai ii -ay i* ill. ***** Mr . I Mrs. Herman Elliott spent neck in Atlanta. . . Mi !;. E. Barclay and children of Ccpp.ri.iil, spent several days last week w:tn their parents and grandjarei . I'i - and Mrs. J. W. Thomp. n. Mr. Barclay came up for Sunday and in panied his family home. Mrs. K M. Dunning of Atlanta, who i- iting Mr. and Mrs. G. \V Canillei. was in Atlanta several day List ?-i i on business. ..... Mr. ami Mrs. Fred E. Woods of Cnnvt . U'Pfi. vicitnpo Yf |_. _ lx?...... . -- ... iHUH/HJ' I Sunday. t yuests of Mrs. G. W. El * fl Miss Rogers, on the staff I of thi- Pctiie hospital, returned Sun , . . visiting her family in Wax***** Jimmic Ward returned Tuesday K from a 1 iness trip in Kentucky and [* * ? * * H Mrs. Elizabeth Studstill, on the faculty i' Murphy school, is in New York i' the summer, attending Col umbia < ersity where she will win H lift Ma-tots u.'gree Sept. 19th. Be to New York she visited H tier p; s in Rcidsvillc for ton days. I ANNOU I SINCLAIR SER Ij (AtHiwassee UNDER NEW J The Static, Will MR.ROS! "We Invite Yoi fa I WWTS m " """ "" ** s<~l?<' ?'*.u, cmvm, ??., Agent Sinclair Re fir ALLISON ^ ^ Murphy?F L CHEROKEE SCOUT. MU iW! ? Cj f Mr. William ("Bill") Owenby, sweet singer and erstwhile Don Juan of Murphy was a brief visitor to the old town over the week-end. Bill i> ? : i.ow in the movie business, employed ' as a "checker". He was in Tate, Ga checking attendance at the movie | "Jessie James", and said he couldn't i resist the temptation to come back to * | the town he always regards as I "home." Bdl added that he liked his | job?but that he had been forced to ! see "Jessie James" 17 times? and : that he was "about fed up." * * ? * * Friends of Mrs. Jimmie Ward will : be glad to learn she is rapidly recov- 1 ering from a minor operation in Pet- \ M rie hospital. m Mr. and "Mrs. Geo. L. Wright, of At- : (> lanta and Birmingham, spent the past | v.week with Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. g and Mrs. K. A. Howard. Miss Fannie Deweese has been back' f in her home town visiting her mother,' a Mrs. Bessie Deweese. Miss Deweese ,, is now living in Knoxville, Tenn | L1 where she is employed as a beauty j operator. ^ . * . . H J Mrs. Frank Crawford, from Copperhill, spent last Thursday with Mrs Bessie Deweese. t * * * r Mr. and Mrs. W?dn, Bobbie. Mrs. Dixie Palmer ai.d Irs. McManus and daughter, Mary lotorcd to the Indian Reservation at herokee, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Holt left uesday to visit friends and relatives j Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., Dectaur, Aland Birmingham, Ala. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Kenny are on a lonth's vacation in LaFalotte. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Brumby, Sr.. f Marietta, Ga., were in Murphy I unday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.' .. G. Brumby, Jr. Mrs. W. G. Darnell entertained inormally, at her home Saturday night' t two tables of bridge. Those play- ! tig were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pick >. -vir. anil Mrs. l'aul Gas I Mrs. tichard Parker, Miss Mary King lalloiiee and Mr. and Mrs. \V. G larucll. ? Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitfield enertained for breakfast Thursday norning, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Smith nd daughter, Sherrie, of Boston, lass. I)r. and Mrs. Whitfield's friends i ere enroutc to Alabala. Miss Ruby Reece, of Augusta. Ga. pent a few days at the Regal hotel, is guest of Mr. Robert Morris. Miss Annie Ruth Kostler, of Atlaiv a has been visiting Miss Sarah With rspoon for the past two weeks. Rae Moore and Richard lloweil I rove over tc Atlanta Sunday. While here Mr. Moore broujrht his total ertified flying time, to date,, to 201 * The Sensation New6GuJtSi2 //> p? Here's the refrigerator i been waiting for! A sens priced Frigidaire model! Frigidaire economy and the low price field! Offers WAL felephone 124-J DAY, JULY 13. 1939 ANY QUESTIONS? Thi? information ?erv?ce on edu- ' cation is brought to you by special | arrangement with Teachers College | Columbia University, New York City | Questions on education may be submitted through this newspaper. QUESTION: Should pre-school age j children bo sent to kindergarten? ! What is the value of kindergarten to a child? KKPLY: Studies have shown that j children who have had kindergarten ! training generally do better in school j than children wihtout such training. Not only do they make more satisfactory progress in school work, but also they adjust themselves more easily to school conditions. The main values that kindergarten affords a child, areof three types? > physical, mental, and social. The child j is taught to get along with other people. to be responsible for his posses- ! | sions and his acts, to plan his actiyi- ; -.v? una carry mem out independently. to cooperate with his playmates, end to lead and follow intelligently instead of blindly. He has the right sort of play to develop him physical- j 1>. He is trained to think out his own i probents and to solve them. He is taught to express his own ideas and I appreciate the ideas of others. QUESTION: What is the definition I of illiteracy? What are the figures on illiteracy in the United States and in the world in general? What country I has the highest rate of literacy. REPLY: According to the defini tion used by thu United States Gav1 eminent. "An illiterate is a person 10 , years of age or over who cannot, write j | hours and fifteen minutes. Mr. IIow-. ell was a passenger during the flight | ? Mrs. O. K. Ear hart, Mrs. B. W. j j Whitfield and Miss Lena Nelson left i Monday with Mr. II. Bueck for Caro-! j lina Beach, where they will visit fot j about a week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck at their summet j ! cottage. | Mrs. R. E. Barclay, of Ccppcrhill I has been the guest of Mrs. Harry! ulsnop tor the past few days. mmmmm r j fl A * FR1GI1 S^H I Mber Mech fl I GENUINE FRK jjH fl mafic Reset E Hgjrjt^J fl in Food Comf fl tcrior Solid B ing All Metal f Release Fro 0f||y Matic p 149" i :? M Easy Terms J back,: /alue America has feature not found ational new low- erator. Come inBrings genuine money will buy t dependability to aire "Super-Value : you feature after SEE HDAJ RENNET TER COLE * ill any language." in 1930, the last year for which figures are available, there were 4.2?*3.753 illiterates in the U. S. or 4.3V, of the population over 10 years of age. For negroes the illiteracy rate in 1930 was 10.3', . for foreign born whites 9.9'i, for native whites 1.5', . The states with the highest illiteracy rale in 1910 were South Carolina with 14.9' , . Louisiana with 15.5'. . New Mexico with 13.3* , anu Mississippi with 13.1' , . According to recent estimates over 60', of the world's population is wholly illiterate. This is a rough estimate. Africa the most illiterate. Finland and Denmark are 100' , literate. QUESTION: Should a high school military training corps be instituted as a part of the high sc. ?ol curriculum? Besides its purely military purpose does it serve any definite educative purpose.' Does il not take up time better for other things? UEl'L\ : The arguments for including military training in the high snhftfil i*s_ii..... -- . ? v. w-in-uiuiu usually are onset! on the claim> that: 1 ?such training ai' the 870.963 teachers in public element; r\ and secondary scchools in the I J. S. in 11)36. 179* 073 or 20.0', were men as compared to 691.800 .omen. In 1934 19.1*; o?* ho?.l t ]), were men ami < 1932 17 7' . # DAIRE <#6" : Refrigerator In Its Price j3 las Same Famous Meter- rag anism...Same Finest Qual- pi tion Features As Frigidaire k j ting $100 More! Come In roof that this New Frigid- Li' "Topi" All Others for j HDAIRE iet Construction 5-Year Pro- ||| n scale J-in mechanism Auto- |||| >efroster Stainless Porcelain ||| >artment Durable Dulux Ex- 11| rass Super-I'reezer Fast Freez- ?||! ! Ice Trays Automatic Tray ||| tzen Food Storage Compart- ||| Cold Storage Tray Uni- %|| Cold Control Master Switch p|| cr, Roomier Cabinet TouchDoor Opener - Exclusive F-l 14 |||! ;erant Silent Sentinel Cold ||| er Condenser Built and ||| d by General Motors. ||| I in any other make refrig see how much more your his year in the new Frigids 6"'. IT TODAY! EfrMISIR MAN Murphy, North Carolina