UNWED MOTHER HELD AS SLAYER R OF TINY INFANT Baby Declared Burled Alive; Father, lister Lodged In Jail Here Monde v Patters* unmarried. of the Shoo, ra; Crock -< < ti??n . t Clay ocunty. is i?i?r held without bond in the Clay jail 011 a charire of no.:?M ! of hor#t ew-boru baby, accordjntr Shot iff K. O. Smith of Hayes-j lister Patterson, father of the grirl and 1- . l*:t' o" 4 stcr. an- In niL' hold in the Murphy jail as materia) witnesses. Sh-oiu t Smith that he arrestedod M ? I'atte; -on nftn receiving evidence that she had allegedly jriven birth to her child and later disposed of it in a manner unknown. An i: v.-- at ion Sh'-riff Smith j im? ?V,r A,"K ' i>' ! '???*-1 urutty rMf:.:n: ;r "iu iih* arrv-is. ! Mi- I*ritt'-r>?? ' was qutsiioned hut refused to talk. The father and sis-i tor al>" refused to make any state-1 nunts. and were brought to the Mm - 1 phy jail for safety. There had been i talk of summary vengeance. X\. date has been set for the hearing in th? ease, but Sheriff Smith said he expected developments later this \\e? !;, when Federal agent Atkins will return, and a more thorough investigation will he made. A b 11? t" \va- voiced that the child ' had been taken out ami buried alive. Dancing, Bingo, Music On Program At Marble An ici- crt-am supper i- t?. bt* held at tl Marble School auditorium in Marble. X. ('. Friday evening .July Sth. at, 7 0 p. m. (EST). There also pe< i:*l features including , Cake Walk-, Hinge and music. The affair will he sponsored by the! Home Demonstration club, and the puhlii i invited. * | wan rurK ; d> after you've rone t>u in tlu? niori.hr Cut t: .it a?l lir form:: n .. -i i*. Phe jrrounus have been rolled c.nd mi't'ihvii and "prettied up". . ' M-i in ti-1 yea that neat !> always, when we ha\i a Fair, it start i "< rain, and everybody lt is -ill daub ! up with mud. Well, this year, the Fair Commissioners are planning to spread a regular carpet of saw lust "?r mayl e cinders?over the irrounds. Then they can look up at the - ky and say: Now, Darn v. . .; ? on and rain?ami see if we care!" Better still. Jim. we're iroinir to have Tv . in w huildinirs. The old \hihdion hall was pretty nearly a ! mac t? line county like Cheroe. and so. Glor\ Be! it's jroinjr to he torn dew rf. and a new one put up. They're iroinjr to huild a special d t", i- 1 k. t oo. They *ve bought the old canniiiir factory that belonged to Mercer Fain. Tocv jjji . * Uiiu ->o00 *Oi li. T'iit Bounty ( onim Tsioiiers and the Murpliv Tqjvti Board eas2o0 rash. X w the WI'A is jroinjr to teai 1 Ji wn the cannery and move it ovet j the fair irrounds and men will be! lived to put lip new buildings. \ I hev'll lie i?nofJ ?nog B< s" of all. Jim. the exhibit build- ! ing wont be allowed to just stand 1 there doing anybody any good except once a year. It's going to bo fitted up as a modern gymnasium for the public school students?and a fine new hridje across the river to the school grounds, is just about finish- j ed. ! I guess that's all for this time, J?m ' 'it I'll w V ag-'in next week and keep in touch with how things are going. MVamv! i'e don't make any dates hat will keep you away from the Fair! I'll be seen:' you. Fondly yours. Ij..* lbdell. IT l'\YS TO ADVERTISE" TEA I NECTAR -i" 13c Our Own '$? 19c lo Sauce 16-0/. Cf? t Can || uit j?.;' ? ij i- 15c I 2 >? 15c 4 - 25c vj? ? 3 cans 25c 2 sj 25c Sannyfield j FLOUR 24 S 69c ??????_P ; pts?g5c doz. J j qts... 75c doz. I ; 1/2 gal. 99C doz. 5c i!b- 5c Inspected) ea. 29c SCOUT. MURPHY, N. C.. THURSDAY GLOBE TROTTIN ?" \i *.WV' ' , ji f "k-V i" *.v. ( ' T D. >> J? Among the early types cf locomotion considered by u.s. railroads were th'e hOGSE-TReACM'LL CAf? / and the SAIL-CAf? / UCMDV "l-nrv | H Vni_LT I AND CLIFF BERGERE BRUSHED WHEEL'S IN THE 1927 INDIANAPOLIS SPEEDWAY RACE KOHtERT'S CAR ROLLED OVER IN MID-AIR, THROWING ITS DRlVERtfONTO THE TRACK. BERGERE SHOT THROUGH UNDERNEATH. UNHARMED HI McClure Shot Trying j To Prevent Robbery Continued from page one C weapon. c The youth whom young McClure i is believed to have saved from rob- n bery, and possible murder, is Robert ) L. West, a recently discharged snilot from the H. S. Navy, who stopped off in Murphy enroute from Xortoik, Vu., s to his home in Alabama. ? He had recently been discharged i from the service and had nearly $100 i in cash in his pockets. This was : saved, hut his dothes. with the cxcop t tion of those he wore, vanished with J t In- stove repair man. < Waiting for a bus to take him o\it > ?>i .Murphy. West got hold of some i' liquor. The stove repair man was | given several drinks. Then the lat- ? ter suggested that he would drive a W - t to Alabama if the latter wouhi ii\ the ga and oil. West consented, h; d the ear tank filled, and the\ stalled. * " Tin y stopped at the Playhouse and tke sailor went in to buy beer. Rel'us- ( ed because he was under the in lluence of liquor, he tried to argue, I showed a roll of motley and offered i to "pay double*'. Young McClure, who happened to j ? ??? iii mi- n-Mii i na state. It is my will that she own and jossess ihe part of my estate hereinbefore devised to her and to possess anie without other formality in the , ,r nature whatever from my iourt in the pn in "si s. Thl . tin- lit ii:iv f ijecemrer, lit.'hi. MK. . CALI.li: HALL Meddler. Then when the latter paid 10 attention, he reached to the floor. >f his car. conic up with a rifle, and J n od point blank at McClure's head, j McClure s wound was dressed in ! durphy, and the sailor, staggered ihoui. town, finally was locked up foi Irunkeuness. Meld overnight he was et off with tile costs by Magistrate icese, and left shortly thereafter for ! Vlabania. Police here believe the stove re- j our man probably planned to rob the | ailor?and if he resisted, as would I lave been likely, to kill him and j ?ide his hndv in the woods. j iETBOOK! | .EDGE t&S iBIM# - r- *?'??' <*-j ?_J iig j i :M? O S A. OSES petroleua1 AT THE RATE OF 6V3 BARRELS A PERSOH EACH YEAR ? more than twice the nate of the second nanking country. j \~/ \i \ DESPITE PREDICTIONS / au \ THAT THE GLASS 11 vl l\ BOTTLE MAKING I \ A \ MACHINE WOULD J,B 11 DESTROY JOBS/ \ v\ ii it cheated | 'f ' thousands \ r\ \\ of new ones. m I I , I /I tooav more men sj I y\LJ oeuver bottled \ m fS 1 /7U^ **LK I? A \ *He l) i \i i ( \r \V \ machine \v k j henn] theatre i Murphy, N. C. 1 Saturday, July 29 1 W. M. (Hopalong) I Bovd In? I silver osl the nctl Laet Shew Sat., julv2?1 BoVl M--'? "itirma i: Raye in? I NEVER Sml DIE 1 Sunday, July 30 I THE LADY AND THE MOB I With Fay Bainter, ldafl Lupino, Lee Bowman! Mon.? lues. I July 31, Aug. 1 I CONFESSIONS OFl A NAZI SPY I With Edward G. Rob! T~? ' ? 1 mson, raul Lukas, Francis Lederer Wernesday, Aug. 2 DOUBLE FEATURE HOTEL IMPERIAL With Ray Milland ? Also ? CHASMS DflHCFR Thurs. Fri. Aug. 3-4 MM PACK With Joel M^Frea, Bar -! Al""l waic" Oiauvt yv,i\, * _ Tamiroff, Rcbt. I Fresin Saturday, Aug. 5 ff Gene Autry In? I MEXICALII ROSE I Late Show Sat., Charles Bickford H STREET Of I MISSIIW I MEW I