Cherokee Communit NO TLA BEND NEWS The Sunday school at Fair view church is progressing nicely. Ross Hughes has been ill. bui is improving. Jim Ware of Culberson passed through our midst last week. 2 Kvangeline Shields and Bernard , Johnson, of Young Harris C-olleg* j spent the week-end with relatives i here Mrs. J. W. Hyatt and daughter. Dorothy, spent the afternowr. with Mrs. !?. L. Fox last Wednesday. Rev. I:Yed Stiles filled thi pulpit at Fairview church Sunday. lie devilered a most interesting sermon. Mrs. Rreta Sparks and Gertrude Shields were Murphy visitors last wee5.. The relatives and friends of JP 'Uncle" Jim Kilpatrick set a birthday liiuuct Sunday for him. There v/ere about one hundred and twenty-five relatives and friends r.s guests present. All the children; grandchildren j and neighbors were represented, j The birthday cake was lovely with its ' decoration of eighty-one candle*. Rev. Fred Stiles gave a short cievo- ; tioiial ana song service. singing the favorite hymns--- "N-vcr Gioa OM", ! "Ho wBcautifi'l Heaven Mn. t Be", and "God Be With You Till We Meet 1 Again." : BELLEVIEW NEWS xThe many friends of Mrs. Gertrude! Mull will he sorry t<? learn that she i> j very sick at this writing 4 Jewel and Claude King of Athens. ^Tenm are visiting their grandparents, Mr. a?yl Mr.-. J. L. King and relatives this week. Miss Kvanell Hatchett. Charles Coleman, and George Hugh?s were the supper guests of Miss Marcile Miss Thel 111:1 Hall visited Miss Irene Hughes Friday. Mrs Stella Anderson and little daughter. Janice of Gastonia are visiting with Miss Juan it a Hughes. Mrs. Mary Ann Turner of Dooly, visited her brother, Br. B. Y. Mull and Mrs. Mull Sunday. Miss Eloise Anthony and brothers. Bud and Harold of Knoxville are visit ing their grandparent. Mr. and Mm. A. J. Reasler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes were in Murphy, shopping. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith of Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stiles Sunday. Mrs. Bessie Hall and children were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. King. ??.: **? ?1 _ ? - - aim mm. raigar I'rice and family visited Mrs. Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Dalrymple Sunday. Kdison Anderson and Willis Loudermilk are visiting friends and relatives in Englcw.tod, Ten*, ths week. nnirnirfij^^Vncn * One-Way Coach Fares FROM MURPHY, N. C. Washington 9.05 Jacksonville 7.65 i /-> ___ r\r\ \_iuciiircau KJ. / .UU I Savannah, Ga. 6.15 Charleston S.C. 6.30 Richmond, Va. 7.65 Memphis, Tenn. 8.85 n 'i III \ ~ c Intuil Afoti Highway* Huub. Traaal By Train, AixOonditlonad Coachaa on Through Trains. R. H. DeBUTTS, Asi't. General Passenger Agent ASHEVILLE, N. C. lla ! 1 A V f I 1 if V I - % * { ^ ti THE CHEROKE County y News HIAWASSEE NEWS We are expecting some extremely hot weather at present. Wu learn with pleasure that the .->lek anions us are improving rapidly Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, of Bras:-town were visitors in our community Monday. Bee Burgess and daughter, Bobby Lee. of Etowah, were visiting friend-* and relatives at Hiawassee recently. Mr. and Mrs. K. \Y. Shearer are, viiiing Mr. Shearer's parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Ban Adams of Occaee. Tenn. Swindle Hamby has returned to Ky. after spending the summer with relatives at Hiawassee. Mi. and Mrs. Luther Burgess and son. Harry Howard, were the guests of Mr. Owen Picklesimer Saturday afternoon (iiadv Hamhv of th.? Cfr iumn nt Bryson " City visiting home tolksj a*. Hiawassec. Miss Blanche Adams and Miss Ruth Worley were the guests of Mrs. Carrie Ilamby Sunday afternoon. Everybody come to Sunday school next Sunday, and bring a friend with yon ' SUIT NEWS Mr. and Mis. James Patterson an < nounce the birth of a daughter at their home. June 2f?. 1DJD. Mrs. Bertha Ilamby and two dauii'htets. of Akron. Onto, are spend ing some time with Mrs. Ilamby's par cut.'. Mr. and Mrs. T. L). Hickey. i.isa McXabb who lias been attending summer school at W . t\ T. C. re turned home last week. Miss Lois Payn of Fort Sanders Hospital at Knoxville. visited her par ent>\ Mr. and Mrs. t). C. Payne last week. Mr. a mi Mrs. Almon T. Keenuni announce the birth of a son, Donald Edward at the Petrie hospital. June 2?J. 1 Miss Evelyn Chumley returned home last week after a fort-night's visit with relatives in Eastern, Tennessee. Miss Catherine Mason of IDucktown is spending some time with her cousin, Miss Virginia Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Allen anil chldren of Penn. were the guests of Mrs. Allen's sister, Mrs. Charlie Wood. Miss Inez Pope left last week for Akron. Ohio to spend an Indefinite time with her sister. Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keenum were the Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs James Payne. Johnny Keenum who is a student at W. C. T. C. spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Keenum. Mr. and Mrs. Luther McNabb and children of Isabella, visited Mrs Celiu McNabb last Friday. Mrs. \V. H. Reese of Vests is spending sometime with her daughter, Mrs J. W. Keenum. Mr.i and Mrs. John Rose of Clinton, Tenn. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farmer. Mrs. Ruth Payne of Murphy was the Saturday night guest of Mrs. E. j W. Strunk. j A. T. Keenum spent the. week-end with relatives in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Anderson and children spent Sunday with Mr. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Anderson of Turtletown. Miss Gladys Chumley is spending simetimc .with relatives in Eastern Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce Keenum 1 spent the week-end with Mrs. Keen-1 urn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Garrett. Miss oris Keenum has returned to her home in Ducktown after a visit with relatives in Suit. Miss Kathleen Keenum spent the j weekend with Miss Mathel Crowe at Vests. i IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE I ?? | f IP vnit ? .? .x/w ARC. UNt OF THE MANY people who wear dental plates this ad will be of interest to you. Ofre?T?LL^->7;flr7/^rj Jp'pum ftftosH fy ry;T3j 1 ^gi? r."-:?'a\l This patented, scientifically shaped brush penetrates every nook and crevice on any full or partial plate, removable bridge or clasp. Fitted with sterilized bristle. Order yours today. It will be mailed promptly, post paid upon receipt of 35c. Address G. A. OUZTS Bryson City, N. C. I E SCOUT. MURPHY. N. C.. THURSD/ MARBLE NEWS Willard Lovinsrood, whi> has been attending W. C. J'. C. at CuIIowhce ... visit ins lbs father, Mr. J. M laO\ 11 James Puett is spending this wee* it Peachtree visiting his grundpar ents. Mi. and Mrs. Edd Barton. Miss Kathryn Culberson, of Almond returned home Tuesday after a two weeks visit with her. cousin. Miss Prances Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lovingood had as their guests duringk the past week Mrs. T. II. Evans, Mrs. J. W. Bourn jardner and Mrs. Joe Evans all of Sylva. Mrs. Grady Smith and Mrs. Powell Stni'h visited in Murphy Saturday. Ralph Day of Brasstown visited re latives here Sun day. Miss Ruth Barton, who has been attending Western Carolina Teachers College at Cuilowhee. has returned to spend her vacation here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Barto,\ Miss Louise McDonald of Murphy is here as guest of her cousins, Misses Ruth and Frances Dockery. Mr. and Mr. F. L. McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. V. M. West attended a singing at Martins Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herchel Styles oi Gastonia, are visiting the lattera parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Nix. Miss Frances Dockery entertained witli a lawn party at her home last i 1 r rulay night. The lawn was beauti| fully decorated with lanterns. The j guests joined* in playing different ames. after which delirious drinks and cakes were served. Those present were: Misses Dorothy llunsucker, Kathryn Mintz, Lois Smith. June Kimbrough, Ola Kilpatrick. Doris McConncll. Evelyn Wilson, Clara Belle Trull . Aileen Lovingood, Ruth Dockc'y. Louise McDonald, Rubyc Hal! and Frances Newman, Messrs Paul Croft. C inland Hunsucker. Vincent Parker, Charlie Fosttr. David Day. Vaughn Howard, Harold Jenkins, Jack Mintz. Buck McContiell. Walter Kimbrough. Ernest Kilpatrick. Jr., Charles Ballew and Karl Ballard. Claude Jenkins of Smokemont spent tho past week here visiting his mother. Mis. J. I). Jenkins. He was accompanied home by a friend, Walt i r MnHlet.m. aiso of Siuokeimmt. LETIT1A NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor ot Turtletown, Tenn. visited Mrs. Martin Walker Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Hedrick of Ranger visited her sister, Mrs. Erie Clouts Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fate Davenport and children of Blue Ridge, Ga.. were the supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Campbell Sunday. Mrs. Earl Taylor celebrated her 74th birthday Saturday. We all wish her many more happy returns. Mr. and Mrs. Lush Picklesimet were shopping in Murphy Saturday. I Miss Nora Bell Clouts spent the night wih her sister, Mrs. Edith Franks of Murphy. BRASSTOWN NEWS A revival meeting was started at J Lower Brasstown church Sunday by the Rev. Will Rogers. Mr. Dave Ditmore of Flats is visiting friends on Brasstown and Murphy. The many friends of Mr. Sam W. Carringer will be glad to know he is improving after an illness of three weeks. Mr. Royae Coker of Young Harris, Ga.,is spending a few days with his j grand father, Mr. M. D. Coker. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coker hail as their week-end guest, Mrs. Cokers' father. Mr. Marion Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Hob" Taylor of Peachtree were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bass Carringer. Mr. Lake Ledford was the Sunday guest of Miss Lucille Oliver. Mr. Frank Stalcup was the Suni day guest of Miss Gladys Ledford. Mr. Ed Oliver was the Sunday guest j of Miss Bonnie Stalcup. Miss Coy Lee Carringer had as her Saturday night guests, Mr. Paul Lancc, Mildred Norris and B. H. McCall. Mr. Floyd Ledford was the Sunday guest of Miss Fannie Stalcup. Mrs .Luke Sparks is spending some J time in Hayesville visiting friends. j Mrs. Virg Groves is improving after | an illness of two weeks, her friends | will be glad to know. Mr. Troy Ledford and Wayne Hogsed of Smoke Mont are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ledford. \ Mr. Howard Groves left Monday j Child Listless? Scolding won't help a child who is listless, dull or cross from constipation. But the Week-End Cleansing will! Quicker relief maybe wanted when constipation has your boy or girl headachy, bilious! Tonight or next week-end, Syrup of Black-Draught used by simple directions will relieve quickly, gently. Children like this all vegetable product! Syrup of BlackDraught comes in two sizes: 2oc and 50c. <Y. JULY 27. 1939 I THE POCI o/ KNOW] I IT IS ESTIMATED THAT GOVERNMENT TWiS COUNTBV WILL TA* AT TUB Bl OP >2i,tOO A MINUTE AND SPEI AT THE RATE OF 2J6.I80 0UR1N I9S9. ?&?<!? .lu-.ts VAiifVTjiwa 7fio? "PR/fWW ?U/o A TOA OP TMH ECONOMIC ACTWlTV IN TVUS COUNTR"/ ORlGINATIC IS CAPR'EO OH By TOAST WA1 INDIVIDUALS AND PERSONAL THAT IT t PARTNERSHIPS. Boiling Springs News Rev. W. P. Elliott preached an interesting: sermon Sunday. lie has been elected pastor of our church. Mr. and .Mrs. Austin Parker visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Udell. Sunday. Miss Opal Odell is visiting: her sister. Mrs. Grant King at Knoxville. Miss Cleo Mills spent one day last week with Miss Janice Odell. Mrs. John Graves is visiting Miami Mrs. Bass raves this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Odell visited his mother, Mrs. Sarah Odell Sunday. Miss Josephine and Lucille Mulkey of Andrews visited Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Odell Sunday. Miss Willie Bell Chambers of Marble visited Miss Janice Odell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holly and Mr. and Mrs. Clackler of Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. Bass Graves Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thy is Gaddis spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gaddis. Mrs. Tinie and Hannah Davis visited Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Davis Sunday. Mrs. Tina Arms was the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gaddis Sunday. furf r?nln? nu: 1 ?- - v?u?uu, wuiu v>ni'it* ne is employed. Sum West and J. D. Carringer were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Carringer. ! Little Lyle Burton Carringer was a visitor of John and Ann Graves one I Wednesday of last week. H Bobby wants to be a D fortunately his folks an to assume the expense tion. But Bobby is pr bis training himself! earn much. But what! in a savings account. Learn to So A Hab CITIZENS BAN n MURPHY KETBOOK I LEDGE ^ 1 - ?? YOU CAN CHASE PESTY I PLIES HITH RED LIGHTS ACCORDING TO EXPEQlMFSTS BCCfNTLV MADt IN OeKMARiC ...BEOJ-tNTEO LIGHTS PLACED IN COW64QNS I SHON THAT PUES HOT ONLY I lN O/SUKE THE LIGHT BUT IT I HAKES THEM SO DROWSY I J? AND INERT THEY LEAVE ? THE BARN TO SEEK AlQ J I M 'WflKS IN ~~I MUTILATED MONEV I'JK^V-'S^ ?5 SENT INTO THE r/^* _*?J treasury POO. 1 r &&i REDEMPTION. i OftOPPtD IH THE GOBLETS, IN THE 6EUE* \DOCO PLAVOft TO THE BEVERAGE WOLF CREEK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garren have ? been spending several days visitingin the home of their son-in-law and daughter's home, Mr. and Mrs. W. A Burgess here. They are expected to return to their home sometime this ! week. Several of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kay. I lor's friends were disappointed at the end of last week when they called at the home which was reported they i had moved to, and failed to find them, j The report was based on their plan? 1 but they were changed at the last moment. We are happy to make thi correction. Word reached here early Monday morning of the death of the liitle childe of Mr. and Mgs. George Stuart of the Hot House section, the niphl before. The parents are well and favorably known here and have many sympathizers. Mr. and Mrs. Chares Morgan and 1 children visited Mrs. Morgan's parents in West Union, S. C.. over the wiin-euu. iney returned home Sunday afternoon. S. Ware and son of the Culberson section, have spent some days in this vicinity of late vaccinating the dogs. We hope their work was 100' J successful. Miss Ila^el Garren of near Copperhill, is spending: this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Garren. USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS JAVING itice He Was Years Old octor?a great one! Une in no financial position of such a costly educaeparing now to pay for Of course, he doesn t he does earn is put away I! we! it that Pays! K & TRUST CO. S|| ^ ANDREWS

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