LEGAL NOTICES Iu the District Court of the United States for the Western District North Carolina. No. 110. United States of America upon the lelation and for the use of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Petitioner v. Georire G. Whitcomb, Anna Whitcomb. his wife; Wiiloughby X. Whitcomb. Susie Whitcomb. his wife; Fred B. Whitcomb. Alice Whitcomb. his wife; John Whitcomb; Holbert Whitrtomb. Annie Whitcomb. his wife; Edith Augusta Whitcomb; I.ou Bell Whitcomb Hoe. Homer Hoc. her husband; Charles W. Whitcomb. Francos I Whitcomb. his wife; Martha Liberty! Whitcomb, a minor, W. A. Adams, as Guardian of Martha Liberty Whitcomb. a mine* . May Whitcomb Wetmore. Tom Wetmore, her husband, Charles Dickey. Mary Dicker, his j Wife. Respondents. ORDER OF PUB 1 LIGATION. In the above styled J cause it appeared that the following \ respondents are all non-residents of' thi State of North Carolina, are not j * be found within the State of North I Carolina, and reside at the addresses' shown after their respective names J These respondents are George G. | Whitcomb. Anna Wintcan nra w?!?-.! b red I?. Whitcomb. Alice Whitcomb. his wife. John Whitcomb. Holbert j W hitcomb. Annie Whitcomb. his wife. | i,<iiiu rt;. ;uMii ? micomo, i naries \s. \ Whitvoiab. and Frances Whitcomb his wif'*. Harlan. Kentucky, Wil- | kiujrhby N". Whitcomb and Susie Whitcomb. Harriman. Tennessee; I.ou Bell | White* lb Hot and Homer Hoe. Middlesbo . Kentucky; Martha Liberty White . a minor. 510 East Fourth Street ' inttanuojra. Tennessee; and May v" comb Wot more and Tom Wetrr. . Little River. South Carolina. IS. THEREFORE. ORDERED t c above respondents appear a before the 10th day of Auui in this Court sitting at Ashe v ' . Torth Carolina, and then and iv- ake answer filed ill this Coir i. . sort whatever riiih*. title. i lair terest they may have in the land affected by this condemnation i o .-i \mr, or otherwise he barred. The land affected in this proceeding i> n.-wit: TRACT NO. HTR-7 A strip of land for a road riyrht of way en each side of the centei line f the location c?f "Iliwassee Dam-Anderson R? ad", through the land of tin Mollie I. Whitcomb Heirs, in the Fifth Civil District of Cherokee County. North Carolina, as shown on a map filed in the Recorder's nffiee of Cherokee County, on the West sid? f the Iliwassee River, the centei l?ne of the location and the various widths of the strip tlimuirh the lane* of the Mollie I. Whitcomb Heirs be inir more particularly described a* follows: Bcurinning at a point when the center line crosses the East line of the Mollie I. Whitcomb Heirs' lard, which is the West lino of Tennessee Valley Authority Tract FBR-3 (Southern States Powei Company), at survey station 2s + 71.'1 on the center line of the loca- , lion, said point being S. 2 00' E., . 58.0 feel from a corner of the lands of the Mollie I. Whitcomb heirs, the Manly Patterson Heirs, and the above mentioned tract FBR-3, the strip at point of beginning beinir bounded on j the South side by a line that is 25 \ feet from and parallel to the center 1 line, and being bounded on the North side by the Manly Patterson Heirs' Southeast lint extending on a bearing ef N. 53? 30' E.; thence S. 81? 14' 20'' W., 35.4 feet to the P. C. of a 10(t Degree Curve to the left at survey station 29 + 06.7; thence, with the 100 Degree Curve to the left, in a; Westerly direction. 25.3 feet to sur- I vey station 29 + 32 (approximate) : where the strip continues to i be bounded on the Southeast! side by a line that is 25 ( feet from and parallel to the center line, and where the strip ceases to be bounded on the Northwest side by the Southeast line of the Manly Patterson Heirs' land and becomes bounded by a line that is 25 feet from i.nd parallel to llie cculci lint;; thence, continuing with the luo Degree Curve to the left, in a Southwesterly direction, 31.2 feet to the P. T. of the I curve at survey station 29 + 63.2, thence S. 24 41' 50" W., 30.3 feet to the P. C. of a 100 Degree Curve to the right at survey station 29 + 93.5; thence, with the 100 Degree Curve to the right, in a Southerly direction, 26.8 feet 1^> the P. T. of the curve at survey station 30 + 20.3; thence S. 51? 28' 50" W., 18.5 feet to the P. C. of a 100 Degree Curve ? *1 i e. iu mtr icit at survey station 30 + 38.8; thence. with the 100 Degree Curve to the left, in a Southwesterly direction, 97.4 feet to the P. T. of the curve at survey station 31 + 36.2; thence S. 45? 57' 40" E., 78.4 feet to the P. C. of a 12 Degree Curve to the right at survey station 32 + 14.6; thence, with the 12 Degree Curve to the right, in a Southeasterly direction, 104.9 feet to a point where the center line crosses the Southeast line of the Mollie I. Whitcomb Heirs' land, which is the Northwest line of Tennessee Valley Authority Tract FBR 72 (Mollie t. Whitcomb Heirs), at survey station 33 + 19.5, said point being S. 54? 00' W.. 16.22 feet from a corner of the lands of the Millie I ( Whitcomb Heirs, the hereinabove mentioned tract FBR 3. Tennessee Valley Authority Tract FBR 2 (Southera States Power Company), and the] THE CHEROKEI People and m 5T -LEAP-FROG AND SHAG ... Pete ers second baseman was caught i I as he avoided serious consequence I new torK uianis siuir xvuuu, mi a jitterbug whirl and cross-step to I teams snlit Ihp fntir.anrrto jji " _ JaBS SHE SHELLS ... Up- ^ to-thc-minute and high style for a day at the MBEBb races or the country STAMP PI club is this spectator . i wi c i v_ ci i i_y 11 sports outfit. It's a shell periment, i knit design in Princess blue. ' meal, eggs above mentioned tract FUR 72. The above described strip of lain! is a continuous right of way through said property between the above mentioned East and Southeast property lines, and contains 0.5 acres, more or less. It is further ordered that this notice be published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper published in Murphy, North Carolina. Done at Shelby, North Carolina, this 22 day of April, 1939. E. Y. Webb, Judge. United District Court Western District <>f North Carolina. (5Q-4t-tva) In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina. No. . United ; States of America upon the relation j J and for the use of the Tennessee Val- ! I icy Authority. Petitioner, v. Martha i Malissa Rogers; Ancil Sidney Rogers, j Mollie Francis Rogers, his wife; Pat| rick Claiborn Rogers. Mattie Rogers, i his wife; Stonewall fStoney) Rogers; Emily Rogers Grigry (Gregory); Thomas Wheeler Rogers, Mary Etta Rogers, his wife. Respondents. OR DER OF PUBLICATION. In the above st.vleH fine. ; ...> 1 . ..... iv ?|/|'tiiTeu tiiai ; the following respondents are all non-1 residents of the State of North Caro- j lina, are not to be found within the, State of North Carolina, and their I present address or their last known > address is shown after their respective names. These respondents are : Martha Malissa Rogers, Ardmore, Oklahoma; Ancil Sidney Rogers and Mollie Francis Rogers, his wife, Ard more, Oklahoma; Patrick Claiborn Rogers and Mattie I^ogers, his wife. Ardmore, Oklahoma; Stonewall (Stoney) Rogers, Ardmore, Oklahoma; Emily Rogers Grigry (Gregory), Ardmore, Oklahoma; and Thomas Wheelet Rogers and Mary Etta Rogers, his wife, Ardmore, Oklahoma. IT IS, THEREFORE. ORDERED that the above respondents appear on or before the 7th day of Afgust, 1939, in this Court sitting at Asheviile, North Carolina, and there make answer to the petition filed in this cause and assert whatever right, title, claim, or interest they might have in the land herein sought to be condemned, or be C.orever barred. The land sought to be condemned is, to wit: TRACT FBR 418; A tract of land lying in State Survey Tract No. 26, in Murphy i SCOUT. MURPHY. N. C.. THURSDA Spots in the ? ' - * ' M U ?u Coscarart, Brooklyn Dodg- | n this "leap-froggy" action 1 s when Lou Chiozza of the DOllBI IIM 7 oriv f.S, fhnmo , docTge flashing spikes. The morrow y series. illustral lure wt I "f*v ' sands i ?ftc. feminin JJEjg. parent through PREPARED ... As tension grew ovet Nazi coup of Free City of Danzig ional threat to Polish corridor, Poles their armed might as one of Europe's red powers with war tank efficiency tion at Warsaw. ' ,*? sOHiMv f . Mi'.rff~ LAN GROWS . . . Agriculture departd stamp plan was received enthusii Seattle. Wash., third city to try exas chain stores joined in government's love 14 surplus crops b> ? stimulating >n. Included on surplus list are corr and butter. t ownship, and in the Third Civil District of Cherokee County, State of North Carolina, on the right side of the Nottlcy River, approximately 2V? , miles south of its mouth, and more | particularly described as follows: Be-' ginning at an iron pipe at the south j cast corner of State Survey Tract! No. 10. a corner of the lands of J. A I Rogers et ux.. J. O. Haney, and J. H.' Crisp & Fannie Dockery, and the most j northeasterly point of the tract here- | in described; thence with J. H. Crisp' vt Fannie Dockery's line S. 15* 00' W., 415 feet to an iron pipe, a corner | common to a tract of land owned by ! 1. II. Crisp & Fannie Dockery, and' a tract owned by Stanley & Cody j Clayton, Fannie Dockery, & J. H Crisp; thence with the line of the! land of Stanley Cody Clayton. Fannie Dockery, & J. H. Crisp N. 53? 00' W? 300 feet to an iron pin, a corner common to a tract of land owned by Stanley & Cody Clayton, Fannie Backery, & J. H. Crisp, and a tract of land owned by Jake Rogers; thence with Jake Rogers" lire N. 54 00' W o., : a corner of the lands of Jake Rogers, and J. A. Rogers ot ux; thence with T. A. Rogers' line S 85? 00' E., 730 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 3.4 acres, more or less. It. is further ordered that, this notice be published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper published in Murphy, North Carolina. DONE this 1st. day of July. 1939. E. Y. Webb, Judge. A true copy test, J. Y. Jordan. Clerk. By: W. A. Lytic, Deputy Clerk. (50-4t-tva) ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix and Administratrix of the estate of the late N. E. Dockery, deceased, late of Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against tho estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Murphy N. C. on or before the 6th day of July, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th. day of July, 1939. Mrs. Emma Dockery, Administratrix of the estate of N. E. Dockery, Deceased. ) .Y, JULY 27. 1939 i Late N I v im? " ;! fli si!!ta i ji | ? Ife/i i I ? j J-. M 11 II mLj ,e efficiency . Pual-diity l ">f * House in "Town of To- I si Now York World's Fair is [ ed hero by placement of pl ate a irrors on facing closet doors, tea- j rich hostesses report draws thou- 1 >f "ohs" and "ahs" daily from j e visitors. Mirrors multiply ap space and double efliciency 1 out the modest house. s _ j !hano on tiif door . . . Paul V. McNutt, former Indiana governor and Philippine high commissioner, with known presidential aspirations. is shown as ho entered While . House to be appointed Federal . Security Administrator by President Roosevelt, who rea ferred to the handsome Hoo sier as "one of a dozen charm, ing young men" being boomed Ku frionele fn?> | vj mvllUJ lUt picaiuciltj. | NORTH CADOLINa?. CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Fred Moore, Trading and doing business as Moore Supply Co. VS.* J. II. Crawford and wife, Harrett Crawford; George Crawford; Lee Crawford and wife, Mrs. Lee Crawford; Frank Crawford and wife, Mary Crawford; Mrs. Fred White and husband, Fred White; and all other children of Dr. J. II. Crawford and wife, Harrett Crawford. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of a venditioni exponas execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Cherokee County in the above entitled action, 1 will.on Monday, August the 21st day, 1939, i\n one (1) o'clock P. M. at the Courthouse door in the Town of Murphy in said County, sell to the highlit bidder for cash to satisfy said Venditioni Exponas Execution, all of the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described real estate, to wit: Situate, lying and being in Beaverdam Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and fully described in a deed from J. H. Crawford to Harrett Crawford, dated February the 8th, 1932, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Deed Book No. 106 at page 502, to which deed and record reference is herebv made for a full and complete description of said property, as fully as if herein set out and particularlp described. This the 19th dav of July, 1939. J. C. TOWNSON, Sheriff (51-4tfm) of Cherokee County, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK W. A. Adams, Administrator of W. H. Reese, Deceased. VS. Sarah Ann Reese, widow; D M. Reese; Ben Reese and wife, Callie Reese; Georpe M. Reese and wife, Ada Reese; Jennie Keenum and husband, J. W. Keenum; Celia Wood and husband. Lon Wood; Estella Freeman and husband. R. L. Freeman; Elsie Uensley and husband, Fred L. H 1 Hensley; Ernest Reese and H ! C.eneva Reese; Joseph M. Re*,*. I George McK. Reese, an incompe>?'. H Ada Reese, Guardian of George J(.K Reese, an incompetent; and A, other heirs at, law of W R. Hee, Deceased. H NOTICE OF PUBLICATION B The non-resident defendants, H tella Freeman and husband, R ^ B I Freeman, Elsie Hensley and husband I I Fred le Hensley an<l Joseph M. R.-,^' B I will take notice that an action entries I is above has been commenced in b, B Superior Court of Cherokee Coon:- B North Carolina, before the Clerk H the Superior Court wherein the H named petitioner as administrator ol B W. II. Reese, deceased, is a-sine to B sell the lands which belonged to it, B said VV. 11. Reese, deceased, at r, B time "f his death to make asset toB pay indebtedness against said estate, B there being no personal property on B of which said indebtedness ''-I paid; and the said defendants aiiH I further take notice that th.-v ? quired to appear at the ??: f: . ' ('ierk of the Sup. ? ill the ( ' ag North Carolina. ..n Kg August, 1939, ';* ilie petition in said action . ,wt petition is now on file in :^ui offiTB or the petitioner will Court for the relief demanded in said I petition. ?S This the 19th day of .Julv, 1939. PS J. W DON1 Superior Court of Cherok* I (51 r.-\v:uU ( oiinty. NeM'n r-j. ,rq H EXECUTRIX NOTICE ! Having qualified as Executrix nfl .the setate of the late Mrs. Calk I | Ilall. deceased late of Cherokee Coun-1 I ty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agaiiut estate of the said deceased to exhibitH t hem to the undci - ign< at M in I N. C. "ii or before the :H July 1940, or this notici ,H ed in bar of their recovery. All per-M I sons i ulebted to said estate .villH please make immediate payment 83 This 18th day of July 1939. ??| Ada Harshaw, Executrix of theH Callie Hall, D? H (5l!-dt-ah) ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE || Having qualified as AdministntaH of tho tU" ' , ... ...v voiutv ui KtiK- urn- o. .uauney. i deceased late of Cherokee Court?, North Carolina, this is to notify ail , persons having claims against the ?$ tat" of the said deceased to exhibit th< in to the undersigned at Murphy. X. on or before the 21st day of July, 11)40, or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AD persons indebted to estate will please make immediate nayment This July 21st dav of July, 193* A. K. LKDFORD, Administrator of (h? estate <?f A. S. Maunev. Deceased. ' *- p.j , Shady Grove News The many friends of Mr. Joe Hawkins will regret to hoar <>f his >oriou<illnoss. We wish for him a very speed? recovery. Fred Harris has returned to Cuikh wbee to attend college after a six weeks vacation here with relatives. Wade Anderson spent Saturday in Knoxville on business. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Luther family are spending this week in An drews visiting relatives. Mrs. Beadie McAbee of Gastonh is visiting friends and relates of t? place. Mrs. Marria Mashburn and Mr?. Delma McClure and family visited relatives of this place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Anderson m<J children spent Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs. Lec Kisselburg. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kisselbu** and family o?.Nitro, W. Va. pected to be here one day th?s v.eeK for a two weeks vacation. } Mr. and Mrs. R. 11 :'n'J family of Youngstown. Ohio, returned to their home Saturday aiui two weeks vacation here visiting rela tives and friends. Miss Jimmie Lee Orton spent sunday night with Misses Kate and Reatr el Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin andfj?" ily spent Tuesday with Mr. and MisJohn R. Martin and (he Rev. and MrsC. F. Martin of Martins Creek. Misses Ada and Dick* Gr^pr}' spent Sunday afternoon with then mother. Mrs. Carrie Gregory. A real-for true house full of tors were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. *f. M. Anderson Friday night. guests included: Mr. G. G. Andei*ofc and family of Etowah. Mr. and M*B. H. Anderson and baby, Mr. an Mrs. E. F. Anderson and family- M*and Mrs. Newton Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson family, of Youngstown, Ohio, ** and Mrs. J. A. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson ana family. Buffalo, Minneapolis, waukee. Portland. Ore., and Salt L* City are among the larger cities ? had no deaths from typhoid fever * ir.g 19,18. Bridgeport. Conn.. approximately 150.000 P?Pal ,L' has had no typhoid fatality >n years. A

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