ALLSTARS LOSE AND WIN IN TURN, AT DOUBLE BILL Knoxviile i ootbaiiers Run Riot ir: First; Are Tame In Second . .. . , . r > ,. - on t1 i Kn??xv*11*? t am acted as if they wt-rv -'ill on the gridiron when they met the < i iki'c All S'.ars in tile lust game of : i : r at Mai hie Sunaay. The was those pigskin toiers wa-i- d through k- of ?ur boys w a- a !i and a shame. \V it :t > ail over. tlu'Nocals we: i Tad second be>*. by a score of P. Mist--'. was different in the .e.: opto-!. Tho>e Cher.lac All Stars cot mad awfully easy, and when they get mad they are danger.%!! -> 'h y stepped ??ut and ? v.j-nod> up with a neat little win it their side >f '.he Idejfer. ry the, S- viler did the pitching: m th?* first am--, hut he was having an off day.! Ttie Kt 'xvillo lads found him for 11 Thr? criixs. ?>f which Sawder I himself contributed one. didn't help natt? : any. either. The All-Stars, in turn got. 13 hit- -but they couldn't _ et Vm wh 'ti they counted. In trie second game Queener. pitch ing for the Ail Star-, really bore : down, and held the visitors to only 5 hits. Our hoys only got S?hut they oiled iij> a five run lead in the very first frame. That was enough. Now. if y??11 want to see sum ereal tippy baseball, we urge you to go i" Marble Saturdav afternoon at two ko' . < k. whet; the Cherokee Ail Stars .. ;1 < !a.-h ^i lih the team from Robbin ville. The latter aggregation will mi'i '-e the best players to be found 11 ill Graham < intv. and they will i wiii' pi n.ied for murder, mayhem or _r ?o 1 la; y - whatovt r it takes to At'd i'is?: inn- ion wig be a dut.ely free! On -uni.iv. - .( Marble, there I v ill be tie dou! le header. This ' i Ml Stars will go t 1 i . ' k t am t"t 'in ('lev.. ami ). :ise:,.i!i is cor" 1 ll ; unl ja kp t for ting the most bits, r long 1 -innee bitting ' h we- ii ..imes, for a $2.50 Ad mi ion to tie iouble head!i" ai 2n and '53 cents. ? ; Mi -. A K. Vestal, Miss dji n-. n ienr > nday in Kr.ox W' iiAOtnpanied home M:-- Jnetiita Vestal, who has been 1: -' a -. k K <i\v ille ? *i: !; >t Aki.l and hin. dor. ? - - .t S .unlay at HiWil: Villi. Air. : : i W . K. II Woosley. of At1 .:n :i, Ga . ; ? nt .-evnral -lays last !< v ; ! M: . i M > C. \V Vr-AL NOTICES NOi icc SALE from Frank S. liiil and wife, Christ l in. S. :! . . i n the- ndei sisjnod trusi.m . da: .i ' ir > 1:1.? 1 and recorded \r. t! office lcr the Resistor of Poods County. X. C. in I took HKi. iiaifi* J l.f do fault having been made in the payment of the indebted? >, s .!' t tlv. ro!.y and request by iho 1 : -idoi f . id u ii ?'dh'---s nav ;i? !> - .: ...ale upon t! i- ae for t. i<- siy:iod Trustee V. : .; y. 1* iV VI' 18. ' ' ! : . I. : " ho .! : in Murphy. ('heroi . ' V in r *;/, X. C. >< i at pie die aiic A lii_' host Avid- r f r i;:sh : a.yr <los- ril>ad lands: I', tli- I'.wn of Murphy. Cherokee t \. ( . Roiriunitig on a White o ik aaout 27 foot from the South edge of Valley river avenue, thence Nortl: 50 East 58 feet to a stake; thence South 40 East Id:: feet to a stake thence South 10 West 90 feet to s take; thence South 20 East -II feet lo a stake; thence South 04 West lOi, feet to a stake on a 1 <i foot, alley iin?iicc iNorin ,s:? West 210 feet to a stake on the South side of Valley River Avenue; thence North 50 East 13J feet to a stake; thence South 29 Easl 27 feet to the beginning. Second parcel: Beginning on * stake 150 feet North 55 East fron Sid Pendley's North East corner, ant runs, North 5f> East 50 feet to a 1< foot alley; thence with said allej South 39 East 195 feet to a stake or a 15 foot alley; thence South f?.r West 77 feet to a stake, the SoutV East corner of lot NoT 12, as showi Meace Plat; thence North 2G West 190 fec?t to he beginning. This parcel iieing lot No. 11 of the E. S. Miller Subdivision in East Murphy, Map or piac oi which was prepared by E. C Mease in *4*y 1928, and the first parcel all of lot No. l(i and parts of IiO1six and seven of said subdivision; said map is of record in the office of Reg istcr of Deeds for Cherokee County THE CHEROKEE S . Cat ?!: a and reference is hero uade t?? me. and bed ' the sain- j ixn-i - d ! * ;i I do? d "f : . \ e i fei ed * - Tt fen n re ' whi h J , i:. |. n?ude for a more couplet v : .. . !{- 11 of said lands. lilt. : l"'h d iv of Auirns*. 193!*. V. BRITTAIX. . * {; -? \ i Trustee. "TCTice ~ Sale of Delinquent Taxes NO :TII CAROLINA, i lu.K'.'KKfc ' OL'NTY. 1 v .or ?>f the Town Commission ' - ,r.s ? fted t ' undersigned depu o irt house door .Mum . N. ? at i each day th?re . ;mt:l -idd. 'o the hijrhest bidder ! " >r at public auction the fci- j d?-<.. lihed lands upon which; 'ax* > for the year 19oS have not been | I; th- name and . the a-I mount ?ii\en. plus tour per cent pen-i a'ty ami . ??>t el' .-ale am! advertising, j K. O. Christopher. pepiity Tax Cellectoi i Name Lot* Amount ! Adams. W. D. Est.. 1 lot 17.50 ' ! A xander. W. I lot .'l.Oti I Axley. W. M. 1 lot 60.55 , I Axley. Port* ! . 1 lot f?3.o*J \xley. Mi L. 1? I i t is \ lams. Mis. 17. K. 1 lot 5.25 Burnett. H. D. 1 l<?t 62.31 Bates Lester. 1 l?>t ' *'S Battle. Mrs. .lam- 1 b?t 1.75 Baxter, Joan'-*. Kst. 1 lot 12.25 Bourne, !.. M. 1 lot 7.00 Bov?i. W. A. 1 l??t s { B"\vlf>. II. S. 1 lot 10.50 Candler. G. W. 1 lot 102.00 an in^ r. J. B. Kxr. 1 lot 26.25 I 'arrin^ r. I >. V. 1 lot .. 45.62 ' Coburn. J. 17. Est.. 1 lot 1.75 ( oleinan. I-rank. 1 lot 4.46 Colin n. tit ". \V. 1 lot 1.75 Cn<>k. W . W. 17 lot 0.7 1 Cuoper, Mrs. Grace 1'. 1 !??'. 56.S8 . Mr L-'iia 1 lot 56.SS ( ope. G. II. 1 lot . 1 25 < >?i :i\Vl II. \\ II. J I" ?T. 5.25 Dav: J. M 1 lot jj?j. 1.75 : David "ii, !, 1 lot JS.6J * :w?. o. M -. Bessie 1 i?>i 18.20 j1 . i key, Frank E. 2 lots . 133.211 j i'a kt*y, \\. S. 1 i"t 54.86 j Dick* y. Mi . Kale G. 1 lot 17.50 . i. key. V. . 15. t.V .S.iii. 1 1<>; 70.00 Dickey, 'Mr? Leli . 1 lots . 183.75 ! I i s. ke\ , Glial K -. 1 St.j 46.00 j I i'-i!. .Mr i . L.aLV lot . 58.63 ' I . j kt . B. 17. 1 lot 0.92 1 . . w m a.' INu-n-i- 1 loi. 37.50 Fain. W. M. 20 lots 24.36] in. !' rter, l lot 1.88 ; i . J* 17. Heirs, I 3 lot.-, 5 Aria - ^ ... .. 168.88 I .. Lula. MaVrvir Weaver 1 Hand ? iirht. 1 lot .35.00 1 i ... < ha- lie. 1 lot 7.26 . M. L. 1 lot 52.50 Ghormiej. c. c. I It.i 10.50 j I -iiKon, Mr K. 1 lot 2.62 I I I World's Firat Col f FRI61DAIRET Buur on an F* Si Preserves Food Vitalit Juices 1 . ! il| Years in the making >1 Jg| now years ahead! Th |||? miracle refrigerator pr i|||i vides all 3 essentials f |||p better food preservati I I hbH 1* Uniform Low Temp* I M tures. 2. Higher Humid 'I I|hh 3. No Moisture-Robb WH Air Circulation. Thu -=?* f 11 HflSBH prolongs origiua. I ^p|| ness of food ? retains 1 I nutritional values ? j I gill peak, flavor. See this I > I |g=jg tional new kind of I t I Sgl erator at our store. S / B Proof demonstratioi Convenient Ten KB Low 2s 25c a Telephone 1 COUT. MURPHY. N. C.. THURSDAY. J I Gilbert. T .1 i lots 12.61). Grant. B- 1'. 1 lot 122.50 (.ki'Hi-. Mrs. Carrie C. Heirs. 1 14.00 Iiai .! r. S .v. ! lot 56.88 liaii. A. W . I ,ot 2.11* ila? vv -o.L J. II 1 1 -i.1'4 ' ! Havvku . Joe i 1 7.50 } haw-kins. 1>. II. 1 lot 12.25 l iiawkins. K. i'. 2 lots 5626 j ii i s :. lvitty. 1 ! 3.50 1 J. : ;hvva\ . l?r. S. C*. 2 1 - J 2". ' li. mphitl, V. O. 1 i : 10.90 j Ucu>n\ . Mrs. Vesta. 1 i ?t lO.oll ; ilia . t B. K t at. 1 lot 42.00 j llili. Fr; nk S. i lot 61.4:5 | li ill. S. ?. Heirs. 1 lot ?.00 i. I., i !,.t 1 . Howi ii. A. M. 1 lot 11.76 ' ilauiu-s. Ciihgman. 1 lot 4.50 1 Hui sU ker. O. F. 1 lot 1.05 i alt, ]L II. Est. 2 lots 73.50 | Hyde, \Y. W. 1 lot 41.65 2 ns : . M( nty. l lot 7.13 Ionian. .1. A. I lot 1.31 a; j. R. II. & Li. i lot 17.56 ivr Si ;s . Mi> Ira 1 !>t 6.83 i.:?! i . .Mrs. Lillian. 1 lot !>al. 165.00 Lovi. i: .1. Ro>s 1 lot 17.50 I. vm^ocul. *. \\ . 2 lots 91.26 M ' ii- V? 1 .? 1 7, .UailOlil'e. -Mir- .M.l.Mm ? ivv A..,. Moody. Mrs. I. N. 2 lots 80.25 Moo. y. Mrs. J. N. 1 lot . 15.50' Moon-. Mrs. Florence 1 lot . 13.56 Mnlke\. k Dickey, i lots 6.To i Mount, S. S. ('. 2 lots 5.25' Murphy Mills. 1 lot 13.75 Murphy Real Kstate Go. 1 lot 122.50., Murray Geo. K. 1 lot 5.25 McDonald, T. C. 1 lot 19.11 Xichols, K. G. 1 lot 8. < a Odell. J. G. 1 lot . 5.25 Odell. J. W. 1 lot U Odom. W. 1*. 2 lots . ?>0.74 l aimer. F. K. 1 lot 11.11 1'atton, Mrs. A. K. 1 lot 21.00 I hiilips. I'. S. G. 1 lot . 3.50 I'osey. Mrs. Alma & Lelia 1 lot 21.00 Ramsey. Frank Heirs 2 lots 45.50 kamsey. Mrs. Winnie 1 lot 56.00 Shiehls, K. A. 1 lot 12.25 Swoitl, I'. Ii. 2 lots 0s 25 j Taylor, \V. H. 1 Jot 35.00 Teapot*. Mrs. Fannie A. I lot 3.50 . ? eairue. F. L. 1 lot 4.50 ' I ompson, Harvey. 1 lot 1.75 I omp.- oti. Dr. .J. \V. 1 lot 60.82 I illitl A- Hoht/.ell 5 lots 7.00 i . en. J* 1 |i.t 20.13 Tilsoii. W. K. 1 lot 8.75 l ow t. -oi . W. D. 2 lots 95.02 i.' . Mis Frank 1 lot 3.50 ':n, Mi? I'arrie 2 lots Dal. 30.71 M ' 1*. K. ! lot 22.17 - 1 >. I lot 8.T.? Weir. Mayes 1 lot 56.88 Wei . Mrs. It. V . 1 lot Hal 35.25 \l. el . !' in man 11. 2 lots 21.87 W i*. her.-|ioon, 1). Trustee. Weils, Lot J let 9.63 Mrs. .1. H. Kstate 1 I t 61.25 COLORED ..iae.,\veii, Wilbur, 1 let ... 3.56 >i "ivar.j, k.v.'i !",s 1 *'77 Wit f 1 ' iof. l.Uoi . , 1 .ii"' 1 , d-Wall Refrigerator f| -METER-MISER | weir Mm Px/t/c/pie f I Days longer... Saves Food's Vital rom Drying Out' WALTER 24-J AUGUST 17. 1939 Schoolgirl SPECIAL NOW e Croquigr.oie <-* 2.50 . ^ A complete "tuck in" hairdo with oil sham- PH( pco and Was $5 i Duchess B< O TTMT* /T oriL^ 1?25c Jar Johi SILVER P0L1 With each quart J< WINDOW CLI FURNITURE I 4 HOUR ENAI 21 Colcrs To ROYAL FILE! ROYAL FILES ATKINS HANI MURPHY HA! Murphy, ij Frigidaire Electri "* DESIGNED BY 7550 HOMEI ro Combwf tow Cost..., Sure Jesuits wo I co I |HL ^wysTm ai?i I scor< | H, lts e; | stun I M "~ ~ " *""-= See ?" j la,c I ^2 uni 1 B Sw a KEaay Termscompanions, a Motors, to bring eadlc* ^ home at small cost-Y< how they will add nea to your kitchen! And t only a few dimes a da] COLEMAN Murphy, Nc 1 Specials II 2^ VERY SPECIAL | H I Combination I v"*-' Includes facial, sham, ij poo. rinse and wave jl 3NE set. This offer ordin II ug j 2 arily $1.7 5. S| iauty Shop |l -M sy a ? JAL ison's Shi-Ncp SH FREE ahnson's Glo-coat EANER 15c POLISH 15c KIELcan -10c Select From 5 5 6 inch 1 % 18 inch SSAW-Si.i 1DWARE m, , N. C. WBB I c Range $ f MAKERS I tt/g/t Speed... ip i men all over town are ^ ; I idwith the many practi- I nveniences of the Frigid- j I ilectric Range ... its : f i of exciting features . . . f <ceptional economy and I ning beauty. See it today. I the full size, heavily insu- ? I d "Even-Heat" Oven, new ; | I peed surface cooking T J I ts, Double-Duty "Ther- I :er" with "Thrifto-Matic"' I itch, one piece cabinet, por- j|y? I ain inside and out, and i iny other advantages. Lib- p| I *??*asv to ow n ^ I is superb range value. t-o 'f , for a demonstration. ? 39 champions! A pair of kitchen Jade by Frigidaire and General is pleasures and savings into your du must see them to appreciate r beauty, utility and convenience emember, you can own them for r! rth Carolina i

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