Cherokee Communit MACEDONIA NEWS Mr mil Mrs. Jotter Webster are , r- - their parentse, Mr. anil Mrs. ' V. L. Webster. ? Louis Little and his father were visitors of A. L. Walker over the week- v end. 1 Miss Oilcan Hen on was the Sunday -uest of Dovie Cook. C. II. Raper and L. G. Little were j Sanday evening visitors of A. B. j T-oudermilk. | * Floyd I-ittlo and Aster Smith spent 1 Sunday in Famihi County. Prvf. Buell Thompson has been 1 week at Bethany Church. 1 teaching a sinking schoorfor the past night with his uncle E. L. Little. t Garvain Little spent Saturday y Mr. and Mrs. Lester have been vis- h iting his mother, Mrs. M. L. Little this we< Van and Birfford Cook spent Saturday night with Roy and Robert Rap- cj er. p Harford Loudermilk spent Friday a nitrha with Lowen Little. Jay Roberson was the Sunday evening goiest of Harford Louder- ' milk. : Lowin Little spent Saturday night n with Harford Loudermilk. C. V. Little was the Saturday evening guest of E. L. Little. o VIOLET NEWS I Mi Evie Danner was the dinner guest at Mr. and Mrs. John Beaver ^ Monday. ^ Zack Davis is some better this ' week. p Johnie Davis is visiting his parents, t< Mr. and Mrs. Zack Davis. He will return to the CCC very soon. 1 Mrs. Vandora Taylor and Mrs. r Ruby Mashburn were the pur-'- i f Mrs. John Beaver Wodnes- }' H Mrs. Margaret Taylor returned bom< ti day after visiting her daugh tor-. Mr -. Paul Lowe and Mrs. Ralph Beaver in Tennessee. " fe Mr :.ii(l Mrs. Hollice Roberts from g|| Tonnt -eo are visiting their parents, ( A alee Murphy. ^ B avers Saturday. SI Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Davis visited Mr Mr:-. John Beavers Saturday. B By burning 25% slower than I H the average of the 15 other of 1 9 largest-selling brands test- I } ?d?? slower than any of them ? I i H CAMELS give a smoking plus g IH COlir.i if52 EXTRA ! ibfe SMOKES , ^ PACK Camels I cn?nhM"1MINe gSTLU? TOBACCOS THE CHEROKEE S County y News PATRICK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. arl Cobb and chilIrcn, of Alabama arc visiting their ion and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard :obb. Koyt Boring and sister, Bernice, vcre the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. ^ee Horton, Saturday afternoon. Misses Ella and Ruth Hamby were he guests of their sister, Mrs. tannic Quinn Sunday at Vests. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horton arc the iroud parents of a baby girl, born tug. 3, 1939, which has been given he name of Ivajean. Me*.CIT, JcJin Pirk'poirvpr Torrv Iamby attended court at Murphy 1 ast week. Mrs. Glen Hamby and Mrs. Frank lamby and children were the dinner ruests of Mrs. Bill Hamby one day ast week. Lester Led ford and several other 'atrick folks were business visitors .1 Murphy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Reid and chiiren and John Picklcsimer attended reaching services and the baptising t Mt. Carmel Sunday. Mrs. Tom Picklesimer and (laugher, Mrs. Alma Williamson and son, ,'ere the guests of Mrs. Lee Horton n<* day last week. George Reid and family were busies* visitors at Murphy Friday. Professor Shelby Frank of Murphy as been selected to teach a singing chool at Liberty church, it is expec-t d to start at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hanner and hildren, of Ducktown, were the. uests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horton ccently. There will be a Picklesimer and 'rain reunion at Patrick near the ome of Mrs. Mary Hamby the first unday in September. All relatives atund and bring lunch. George Reid and daughter, Dorohy, were the guests of Mr. Lee Hor>n, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Perlie Croft and chilren of Farner, were Patrick visitors ccently. Mr .and Mrs. Richard Cobb and aby and Mrs. Sam Reid spent the reek-end in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ledford and hildren and Mr. and Mrs. Isam Vnync wore business visitors at Mur hy Saturday. There will be a Picklesimer and 'rain reunion the first Sunday in lentember near the home of Mrs. !::vv Hnmby ?t Patrick. All relatives] re invited to attend ??wl !?? :??. - ' mskot of lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Danner and hildrcn of Ducktown, Tenn.t were he guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horon Sunday. Mr. John Picklcsimer was the juest of Mr. Will Beaver at Hiwasee Saturday. Mr. Tom Picklesimer was the most of Mr. Sam Reid Sunday mornng. Mrs. Mary Hamby was the guest f Mrs. Tina Picklesimer Saturday J fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamby and son rere guests of Mr. and Mrs. BertI foung last week. ?? 1 SATES CREEK NEWS j Mrs. Nealer Dockery is on the sick ist. this week. We all hope her a speedy recovery. Mr-. T n.uHo V.>1 . S, sjieifE cne entire reek with her errand mother, Mis. W. 0. Hogsed. Mrs. Lois Rogers of Peachtree spent Saturday night, with her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. W. H. Dockery. Miss Pauline Rogers of Peachtree spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Will Dockery. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Dockery and lit;le son were the pleasant callers at he home of Mr. W. H. Dockerys. Mr. W. M. Killian died August 11, it his home at New Hope and was mried from the church of Bates Sreek community. I He is survived by eight children and lis widow. The funeral was conducted >y Mr. Tom Tmett. Miss Milma Arrowood, of Murphy pent Saturday night with Miss Paulne Williamson. The relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Aeic Tames enjoyed the home coming day it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Acie Tames. Miss Edna Mae Coleman was a visior at the home of Mr. Bob Dockery. Miss Lou Bell Dockery spent last "r < k with relatives at Grape Creek. I COUT, MURPHY, NORTH CAROLIN/ UPPER PEACHTREE NEWS Tho pastor, Rev. J:7mes""STruett preached two sermons Saturday afternoon and Sunday at eleven o'clock. The revival meeting will not start at ihi> cluirch at present, as tho pastor was called to help in another meeting and it seems to be quite a busy time with all the people. Mr. Dee Franklin and daughter. Mary Jane, and Beulnh of Maltby were tho guests of Calvin Lunsford and family Saturday. We are all sorry to learn that Miss Bettie Laura Curtis is sick again. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Sally Derryberry and little daughter, Joyce spent Friday with her brother, Mr. John Curtis. D. E. Griffith, Vernon and Iliil Thomasson were guests of Mr. Dewitt Kimsey Sunday afternoon. Tho little s?n, Doyel of Mr. and Mrs. Bill * "-i ?o aiviv ?t mis writing. Hope he will soon be well again. Wc are glad to see some pretty weather after so much rain. The Upper Peachtree quartette made their trip to the annual picnic at Savannah Wednesday. All report a splendid time. D. E. Griffith and family spent awhilc Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barker. Miss Fannie Mae Thomasson and Mr. Gwynn McGuire spent awhile Sunday with Mrs. Sallie Queen in Murphy. Mrs. Salley Derrybcrry spent Friday evening with Mrs. C. W. Thomasson . The singing was enjoyed Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barker. Calvin Lunsford and Dee Franklin were the supper guests Saturday night of Mr. B. A. Breed!ove. Fird Moore spent awhile Saturday night with Hill Thomasson. NEW HOPE NEWS Vaughn Martin has returned home after visiting relatives in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Sneed in Ebeneezer. Clarence Martin of Kentucky is visiting friends. Mrs. W. H .Montogemyr and son. Ray, visited Mrs.T.ou Graves Monday. Several folks from this section have been attending the revival at Grape Creep being conducted by Rev. Wrldon West. Miss Edith Montgomery spent two I nights with Mrs. Jannct Crain. | o SCHULAR CREEK. Mrs. Burt McBrayer and son, Alien Mr. Loyd Wilcox and Mrs. Dorthulia I.amby visited friends at Posted Sunday . Several people from our community have been attending the revival at Violet. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wilcox and children were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rae Wilcox of Coker Creel;. Tenn. Miss Frances Morrow spent Sunday night with Miss Edna Wilcox. Mrs. Jane Morrow is moving to Postell to live with her daughter. Mrs. T. B. Hamilton. lloyt Graves, Bid Smith and Mrs. Lucy Dickey, of Murphy visited the Wilcox's Sunday night. Miss Lucille Matheson spent the week-end at her home in Andrews. Miss Rabble Cole and Mrs. Leslie Cole visited Miss Frances Morrow Sunday. , Ralph Wilcox visited Dillard Mor-! row of Coker Creek. Armos Morrow visited Fulton Newman Sunday. HANGINGDOG NEWS Next Saturday night and Sunday morning is regular preaching. Everv body come. Rev. Elliott pastor. Eloise Hartness was the Sunday guest of Irene Hensley. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Kephart visited her parents on Marble Sunday. Miss Kate Corn well spent last week at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Corn well. Mr. and Mrs. Esta McDonald and children from Asheville and Elgin McDonald from Atalnta were the guests ; of their mother. Mrs. Louise McDonald. Mrs. Sarah Brockman and Mrs. El- ' len Mulkcy were the Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Olivan Dock cry. I, AUG. 24. 1939 WOLF CREEK NEWS ] Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abernathy and hildren and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Har- t - ? r and children of Belmont, visited relatives here Sunday aftc-rn?>? n. hey were on their way to Cleveland. Tenn. Scott Parton of Lower Bclltow:.. was a visitor here Sunday. Deputy Sheriff McGee of Copperhill, was here on business Monday. Religious services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hix Jones Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jones ha been confined to his room with T. L?. ' for several months. Mrs. Nannie Trantham of Copper- ' hill, spent the week-end here with relatives. ( Richard Jabaley proprietor of "The t Fair Store" Copperhill, was here on business Monday. Master Fred Garren of near Copperhill spent Sunday night with his grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garren. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Morgan and 1 three children of Hazelwood, visited c the former's parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Garren and four children spent the day Sunday . with Mr. Garren's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garren. Mr. W. A .Burgess and son, Henry. I spent the week end visiting relatives j* in Harlan, Ky. They returned homci( late Sunday afternoon. The revival meetings conducted at j J.he Macedonia Baptist church the|] last two weeks by the Rev. Heddcn 1 were brought to a close Sunday when n more were baptized. , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garren are spending a few days visiting their j daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and j Mrs. Riley Morgan. SUNNY POINT NEW^ Mrs. Lois Whitmire and daughter, Bobby Jean, of Greer, S. C., are .-pending a few days with Miss Genell Caldwell. Miss Elsie Lefevers was the after- j "o? guest of Mrs. Mattie Whitener\ Sunday. Mrs. Josie Garland and family were I visitors of Mrs. Laura Johnson Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Valerie ii^mbree and son Bobby and Genell Caldwell of Sunny Point, Mrs. Lois Whitmire ar.d daughter Bobby Jean of Greer, S. C. and Wilma Arrowood of Murphy were dinner guests of Mrs. Fanneta Taylor of Murphy. I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Banner and family from Dncktown, Tenn.. were I visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred WhiteT1 l i iv i 1 IIUIMIiiy. Mrs. Estel Forrister and children 1 n- tit the week-end witli her baron's. J Air. and Mrs. Doss Horton of Ueids 1 Chapel. 1 Fhoeba Caldwell of Knoxvill; . | T-. ntr.. \v?s the week-end -1 f h pan ids. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. <"a!-!\v !! Mrs. Est a Mason and Mis- 1M Rice were visitors of Mrs. Mat tie Whitener Friday afternoon. Mrs Josephine Allen spent the week-en-T with her son, Mr. Lark it: Allen of Sunny Point. Mrs. I-iura Jones spent one day last, week with Mrs. Eller Brown. Mrs. Martha Baile was the guest of 1 Mrs. Shirley Brown Thursday. I Mrs. Edna Johnson and Miss Emilo . | spent awhile Saturday afternoon 1 JMLg V -I IV ^ Is A RE there d 'that 11,0 Tl 1 the door or t clatter of dishes, or even the h of children nearly drive you f you are restless, and cranky? Do you lie awake nights? When these hectic days and terfere with your work and tak of life for you, try DR. MILES NE Dr. Miles Nervine is a combi nerve sedatives, originated by specialist. Dr. Miles Nervine F? of nervous sufferers you need. with a*rs. Lois Whitmire and Miss Goin ll Caldwell. AI s. iroio Ilicv spent Sunday with M!>Lucil. , Clare, and Weldie iic-Uon. ill*. F ".'d Brown from Farner, Ton ... spoilt ih? week-end with his ::m ; .Mr. -ml Mrs. John Brown. zr? UNAKA ISEWS The Rev. K. Willix of Friendship tnd Rev. Whitaker, f her son and daughter. Rt*\. and Mrs. J. O. Fry and two Children, of Kunnapolis, N. C., were risitors hcie Saturday. Mrs. W. M. Phillips who has been 11 for some time is improving. The farmers art? very busy through this section now cutting grass and pulling fodder. Mrs. Elizabeth Burgess of Ellijay. [la., is visiting relatives here. * 0 * One-Way Coach Fares * FROM MURPHY. N. C. Washington 9.05 Jackson vilie 7.65 j Cincinnati O. 7.00 Savannah, Ga. 6.15 Charleston S.C. 6.30 Richmond, Va. 7.65 Memphis, Tenn. 8.85 ? i Insure Safety, Avoia Ktgl\w?f j Hazards. Travel By Train. Air Conditioned Coachei on Through Trains. R. H. DeBUTTS, As*'t. Gnfr ! Passenger Agent ASHEV1LLE, N. C. rTrT7r; d I %1 X ^ I MfiiMii ?II I'll ' III t ni j ays when it seems idio, the ringing of ijj. * elephone bell, the yt 11 lughter and voices [J H rantic?days when I / | wakeful nitrht* in- / ' e the pleasure out j I RVINE nation of effective ' a famous nerve ; has brought relief to millions . You may find it exactly what Miles Nervine? s it. Iar^c bottle $1.00 Small bottle 25t