UPPER MARTINS CREEK NEWS Rev. Jim Truett preached an in spiriivg sermon at the Glade ch'urcl Sunday. Rev. Zeb St?-v. Ben Mans, Miss Louise Mann fand Dewey Raper visited Miss Rinda Corn well a while Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry May and childvrfi and Mrs. Bessie Hartness and family were visitors at the Hiwassee Dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Graves has been \ i>innic niv ihiut s muincr aim sisier. Mrs. Susan and Kinda Cornwell. Mrs. Bob Dockerv and daughter, Helen. Mrs. Ben Mann and children EMr. and Mrs. Allen were guests of Mrs. Lizzie Ingram Sunday afternoon. Charlie White and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Allen Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Alice Carroll of Tennessee is visiting her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Hall. Mrs. Howard Buchanan spent Monlay with Mrs. Bon Mann. Mrs. Frank Ingram and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Dockery and Mrs \ddie Killian spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beavers at Posted. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. John I'h. being ill. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Josie Phillips visited Mrs. Clifford Birch Sunday. Mr 1 Ivans of Blairsville, Ga. visit-1 rd her daughter. Mrs. Bill Phillips Monday. Mr >.: i Mrs. M. r. Hall nnd Mrs. *' ? < '! \\ i visitors at lingers Chapel cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mrs Paul Buchanan spent Monday in town on business. Dewey Raper spent Saturday night i with Charles Mann. J A 3 Point Beat Cold Check your home age PSTEP NUMBER 2 INSTALL INSULATION Insulation practically pays for itself in fuel savings. It, too, keeps a more even temperature. I r> i i i-ii ? V/Vnuc ill tuiu LdlK UVI problems?^ Murphy Li I THE CHEROKE UNAKA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green have moved to Liberty. They will be greatly missed in our community. Mrs. Dye of Tellico Plains. Tenn. was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. George Murphy last week. Mrs. Grant Phillips has returned front a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Avondalc, Pa. and Wilm1 ington. Del. Mrs. T. A. Murphy of Tellico Plains, is visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. \V. M. Young and Mrs. W. H. Graham were the guests of Mrs. Grant Phillips Thursday. Mrs. Allen of Violet community lias leturncd home after spending some days with relatives here. Mrs. Fdyth Murphy. Mrs. Talitha Murphy and Mrs. Dye were the guests f Mis. Irene Phillips Friday. Mrs. W. M. Young and Mrs. W. H. Graham visited, Mrs. Fred Murphy one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Harrell made trip to Iliwnssee Dam Sunday. Rev. Walter Jones made a trip to j Ducktown, Tenn. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers have recently moved to the Roy! Green place. Mrs. Richard Roberts and Mrs. j -Tames Rose were in Murphy shopp- | rM"nday- o VIOLET NEWS Mrs. Mary Beaver left Sunday to I spend a month or two with her daughi tori in-law. Mrs. Eliso Beaver at Jefferson City. Mrs. Masdalino Allen went to Earlier with her mother on her journey to Jefferson City. Mrs. Sarah Hampton and daughter, :.nd son in-law and two children from Tennessee visit"d Mr. and Mrs. I.ee .Murphy Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Taylor were visitors in Violet Wednesday. Born to Mr. and Mis. John Taylor a baby hoy on Sept. 3rd. Mis. Julia Morrow has been very dl, but is some better at this writing. * John Beaver made a trip to Murphy Saturday on business. Mrs. Paronthia Graham was a recent truest of Mis. Gay Murphy. Miss Gladys Morrow of Sclnilni Cvck spon?j> week-end with her aunt. Mrs. Edna Graham. Miss Corona Murphy was a visitor t Plan To Weather linst each point now! STEP NUMBER 1 " ue! is ms ueCcii?ry ss bread? ind the price is going up. Buy iow at the lower rate. Our coal s slow burning?No waste.. Rivole us STEP NUMBER 3 ROOFING IS IMPORTANT Good roofing not only prevents water from leaking in but also stops cold from entering. Make yours weatherproof! er your cold weather lo obligation limber Co. tie 95 E SCOUT, MURPHY. N. C. THURSDA FROG POND Mrs. Phil Moon* celebrated her fiOth birthday last Thursday. Those who were present at her birthday dinner were: Rev. James Truett, Drew Lunsford. Samuel Wheeler, Ben Carroll. Harris Busbee, Dee Moore and family. Phil Moore and ' Misses Ada. Lula and Elizabeth J Moore. IMiss Gertrude Palmer from Marble was the supper guest of Catherine Moore Sunday. Miss Grace Moore spent Sunday with Jessie Broedlove. Rev. James Truett and Rev. Caroil were the supper quests Sunday of Mr. ami Mrs. Earl Moore. Ilarley Spivey of Tomotla is spendtig a few days this week with his unt. Mrs. Roxie Phillips. Mrs. Richard Lunsford and small j bildren spent Sunday with Mr. and I Mrs. Calvin Lunsford. here as the guest of Miss Georgia Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Jessfe Robinson of Schular Creek spent a recent weekend with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Roberts ami Mrs. Sara Hampton of Vonore. Tenn. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coleman. Miss Margaret Rose visited Miss Lottio Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graves were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham. Mrs. Mary Allen has been visiting ' relatives .it TTnnlra m n i Mrs. Lucy Dickey, of Murphy, N. C. spent a few days with her niece Mrs. Ida Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrow spent | a recent week-end with Mrs. ' Morrow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- , dricks at Penchtree. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coleman of Unnka have recently moved into our midst. . " ~~~~? ? w W 111 20 Bea CHRIS I' 1 | See AB V* Vi. u< I Names See Them CHERI Y. SEPT. 21. 1939 CULBERSON NEWS Ed Dotson and Fal Anderson who have been working in Massachusetts are at home for a few days visit. W. A. Hampton was a business visitor here Monday. D. H. Anderson has accepted a position with the Tennessee Copper Co. and Edgar Rice has taken his place as manager of L. M. Shields -tore here. R v. V. T. Tru'-'t bcr-io a r??vr*.-?l meeting here Monday night. Guv Hyatt, Thn**man and Lucy (' arlcy attended the a'l dnv convention at Ranger last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Howard Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Johnson spent ho week-end at Copperhill. Rev. W. T. Truett returned l?om? Friday from Akron, Ohio. While there ho held a revival meeting at the Cuy j ;^nojr:>. f ans rsapnst cnurcft. Mr. Frank Dickey. who vns laid off w;th a crow of mon has boon reemnlco'ril bv tho TV A at Hiwassoo Darn. Sheridan Watson and Floyd Garrett sr.ent th" week-end hero with Mr. ?nd Mrs. Alhort Watson. D. L. Fox was a business visitor hero one day last wock. Tho death of J. M. Clonts who died Sept. 9th leaves many to mourn his death. He was born in 1857. At the acre of 18 he joined the Missionary Paptist Church: continutin*r a faithful member uutil his death. He married Miss Lucy Ann Wright in 1879. and o this union six children were born. Four of whom survive. He was hnried in the Salem cemetery, near Klliinv. Ga. Rev. W. T. True tt conducted the burial service. o Fnch year relatives bob! a bijr profherin.a: at the fjravc of Dick Wood neir ; Floyd. Va.. where he is buried in the i center of a cross formed by the erraves j of t?is four wives. Wood was a pioneer with a larjre number of descendants. 1 rial U le They lutiful Eng iTMAfi C ith or Withe IE IMPRIN : Them At Oi ALSO EAUTIFUL ASS0RTM1 IDS?EN VELOPES TO 1 !AI1TIFJII GIFT RAY AU V/li VJI JL& a. LTV11 may also be printed o Before The Supply Is 1 3KEE S BELLEV1EW V Mr. and Mrs. Ross HatchettT)^ and Mrs. Frank Hughes visits H| and Mrs. Bob Garrett of Dooly, 5, HI Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J",. Brvson and spent the week end with Mts. Brj son's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Roger ns^.^W ren of Anderson. S. C. Mrs. E. G. White and JuoKaHi Posey spent the week-end in Atlanta, Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Sudderth a|H son, Richard visited Mr. ard Mn. Hatchett Sunday evening. K| Mr. and Mr gam Hughes, Lelia Raper and Van Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John Garrett of Hu.^bI . wassce, Ga. Sunday. 1 Miss Irene Hughe- was the sugpgHI I guest of Mi - level. Martin Mat. HI day. H ; Miser Gwendolyn F-x of vnorfSg B land Mrs. Bessie Hall and -on, VjtjHt | visited Mrs. Kr- -I 1' mple Te-iiiHI j afternoon. Several from tl.r community || temleil tile singinir at Uone r Chunk E , Sunday. Everyone reported a ?,/ Hi | "initinti. H Phone 1 59 for ^ Perfect Cleaning I ACCESSORIES You can safely send the most "dif. ricult to clean'" pieces?we know how! ?& Murphy Laundry I siW'BBVBHnTVHBBH H ; .4 t II liter Last" I graved I :ards I lite I ENT I HATCH I -50c UP I nthese I Exhausted I 1COUT I