I so CI October's Childr At Combined B .! have been a stork cir- I the Dickey house in . dining room in partiv evening, and the fabled all the babies should pin.tr "hurrah for Octo- j > were gathered about a i table, every last one j in October and 5 of i j,, same day. Mrs. Thel- ' j,;(; proprietress of the hotel . . hostess but also was her ,, because October is her ,j , t no. Tuesday was her i ,-o was the birthday vi , j*. ] (Boh) Williamson. Women's Club / At Annual Distr jj, of the Women's club of Murphv night back a handsome j ...; f: annual meeting- of; ; . ,] N 1 of the North Federation | (I \\\'Tii< Clubs held at Cullowhee ,i< Frid The gavel was presented ? to Mrs. T V Case, as president of the rvatiiza1 as a prize for the highperrt 'age <>f attendance at the m vtmt*. based on the number of r::es travelled. Ten members from ( Murphy iif: nded, as follows: Mrs. T A. Case. Mrs. C. W. Savage, s Mrs. Ju:. Martin, Mrs. B. W. WhitMi <> K. Erhart, Mrs. Ben ? Wurner. Mrs. \V. M. Palmer, Jr., Mrs. i E. B. N" ell and Mrs. Don Wither>;xK>n; ai.d Miss Ida Belle Entrekin. 1 t More than 100 attended the meet- i ing. from Murphy, Andrews. Bobbins- i vilie. Br; m City, Sylva, Canton, 1 ? ? t Personals Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom enter- j timed in honor of Mr. Odam's fath- c Mr. W. T. Odom in honor of his 1 M birthday which he celebrated Sunay October 15th. Mr. George Abbott , d guest. t Miss B<t>y Guffey spent the past Asheville visiting her par- s ?nts. 1 Red 11. m y was a visitor in Murphy Sunday. Mrs. P ink Crawford and son, i sitors of Mrs. Bessie De- \ few days this week. Mrs. Crawford i> from Copperhill. i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stalcup and daug- 1 I, left Saturday for J Uaoirwhc re they will make their folate hom?. J Mr. and Mrs. Zaek Carringer, of , ' pent the week-end with j Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Carringer. t Mr. Porter Mason and mother, Mrs. j ^ C. Mason and Harry Carringer Sunday in Atlanta. 1 Mrs. p. J. Henn spent the past two *eeks in Saluda visiting her parents. 1 Miss 1 tnnie Deweese was a visitor Murphj this week-end. 1 Mrs. P. B. Henn and Mrs. Chas. ] Timmons. of Chiekamauga, were visa's of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Henn for ** week-end. < The young folks of Murphy and 1 urrounding communities are looking forward with happy anticipation to i JPHttie Livingston and his N. B. C. LOANS nly 4Vz% rid assistance. your olans ifications for our wishes? :he rest. W. H. M Im'MVM*, I*, ,*| 1*11*?*? THE CHEROKEE SC ETY en Gather irthday F east Mrs. F. O. Chi istopher was another of the celebrants. She was born on October 14th. and that same date marked the birth of Mrs. A. N. Parker and Mr. Jake Wilkerson. Other children of October who gathered to celebrate were: Messrs. T. \V. Kindley. Barney Farmer, \\\ C. Parker. Carl Whi taker. Louis Weinberg. and Glen Whitaker, Miss Nettie Dickey, and the Mrs. J. D. Brock and P. J. Ilcnn. Attractive place cards showed the guests where to sit at the table and turkey was the main dish. A number of lily gifts wore beside each ban jquetter's plate. Awarded Gavel | ict Meeting Waynesville, Clyde, and Cullowhec. Before the gathering convened, the visitors were served coffee by the hospitality committee of the Cullowhee group, in the drawing roams of Moore dormitory at Western Carolina Teachers College. Mrs. W. Thomas Reeves, of Canton. District president directed the session. The principal address was delivered by Mrs. John I). Robinson, of Wallace. State President, who stressed the importance of creating ? better community life. Mrs. Charles Pearce, of Charlotte, State President of the Junior Women's Clubs brought greetings from her organization. A social hour followed the meeting, concluding with a tour of the new building on the college campus, directed by Boy Scouts of the neighborhood. >rchestra playing in Murphy Oct. 19th. The Junior Woman's club is sponsoring the dance. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMuilan and sons. Thomas and Jimmy spent Suni? : !? .11??- - * -- WIHI .uia. HltWUIIHII a MSier, | Mrs. W. P. Odom. H. Y. Williams, recently transferee! from Sylva is now connected with he Murphy A and P. store. Miss Fannie Alexander of Atlanta, ;pent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom. B E WW J. N. Hill, Jr.. who is attending: the Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end with anta, Ga., spent the week-end with lis parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whitakcr and nephew, Glenn Whitaker, Mrs. J. D. 3rock, and Mrs. Thelnia Dickey spent Saturday shopping in Asheville. Mr. Odus Mull, of Shelby, Mr. fames Cowan, of Asheville and Mr. Albert Bauman, of Montreat were imong the commissioners who heard he condemnation suits held in Mur>hy last week. Miss Mary Arrendale and Miss Mary Jo Blackstock were the guests >f Mr. Barney Farmer at the Dickey lotel last week-end. Mr. John and George Whitcomb, of rlarlan, Ky., spent several days in Murphy last week in the interest of J rVA land hearing. Mr Alvin Zi-iidpr. TV A lawver ! )f Chattanooga, was a visitor here ast week, registered at hotel Dickey. Miss Robbie Williamson spent the veek-end at the Dickey hotel. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Rtctor and Miss | [ASSEY ! Y : x OUT. MURPHY. N. C. OCTOBER 19. 1 [ Mrs. Hill Hostess To Presbyterian Auxiliary i - ! The Presbyterian Auxiliary mot at % I the homo f Mrs. J. N. Hill on Tues- i day afi rnnon. October 17th. Mrs. C. g \V. Suvairc. Vice-president presided 3, in the a ' m-?- of the president. Mi tl I>. \Vi*In : - |)-?on. Mrs. Savage led an 1 X\ interestiagf worship service. "Testinir urselves by our Auxiliary theme and ^ motto." Mrs. Paul Smith had charge j, if the program. tile topic beinv M "Ileme Mis ion". A number of tin members taking parts and toiling ot V the experiences of heme missionaries 3, through letters that He y had re \ ccivod. .V During tho afternoon the be . rolled bandages for the White cr<- | ij The hostess served a sweet course j -ff? ???^ ...i,. umut ami samiwicnes to the j following: y Mesdames Paul Smith. Harry Mil- y lor. J. H. Wilson. M. W. Bell, < . L MiCaslan, O. K. F.rhart. W. M Pa! nicr. Jr.. H. L. Pah-ley. * . L. Aiver- y son and Mrs. C. W. Savage. ^ Bridge By Mrs. Billiter p Honors Mrs. Sanderson v ni Mrs. \V. O. Billiter entertained a' a a bridge part recently at the home of Mrs. J. C. McCraw in honor of Mrs. (l Frank Sanderson, of Guntersville, u Ala., who is visiting her sister. Mrs. Kail Rol inson. After several rubbers a salad course was served. Those en- x 1 tertained included: Mesdames Frank Holt. -T. C MrCraw, John Hollingshed, 1. L. Treat. Charles Boyd. Earl Robinson. Jake Williams, of Chattanooga and Mrs. aI W. O. Watson. High score was mad- ^ bv Mrs. Hollingshed. A memento of ,Sj the occasion was presented to the honoree. m o Bi Padgett Convalescent Following Operation " \v Register of Deeds Bascomb Par- j _ gett is slowly fighting his way back f to health after a tonsil operation [m performed in Franklin last week. The popular County official has returned I home from the hospital, but is not yet I well enough to resume his duties at | the court house. Mr. Padgett has to make two trips weekly to Franklin for further treatment. His was an aggrevated case in which an operation was needed long ago; but action was delayed because of press of county work. Tomnrle Posey, of Lincolnton, N\ C., were visitors at the Henry House this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Rector. Miss Tommic Posey, Miss Sara Ruth Posey and Mrs. Willa Bell Posey were the dinner guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Sharpe and baby, of Knoxville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fate Carden. Miss Stella Mason spent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Neva Holt, Mrs. H. Bueck and Mrs. J. B. Gray spent Monday shopping in Atlanta. Mrs. Jim Franklin, Mrs. John Axley, Mrs. Dixie Palmer and Miss Juanita Vestal spent Tuesday in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. D. Witherspoon spent Monday and Tuesday in Chattanooga, Tenn., and Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Ms. R. K. Smith, of Knoxville were visitors last week of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davidson. ' Mrs. A. Huckaby, of Arab, Ala., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. 0. Watson. J Mrs. Earl C. Robinson is visiting in Dayton, Tonn. as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Marshall. Mr. E. C. Moore and daughters, spent Sunday in sheville visiting Mrs. Moore who is taking treatment at St. Joseph's hospital. You're Rolling Pretty AND SAFE When You Use BOYD'S CABS FINE CARS?24 HOUR SERVICE ?TESTED DRIVERS? > ALWAYS ON CALL AT House Warming Party Is Given To Barnetts A surprise house-warming party vas given at the ?v-\ residence ..f , dr. and M I. L. I?_irn?*i. . > i treet Wednesday niirht. Octobi-r 11. < r?ny useful jrifts \v re pr? - ni.-J ?.> k* "new settlers'*. Thos attending ere: Mr. A. F. Weaver, Jr.. of Asheville. j Ir. and Mrs. Gwynn Denton, of Rohinsvillo. Mr. and Mr . ).o v. Mi s. IT. K. Davis. Mi Alice K int. Mi s i.aurr. A. Hold erne- . Mr. ( foodrow '\\> . ??lr. Pdy rev. I'-. Grover Collett, Mr. Goldman E. ail. Mrs. Lillian A she and Mr. and Irs. Chas. Jones all of A ml rows. 1 Ir. R. T. Kilparick and Mr. and Mr.-. .-:y L. F ?- of Marble. Mrs. Dorothy MeCombs. Mis ouisc Kin jr. M . Earl Payne. Mr. ami lis. Paul Cudfhrth, Mr. ami Mrs. ' falter Sue- d ;ml Dorothy Sneed. Mr. ml Mrs. Ilomer Rkk-, Mr and Mrs. obert MeCombs, Mr. Guy Elli r. Mrs. { ^ favne Walker and Mr. Dewey Kap art, all of Murphy. * Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. ! iobo are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Darnell, j Ir. ami Mrs On v.. Rnfbfowl ..f v..;~ . lount. Ga.. Miss Marie Anderson, ml Miss Edna Burton of Jasper. Ga. r Mrs. John Axley, and grandson, i one Bates, and Mrs. John Davidson f . turned Sunday from Asheville af- ? r visiting Mrs. Garrison Manoval. n Mr. E. Darnell, of Marietta, was a sitoi in Murphy this week. Mrs. Lilla Adams has gone t?. noxville where she will do private act ice. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey are pong those who plan to attend the la-Tenn football game in Knoxville I iturday. I Mrs. H. Bu'-ck has as visitors her other and father, Mr. and Mrs. rahnnn. of Raleigh. Dr. F. V. Taylor left for Raleigh iday on professional business. Mrs. C. 1). Mayfield is visiting in oodstock. Ga. lift - Detobratieg 80* ANN! OOfaO 'WTTBiA* I'If Mi SALMON ^ ULEU PEACHES* PREMIUM it i m \m y JttM ok iwk?OW 8 O'CLOCK ' 3 39c New YorkCauliflowi Colorado Tomatoes Fresh Spinach 3 lbs. Florida Oranges... FRESH FISH a WE CARRY A C< BABY F Mrs. Thelma Dickey plans to atend the Ala-Tenn foot 'all game Saturday. Mrs. Phil Mathews. <?f Hry.-on City, s visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. . slaughter. ith> in ColiMiiiji after e n. woc.v w?iii relative returned :':iy to their home in Miami. "la. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Gray f Raii are \ i : i: :m M phy. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. \Veld? f Klizrbethton. Tenn., are visiting his iser. Mrs. K. C. Matt -x and Mr. Matox. V . Sal a i. if Daniel ville. (Ja.. visiting her br '.her, Mr. R. C. M ,, v XI. XI -.1 ? Mt a. I. John and M? . Til: il .Jnhn><;n and ?n and Mr.-. A. 11 tr 1 arid daughter '>f Maiietta. ?a.. and Mrs. Mamie Arnold, spent Sunday with their daughter and sister dr.-. I'i. C. Moon- who i at St ph Iospital in Asheville. All.-. Hardy t -lvanl. Mrs. Krank olvard and Mrs. Alfred Colvnrd of Robbinsville were visitors in town Tuesday NEW A new process fer the drying of trtr whites, requiring only about a hird as much time as the old ferncntation method, has been develop <! h. chemists of the U. S. Departnent of Agriculture. r?* ?? SPECIAL ON Permanents fc- yM 'V $4.00 Waves $2.00 Complete with Shampoo and Set Others up to $10.00 END CURLS $1.50 Candler's Beauty Shop Candlers Store k ftP1! -1959 versary ma Ptaia or S*U K?mM? | pi mm mm \0 W I 24 ? 63c 48 ~ " 2 ~ 25c g2 25c ? 1 5c AIM P?ft Sftkd DRESSING a 27c ir 19c head 2 lbs. for 17c for 25c 15c to 25c doz. nd OYSTERS DMPLETE LINE OODS

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