Our Aim: A Better Murphy / A Finer County VL THE LEAD1N( VOL. 5 ?NO. l< cwtTtoopen MONDAY: DOCKET LISTS 227 CASES Three Murder Cases, Two Deadly Assault, Trials Are Scheduled A of 227 cases arc on the docket ; tried at the coming: session of th* cuit court which convenes i; M jii Monday Nov 6. with Judge J Pless on the bench. Of the earnmany of which almost certainly \vi ' have to be carried over? j cJ:!y 1 :.re new cases. The remaining 167 been hanging fire, some . f r! I'np more than one term Th murder cases are scheduled to be tried. That of Charles Frazier. chare- : with the slaying of Kimsey Wvk e. Andrews as already been car:' v. i twice. Trial at this ses- ; arded as certain. Frazier, admitt r the killing claims self defense. Charles Lunsford. charged with the slayi! of Lawrence Spivey. at Upper 1'eachtr- <* also has been before two previous courts without being tried. Lunsferd also claims self defense. Sao! K'lis. who killed his a usin, iM- FIlis at Andrews only a few week- : ro, will claim that the slaying accidental. The two had f . night before, and Sam is alltv i > have gone to his cousin's 1.1 .ill- i threatened to kill him. NVx- i ing. when they met on the road. Sa:a was carrying a rifle. lie aske?! r a cigarette, and a moment later Mclvin fell, shot through the heart. Sam claims the gun went off accidentally. r. < Lt-e, a man of many aliases, and ai'. escaped convict from at least two pi sons, is to be tried on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Ho shot Joe MeClure near a fcvern outside Murphy when the latter interfered with his plans to take i /)r,,~rc i?:.. r..? n... presumed purpose of robbing him. An <: i major case to be heard will be ihat of Charles Dodson. origi- , nalk ,n..<| o? charges of incest. ;m". i 1 by bis daughter. The latter < her father had been VK'l:it;i. her since she was 1- years old. IVxb also faces* charges of as- ] smit w ii a deadly weapon, preferred iiy lames Martin, his former fell'-w pr - ner in the Murphy jail. Mar- , tin saj that, arrested for a minor of- , Hnsc. h was cruelly beaten, with , a hose, wielded by Dodson, when he ] refused to pay a "fine" levied by a "Kanagarou court." i Most of the other cases of the doc tat involve liquor, larceny, or minor | offenses. There are several case of alleged drunken driving. ; ? Teachers To Gather '1 AT Hiwassee Dam The General Teachers Administra- | tive Unit of Cherokee County will j father at Hiwassee Dam on Novcm- j ' 17th for a program which will ! ' tnclud. sight seeing, supper, and a I floral discussion of Educational j ' affairs. I 1 I The Unit will make a tour of the ^ Dam between 5 and G o'clock in th<- ^ ^veninir. Supper will be served from r'until 7; and then discussions will ^ led by Mr. Ferguson, Mr. E. R. | White and Mr. IJoyd Hcndrix. Coun- j ty Superintendent of schools. All teachers of the administrative unit c expected to be present; and the discussions will be open to all resi- -c dents of the County who wish to ati tester Stowe Given Honors At Mars Hill c I ? !'"' m'n'sterial conference at Mars j I J , C0"('Ke has honored Lester Stowe j? Murphy by electing: him vice presi- ( I J"'- Tile conference is a college I ?P of 55 young men from all I "vr* ?' the States. 1 r Stowe also is president of the r I * B' T' which '* making rapid s I. ^css at the school, and is secre t? ?' Young Peoples Sunday jf B'diool Class. f Ib? (Eh i WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTE ANDREWS MAYOR [' WRITES IN PRAISE l" OF MAYOR GRAY The following letter, from Mayor Tillitt of Andrews, to our own May- ' or Gray, speaks for itself. It was re- 1 reived by the latter Tuesday. Dear Mr. Gray: I saw with a great deal of pleas j lire the page write up of Murphy in i the Sunday Edition of the Citizens-j Times. I want 10 take this onoortunitv ofl11 congratulating you and the citizens of ^ Murphy in your endeavors to make 1 of Murphy a real industrial and tourist center for Western Nor*h Caro [ina. j Be assured that your sist* r town < of Andrews joins in best wishes fort your town and its growth. p I want further to assure you that 11 if there is anything that I ran do toij assist in anwyaw, that 1 shall be only j too glad to do so. Wiht best wishes and kind personal , regards to you and to all of the peo- |t pie of Murphy. I am. tj Yours very turlv, L 0. H. TILLITT. \ Mayor of Andrews. jx GENTRY is GIVEN 1 EGG SHAMPOO AS 1 'HE WALKS BEAT |i W ' v Policeman Bcmbarded With Deadly Aim in H?.llc',ve:en Prank Policeman Press Gentry got an i egg shampoo, and the cleaners got an unexpected job Tuesday night. The reason:?Hallowe'en. Th.. fnm,.... :? ----- ' - uciugil ?|| C?UI1-I tenance and calm of manner, as is his wont, was strolling up Tennessee avenue. on patrol duty. He had just r*' marked that iv looked like a quiet evening* when?SQUASH?-something hit him square in the nape of hi.-. \ \ neck. c It was an egg?and a rotten one - ( at that?hurled by a youngster who {t immediately showed a clean pair of|j heels. J c The squashed egg made one awful f mess in Mr. Gentry's hair, and oozed ; down over his coat, and inside his f collar. He had to go home and change j., clothes?hut, believe it or not?he j c never lost his temper. i j "After all, Hallowe'en only comes if once a year" he said, philosophically, j. Then he added: "and thank the Lord1, for that!" i The former sheriff wasn't the only! f sufferer from Hallowe'en pranks. Onj-j Wednesday morning, practically | ? ..very merchant in town found his v store windows daubed with chalk ov soap. Automobiles whose owners had i been foolish enough to leave them unpacked, were moved far, far away, lust about everything else that could , tie carried, pushed or hauled, was j moved too. . For more than an hour a bunch of . >oys hung around waiting for an op- . lortunity to pull a switch that would j , have thrown the entire town into j ( larkness; but the police were looking' i 'or that, and were standing guard. * < One really dangerous prank was / j jlayed. Shortlj' after ten o'clock. ;ome one with a misguided sense of r. lumor turned in a fire alarm. Thee can be no excuse for such1 j( :n action. Repetition might easily maKe uie lire aepariment. ignore an j jr ilnrm which was the real thing. o v Ministers Will Meet f> In Conference Monday ^ Ministers of Cherokee and Clay ] ounties will meet at 10 o'clock Monlay morning Nov. 6th in the First baptist church for one of a series of j. gatherings to discuss ways and means ^ >f broadening the scope of their work. C] Tho subject to be discussed at the norning session is. "The Church's c( esponsibility for week-day bible initruction". The Rev. H. L. Paisley, chairman ai >f the program committee urges a H ull attendance. irrokpp :RN NORTH CAROLINA.COVERING MURPHY, N. C. THURSDAY. NOV. : SHOPPING PARTY 1 MEETS TRAGEDY; I! NEGRO IS KILLED I \ Four Murphy Women Held Blame'ess In Tennessee Crash Murphy residents figured in three s lutomobiie crashes last week, one or vhich resulted in the death of a ped- s strian. ? Mrs. John Donley, wife of the Clerk r >f the court. Miss Arietta Ramsey, Vlrs. W. P. Odom, and Mrs. W. M. (l Lay were occupants of the death :a;\ with Mrs. Lay driving. Keturning home from Chattanooga, j :nd passing through Cleveland. Tenn. } vhere Mrs. Lay once lived, a negro, unning across the street, crashed tj nto their car, and had his throat cut. le died tat night. Mrs. Donley :aid Mrs. Lay was Iriving slowly when the negro dart- I d from the sidewalk, crossed in r ront of one car. and ran straight in I o the one driven by Mrs. Lay. There ii vere nea?*ly a dozen witnesses all of v vhom declared the victim had only limself to blame, and the ladies were lot held by the authorities. The second clash occurred on j Iighway 2s. near the Shields tourist ? amp, when Frank Mashhurn. TVA corker, tried to take a curve too fas4, eft the road and wrecked his car in 1 t ditch. Mashbtirn was badly hurt, bu ] vill recover. WOOD INCREASES HIS STOCK WITH FEEDER STEERS j i Commissioner Buys 50 ! < Head and Launches A Feed Demonstration Mr. Ed Wood, who in addition to! >eing a County Commissioner is one] f the leading" farmers and dairymen ; ?f this section has branched out in ! | he cattle line, and decided to keep >eef stock in addition to his dairy i attic, in order to utilize his coarser cods. Commissioner Wood owns one of i 1 he largt*a farms on Valley River 1 ind produces large quantities of ] train and rough feed. A large dairy j ? lerd of Jesreys is maintained on the j : arm throughout the year and these! : iave been augmented by the recent | 1 urease of 50 steers. Thirty seven of the steers are Her- . 1 ords, and were purchased in middle \ \ *enn. They will average from 800 to j ! 50 pounds. The remaining 13 steers j rere bought locally. Mr. Wood was recently listed as a ' Unit Demonstration farmer. and 1 started a feeding demonstration Oc'. ' 20th. the cattle will be fed from 110 2 to 120 days, on rations consisting of 2 legume hay, sileage corn and cotton seed meal. The steers are already on ] ii full feed of legume hay and sileage ? < ind were started off with two pounds i > fgrianconatotnd nu il od ar the grain and cotton seed meal po?- | lead,, per day. Within 30 da> s the j ] iteers are expected to be on full feed | j n all rations. j < Commissioner Woods steers will j tinge from medium to choice feed-1 rs and comprise the largest and best ' >t to be fed in the County this year. . < he cattle barn is built on the State j I mailable inside. The cattle will be 1 ;ept enclosed throughout the entire * jeding period. ' o iVestern Auto Store Preparing To Open s. y Workmen today are busy remodel- u ng the former cut-rate drug store >r a new cut rate store of a differnt kind. The new store will be a ranch of the Western Auto Supplies r( >mpany, and expects to be open for g, asiness about November 1J>. * The store will be owned and operted by James Gibbs, of Gainesville. ? will bring his wife and baby here sj i live. ^rnti A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RIC1 2, 1939 > youths admit .ooting of two :ars at topton Months of detective work have 1 tnded ix Topton youths in the Murphy ail. chained with t\v? t eight cats, or several hundred dol- j irs woith of cigarettes. Those arrested are Yank Camp 11. Gilbert Nelsn. Car! nnd G->rland ? laney. brothers, and Kenneth, and , id ward Haney. their cousins. All arc ! lid to have confessed. Since being arrested. Gilbert Melon. formerly out on bond, has been I ried, in Bryson City, for mans'aug er, and sentenced to one year on the i oads. He is. serving his time in the risen camp at Peaehtree. The prisonei s were arrested one at i time, all protesting innocence un'1 Nelson was nabbed. Facing a iiore serious charge. Nelson confes- j <1. and then all the others broke i town. The cars were robbed at Topton; no last May and the other in August, .oot was sold in Robbinsville. And- , ews, Murphy. Hayesville and Young: [arris. Mor? loot was found, followng the confessions, hidden in the ! roods near Topton. ? BODY OF FLIER. BEAD FOR WEEK. FOUND IN WOODS Plane Hits Mountain Near Andrews When Fog Blir.ds Pilot Killed six days ago, when his plane crashed into a mountain three miles north of Andrews, the body of Thomas T. Stauch, stunt flier front Columbus Ohio, was found in the ivreckage by Fred Johnson, Andrews squirrel hunter Thursday morning. It. is believed that the nlane also ? " ? 11 carried a woman piussiMiger. for a suit-case was found containing feminine negligee. Thus far her body Has not boon fonnd. An intensive eau-h was "-taried on tile mountain - ' side, which is den-.- with underbrusii. | I The crash which probably necurc I last Friday nieviiiny. is attributed t?? j [he fi ir. Doyens of persons saw the dnne pass over Andrews ah ml S \ [Tclock, headed for Knoxvillo. Torn.. ' and flying low. North of th- town J ire two mountain ridges, one several j Hundred feet higher than the other, j It is believed the flier, passing ever I the first range, was unable to see the second through the fog, and thought himself clear. The plane plunged into a tree ibout 200 feet from the top. and then nose-dived into the ground. | burying itself. The flier, was found strapped in his seat. The front of his | skull had been crushed. The body was identified by a pilot'- ; license, and letters. A registration I card showed the plane a Taylor Cub. I to be- owned by Gladys Elieiie Staucb. j a host address was given as the Stilli- j /ant. Avenue Airport. Columbus, O. j Letters indicating that this was the I 'lier's wife, and that the c-mple wer 1 considering divorce. Relief that n -***<-?*?*i?? I 5tauch is based on the fa<-t that sc v ra! Andrews residents who saw the ilane as it flew over town say they bought there were two occupants, rhis belief was strengthened by the indmg of feminine wearing apparel 11 the luggage. A small amount of money was , ound in one of the flier's pockets, re also carried photographs of himclf sitting in a plane, and a pretty oung woman perched on one of the dngs; but there was nothing to ide.i- j fy the young woman. The plane's log showed that Stauch 1 ad been engaged to do stunt flying 1 ?cently at Charlotte and Winston- 1 alem, and letters showed he planned [ ling to Knoxville and ^tlanta. The body is being held at the For- > ,'th Undertaking parlors, in Andrews < waiting word from Columbus. < ^ Dedicated To Service Fcr Progress ^ TERRITORY 5c COPY?$1.50 PER EAR 86 IN tflEROKEE NOW SUFFERING FROM MEASI.ES Health Officer Warns Teachers To Watch Pupils For Symptons The* throat of an cpidcm'c of mcales hovers close over Cherokee county, and also Clay, according to Dr. M. P. Whichard. District Health Officer, There are 86 known < ase s in Cherokee and 20 or more in Clay. Highly contagious, measles always first appears with catarrahal inflaniation of the nose and throat before the actual eruption breaks out. Dr. Whiehard warns that school teachers should keep close watch for catarrahal symptoms among pupils, and ir suspected cases should examine the throat, with particular attention to the soft palate. A fine eruption usually is evident on th? latter a day or two in advance of the skin eruption. Suspects should he sent home, immediately. Dr. Wh: hard says, adding: "Of course, the disease i< highly communicable from one individual f.. ..Moth- ev-m :n th:- -tug however, many would miss the disease if children in the early stage were d? burred from school. "The period of incubation i- u-u ,!ly ll t?? I t days after evnosui e. and vi j-ht at the point 1 wish to request the cooperation of hoth parents ami teachers in stopping the- read ..f measles in their community. The death rate in uncomplicated measles is not so high; however, about one in 500 eases do die and when these figures are complied it means that above 10.000 deaths occur throughout the United States annually from measles. The winter season is fa t apyroa.1 ing and with it will come such diseases os influenza, pneumonia, et . These diseases are the principal complicating of measles, and in many ills':.! es. when associated, cause serious complications and death. "This article is written primal i!; as an appeal to parents and teach' ers to assist the Health Department ! to control measles. Without your | help it simply cannot be done. "To the parents I wish to say that while a perfect school attendance record is much lo he proud of. it is rot. us imporant as the health and welfare of your child. Do not send In sick child to school. When definitI civ known that your child has heen ' exposed to measles after a period of 7 days from exposure keep the child homo until after the- 12th day from xhe date of exposure has elapsed. I "Homes having measles in them 'should not send their children to school who have not had measles until 1-1 days after being: exposed to the sicl: child." l,To the teachers T would like to say watch your children and send all sick children home as soon as discovered." Fownscn To Give Out Free Prizes Coupons The annual sale which E. L. Townson has heen holding: at his Murphy store since Oct. 13 will close the afternoon of Nov. 2D. he announced totoday. The sale is being: managed by I. C. (Cyclone) Whitmire, and has been drawing huge crowds. Ten premiums will be awarded to those holding lucky coupons, at the drawings to be made on the closing lay. Mr. Townson has announced that >n Friday and Saturday. Nov. 9 and 10, every lady entering the store will )e given five coupons, regardless of vhether she busy or not. Every purchase will entitle her to an extra