CLASSIFIED ADS. For Sale | FOR SALE- i . fains. On,' 70 j ano-\ < a rooitt house and barn | Akir . M . r.h; X. C.. Phone 7-1 (2U-lt . hg? FOR SALE Six r > m house am. lot j located on Cherry Street. Lot 5u } \ 250 v h gv i rich garden, a! real bargain at attractive terms. Arthur Akin. Phone 7-J. (20-lt-chgj FOR SALE?b ine farm. 50 acres "more or It--* with three room residence and barn. Rich soil. Near Kinsey. Low priced, conven-j ient terms. A splendid buy. Arthur; Akin. Phone 7-J. (20-lt-chg) 1 FOR SALE: Pair of fine tree dogs; three pears old. Well trained. Ap-' ply City Shop. (-20-lt-pd) ' FARM FOR SALE: 37 acres near Highway only four miles from Murphy. I5 acres in cultivation the rest in woodland pasture some val- 1 uable timber. Splendid five room1 house newly painted and out buildings. See Havden J. McClure, Murphy. N. C. (2P-lt-pd) Wanted SALESMEN WANTED: Vacancy in j Clay County. Raw-Ieigh Route now j open. Many dealers in North Caro- 1 lina making: weekly sales of $75 to $100 and more. Unusually fine opportunity for a man between 25 , and 50 with ear. Write Rawleigh's! Dept. XCL-150-201. Richmond. Va. j (20-lt-piD 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT?Bungalow. modern, three rooms, kitchen and bath, completely furnished, conveniently located. (". D. Mayfield, Murphy, X. C , Phono 24. (20-lU-chg) : Ann Pa^e Assorted PRESERVES f Softtwist <. aa H&P 8REJID ;.me Parker Fputi E !{ . Id . - M liov Coffee O'CS OGIC SUTTER J t . Sse Our A sj j Fruit Cake Fresh Lettuce 2 he New Green Cabbag New York Cauliflo 1?nn/)ir Tnmf*4-/\An U | rantj luiuaiucsu I Florida Oranges, I Large Stalk Califo I FRESH FISH I WE CARRY A^< i Mfek. THE CHEROKEE Quinn & Humphrey o ? : . : funeral Directors &. FmHalmrr Day Phone 74. Nieht 97 a-d 77 COPPERH ILL. TF.NN DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy. N. C. DR. J. E. SARRELL SPECIALIST Refraction and Mobility of the EYE COPPERHILL, TENN. The most modern optical office between Knoxville and Atlanta. Can examine the Eyes, grind and deliver the glasses same day if deaired. Over 30,000 pairs of glasses made and delivered from this office. Established since 1909. Ail work guaranteed?always on the job. 9C? WELL or see SarRELL What Next Home e< i nomists in the U. S. Department of Agriculture have developed a conimerically practical way to remove peanut skin- with low weight loss and no splitting, and still have a rut < f high quality. Ann Page SALAD DRESSING A ? ' Z ( c 2 " 29c 2 L?avw 15c l-Lb *SCL i Cuke Uv" 3 m 39c ? 15 c wl'irer* P' * Ingtedieats | ads for 15c e . 3clb. wer head .. . 171/2c ox 15c ,. .10andl2V2cdoz rnia Celery 10c and OYSTERS COMPLETE LINE FOODS SCOUT. MURPHY. N. C. THURSDAY t Answers to "IT'S TIME 1 Ceorge Washington was inau i :b-Treasurv Building of the l_ i "i irk City. ; me of the songs written by 1 b 3 Banana -:" "Sonny Boy;" t. n;" and "You're The Crearr e Bulova 17-Jew el "Elizabetl C zeen Elizabeth of England, t v. .ten. On New Year's Day ol 1 j Sv ated her with "an armlet of r\ oies and diamonds, having ci ack." T re sirens ot the "Queen Mar oi ten miles, yet they do noi ship because they are attuned which does not disturb the eai Covering All Carolina . Continued from Paee One Announcements are expected soon from some of the other five avowed ' but unannounced candidates: J. M. Broughton. Willis Smith and A. J. Maxwell, all of Raleigh; Mayor Tom Cooper of Wilmington, and Lee Grav ely of Rocky Mount. Building Opened Chapel Hill?The new $428,000 home of the University of North Carolina's school of medicine and division of public health was dedicated Monday, together with the new dormitory for medical students. Tragedy Gary?Robert G. Fuqua. 37, was killed instantly by an accidental discharge of a 16-gauge shotgun he was examining prepartorry to a hunting trip. He was an employe of the State Highway Shops near here. Tag* Sell Well Raleigh?The Motor Vehicle Bureau reports that the 1940 automobile license plates, which went on sale Friday. are setting a new record for Dei ember sales. The tags have maroon lettering and numeral on an alumit:. um background. Sales in 1939 totaled 032.000. setting a new record. New Police Chief Raleigh?Lt. Alfred H. Young, 11 Army reserve officer, has taken over ; the job of chief of police of Raleigh, being the third chief named here this year. As 300 guests looked on. Roy E. Short and Viola Slocum, both invalids, were married in Wheel-chais at Los A ngeles. O. After she hail charged 180 acts of cruelty by ner husband during: seven | years of married life, a Chicagro woI man was granted a divorce. o Joseph 13. Chambers, 83, rode his bicycle to court at San Jose, Calif., an dwon a divorce from his wife, Emma, 76, charging that she sold his two automobiles and aspent the mon | In the midst of a municipal safety campaign in Kansas City. Mo. 18 police cars and motorcycles were involved in accidents in a single month, complained Chief of Police L. R. Reed. COMPflR Two days ago a lad a bag of nuts bought fi We had the same pound less! Dollar for Dollar, J strive always to give ; Here for instance, are XMAS TIN! Mixed Nuts I n *i w t nrazil IN uts English Walnuts Paper-shell Pecans .. Plain Stick Candy 2 11 Sugar Stick 2 lb. box Bulk Candy from LOWER PRICESFARMER'S Murphy, N. C. f. DEC. 7. 1939 'OU KNEW" by Lawrcr.ce turared on the spot, where th nited Slates now stands, in * W fw Ero vn, are: "Yes, We Hr: "I'd Climb The Highest f'.ur- l In My Coffee." i" model watch jias named after he first person to own a wrist 1572, the Earl of Leicester pregold, all fairly garnished with in the closing thereof, a small y" can be heard at a distance : disturb the passengers on the so finely to a lower Bass "A", r drums. CULBERSON NEWS A volunteer correspondent recently sent a news letter to the S^out which was printed in the issue of Dec. 1. The correspondent made two statements which were absolutely untrue. One statement was to the effect that Mr. Arthur Nichols had married Miss Marie Teague. in Blue Ridge, Ga. This a cruel falsehood. Mr. Nichols hn.s been happily married for years. The second untrue item stated that "The Rev. Fate Hollowav" had preached at the Baptist church. Mr. Holloway, is a good- citizen and a man of deep religion, but he is NOT a min ister and has never preached. The Scout cannot understand why i the correspondent saw fit deliberately ! to write in false reports. This ncws paper offers its sincere apologies and regrets to all the injured parties. Meanwhile, an investigation is being conducted. Sending false reports i through the I". S. mails is a violation ! of the Federal Law. o Letters To Santa Suit, N. C.. De . 6. 1939 Dear Santy Clause?I am a little gil l 7 years old. I want you to r member me for Christmas and remem; ber my little brother. Daddy and mo , j ther has had bad luck and isn't able1 to buy me much. So pood by, hoping to see you for Christmas. Little Fay | Chapman. o Suit. N. C. Dec. 6, 1$29. Dear Santy Claus?I am a little boy nine years old and my daddy and I mother pot every thing that we had burned up and they can't buy me much for Christmas and I want you to remember my little sister and two brothers. Good by, hoping to see you Christmas.?Fattis Chapman. o Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy seven yeais old. I think I am a very good toy. I want lots of toys for Xmas. Will you please bring me a bicycle, an airplane, a small dump-bed truck, a gun, a foot- j ball, and a lot of the Christmas good-1 ies you have. Please remember my baby brother, he is a good bov too. Your friend.?Glen Swain, Murphy, Route 2. E PRICES! y come to our store with om a truck. kind for three cents a and value for value, we you MORE for LESS, some? IE SPECIALS no 11 ?.0C ID. 17c lb. 20c lb. 18c lb. >. box 19c 23c 10 to 20 cents per lb. HIGHER QUALITY FEDERATION Phone 62 HENN 1 THEATRE 1 Murphy, N. C. I Thursday & Friday i^ecember 7-8 Dancing Co-ed BH With Laria Turner, Artie Shaw, Richard Carlson O * Saturday, lJec. 9 The Three Mesquiteers ?In? New Frontier Late Show, Dec. 9, 10:30 Sabotage o Sunday, Dec. 10 Dorothy Lamour, Jack Benny In? Man About Town With Edward Arnold, Phil Harris, Betty Grable, "Rochester" Monday & Tuesday December 11-12 Edward G. Robinson In Blackmail DO IJ BLE FEATURE Walter Connolly In? Those High Grev Wails ?Also? Blondie Takes A Vacation Thursday & Friday December 14-15 Dorothy Lamour, Akim Tamiroff, John Howard ?In? Disputed Passa ge Saturday, Dec. 16 George O'Brien In? Marshall of Mesa City Late Show Dec. 16 10:30 Joe Penner, Betty Grable The Day The Bookies Wept Sunday, Dec. 17 Ann Southern, Franchot Tone In? Fast and Furious^ Monday & l uesday December 18-19 Wizard of Oz With Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr Wednesday, Dec. 20 DOUBLE FEATURE Victor McLaglen In? Full Confession ?Also? The Escape