Shady Grove New* 0n Thursday night Miss Jimmie ilt Orton entertained a group of her friends at her home with a party. Af?i.iny interesting games were, "jay, i part/ enjoyed biting candy. The- present were: Misses Maidi p^yne. Is la Ledford, Inez and Leona jlanl:-'1-. Kate. Ruby and Reathel An/ersei I a net Heines. Helen Gregory-. Louise Ensley. Pearl Ingram and Jim-| mie U- Orton. jj, - - \ erlon and Harvey Ander-| est. lf' Harrison. J. C. Simmonds, John M ore. Elmer "Duck" Hurst, j John . >1 Edwin Ensley, "Brownie" and Kenneth Calwdell. Dennis Helton, U inf< d Jenkins, and Dai-id Hawkins, j Sunday night is our regular preaching sen-ices. Everybody come and bring - me one with you. Thi measles are numerous in this community at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Standridge and ! baby of Wolf Creek spent last week-! fnd with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stan-1 I dridge Misses Kate Anderson and Jimmie i Lee Orton spent last week-end in I Copperhill, Tenn. Mr?- Mollie Stiles of Tomntla spent1 a few days last week as the guests of ' j|r. and Mrs. William Wayne. E. B. Barker spent last week-end in this community visiting relatives. Harold Anderson of Etowah, spent Thanksgiving holidays with his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Miss Inez Harding spent Thursday' night with Miss Jimmie Lee Orton. UPPER PEACHTREE NEWS Wc have been having some cold weather the past few days with some snow and rain. The Rev. Paul Lovingood preached an interesting sermon at this church Sunday morning. Next Sunday will be our regular service by the pastor Rev. James Truett. There are still a few measles in the community, Glen Johnson was confined with them the past week. Mr*. Marson Moore and small children spent Sunday afternoon at f. W. Thomasson's. Miss Eunice and Alfred Lunsford spent Saturday night at Mr. Marson Moore's. Misses Fannie Mac, Zelda, Jerry and Hill Thomasson and Mr. Gwynn XcGuire spent last Sunday in Blairsrillc. Ga. visiting their brother, Mr. Garlin Thomasson. The Rev. Baker, of Andrews c dickey CHEVRi MURPHY, N. C. th I iiimii r K A J""" /the Rrtto ?ul" B< ^ Here's the radio that provide for the future addition of tele vision! It has every importan feature of modern radio ? plu television plug-in and televisioi sound band! A stand-out valu you'll want to see and hear ? am to own in readiness for the da when radio gives wings to pictures I I DICKEY CHEVR I | MURPHY, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SC preached at this church on last Saturday evening, his message was enjoyed by all. Rev. Baker and Rev. Truett were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barker. Master D. E. Griffith and John Curtis visited Glen Johnson on Thursday r.ight of this week. Mastei^pTroy and Fred Breedlovc spent Saturday night of last week with D. E. Griffith PQSTELL NEWS Although the weather was bad Saturday night the box supper held at the Cwanson church was a great success. Many fine boxes were contributed and the receipts for the evening were $37.40. Miss Pauline Hamilton won the prize for the pretty girl's cake; Hubert Keenum won the prize for the ugly man. Prayer services are held at the _i ?- - ? * ciiurcn every Wednesday night and everybody is urged to come. Mrs. Rookie Swanson visited hei son and family Saturday night. Rev. Grady Chastain preached at the Swanson church Saturday night and Sunday ana delivered an interesting sermon. Mrs. Sophie Jones underwent an operation at the Petrie hospital Tuesday and is doing nicely, her many friends will be glad to know. Mrs. Oma Holbrook visited hei sister, Mrs. John Seabolt of Murphy over the week-end. There will be a box uspper at the Swanson church, Saturday night December 2nd. Everybody come and bring a full purse and a box. There are still several cases of measles in this community. Burl Brown visited M. C. Stiles Sunday morning. Shearn Jones says oppossum nunting is good this season. He caught four Saturday. o? ? HIAWASSEE NEWS We are having some very gloomy weather at present. Grady Hamby of the CCC camp at Smokemont visited home folks ovei the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Shearer visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs Dan Adorns one night last week at Occoce, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams were the guests of the formers namnh and Mrs. Arthur Adams Saturday. Mrs. Ada Allen, Mrs. Callie Hamb> were the quests of Mrs. John Hogan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Shearer were the quests of Mrs. Ever Adams Sun LET CO. ) PHONE 60 J 15 YOU CAN BUY THIS BIG 7-TUBE t 1 RADIO AND S i PHONOGRAPH ^ cost and OUT, MURPHY. N. C. THURSDAY. day. O. P. Taylor was the ^uest of Elden Allen Sunday. Floyd Adams made a busines strip to Murphy Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Beaver was the dinner g;U"st of Mrs. Callie Hamby Tuesday. Glynn Ellar of New York spent the J week-end with his family. We were ? rry to hear of the bad accident j ! of Troy Ellar. o Boiling Springs News Rev. Connie Lovingood will fill his regrular appointment Sunday Dec. 10. Mrs. R. L. Abemathy underwent an operation at the Petrie hospital- Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Abemathy of Springfield, Ohio, are spending: I several days with his parents, Mr. and j Mrs. R. L. Abemathy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Mints a baby boy, Nov. 25. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills spent Thanksgnvinir with her Barents. Mr I and Mrs. W. C .Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mintz Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Bass Graves visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Graves one day last week. Johnie Dockery was the Sunday dinner guest of Clinton Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mintz spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Abemathy and Mr. R. L. Abernathy and C. C. Mills visited Mr. and Mrs. Zed Mcl Clure Sunday. Brodis Graves spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bas Graves. Breath Betrays! Bad breath, biliousness, headaches! These are symptoms which often point to constipation. Don't neglect these si)pis. It may lead to more of constipation's discomforts: sour stomach, no appetite or ener i fry. Just take some spicy all vegetable BLACK-DRAUGHT by simple ??:-v? ? - ? *? ?wMviia ana it will cleanse your bowels gently, thoroughly. Tone is imparted to lazy bowel muscles by BLACKI DRAUGHT. Try it. I NEW "ROYAL NEW EXCLUSIVE 1 CllPfO" STYLING VACUUM-POWER SI rariCTO NEW SEA10 BEAJ MTDRAUL'C MAKES HEADLIGHTS sutp ?qe It -Tiu| It Ckorroloft art Skipptd to Dwlwi?NCI Dicker Mu DEC. 7, 1939 "He threw 'Gone With The Wind* at me," charged Mrs. Eleanor Saw- v yer of Birmingham, and won a di- n vorce from her husband on grounds of s I cruelty. tu ^^i^Thanes "! i A REGULAR PART OF YOUR] * OUTFIT. ; ; "Everything For Men" | S ^^^ARRINGER|S^J | "Yes, sir, it was a pood huntin dear and cold. And I can tell yoi glad I had changed from Summer wear- With IlANES middletcright SETS, I felt as snug as Ole Ramhl dreaming by the fire. Matter of 1 feel all padded up here indoors ei That's the big point about IlA Sets. They're middictreight? h your body heat indoors and out. ^ a and trim, too ... with the gentle, port of the IlANESKMT Crotch-" reinforced vent has no buttons to Pick one of the popular Wl.VTEH Have your IlANES Dealer show tl P. II. I lanes Knitting Co., WinstonHANES WINTER SETS g ? & /T^Ta Pick the romhinn/Ti > t'on that suite you j- best- Weer m eleere\~ p" less or ihorl-?Irf-yc j B \ j \J \ undershirt. Thru tlJ I I select a pair of I / \ I Crotrh-(>uiiril )/ \l // \\ Shorts (figure ( I [\ ' j \\ shore), knit i .1 1/ \| Shorts, or Crotch? 1 \l B * Cmrd WindV ^ N| Shields. Comlifd Ml IttlGiri ?"" ," 10 ^ !U Witt Stain ~?o1I^COMPLS^assortment| Hanes Underwear | ALWAYS ON HAND g Murphy Supply Co. I Murphy, N. C. | _ *^BTSiEIa^J^^ "THC LOMCCST Of THE LOT" Fro^lrowtof grille t0 r pound.* after the auDISTRIBUTORS for HANES Wofford-Terrell Co. I Murphy, N. C. I nHHnMHHHMBHBHHIBv u I was V \ \ / under- V \ I /y winter \H- fj X L 1 /I ract, I don't T\V /y\ ther." I [ nes winter / va ii elp equalize Vi ? u feel spruce I athletic sup- p X Guard. This I bother you. | / | i Set styles* biera to you. IE GARMENT tHANES HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION T| Ankle-lert gt /? leg*. tjong or short slrrrrs. Plenty of ea*y movement at ahouldera, crotch and under arm*. Nothing to | U pinch or pull. Hutton?, ^ | buttonholen. cuff* and meanx* all ?eued securely. Hanes Underwear COMPLETE LINE Davidson & Mclver I Murphy Phong I5S gjjg e Special De Luxe Sport Sedan, Iff02* MolWUnir Everybody knows, "Hill*" it takes fine feaures to make fine cars!... knd Chevrolet for '40 is the inly car in the h-w-priee ield that has all the fine ar features pictured at the eft! . . . Small wonder, nen, that it is also outelllng all other new cars or '40. . . . Eye It, try it, iuy It, and you'll be thorughly convinced that Chevrolet's FIRST Again!" 5-H.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX MD Uf, *of Flint, Midiiyos. Ti ooyot Wsm iwd on rail mtmi. doh and Uxxd Iomi (if any), iIiomI tqwpmnl and octMtotiti?silro. cvi tohfeci to chonge without notice. Bumper Kirifi MlfB on Moitor 85 Series )