SOCIETY Date of President's Polio Ball Is Advanced to January 26 The annual Cherokee County Presi dent's Ball, for the benefit of suffer er'? from infantile paralysis, will be staged at Hiwassee Dam on the even ing of January 26, instead of Jan. 27th, as at first planned. Mr. C. E. Blee, general chairman for the ball said the change in date was necessi tated in order to get the desired or chestra. The ball this year will be under different arrangements. Heretofore, most of the proceeds have gone to the National fund. Krom now on much of the money taken in will bo devoted entirely to local s,,fferers from the dread disease?and according to County health of icor, Whit-hard, they arc many. Emirc management 01 tne nail will | Womans Club To Hear Lecture On Denmark The Woman's Club will meet Wed nesday January 17th, at 2:30 P. M.. when the progr.*vn will be presented by Mrs. George Bidstrup, of the Folk School. Mrs. Bidstrup will talk on con ditions in Denmark; before and dur ing the first few weeks of the war. Mrs. Biddtrup was in Denmark when war broke out and she will also tell of her trip home. Hostesses for the afternoon will be; Mrs. W. A. Hoover: Mrs. W. M. Ay.Iey; Mrs. K. C. Wright; Mrs. Fred Christopher and Mrs. B. G. Brumby, Jr. After visiting in Kentucky as the guests 'A liar parents, Mrs. Kelsey Garland and son have returned to Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Whitney havi returned to thei>* home in Kinley. Mrs. Joe E. Ray is a patient in Hay wood County hospital suffering an a cute attack, followed by an appendi cectomy operation Sunday. She was taken ill while visiting in Waynesville. Her condition is reported as being, good. be in the hands of residents of Cher okee County and instead of several communities giving small dances, ail will cooperate in one. The coming dance will be sponsored by the Junior Woman's Club of Murphy, and the Konnaheeta Club of Andrews. Mem bers of these two organizations will dispose of tickets. The general County committee in cludes Mayor Tillitt, of Andrews, chairman; Mrs. Paul King, Hlwassee Dnm, secretary; Miss Sara Ruth Pos ey, Murphy, treasurer; Mayor Gray, of Murphy; Supt of Murphy schools If. Bueek; County Health Officer Whichard; superintendent of Andrews schools I. n. Hudson and Mr. K. Montgomery. Editor of the Junaluska Journal Andrews. Mips Mildred Akin returned last week to Luraberton where she is a teacher in the High school. Mr. \V. R. Jenkins attended a con ference of the Methodist Church in Charlotte Monday and Tuesday. Mr Dale Snodgrass, Mr. ALJQ. Ketner and Miss Alline Richardson havo been in Raleigh for several days. Master Tommie Ferguson and Miss Ella Prince, of Sylva, are spending the week with Tommie's grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Palmer, and daughter, Doris, returned home Tues day after a four days visit to Miami Florida. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Denny and chil dren have returned to their home at Guntersville Dam., Ala., after spend ing the holidays with Mrs. Denny'? mother, Mrs. Lelia Dichey. Mrs. Denny is the former Nettie Huston Dickey. Mrs. Iladley Dickey and Mrs. Leli? Dickey carried their sons John and Tom hack to their classes at. the Geor gia Military Academy in Atlanta, Ga. after the boys had spent the Chri.=t_ mas holidays at home. Mr. Joe Ray is hack in town after a two weeks vacation spent in Way nesville and points North. 1 Petrie Hospital News 1 PATIENTS ADMITTED Mr*. Carolyn H. Bryum, Murphy: Mm. Oliver 11. Walker, Murphy. R.l; Mr. Andy Roger?, Murphy; Mr. llcnry IjOVin, Murphy. K. 3; Mrs. Ray Crooks, Tomotla: Mr. Sidney Allen, Andrews; Mrs. Aubrey Revies, Mar ble; Mr*. Everette Miller, Wehutty; Mrs. Voit Wilson, Marble; Mrs. Char les Ropers, Murphy; Mrs. A. T. Bateman, Haycsville. NEW ARRIVALS Baby Girl Miller, Wehutty; Baby Girl Bateman, Hayehville. PATIENTS DISMISSED Mr. Jim Brown, Blairsville, fia.; Mr. J. R. Beaver, Farner, Tenn.; Mrs. G. L. Zimmerman, Hiwassee Dam,; Mrs. Howard Rogers, Robbinsville, N. C. Woman's Club To Stage An "Old Times" Exhibit An exhibition of heauty of other days will be staged nt. the Mumhy Puhlic library by tho Woman's Club next work. Tho exhibition will in ?.u ?? -*? ?? r-???n-t t *.? jewelry, and costumes* Every resident who has anything worthy of dsiplay is asked to phone Mrs. T. A. Case or Mrs. Hen Warner. Your exhibit will toe called for and returned to you-?and will be care fully tended while on display. Taylors Give Dance Cn Saturday night Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Taylor entertained a number of their friends at an informal danco held at the Murphy library. Music was furnished by a local broadcast, ing station. Fruit punch was served. About 50 persons were invited. Dr. and Mrs. Michael, of Now York State are making their home with Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Taylor. W. H. Whitter, has been visiting relatives in Knoxville. CALfNDAR of COMING fVfNTS The Young Woman'? circle of the Methodist Church will hold their reg ular meeting Monday night at 7 o' clock with Mrs. W. A. Hoover. Circle No. 2 of Methodist church will meet with Mrs. W. R. Jenkins Tuesday evening: at 7 o'clock. Circle No. 3 of Methodist church will meet Monday with Mrs. E. B. Norvell at 2:30 p. m. Circle No. 4 of the Methodist Church will meet Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Sam Akin. The Woman's Club will (rive n Sil ver Tea at the Library on Tuesday. ?Tan. 18 from 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and from 7 until 0 o'clock in the evening for the benefit of the library. The public is invited. The Junior Wrimnn'? ol??u ?? :!! meet at the Murphy Library no". Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The regular meeting of Murphy Chapter No. 10 Order of the Eastern Star will mett Friday evening. Janu ary 12. at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic hali. The Evfiiiii); Cirele of the Presby terian Auxiliary will meet on Mon day evening January 15 at 7 o'cmlock at the Manse. Mr. Sam Childers spent the week end in Knoxvillc. Elda Queen and Geneva Lovingood spent Saturday in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilliland nnd dnughter left last week for Gunters ville Dam, Ala. Mr. Gillilr .ah Lnviit_ rood on Tuesday afternoon. After the devotional yy Rev. Ammor.; tho program was conducted vy Mrs. T. S. Evans. The topic for the afternoon was "The Eternal Promise of God". Thosa taking part were: Mrs. Pewcesc, Mrs. Cornwell, Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Amnions, and Mrs. Evans. During the business session Mrs. Vestal and Mrs. Bueck drew names for the two circles. Several other matters of business were taken up. A social hour followed, during which Mrs. Lovingood served tea and waf ers. Those preset were: Mrs. Bessie Pewcese, Mrs. T.nura Green. Mrs. J. H. Baker, Mrs. \V. P. Hall. Mrs. Alvin Buchanan, Mis. L. E. Bnyless, Mrs. B. B. Cornwell, Mrs. W. C. Kinney, Mrs. A. E. Vestal, Mrs. T. S. Evans, Mrs. J. B. Mulkcy. Mrs. Allen T^ovingood, Mrs. Noah Ijoviti good, Mrs. II. Bueck and Rev. Adams. Chambers Wins Bride During Xmas Holidays When Prof. C. R. Chambers. in charire of manual training work at tho Murphy Hitrh Srhool announced that he was poinpr to his home in Kan sas for tho Christmas holidays, he didn't tell it all. Cupid was riding with him to the town of Towanda, where Miss Florence Rood, his long time sweetheart was waiting. And so, when Prof. Chambers came bark to Murphy, he brought a bride with him. He and Miss Reed were married in Towanda, Kansas, on De cember 28. The newlywods are mak ing their home with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Axloy. Miss Doris Bailey loft Thursday to return to school in Trappc. Md. Be fore returning to schoool she visited her father for a few days in Marshall. just feebthat texture! they're "Dur-o-ized" The Aristocrat of Exquisite Hosiery If you're having trouble with bothersome runs . . . try "Dur-o-ized" Se-Ling stockings. "Dur o-ized" simply means tJiat these stockings are troetod with an elestic film which seals each silk filament into a solid thread, adding strer>9ih which resists runs and pulls. We recommend them for more beauty. In all the glowing aevf Fall shade?. 89c and $1.00 3 Pairs for $2.50 and $2.75 Davidson & Mclver 4.061 ENGINEERS BOUGHT DODGE CADS IN THE UST 12 MONTHS/" Men Who Know A Great Car Say Dodge Gives Most For Your Money IF you ever had any doubt about what car gives you most for your money, this fact should help you decide: 4,061 engineers bought Dodge in the last 12 months!* Think of it! Men whotftnow a great car when they see it not only praise Dodge, but buy it for their own use in preference to other cars! And remember, Dodge engineering costs nothing extra! It is part and parcel of today's new Dodge, with its smart new lines, its gorgeous interiors, its host of new ideas. See your Dodge dealer today! ^October. 1938. ihroufh September. 1939. Latcet fitorM available. T?m in Major Boms, C. B. S. Nahmfc, Thursdays. 91? 10 P. M.. E.S.T. ?I YEARS of experience In building better motorcar*! That'a the combined record of Pred M. Zedei, Vice-Chairmon ?nd Head of En(jineeHng,Chrysler Corporation, tnd hia as?ocl> ate* who deaisned the new 1940 Dodgr. Left to right: Carl Breer. Fred M. Zeder and Ower. R. Skelton. DODGE ENGINEERING COSTS NOTHING EXTRA! EfS /WVfcB 1? 107 Valley River Ave., ? IWUvRfi? Murphy, N. C.