CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Services Murphv every 5th 7:0') A. M Cltrokvt'. ewry "'rd S'intiay S:0? A. M Franklin. i'V< ry 2>t?i ami 4th Sun day. > tii.? A. M. Waynt ^v:llr. w?ry Sunda>. 1!.0 A. M. Canton. ?v% ry I>t Sunday 8:0U A M Rev. A. F. Rohrbachtr BAPTIST R? v. J. C. Amraons. Pastor 4 > A. M.?Sunday School, Noah Lovingood Supt. 11 OO A. M.?Morning Worship 6:00 P. M Training Union 7:00 I'. M. Evening Worship 7 00 P. M. Wed, Prayer Service Choir rehearsal V-:lz~-z t: r!! r? wi,h ? SECOND BAPTIST Rev. Clarence A. Voyles. Pastor Preaching each Second and Fourth Sunday at 11 i. m. Sunday School each Sunday at 9:30 a. m. T. J. Gilber, S. S. Supt METHODIST The Rev. W. R. Jenkins, Pastor Services each Sunday af the church Sunday School?9:45 a. m Church services? 11 a. m. & 7.00 p. m. Epworth League?6:45 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday night* at 7:00 p. m PRESBYTERIAN Henry L. Paisley, D. D., Pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. J Franklin Smith, Superin tendent. Preaching every Sunday at 11a. m. and 6:00 p. m. except on the first Sunday mornings and the third Sun day evening. EPISCOPAL Rev. Frank Bloxharo, Pastor Hours of service: First and Third Sundays of each month at 11 a. m Mt. Carmel Baptist Rev. E. A. Beaver, Pastor Rev. Graham, Asst. Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School, Clyde Mellican, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Church Services. 6:30 P. M. Training Union 7:30 P. M. Church Services 7:00 P. M. Wed. Prayer Services. Welcome to all to worship with us. Friendship Baptist Pastor: the Rev Edgar Willix Superintendent Suikday School: Frank Sparks. ? Sunday School: 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. B. T U. Sunday evening at 7 p. m. Oak Grove Baptist Rev. C. A. Voyles, Pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunday School, J. G. Clonts, S. S. Supt. 11:00 A. M. Church services. 2:00 P. M. SingnnfT Welcome to all to worship with us. Ranger Baptist Rev. W. T. Truett, pastor J. S. Akin, Superintendent 9:38 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Church Services 6:30 P. M. B. T. U. Welcome for all to come. Swanson Baptist Church Rev. J. R. Hamilton, Pastor Saturday Night 7 P. M. On 3rd Sun day. Sunday 11 A. M. 3rd Sunday Sunday School 2 P. M. Welcome for all who come. Wolf Creek Churches ' BAPTIST Rev. W. A. Hedder., Pastor Second and Fourth Saturday 7 p. m Second anl Fourth Sundays 11a m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. George Guenther, Supt. P- U. Sunday 5:46. p. m. AH are welcome. SEVENTH DAY ADVENT1ST X-ester R. Stoltx, Pastor W. L. Carres, local Elder Ch?r!es Morgan Sabbath School Supt Church service each Saturday 10:30 8 111. Sabbath 8chool each Saturday 9 *. m. ybody invited to attend all sir ?. RAISING OF HOGS IS DETAILED BY STATE CIRCULAR 25 Page Booklet Sent Free To All Farmers Who Write Request Th.' ABC's of swine production? \ . vantages. B-reeding, rui C-are of hoes?are told ir. a new circular pre pared by the Stat? College Extension Service. A -opy of the booklet will be sent free upon rcsuest to the Agricultural (Editor. State College, Raleigh, for Extension Circular No. 238, "Raising ilogs in North Carolina." The circular points out that North Carolina usually is blessed with a comparatively mild winter climate, which permits grazing of swine dur ing* of the year, ar.d reduces cost of housing. Four of the 25 pages in the publi cation tells of the value of pure-bred boars. "There is no economy more false than the purchasing of an in ferior boar merely because he is a few dollars cheaper than a good one", the experts say. "Type is very im portant in the selection of brood sows, whether they be grade or purebred animals." The proper core of the swine herd is discussed jnder several headings, including feeding, sanitation, hous ing, and disease control. MARBLE NEWS Coming as a surprise to their many friends was the recent marriage of Miss Willa Bell Chambers of Marble, to Wesley Herbert Allison of Murphy which took place Saturday Jan. 6, 1940. Mrs. Allison is the youngest dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chambers, and a graduate of the Andrews high school in the class of '39. Mr. Alli son is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Allison of Murphy. The young couple are making their home in Murphy where Mr. Allison is employed. Mrs. Kermit Reese and Miss Doro thy Barnes of Murphy were visitors of Mrs. Frank Littlejohn Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barton were calle dto Waynesville last due to the sickness and death of one of Mrs. Barton's aunts. Miss Bessie Barton who has been visiting her brother, Dr. Gleen Bar ton of Greencville, Penn., has re turned home. Mrs. en Mintz who has been sick with flu is very much improved her wany friends will be glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones and family from Jasper, Ga., have moved into the house vacated by Mr. Marion Doss's family. Mr. Jones is employed by the Columbia Marble Co. Every one welcomes them to our town. The Columbia Marble Co. has been closed for the past two weeks due to weather conditions, causing much damage to the plant and a lot of men out of work. Mrs. F. L. McConnell who has been sick for some time is able to be out again and enjoying the big snow, her many friends will be glad to her. Miss Evanell Stiles of the Slow Creek community was visiting in Marble Saturday. Miss Frankie Moss has returned home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. H. B. Monteith, of Bushnell, N. C. A meat canning demonstration has been announced for the Home Demon esrteion Club and visitors to be held February 22 at two o'clock in the Marble school building. Miss Alline Richardson, Cherokee county home agent, will have charge of the pra gram. A general flexible outline program has been announced for the after noon. Advantages of home canned meats will be explained and the cold , and hot pack methods demonstrated, equipment, method of judging pro duct, modern methods of canning, and the using and serving of canned meats arc to be.considered. Special emphasis will be placed on the seven steps necessary to insure good results. Miss Richardson said. The seven steps are selecting of food to be canned, canning method to be used, testing and preparing supplies, preparing the food for canning, pack gin the jars, sealing processed jars, testing for seal perfectness and stor ing the canned goods. The coldest weather ever recorded in the community was experienced the past week in this community with best acd accurate thermometers read ing 17 degrees below zero at certain hours during Friday and Saturday. Several homes recorded temnerstn TO? I far below the twenty degree marker, j On the Snow Bird mountain a few miles from here unofficial records in dicated temperatures of thirty and thirty-live degrees below lero. Schools in the Marble community dotted down Tuesday about noon and were to remain closed until Monday. Difficulty of heatiajr the building and the hazard in operating buwrt caused operation to be dangerous to health of the studriUs. Highways havp boon iruvol< >1 with difficulty along Route 19 so t oral [to be hours behind times durinjf oth Imiles from this community causing Marble to bo without bus service sev eral hours Wednesday and causing it er days. Train schedules have been fairly well observed. Mail service was uncertain durinjr much of the week. James T. Osborne, principal of the Marble elementary school has been absent from the community several days this week when school was not in session visiting friends and rela tves at Canton and other cities East of here. Severe weather for the past two weeks has handicapped very greatly the efforts of WPA employees who vet Mwukc Ul this vicinity. Although crews have been employed much of the present month few days permitted the work | to continue under arvantageous condi- , tions. I A new system of checking: has been i introduced at the school here recent- : ly to faciliate the feeding of from fif-1 ty to 100 children hot lunches during the r.oor. kour. Tickets are distributed 1 each morning securing accuratc infor mation to bo given the crew employ ed preparing the meals. BATES CREEK NEWS Miss Nettie Dockery is the recent bride of Mr. Leonard Ashe. Nettie is the daughter of Mr. Bob Dockery, I Leonard is the son of Mr. V. J. Ashe. The young couple are making their | home with Mr. Ashe's father, A. J. Ashe. W. W. Killian has sent his daugh ter. Miss Flonnie Mae Killian to the State hospital at Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ashe spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Dockery. Vance Dockery and little daugh ter, Myrtle spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Will Dockery. Vance Dockery and Cecil Timpson were the Thursday guests of Will Dockery. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ashe were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dock ery Monday. Mrs. Vance Dockery has been on the sick list and now is better, we are glad to report. SAVE ON BATTERY SERVICE Any Battery Recharge ANY BATTERY RECHARGED 50C Rentals 10c Per Day FREE WATER AND TESTING 39 Plate WIZARD Special GUARANTEED 6 MONTHS An economical battery for lifht vse. 66 amp. hrt. capacity. Deliver* 80 amps, for 20 minutes. $2.99 With Old Battery WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE MURPHY, N. C. Headachy, Logy? Headaches, biliousness, bad breath often warn of faulty elimination. Neglect of these signs may cans* a host of constipation's other discomforts: soar stomach, belch ing, no appetite or energy. Don't delay. Take spicy all vegetable BLACK-DRAUGHT. This intesti nal tonic-Iaxativa imparts tone to lnzy bowel mnsclest by dt r r'lons, clearses gently, thor ousr'-ly. Millions of packages used. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Having qualifU'tl as administrator of the estate of Mm E?lna Hastings, deceased, late of Cherokee County. N. C.. this L< to notify all persons having claims against the est*te of said de ceased to exhibit them to he under signed a the Mauney l>mg Company, in Murphy, N. C., on or before the 5th day of January. 1941. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate will pleas?' make imme diate payment. This the 10th day of January, 1940. W. M. MAUNEY. Administrator of Mrs. Edna (27-5t-ceh) Hastings, deceased. CHEROKEE COUNTY COURT, SPRING TERM. 1940 LELA GILLAND vs. WILLIAM E. GILLAND NOTICE Let the defendant, William E. Gil land, take notice that action entit led as above, has been begun against him by the plaintiff, Lela Gilland, for divorce from the bonds of matrimony upon the ground of two years aban donment, and that summons has is sued in said action, and complaint is filed in the Clerk's office; and let said defendant further take notice th.->t he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Cherokee County, in the , Courthouse in Murphy within thirty days from the date of service of sum mons, and answer said complaint, or the relief prayed therein will be granted. This January 16, 1940. J. W. DONLEY, (26-4t-mwb) Clerk Superior Court, i ? NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Rose Patton, deceased, late of Cherokee County, N. C., this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said j deceased to exhibit them tn the under signed at the Mauney Drug Company, 1 in Murphy, N. C., on or before the 5th 'lay of January, 1941 ,or this nitice i will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 10th day of January, 1940 W. M MAUNEY, Administrator of Mrs. Rose (25-6t-ceh) Patton, deceased. NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY j Under and by virtue of a certain Deed of Trust made and entered into by L. C. Hill, administrator of the | estate of C. B. Hill, deceased, to D. H. Tillitt, trustee, dated March 28th, 1938, which Deed of Trust is record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, N. C. in book No. 115 of De?b of Trust pa*? 570, default having been made in th? payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided and de mand for sale having been made up on me by the holder of the indebted ness thereby secured, I. D. H. Tillitt, trustee as aforesaid, will on the 12th day of February 1940, at 10 o'clock. A. M. (C. S. T.l at the courthouse d.?oi in Murphy. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following lots of land: FIRST: J. A. Nichols and wife, and L. Hawkins and wife, to C. B. Hill Book 40. Page 218. Beginning: on a stake in the East margin of Hickory Street, said stak" stands North 40 West 75 feet from a stake at the intersection of Hickory Sreet with Valley River Avenue, and runs wih Hickory Street North 40 West with variations 9514 feet to a stake in the East margin of said Hick ory Street; then North 50 East with variations 84 feet to a stake-; then South 40 East w'.th variations 95 U feet to a stake, corner of Wofford Oil Company's lot; then with the line of said lot Sonth 50 West with varia tions 84 feet to the beginning. Second: Lot in Factorytown, J. D. Mallonee, Tr. S. A. Voyles, to C. B. HU1?Book 106, Page 497. Beginning on a White Oak (now a stake). Southwest corner of A. A. Fain lot in East margin of Texana Road, runs with said Road North 20 30 West 150 feet to a stake on said road; then North 60 East 397 feet to a stake; then South 25 East 143 feet to a stake, A. A. FY?n corner; then South CO West 406.5 feet to the be ginning. Third: Lot No. 21, Section 6, Doke Land A Improvement Company, in Factorytown. Beginning on a stake on 15-foot alley at intersection of road leading to City Reservoir, and runs with said road lf.7G feet approximately to a stake on a 30-foot street; then with said 30-foot street 780 feet to a stake on a 10-foot alley; then with said alley approximately 500 feet to the Begin ning. Fourth: Lots Nos. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37, Section 3, Duke Land A De velopment Company?Book 57, Page 222, and Book 62, Page 333. Situate in that part of Murphy known as East Murphy. Dated and posted, this the 10th, day of January, 1940. D. H. TILLITT, <26-4t-chg) Trustee. ON TIME, ALWAYS NO NEED TO WORRY | When You Use BOYD'S CABS FINE CARS?24 HOUR SERVICE ?TESTED DRIVERS? FOR A HAPPIER HOME SCRATCH FACE BRICK PLUMBING fixture, tnd fitting? FIRE BRICK SHEETROCK WALLBOARD COMMON BRICK ROCKLATH AND METAL LATH FIRE CLAY PLASTER, fibred, ?low ?et and PORTLAND CEMENT gauging HYDRATED LIME KEEN'S CEMENT FLOOR TILE FINISHING LIME FLUE PIPE DOORS AND WINDOWS FLUE BASES BUILDER'S HARDWARE FLUE TOPS CRUSADER & Spotless town paint SEWER PIPE ALL SIZES TERPENTINE and Linseed Oil SEWER PIPE FITTINGS GALVANIZED METAL Roofing FARM DRAIN TILE ASPHALT SHINGLES CAST IRON SOIL PIPE ASPHALT ROLL ROOFING CAST IRON SOILPIPE fitting. ASPHALT PELT GALVANIZED WATER PIPE DEADENING FELT Also a complete line of staple hardware. See us when you are in need of any of the above for our prices are in line with to-day's market. DICKEY SUPPLY & COAL CO. FRANK DICKEY. Mgr. PHONE, M MURPHY. N. C.