SOCIETY Barbara Meroney, Society Editor, Phone 1 02-J Miss Aline Richardson Named Junior Womans Club President The Junior Womans club hold its uvular monthly meeting in the club loom Wednesday evening, February 21. Miss Dair MsCracken, president, was in the chair and named a com mittee to work with the Womans Club in planning a Golden Jubilee, cele brating the anniversary of Womans Clubs. The following officers were linicu Tor the v ear. Miss Alline Richardson, president; | Miss Mary Noll Williamson, vice-pres ident; Mrs. Buel Adams, socrotary; {and Mrs. William Darnell, treasurer. M iss Laura Overton presented an j interesting program dealing with the Argentine. Including was a discus* ! f-ion of the statue ef Christ which stands as an emblem of peace between two countries. M rs. Julia .M j p in served sand wiches and coffee to about fifteen members. Mrs. Bueck Hostess To W.M.U. Circle No. I Circle No. 1 of the Baptist church TV. M. II. met with Mrs. H. Bueck on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. The meeting was opened with a devotional period, led by Mrs. Henry Hyatt. Fol lowing the business session, Mrs. J. W. Davidson reviewed an article, "Million* of Backsliders," by Freder ick K. Stann, radio minister for the Federated Council of Churches in America. The article attempted to answer the question, "Why don't people go to church any more?" After the serving of refreshments by the hostess, the meeting was ad journed. Those present were Mrs. 11. Bueck. Mrs. J. W. Davidson, Mrs. George B. Jones, Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Mrs. J. P. Moore. Mrs. Tom Terrill. Mrs. W. S. Dickey, Mrs. C. Gennette. Mrs. Peyton Ivie, Mrs. Robert Reeil, Miss Dair McCracken. Mrs. Leonard Allen, and Mrs. Frank Colvard. lndan Arts Exhibit Still Open To Public The exhibit of Indian Relics, Arts, and Craft? is still on public display in the library. This is the regular monthly exhibit sponsored by the Woman's Club and will be open for a week or more longer. The articles were collected and ar rr.npred by Mrs. W. M. Axley, Mrs. A. E. Vestal and Mrs. T. A. Case from the Woman's Club and Miss Adella Meroney from the Junior Woman's Club. Mr. Jack Barton Akin who visited in Greensboro last week returned home Friday. Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. T. A. Case Tho Bridge Club met Tuesday, night at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. i T. A. Case. The high score for men was won by Dr. B. W. Whitfield; the high score for women, by Miss Gladys1 Chad wick and Mrs. William Giles Cover, Jr. from Andrews. A salad course was served to the following-; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Mr. Paul Owenby, Miss Ida Belle Entrekin, Mr. Harry Bishop, Mrs. Burgess Bai-! ley. Dr. B. W. Whitfield, Miss Gladys Chadwick and Mrs. William Gilei I Cocer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawfoid and son, Steve, visited w?th Mrs. Bessio \ Dewecsc a few days last week. ! Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Henn returned from a two weeks visit in Florida Saturday night. H A NGINGDOG NEWS Rev. Elliott filled his regular ap pointment Sunday at the Hangingdog church. Richard Cornwell was the Sunday dinner guest of Roll in McDonald. Miss Juanita Hensley spent one night last week with Irene Hensley. We are sorry to know that Mrs. Malinda McDonald is on the sick list. We hope her a speedy recovery. Poley Seabolt and grandson, Junior Odell spent last Saturday night with | Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Seabolt. J Miss Irene Hensley is spending the ; week end with her grandmother. I Esta Lena Brochman was the Sun j day guest of Macie McDonald. Te!-A-Cook Lights in Color Select-A-Keat Calrod Cooking Units > Nu-Flex Tripl-Oven (3 ovens in 1) Chromium-plated Copper Eiectrikettle (Ruy Term' ArailobU) FAST! CLEAN! ECONOMICAL! This new G-E Range simplifies the fine arc of good cooking and makes it easier to stay young. Join the swing to electric cookcry and enjoy better tasting f'oods.and a cleaner, cooler kitchen. Electricity for cooking is cheap. National Range Exposition WOFFORD TERRELL GEORGE MAUNEY, Mgr. Many Awards Await Womens Club Writers By Mrs. T. A- Caw Many awards at?- offered by th? (liff'Tcnt departments of the North Carolina Federation of Woman*? CV , v ' ieh will convene in Grecns 1 ? >* y 1. '?!. and :. Th ? following mv 'lered l?v the literature depart - ment: In Oraina: For the best one-act l-lav. the Lanier cup. AH manuscript in this class to be sent to Miton. Belmont. N. C\, sub chairman. In poetry: 1. For the best sonnet, the Federation Poetry cup; 2. For the l?est narrative poem, the Albert I,. Berry cup. Manuscripts to Mrs. Hen ry 1?. Ilotoman, Kich Square, sub chairman. (It must be stated for Wttich cup the poem is offered; oth erwise it will not he considered.) Short story: For th^ best hort th?? .losenh P. Caldwell cup. iShort stories are limited to O.OOU vords.) Feature article: For the best fea ture article published in a newspa per or magazine between May 1. 11139 and March li>, li>40, the Federation cup. Quantity production las well as quality) . To the club doing most cre ative work, a special award. Rules: No manuscripts will he ac cepted after March 15. It would be most commendable if several members of the local senior and junior woman's clubs entered these competitions. Probably we wouldn't win the first year, but *.vo would acquire experience in writing down our thoughts. The Presbyterian Auxiliary of the i Presbyterian church will meet at the Ihomo of Mrs. M. \V. Bell on Tuesday I afternoon, Mar:*h 5th at 2:30. I The Cherokee county Young Peo ! pies meeting will be in Andrews Mon ! day evening* March 1 at the Metho Jdist church. Mr. .lames G. K. McClure, of Ashe ville, president of the Farmers Feder ation will speak at the Hampton Me emorial Church on Sunday morning, March 3rd. at 11 o'clock. World Day of Prayer will be obser ved at the Methodist church on Fri day afternoon, March 1, at 2:30. The public is invited to attend. The Womans Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. A. Hoover on Tuesday afternoon, March 5th at 2:30. Joint hostesses will be, Mrs. Sam Witt, Mrs. James P. Curtis and Miss Adella Meroney. Mrs. Willard Axley will be leader. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gentry from Copperhill visited here last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Robo and Mr. S. N. I>obo, Jr., wont to Fairn.ount, Georgia Sunday. Mr. Barnell Akin from Bluirsville was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. Julian Pitzer, 44Dutch*' Kindley end George T. Willia nson went to a basketball game at Cullowhee Fri day. Miss Ruby Owenby from Marietta. Ga. spent last week-end with Bette and Ella MeCombs. Mr. Frank Hensley from Wattsbar spent last week-end here. Mr. John Dickey and Buddy Dick ey who attend school in Atlanta at Georgia Military Academy spent last week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fpence spent two days in Columbia, .South Carolina Inst week. Miss Marguerite Ward who is training at Erlanger's hospital in Chattanooga spent last week-end with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Holt. Mr. John Zyne from Hiwasscc Dam visited here Sunday. Mr. Her.ry Akin from F.llijay, Georgia visited his family here last week-end. Miss Blanche Keener visited her parents here last week-end. Miss Keener is in training at Erlanger's hospital in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Candler left Monday morning for Asheville where they were called because of the ser ious illness of Mr. Candler's brother, W. H. Candler. Mr. Jimmy Ward and Mr. Earl Vanhorne left Monday morning for Lenoir City where they have been transferred. Miss Katie Crisp from Franklin was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith went to Section, Alabama last Saturday. Mr. Smith was transferred there with the TVA. Mr. Henry Axley was a business visitor in Asheville last Saturday. Mrs. Alvin Buchanan Honored By Circle No. 2 Circle N?>. 2 of the first It.iptL*: (.hunt? nut at tht' home of Mrs. I,. K. Eayl ?ss Tin ? " afternoon at 2:50. M V !?: V-??tat, ch rm.?n. I tin- tirviitiuiial ami .'poke on tin* meal)* ii : of tin- XV. M. S.. watchword tor I the year 11M0. This lu'in^ the fir-1 meeting of the new year officer m were elected as follows: Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. assistant chairman; Mrs. Thelma Dickey, sec retary and reporter; Mis. B. B. Corn well. treasurer ami Mrs. Bessie Dew eese. personal scnricc chairman. Plans were made for tin- March week of prayer and it was decide?! to present the program during the legit la r prav? r meeting service at the ! IChurch Wednesday niuht. March f? A special offering will In* taken t?>i j honu* mission*. I tters *1 f appreciation were road r.. ?* ^ ? ? ?.???? O ? ? II KI ll?l ?1 It'll.?, | Geoii!.!, Mr. -T. "i. Stoner, and Mr<. j ?1. W. Moor i tor ChiMmas remerh- 1 . and fl ?wers sv*nt during the j C hristi - a> i'i. During the ? ?end hour Mrs. !?ay less assisted iiy Mrs. Kinney served ;alad sandwiches and coffee to the following: Mrs. T. S. K vans. Mrs. \V. C. Kin ney. Mi -. A. E. V? stal, Mrs. Noah Lovingood. Mrs. Thelma Dickey, Mrs. W. H. Murray. Mrs. W. A. Sherrill. Mi . B. B. Coiawell, and Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. "Bibus' I ranklin Home Scene of "Get Together" Miss "Bibus** Franklin entertained la few of her friends with a little "get* I together'* last Friday night at the I home of her parens, Mr and Mrs. Jim Franklin. The crowd danced to radio music and played cards. The hostess serv ed coffee, cookies, and candy to the following: Misses Justine Johnson, Betty Kuykcttdall, Jassamine Vestal, Ruth Pryor and Barbara Mclver. Messrs; "Pee Wee** Ramsey, 'Bartie* Akin. Jack Tinny, "S"*arfoot" Tate, and Tom Dickey. o Mr. Eddie Mallonee and Miss Gladys Glasgow were visitors in An drews Sunday afternoon. Misses Jonnie Abernathy and Jen nie Greer of Andrews were visitors in Murphy this week. Mr. M. G. Crawford visited here several days last week. J Mrs. Barton Stages ; Shower l or Vlrs. Davis ' There wa a shower f'?i Mrs. Aus tin Davis on last Wednesday evening. February 21. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H ^ Ba Ice dram and cookies were served to the fol|M\vi?:*j: M ?v. At den Davis, Mrs. Joe Hamilton, Mr?. B??\<| Car ringer. Mrs. John Donley, Mt 5 wore visitors in A"dr?*w S'in uuy Ml UTIIOOtl. Mis. II.