VIOLET NEWS Th?- D?- 'ration here v. he the first Sunday in June, Mr. :tnd Mr>. Frank Mori^w have ?noved to CiiUwitsvilK , Ky., wher%* Mr. Morrow > employed. Mr. and Mr*. Lester Ledford and ,pent Saturday njjrht x*ith Mr. i: .n ? . Mrs. Fred Graves. Mrs. B<*b Crowe and lauirhte- . Pauline. and Mr*. Julash Reed of 3'.wassve Dem were vis it in jr Mr. and Mr*. A. G. Morrow Saturday niirht. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tay. r >pen* wi-i'k end with theii .uujrhtet. y. . -. Jessie Robinson, of Opperhill. Mrs. Map'.loivnc A1 ? n t d child spent Sunday wi:h Mrs. John Beaver. Mi-s Corona Murphy >p?n? Sat ..y night with Mist LoUii Tayfoi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham ami r imiiy were the Sunday iruests ?? f J! and Mrs. Fred Graves. j M <.-?s Lucy and Ale* ? Hamby' : the week end with tnt.r sister. M:?. Fred Mashburn. of Post ell. (?r;idy Allen of Patrick visited hi ^PSSSI f. : ? * .? ? I W?VJ mtr wttK end. 3 Hoyt Graves spent Sunday with Win f :'*?(! Taylor. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Beaver, .? baby frirl. May 17. It weighs 7 pounds. Shady Grove News Decoration will be held on May SO. at Shady Grove: all cay services un> Maria Arp and M-n, James, returned home Sunday after , pending a week with her relatives at Copper hill. Kdfrar Rice and family were truest* of Mr and Mrs. T. M Rice. Sunday. Robert and Ben Martin and How tird Arp were guests of Clcmson and Justus Macon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Standridge and children. Bobby and Mary Helen, were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. r.'hn L. Arp. Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Paris, of Jackson Coun y. is biting her daughter, Mrs. Lil :e Bryant. POTATOES Beaufort County farmers are malt ? an active study of means of har -ting potatoes with the smallest . ii'iunt of damage in the handling - l ess, says Assistant Farm Agent .V Eagles. Petrie Hospital News ADMITTED Mr. Sheridan Aulmon, Ur.aka; Mr. M. L. Hail. Murphy; Mr. Walter Brown. Andrew*; Mr*. A. W. John* son, Marble. OISMISSCD Mr. J. J. Mull, Robbinsville: Mrs. Wiley Wilson, Murphy; Mrs. Lydia Hollo way, Robbinsville; M:*s Sue* Al mond. Andrews: Mr. Robert At well, Robbinsville; Mr. Biairn Cassada, Hayesville; Mr. N. J. Jones Blair> vi!le; Mrs. Kdd English and baby, Murphy; Mr. T (*. Morris, Murphy; Miss Hazel Chambers. Marble; Mrs. Nenui Ledford, Culberson, William L. Austin, director of the Bureau of the Census. took his first jot* with the bureau in 1900 and his 10 years since then haw been devoted to census work. He is a native of Scott county. Mississippi, and is C?!? years old. He will have charge of about 16.000 workers while the pres ent enumeration being: r*ade. w KY docs a chicken cross J th' road'.' Ask any feller that's had | a garden he can tell you. 1 know my j garden wuz a success last year ( eause my neighbors chickens tuck ' first prize at th' poultry show. My J neighbor sez he's goin* start a ; truck (arm this year. He can't kid ' me I ?ln't that green, yc udor.'t raize truck*, they come from a facktery. Had ? letter from Ma yisterday an* she sez Pa aint started th' spring plow in' yit cause th' bad weather's putt him three weeks bthind with his spring fishin*. Taik*r.' about gar dens. many a little boy has been > spanked while try in* i help Pa plant I a garden, an* a few years later that ! same boy could usi a dern good 1 thrashin' while sew n' his wild oats. I L-ots o' fathers have sajd, "It takes j a lot o* son light ever day t' raize a | garden." But they forgot t' tell th' ! son thcv used a lot o* Jectric light after dark Y cultivate ther croj o' wild oats I'm goin* to the wagon boys ? these shoes are kiUin* me. ? Whitey Ford, Duke o* Ptducah. CRISP'S STUDIO BABY CONTEST v. Starting Today ? Ending July 4 We will photograph jour baby and submit proofs, free. The picture you select will be put on display in our Studio. On July 4, three impartial judges (from out of town) will select the winners. FOUR PRIZES First Prire ,-For the prettiest baby ? $5 cash and an 8 by 10 enlargement. Second Prizet-For the hesdtbiest and best physically developed kaby; one 11 by 14 enlargement, beautifully framed and -valued at $7.83. To the person placing the largest orders for babies' pictures be tween now and July 4 an 8 by 10 hand-patnted portrait* To the person giving our studio the most kodok finishing work ? a Urge Photograph Album. Bring your baby to the Studio today. No money is necessary. Just bring the baby. The Studio is open from 7 A. M. until 6 P. M. Wo will take speaking likenesses" of your baby. REMEMBER TOO Wo do everything that can be done with k camera ? Portraits of ftny kind ? Kodak Finishing ? Copying ? Enlarging ? Framing. Kodak Film And Local Views On Sale R. A. CRISP? MURPHY, N. C. "THE MAN" IS DUE SOON TO CHECK YOUR AA A WORK ! Annual Visits to Every Farm in State Have Now Been Started "Th( man" wi.! ,omv around al most any da y now to check your farm for com? :anc?- with the 11*40 AAA program. ar:r.ounce> K. Y. FI <>>? to every farm in the State have started. ' Floyd a*-ked that farmers immed-, i iately notify *heir county AAA office when they havt planted tobacco or j cotton, v r botr.. Every farmer who signed a Farm Plan indicating his Intention t .? i.artieinatc* 1^1'? projrram wil have his fields complete ly checked. Other farms also will be checked if they have a tobacco ??r cotton allotment, or both. "If the compliance supervisor finds that tobacco and cotton have been planted within acreage allotments." Floyd -aid, "then the grower will be driven . card allowing him to soil without rmalty th? entire product ion of the : av c: ?;>.< for which mark eting quotas were atinroved in refei enda last If either one ? : both of the crop. is overp .anted, then the grower will be giver a reasonable time to plow ! under enough to compl\ with th?- | allotment, or fact a penalty on ex- i cess marketings and loss of Agricul tural Conservation payments. Aerial phot graphs will speed the t compliance check :n the 80 counties | where they . re available. I Traffic violators 'm Tampa. F a. have been made t- serve their jail sentences n Sundays, : e that t-hey can * hold their regular jobs. John Kaeimar* k n aft?r taking a 1* r son or two on stopping Hvnry Walsh, fil!, bccan;* rrpat icnt \ traffic whu n ?:*iay*d hi* crw-sinp a busy New York jtrett. Drawing a pistol, h? quuklv cleat cd the way aril crossed *r triumph ? ' '> ? r? c r .at* ? ?t.? ? *i.? ???*?? ' u poht t tAaii. 4 Arre*t?*l f? r k ? km? hw w?l? on ?h? v?r, , ? ,s , Ht rtirt lluyrs explained "Y? *??. jutijj* it -was my wif? . ai ?! st* didn't Hut the judir*' did nm. and v?nt Ihibvrt i j?il fur 10 days.H Candidates r ? v? r h;ivr tt invent new trick ?? ? f < th? v?'te?, b ? cau>*? the old t work i?* *vll a* ever. OPEN 24 HOI RS A DAY Change T o Summer Gear Oil and Grease SINCLAIRIZE NOW Special for boat owners: - Sinclair Pennsyl vania Marine Motor Oils Just "any old oil" wen's for a motor boa* Every t>pe cf engine needs a particular kind. No need for guess work. either. At our Stations . t. a scientifically prepared chart showing emactly the type of oil your motor requires We'll gladly advise you ? without charge, of course This service exclusively at PALMERS SINCLAIR STATION Ben Palmer. Mgr. Murphy. N C. Phcrr 202 VOTE FOR WILKINS P. HORTON FOR GOVERNOR THE FRIEND OF THE PLAIN PEOPLE. HE STANDS FOR No increase in taxes of any kind. Retirement Fund for Teachers and all other State employees. Equal privileges for every section. HE HAS A LONG PROVEN RECORD OF FINE, FAITHFUL PUBLIC SERVICE HE WILL NOT BREAK FAITH WITH YOU. VOTE FOR W1LKINS P. H0RTOH Horton Campaign Committee