? Our Aim:? A Better Murphy A Finer County (Eheroki* Beaut THt LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. COVERING A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH TERRITORY ????????????????????? ? ? ? Ledicatcd Tf 3 Service rr Progress MIL 52.? NO. ? Ml KPHY. N. f. TIIVRSDAY. AUGUST. 19, 1940 (1?FV? St :?0 fEK Y? \K PLANS TO ERECT MUNICIPAL CENTER; being considered; E. C. Moore Offers To Donate Lot For Community Building j Active plans are under way wh'ch max result in Murphy getting a two vl.-? ^immunity building. Mr. E. C. Mo-re has or? er ?r< riMnB ? a- much !an?' as it needs" on Peach- i tirr street, at' ve the Petrie hosnital Mr Dave Townson immediately offend to donate $100 worth of heavy timbers for use in construct ion and it Is hoped that other whole sale lumber finr>* dnine buslr"^ in and around the town will make sim ilar donations. There are a dozen or more build ings at Hiwassee Dam. put up by the TV A and now vacant and of no fur ther u^e to the Government It had been planned to sell these buildings, "a? is" to the highest bidders, but it is believed that the TVA will don ate one or two of the structures to the town as part of its regular pro gram of aid in developing recreation ? t< facilities in places near which it operates. With this donation as a base, it is believed that a WPA grant can be secured sufficient to erect the com munity building, without expense to tlx town. The WPA donates 15 per cent of the necessary funds, with iO material and labor furnished by mt town being considered as cash. It is pointed out that donations of timber by lumber merchants, and the donation of two of the old TVA buildings would be the equivalent, under the WPA system, of about $1,000 Therefore, the WPA would contribute $3,000 cash. Tt is believed that this amount would be ample to erect the building. Although it would be the eouiv alent ol two stories hiph the pro posed eommunitv building would really bo one story above street level, with a deep basement. Little or no excavation would be needed for this bss^niert. beca><se of the lav of the land About, all that would be neces sary would be h levelling off ? and 'here would not nave to be much of tha' Should donations by lutriDermen ?nd the TVA fail to meet the total d ? ? -irv to get a WPA grant. <t, is Ef iS^lh u> thot npTj^jnol >Hh? b<- mpde. IT every /amt.'Y in tour, ive only si each, the fund v' large enough to insme a rf " laborate structure. If <; "tied, the basement ficor Continued on F.-<? ?) Stores Will Close To Observe Labor Day All merchants -ad business men will close their stores for the entire day Monday. September 2. in ob servance of labor day. A petition passed among these merchants was signed one hundred ! rercent. with the purpose in mind I of giving employees a holiday, and | at the same time enable others to take a holiday the same day by preparing for their closing ahead of time. Filling Stations and restaurants will be open all during the da* of necessity, and both drug stores will he open for a short period during the day. Outside of these, however, all stores will be closed and local citizens are warned to make their purchases large enough to carry them over to Tuesday. Fish Rearing Pool Tag Sales Reported At Lions Meetin? A report of plans for a fish rear ing pool in Cherokee county, an in ter-Club meeting, and sale of "Mur phy" sruto tags led the discussion at the regular meeting of the Murphy Lions club Tuesday night. W. M. Palmer, local forest ranger, announced that plans have now been completed for construction of a fish rearing pool on Persimmon creek, about 11 miles northwest of Murphy. The club, in cooperation with local citizens, has been working on this project for some time. The plans as laid out, Mr. Palmer said, would include several recreation projects in addition to the actual rearing pool. These would include picnic grounds, a bathing beach, etc. Although no defininte date was set. the local club made preparations to act as host to four ofher club? in this vicinity at. an inter-rlub meet ing to be held in the nrar fo^ir" The visiting club?; win h? f"?*i TIt son City. Hayesville. Franklin, Rob binsville and the Andrews Rotary club. W. A. Shenill reported to the club that, to date 92 "Murphy" auto tars have born olaced on local automo biles. Hhese tags are very similar to those in larger cities prnd h?ve be?n on sale onlv a short time Plan? for a teautv contest to be sponsored hv the club in the near fu tii***- hp? disclosed but no definite arrancemont us *o rtate p>r<c?> were announced. LflKP Tuckv.-nier was welcomed a a new member. Mayor n . B. Grav nnr' W Branhhm. of Raleigh. weie club v ' ,ests. HUGE TVA CELEIBR ATION BEGINS IN' CHATTANOOGA FRIDAY EVENING Local Delegation Will Participate *r> Every Event ~ of Murphy's most beautiful firk ill depart for Chattanooga ear ly Fi . i.iy t0 begin a round of parti cipor . jn ?.>?e South's greatest cele brat ion the dedication of the "Great Lakp; of the South", to be held Frl <lav Saturday. Sunday and Monday *n Ci r. ? 'anooea and on chickamauga take. Mk<; Mary Frances Bell. the Spirit of Murphy", will lead Mur Ih" representation attended by rev?n other lovely girls. Miss Eliza - fc'h Grav. Miss Martha Brumby. Miss Mary Willard Cooper. Miss Mil dr''rI Hill. Miss Winifred Townson. Miss B'.llio Jackson and Miss Louise ^therwood. The local group will participate n all social events beginning as i irvests ot Miss Mfitired Moor., the S;">.rit of C" iat;anoo<ra. at a tes Fri day afternoon. Following this :hey wlli take a - :ve part m the Con on Bali Friday -riieht. th* parade of floats Saturday afternoon, and too Lady of the Lake ball Saturday nicht They and their escorts ?sill be hon or guests at all other day ?-vents. in cluding the horse show. *he boat races, the beautiful water paceant. and various other parades and scial activities. On Monciav afternoon they will take part in the dedication ceremonies, which will incl'td" all governors of the seven southern states particinatinc. alone with num bers of other notables. At each of the events in which the girls take active part, the "Spirit of Murphy" will be presented, after which she will present her at'en dants. The Murphy float in the hutre pa (Continurd on Baclt Paj?) Murphy Unit Schools Will Open Here Monday, Sept. 2 Class Schedules For High School Are Announced Schedule for claims and activit ies for the local high school how b<:r ar. no- need hy H Bueck. sup ?- rir.-? nten: as Io1!cv.t : 8:1 J A.-I.T ? Clams open. 12:00 ? Dismissal lor lunch period 12:45 P. M. ? Resumes afterncn classes. 2:55 P. M ? Classes dismissed. 3:05 P M. Rural busses leave. On rainy days the noon period will be shortened 15 minutes, classes to te resumed at 12:30 and closing at 2: 40. There will be an assembly ot high school classes in the auditorium for no minute*. This period will be used for instruction in music, art. educat ional guidance and general culture, and will be under the direction of specialists in each department from the high school faculty. Music instruction will include group singing and music appreciat ion: the art course will deal with practical artcraft such as art in wearing apparel, home furnishings and decorations, etc.. and art ap preciation: educational guidance will deal with occupational surveys, meet ing oportunities and training for earning a living: the general culture will teach the proper and accepted conduct of each individual on all occasions. o Baseball Tournament In Tri-State League ' Begins September 7 Trip play-off tournament of the Tri-Siate league will be held in Murphy beginning Saturday. Sept ember 7. it was decided at a meeting of -jie managers of the six league tean.- at. the Dickey hotel Tuesday evening. Possible de'iay may be caus i ed by tie for positions in the stand ' iTigs. According to the plans the tourn amfnt win be a Shaughnessy plav I off The four l"adli><T teams in the j league w'Tl b? eligible for the play ; off. The first and tourth rjiare team i will meet it. p. three game series, ano ; the second and thirn place teams will meet in anothe- "-came series Tne winners of the fir-' division will he tv?t?d nsramst each other in a three -b;- me series to o-'Cide the league rh?rr,T>:er '".ip. o Recruiting Station Coming To Murphy The C. P Army mobile recruit in tr station will be ir. Murphy at 12 o' clock Friday, r.ear the postoffice. for : the purpose of en'iis':ntr vouncr ni^n in Mnrohy aTld vicinity the recruit inc officer of *h? Charlotte district announced this week. The announcement further stated that vacancies exist in ?he 13th in fantry. Camp Jackson S. C and in the 83rd field artillery at Fort Btnninir. Ga All youncr men wishinc to enlist are asked to so to <he silver recmitinr- truck and make appli cation BANKS CLOSET) MONDAY The Citi7ens Bank and Trust Com pany will be closed all day Monday in both Murphy and Andrews The closing will be in observance of Labor Day. No bank business will be done from Saturday noon until Tuesday morning. Chamber Of Commerce To Meet Friday Night A called meeting of the Murphy ( hamber oi Commerce will be held at ttl^ low.** Hall FfiHr-y Wo. ginning at 7:30 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to be present. C. D. Mayfield. president, and F. O. Christopher, secretary, an nounced the meeting Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of dis cussing several important matters needing the urgent attention of the chamber. Among these are the planning of a winter and spring season advertising campaign. REGULATIONS ON GAME HUNTING FOR YEAR ANNOUNCED Several Changes In Season Length and Bag Limits Made On receipt of instructions from the North Carolina department of con ! servation and development, division : of game and inland fisheries. Dever eaux Birehfield. local came warden, has released regulations for seasons, bag limits and restrictions on various wild game for the year 1940-41. in which several changes have been made. Most important change is dove season which will open this year on j September 15 and continue until November 30. In addition the bag limit and possession limit on doves has been reduced to 12. Fifteen days have been added to the hunting season on ducks, geese. Jaebsnipe^ and coots, and the tag , limit on geese has been reduced to 3 a day. with possession limit a! 6 ! In addition, opening time for shoot ing ducks, gee.se. and coop, has been chanced and these birds may be shor from sunrise until 4 P. M. There is no open season this year on Woodcock woodduck. brant. ross goose. snow goose, and swan Bag limits en canvasback. readhead and . ruddy duck have been set at three in the aggregate. The regulations al--- set forth in addition to regular restrictions tha? . l' sr;all be :!!< to use any fire* arm other than shotguns no: larger than 10 gauge. or ,-n automatic or hand-operated repeating -3:c?tc;:n capable of holding more thr.n thro j shells, the magazine of which l i bein cut off or plugged with 1 - piece :net/>l or wooden wilier incap able of ririiovinr through the ln.id inr end. Countv Commissioners F'ert Library A* the Inst rec?lar mrpMnc of the count v board of commissioners a [ county- wide library bo.ird was elect ed for service :n the various lib raries and branches ir Cherokee county. The newly aproin'ed board com posed of the follov.init six members L. A. Nichols, of Andrews, chairman Mrs. T A Case, of Murphy, treas urer. E A Wood to represent the board of commissioners. W. A. Adams of Haneingdoc. Mrs. John Shields of Hothouse, and Claude Kinsr of Belleview. Five County Unit Schools Will Also Begin Classes A new enrollment record will prob acy of HMWHI hk~hi M*nwj ofiis toll :hi opening of '..e Murphy el rmei ?rv and hig!- ^chooLs at 830 o'clock Monday morninc. and the doors of five other schools in the Murphy unit open Six schools in the county unit will a'-' begin : sscs Monday with a prohaMe rr-ease .n enrol'.infnt. while tile largest rural school in the county will make its first appearance as a consolidated unit with eight teachers. Schools in the Murphy unit which i open Monday arr Murphy high school. Murphy e'.ementary school. Grape Creek. Tomotla Bates Creek. Kinsey. and Texana 'colored'. County schoc.ls opening will be Ranger. Friendship. Hiwassee Dam consolidated school, including Post ell. Shearer, and Rieds Chapel T7r aka. Peachtree and Martins Creek Superintendent H Bueck announc ed Monday that teaching personnel for the local schools has been com pleted with the election of five new teachers These are: Mrs. Rebecca Wells. Miss Lcuisc Faircloth of Clin ton. home economics: Miss Kathleen Hinson. of Cullowhee. Commercial courses: Miss Mary Lee Pelmet, of Ashevtlle. French and Social Science; Farling Hauge. of Renovo Pa., mus ic and science: Miss Evelyn Brown, of Rocky Mount. English. Arts rmrt Crafts. Ti e first day of school will Iv de voted primarily to registration o' students and assignments to rooms, as well as becoming acquainted with new faces. Elementary school chanel will be conducted nT B 30 in the aud itorium Hieh school chapel will be ! a: 9 o'clock The public is invited to I these opening ceremonies I t1? V- ? r? 1 ' ccr,c will liave i hoir e in thf new building which Vnr^ just bern c^molefHi within I the la*t few davs. This building is primarily for use of <=eienoo classes 1 with *he two room^ on the first, or upp^~ floor dev^ed to hom* econ ? orv and * h i"?wer. fiooi i for cmrral "irn^(' and physics lab : oratories. The hiirh book store and rental department " he lot . 4n<] ,-?n cor>r\pr' floor r?nd bo* - nrO : girls vho?:er- to*]*-* .. rid V ?!<??" arrant'od the -vv"-. Fnrr-fv" ?' ' ?"??? ? ? ? ' ? hnve been -> ? ? *'<? >- .? - h'srhtin" heafirt and vor ilaHnT ecnin'm^n? is r. v ? " .? Indirect lisrhtinr is v-cci th:" :: hour t en tire h'lildin? AT'jrnhv Andr ? r.r.d Tflwa*?c? r>nu] will ho >fw-rj by by, ir thr Torlipii-fl r?r? B=?c?c ol. P. Coor>?r Goes To Chicago Cot. Harry P. C< ; ' ? ' o Irf- Mur phy to join the local stTff of the Interstate Commerce Commission, lias boon trarsfcrr-'d to a lamer and more important post. FVom hi old headquarters in TTn?!-.v:lle. Tenii he has been sent to Chicaso. Til., with offices in the Pr ' Office buildine. A letter to tile Scout from the former Mayor of Murphy and one time member of the state Legislat ure. says he dor- not know how lone he will be at his new post His home address in Chicago will be the Ox ford Apartments. 51 SO Kenwood Avenue.

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