big top HAL AMD MyRA VMERC TAIKUSO NEAT? | vLt &acx t>oot?. suopemi-V Doa chased twe. -re^lFICO CWIMPANVZff onto By ED WKEELAN %EeiN<3 HAL'6 " SUOC FOR HFE ^I'TE LA LA PALOOZA ?Maybe One Doctor Isn't Enough By RUBE GOLDBERG S'MAT'l'ER POP ? He Will Have to Ask a Riding Matter By C. M. PAYNE MESCAL IKE bt s. l huntley A Sure-Fire Deal if We Ever Saw One POP? Allies' T arget GOSH ? r NEARLY GOT SHOT DOWN J /"first "V f eur what TWEVRe ^\[ 1F OOKTT gonma drill )\strike: oil. ?. PER OIL. Twexj Tuevee. \ \ 60MNA RAISE K , MUSHROOMS :J ,dc By J. MILLAR WATT FATHER GETS SQUELCHED "Did you tell your teacher tha' T ' helped you with your Latin Jast night?" "Yes, dad." "What did he say?" "Said he wouldn't punish me this time as it would be a shame to make mc suffer for your ignorance." Proper Spirit Magistrate ? You've committed six burglaries in a week. Prisoner ? That's right. If every one worked as hard as I do we'd j be on the road to prosperity. Careful. Mister Bored Victim? So you didn't land him then? Angler ? You haven't been listen ing to me. I only had a fishing rod, not a crane. Not Big Enough Fair Traveler ? Why do you punch that hole in my ticket? Station Official? So you can pass through. BATH TOY By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Otll &>>.dlwl* Inc.? WNU V. . KSrtS OH HKOH6 HIS OUUIOID DOCK i? PIW Witt, WffllE BCM6 DROT ATffH HIS MTrt CAM MOfHOW AfltlKiCf fo FACf fH?f Ht HIS tWPPIP If, AND MWHfR rc*t SWfM TiMt PICKS It UP SfcP WfiMl If M*SOM unfit dock hhs bun mcovctsp nor\ * noon , ox* no or ww m usual -Mmon as ht ku> or Boft Towel -ttARFOUS smuttirs ? PICK If UP