HRA5STQWN N^WS Mrs T Logan regret . of I it M-rious illness. We Z*ir M-r a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs Beaioth Sparks an i. birth of a daughter. OJ.-H1! bom September 8 M, sarah Tweed, who has been visiting Marshall 1,as returned home Ingram visited Miss Leth ja Tipton in Knoxville Friday. ylf. : ? nsr Coker had as her ?,s Wednesday. Miss Ruth Lovin Knod ,.nd Bonnie Stalcup. Lee Coker. who is enrolled in the ccc mips in Murphy spent last week with his family. Uli Hazle Groves, of Tomotla. ti?. week end with her par ent Mr. and Mrs. Virg Groves. M . iby Ingram, of Young Har ns' ^lending some time visiting ,,, , nr. Mrs. Cora Sparks. !?: inker made a business trip to Allien- Tenn. last Monday. Mr ind Mrs. Floyd Stalcup en tertain tl Sunday at dinner the fol low!" Mr and Mrs. B. N. Hogan Mr .mi Mr- Luther Carringer and children. Mr ?? bn-'- r nere in a State test ( >D > Pedigree lioanllcaa Barley Mclfii l (,2 bu:-. per acre in a State Experiment Station test. WOOIVS rcdigree Abruzzl Bye Mule highest yield on record (67.2 bu- per acre) in an Ex. Station toot. Auk yr,Ur locnl dealer for them. Wrtte for Wood's FAIL CATAIO? "'Urtrating fall Recdn. Mailed Free Miirx n Vnk (i r,., , ? ,t v)Fi?0! litre Si re .v K KV|? ... ? t ? ... V, ?' ?? ? H>* Mil i?i ?' ' v n v M hi ?> 'n ?k returning .* me Thursday. I it Sir Betty Ruth Curt'- < r-??j. v ? x-overini' ?iom her recent at i;' tr ol blood poisonint* Mrr. Ovar B?!>?-\v rctc'e business f 't to the home ol Mr. anil Mrs. " ie: Vol par Fndi A li. Ore < " ' ers :> \ ; Miiess visitor here Saturday. Weldpp Helton who :s a", emnlovee c 'hi Tenne?*ee Cwner Co.. .s lak !nt his vacation this we<-c . " ? :.nard M A. of our f< :ward looking b;-.n' nen. trac' f ! his car for a pick-u?) which m- t hi: needs much better. Mr. and Mrs. John R Broc't- rn:; "vo babies left here early .c'inriav North Tazewell. Va where thev a c to make their futur home. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Swain ami nndson. Charles. were the dinnrr -nests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. \V. t_ Garrcn. o Bccause her husband used three poldfish of hers for fishing bait, Mrs. Eciith J. Longe of Boston filed uit for divorce. Murphy Unit Members of NCEA Elect Officers, Plan Program For Year j :4c?tinii on the 7 u< ;,.y ol n.tntk. t..c Muipj.y scnool i.embership of thi Noitii Ca:un< Education Association dr ied omnlfic program lor monthly meei ni throughout the coming ? '/ u , for JV/1. It has jumped ahead in T; s the ? f F?rd wo\ c ever built. r.isi .7- // >/ Ii%' "dcr. It has '? 'lba*r. J sc.;.:n4 i > m is u uU r by as much as 7 inc es. It has m .*? wide d(: ? y .;nd New, slower-action springs give a slow, gentle, girling movement. A nrt;-ly ss :nds. >? rid ticceti'ratinn to ! itv i : r speed p \ 1- ? i - A -."-S > :v?\ d a ? ^ : i ? 'C I ic f ? :* *.o c . - \c. Gel ihe ^acts and You'll Get a Ford.'