SOCI ETH Barbaia A.eroney, Society Editor, Phone 10^-J Annie Ruth Carringer Bride Of Leon Blake Here Saturday 1 . ? i -.. of Miss Anna Ruth t-a. , ,r. ? Richard Leon Blake Ok: 'i! Ala was solemnized Sat u?i:i\ . ? nitiit at 8 o'clock at the home "! the bride's mother. The rtrrni' '? - :ls l>crforme<1 before an ?mmi" . cf altar of pink, white and Umi> f i.. flowers and pink gladioli The K- J C Ainmons officiated in II'1' presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. Tlv yonuK couple were attended by M: -lunnita and Lucille Blake, sislrr i lie Kroom and Walter Car nnK'i Mother of the bride. Prior < the ceremony. Mrs. J. W. David ;on presont-d the 'projmi of piano music, and Mi's Roy Stal tup sane. "At Dawning." Mrs Blake is the popular dauxh ter of Mrs. Ruth Carringer of Mur phy and the late D P Carrlna? Knoxville. Tenn. banker. Mr. Blake is the ^on of Mr and Mr<. Henry Bilk* or Hcfltn, Ala an' resided in Murphy while employe-* with the TVA. The bride was attired in an en semble of soldier blue velvet set off by a corsage of sweetheart roses. The couple left Sunday for Ox ford. Ala where they will make their home. Federation of Clubs To Meet Next McncKv X! -.mial meeting of the first dMru''. ?' North Carolina's Peder atior Women's Clubs will be held , \\ ;lle on Monday. Septem b n ?' ten o clock. Mrs. Tom R, , , formerly of Canton, will pre i jor mular size post binders in imitation leather or canvas, ledger on fits , sheets , indexes , Hng books, columnar pads in a variety of rulings, nnd muny other items, all moderately priced. RliP.Y LEDGER OUTFIT ? - Loose leaf binder, 200 sheets, anil A-Z, 26 division, leather tab indent. Durable red or black J J 0 Q Inn ling. Size 6x9 Each ? - DIXIE LEDGER OUTFIT ? Durable brown corduroy binder, 200 sheets, aud A-Z leather tab index. $ Q 0 0 Siz - 9}4x\lJ4 Each 0 HAVEN POST BINDER ??Bound in black imitation leather. Toplock or endlock. S 0 2 5 Sizes 7^x10^ and 9^x11 J4 Each L RING BINDER ?Slate colored canv? binding. Three rings. Capacity 200 sheets and index. Label holder, metal t 4 0 fl hinges. Size 11x8^ Each | ? ? LEDGER SHEET S Peerless Ledger paper, "Regular Ledger" ruled and printed both sides. Standard punching. ? , , SI 25 Si an 934x11 % Hundred | ? LEDGER INDEXES Hearj Buff Delhi Ledger paper. A to Z, division, leather tabu. Four slotted hole*. C 1 1 Q Size 914x11 % Set | COLUMNAR PADS ? Canary bond, red and blue ruling; Buff bond, brown and green ruling. 50 sheets to pad. All sizes and SO 65 rulings. Box of 10 pads Box im yp ALL-FACTS OUTFIT Simple, complete, bookkeeping outfit with instructions and specimen pages. Printed headings for J O JJ Q cry transaction. Size 11x17 Each O [buy THEM TODAY! A T THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Miss Virginia Beat n To Wed Edwin Hyde in Cornelia. Oct. 5 Centering the Interest or a wide circle of tru-nds throughout Georgia nd North Carolina, is the announce ment by Mr. and Mrs Selby Mc M tuder Benton, of Cornelia. oa . of he engagement of their daughter Miss Margaret Virginia Benton. and Clarence Edwin Hyde, of Murphy nil Andrews The marriage will take piace at the home of the bride-elect on Saturday eveulng. October 5. a' 8 o'clock. The bride-elect is an only daugh ' ?r of the former Willa Mae Savage, of Murphy, and is counsel for the darushter of Mr. and Mrs William Anderson Savaee. of Murphy. Her ?internal ernndparents were the late Mr and Mrs James Andrew Benton -f Newman. Oa. Miss B nton received her primavv rd'ientinn in the Cornelia public | chool*. attending Piedmont College nnd was Graduated from the Unt '^'o'rn Hc'.isp Tea C?i'*en Bv MurpViv Facu^v Notable amnn-: the social events M'irphv last week was an "cvn 'touse" tea aiven hv members of the Murphy faculty in 'ho new Science ^?t'ld'nT. All friends and patrons of he school wore invited, and It is Mma'ed that more than 300 cues' s wre present. Visitors w"-e met at 1 he d ?or bv ?~""'<"rs r>nd conducted lliw'Th kitchen and sewinc room on th? ? n'r> floor, then 'aken to the eround floor to inspect the Science and Music ri.-om. Book Room, and boys ..71J gi;!? shower room?. ' itontion was ril! d to plans fo ro f "t* ??- it the far a'trt -'de< of ;'..c building C r-~- pvnch ami cup '?akes were served b" htoh school sirls under the supervision of Misses Vircinla Benton i sir! Louise Faircloth. Girl? who helped with the refreshments were : Tl'omasine Slayton. Jean Dickey. Mary Porter Fain. Jane Ricks. Maur een ToviiiRood, and Jessie Breed love. Mrs. Glen Bates Gives Party For Small Son Mrs. Glenn Bates entertained Sat urday from 3 to 4:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. W. Axley. with a rmrty f?r her son. Gene, who cele Iraed 'lis fifth birthday. The little guests played games on the lawn and each received as a favor a whistle with short pink and ] white streamers. Pink and white ! saint", individrai cakes and ice j cream were served. The guest li: t included : Tittle Misses Glrnda Ivie. Sara Louise Posey. Judy Nichols. Patsy Daniels. Betty Reece. Susie Miller. Ocilia Justice. Shirley Bates. Ros P'.Tlcup. Boots Meroney. Mary Helen Hatchet'. Betty .Jim Uavis. Betty Jean Moore. Doris Palmer ; Sara Jean Weir. Jane Brendle and Carolyn Alexander. Gordon Darnell. Gordon Bates. Tommy Gentry. Sammy White. Lar rv Posey. Steve Crawford. Jimmy Axley. Sonny Hatchett arnd Billy and Bobby Hensley. o Mrs. Charles Burgin of Waynes ville who has been visiting here a week with Mrs. H. G. Elkins return ed to her home Monday. v '?i Kappa Delta Nation ? Sorority. For th" past wr;U jrotv ..lie has Uvn a member of tin- M r - pl.v hlKli school faculty. Mr. Hyde is the eldest .ou of Mr and Mrs William Allen Hyd ' 3f Andrews. His mother, before h -r ! marriage, was Mi--. Rosa Leo Gran daughter of Mr. and Mrs Varnel' Gran' of Bryson City His patern ? grandparents are the Rev and Mr; Hyman Hyde of Andrews. He is a graduate of Andrews Instil school and attended Wake Fores College where he received his L L. ] B. decree. While at Wake Forest he was a member of Pi Gamma frat eraity. Mr Hvd ? ;< a promir.?n" atti:n of Murphy, and Is cnunr:! for th ' Nantaliala Power and Li C >rr> - ranv Raotisf O A Mrs Al'?n is H^cte?s TV** Bapti?* G. A.'s met. Mop.dav afternoon wtth Mrs. L^-inard Allen The pronram dealt with rporgani i ?ation and cpf n discussion was held on personal service Mr> Allen ha;! | r!ia-uo of the h \ ;n^ - meeting. P'.ar. | were rr.rrde to elect officers I pr *"r?^r ? were served to: Mioses Jen.n Dickey. .'n-no Rick-v Mam *n I.ovir. i. Mar: P i t Fain. Virginia M^'.kev. Lor-?r?e J' hr rcn. Mary Ella Fain and Mrs. Vir ginia Cobb. o Honor Students Hold Beta Club Session The Beta Club held the first meet ing this year Tuesday with Miss Mary Lee Felmet. mentor Miss Maureen Lovineood. chair man. presided nmd new members were elected. To qualify for thus club students must have an average grade of 90 or better. This year there will be approxi mately 20 members who will bo of ficially recognized at a chapel ex ercise. Officers will be elected after membership is complete. Woman's Club Hears Lecture by Dr. Pair... r The Woman's Club met last Wed nesday afternoon in the Library with Mrs. Hall Cobb, president in the chair. The club voted to sponsor the ; dancing class by Miss Mary Woodard ! | an11 " commi'tee was appointed to j ' work rut the plans with her. Money j j was contributed to be used toward I prizes in the beautification contest I After the business session Dr. Wil- ] lis A. Parke'- '"-Mired or "Til" World i To'lay." Durin- -h" r- fir'. ho ir bp ice 1 course .' fcrv0^ bv ,'t exccutiv? j board C"> "?su.rinst of M" li1.' CoDb. i M-s F. W. Whitfi.iid. Mrs. .*? T Car- 1 tis. Mrs Garland Posey. Mr- C | W. Savai.e. Mrs W M Palmer and | Mr?. T \ Ci:e Wade Massey who is employed in j Robbinsville was a visitor here last Thursday. ? ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Garrrison Manival and son. David, of Asheville wil* spend this week end here with Mrs Manival's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Axlev. ? .< .. a t \ i> rt-s Bar ? 1 i 4 ? - ? - *llil ! n)v*'l i 1 ? ? V?v" I ?!i V t CUy u*. 15 - D is. jjj ' w ? *'t : . >.'a. ? > i tm thit \ .? :< :?? W isl. iw ton L) V where she is chief dirt Ulan at Siiiley hos pital one of the larisest in the nation o ' 'RfftT'iu-nt Sessions Hp' 1 ?"?' F'"V* Schocl Miss Idif Flltreklll Mr- T * Case and u number of other residents of Murphy and Hayesville attended meetimjs held at the John C Camp bell Folk School in Brasstown las' Friday. Saturday fmd Sunday to dis cuss ways and means of sectional improvement Churches schools, co operatives and clubs were considered Tlie meetings were attended by ministers, educators and social work ers from western North Carolina and also from south Carolina. Oeor Bi.i Tennessee Kentucky and New York Mr- John C Campbell pre sided. lar'- Burnett Is Host *\t C;^V P-^vf Jack Rirnett entertained n number of '.Us friends with a bridse party at his home Saturday niitht. .Tack Christopher held hi ah - ore an.! Mrs Robert Akin held low Snf* drink- as !P.V candy were served to the following Mrs. L D Schuyler. Miss Mary Willard Coopc i Mi Barbara Mer oney. Mrs Ruth N'.i'hiV. Mr- Rob ert Akin Jack Christopher and Leon Ax'.ey. Miss Anna Jean Grant lef: Wed nesday for Chapel HiU where she will attend the University of North Carolina. ? ? ? ? Mrs Vesta Hensley. Miss Mary Katherine Hensley and Miss Dot Hensley were visitors ill Asheville Tuesday. ? ? ? ? Joe Miller Elkins left Friday for Chapel Hill where he will attend college at the University of North ; Carolina. ? ? * * Slim Stirwalt of Lenoir City spent !aft week end here * ? t ? Mrs. Albert F Kuhns of Atlanta spent last week end in Murphy. She is the former Etiiar Lee Di'Journetto whose father John F. De Joumette. was a produce dealer in Murphy vears aeo Mrs. Kuhns. now widowed, returned to her childhood home after I a summer spent in Xe.v Vork. Wash* j insrton. Miami, and Ashcviile * * * * Mr and Mrs E P. Russell and Mr. ''nd Mrs Larue McCowan of ; Selma. Ala. have been visiting Dr and Mrs. Bryan Whitfield. m * m ? - M'ss Mary w odard . f Ashevilla in Murp'-v establishing a dancnv; school. Miss Woodard is a pupil of ?!'? Marenercttc Hvatt school of dance. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Andrew Thompson of Selnia Alsr is the guest of Mrs. O. K Erhart and Mrs. Bryan Whitfield ? ? ? ? John Davidson and John H. Bay less of Jefferson City spent last week end here ? ? ? ? Miss Billie Jackson left Thursday for Knoxville where she will attend U. T. OPENING TEA OCTOBER 8th from 2:30 P. M. to 4:30 AT THE W0V\v'S CLUB ROOM Introducing Miss Mary Woodard, teacher of all type? of dancing. Tap ? Acrobatic ? Ra'let ? Toe ? Modern and Ballroom RATES $3.00 MONTHLY ? 2 lessons week'v